Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 249 The days when I was the owner of Hualan Gymnasium

Chapter 249 The Days of Being the Head of the Hualan Gym ([-])

This name is like a flash of lightning, instantly lighting up Long Yi's mind and activating a large piece of memory fragments.

In his previous life, Ryu had watched the animations of Pokemon Muyin, Fengyuan and Sinnoh. Among them, there are many characters that he likes, but among the rivals, Shinji is his favorite.

Even Xiaomao is inferior to Shinji.

In the anime, Shinji is the complete opposite of the protagonist Xiaozhi.

If Xiaozhi is more like a hot-blooded male protagonist commonly seen in Japanese anime, then Shinji is the epitome of the player in the animated game Pokemon.

He has a cold personality and is very strict with his elves. He will abandon elves with no potential at will, and will release elves who are not powerful if they are subdued.

In battle, his fighting style is exactly like that of a game player. In order to achieve his own goals, he will not hesitate to let his elves take on the task of cannon fodder.

His personality and training methods have created Shinji's strong strength. In the 6V6 all-hands battle in Wisdom Lake, he defeated Xiaozhi in a nearly crushing situation.

But now, Long Yi saw himself.

Looking carefully, it is not difficult for Shinji in front of him to correspond to the boy in his memory. He has the same hairstyle and clothes, but his age has changed from an eleven or twelve year old boy to a sixteen or seventeen year old boy.

It's taller, it looks more mature, and it's cooler.

In other words, when he first came to this world, Long Yi would only be excited when he saw Shinji, but now, his chest is filled with a strong fighting spirit.

I really want to fight a trainer like you!

"Okay, how do you want to fight?"

Shinji was stunned by this answer, because Long Yi obviously meant to accept not only gym competitions, but also other forms of elf duels.

But the elves carried by Shinji were all prepared for the gymnasium competition, so although he didn't understand why Long Yi treated him specially, Shinji still chose the gymnasium competition.

【really. 】Long Yi thought to himself, nodded, "Yes."

After the agreement between the two parties, they went to their respective seats. Ryota, who was about to leave, suddenly found another seat and sat down for some reason, and began to watch the battle.

He wanted to see the difference between the gymnastics matches in reality and the ones on TV.


"Starting now, the gymnasium owner Miyazaki Ryuichi and the challenger Kojima Shinji will use the gymnasium badge as a bet for the qualifying match. Both parties are limited to 3 elves, and only the challenger has the right to replace them. Take the lead in letting all the opponent's elves lose He who fights wins."

"Now, the game begins!"

Long Yi is the owner of the gymnasium and needs to send elves first.

The opponent is Shinji, and he knows my name, so I must have checked my information before the battle.

What he specified was the gymnasium match again, and the elf he chose would be the elf that restrained the water system, and the tactics must be the same.

One comes prepared, the other hastily responds, this is destined to be a difficult battle!

Long Yi's only advantage now is that Shinji will not be a trainer for too long, and he is definitely stronger than Shinji in terms of elves' hard power!

Because of his elder brother Leisi, Shinji, who was born in Sinnoh, chose to challenge the Kanto Continent as the first region, so he has only been a trainer for a few months at most!
But it is impossible for Long Yi to use too many of his elves, that would be too bullying, and this battle would be meaningless.

In this case……

"Go, Gotha Duck!"

A blue duck elf appeared on the floating class. It stood on two legs, with webs between its fingers and toes, and a red bead inlaid between its forehead and brow.

Gotha Duck, the evolution of Kodak Duck, is a pure water elf. However, this elf not only has objective melee combat ability and long-range attack ability, but also has the talent to use superpowers!

This is an almost all-round development, and it can be called an elf with no shortcomings. Although omnipotence means mediocrity, it also means that it is difficult to target.

The Gotha Duck that Long Yi chose is one of the most outstanding elves among all the elves in the Hualan Gym. Without anyone training him, he has improved in all aspects very well. Unreliable gem starfish are even more powerful.

With the appearance of the Gotha Duck, a thin white air filled the air, as if a thin layer of mist had formed.

"This is the characteristic of the Gotha Duck—moisture. In this environment, the power of fire-type special moves will be weakened to a certain extent, and special moves such as self-explosion and big explosion and detonation characteristics cannot be activated." Long Yi fulfilled the responsibility of the museum owner. , explaining his elf characteristics.

"This is the Gotha Duck?" Liangtai stared at it intently. Although there are not many reachable ducks in Hualan City, you can still see them occasionally, but there are really very few who can evolve into Gotha Ducks.

This is an elf with an extremely low evolution rate.

Without thinking about it, Ryota knew that this Gotha Duck was definitely several times stronger than the horned goldfish that defeated him.

"The master of Dragon One actually used such a powerful elf when he came up, is this challenger so powerful?" Ryota cast his eyes on Shinji.

Not only him, but Sakura, Iris and Peony who knew Gotha Duck and Long Yi's strength were also very curious.

With a blank expression on his face, Shinji threw out a poke ball.

"Little magneton, get ready to fight."

The elf ball was opened, and a small magnetite was suspended in the air.

The magnetic properties allow elves like Magneto to suspend in the air instinctively, without consuming much power at all, directly avoiding the disadvantages of the venue.

"According to the attribute, I will let you go first." Long Yi said.

Shinji was also polite, and directly ordered: "Use one hundred thousand volts!"

A magnetite that uses a hundred thousand volts!
As expected, Shinji's elves were powerful, and a dazzling golden electric current erupted from Magneto, covering Gotha Duck in the floating class.

"Dive into the water."

"Keep attacking."

Gotha Duck jumped into the water, but Magneto attacked the entire pool directly under the order of Shinji. Although the attack power was weakened by a large amount of water flow, the Gotha Duck in the water did receive damage.

The effect is outstanding!

"Godha Duck will lose if this goes on." Sakura said, "Even if the [-] volts with outstanding effects are dispersed by the pool, this Gotha Duck won't last long."

Long Yiyi: "Use Instant Amnesia."


Three question marks appeared on the head of the Gotha Duck in the water, and it tilted its head, as if it suddenly forgot something, but instead it looked like the dumb Gotha Duck before evolution.

The original screaming of the Gotha Duck also stopped, and the white film covering the surface of the body with instant amnesia made the power of [-] volts less painful.

"Shinji, do you want to continue to attack? This kind of offensive, the little Magneto, won't last long."

Shinji's face was ugly, but he still ordered Magneto to stop attacking.

What Long Yi said is correct, the [-] volts that attack the entire water flow consumes a lot for the small magnetite, but the damage it causes is very low, the gain outweighs the gain.

But the moment he ordered.

"Use the water cannon to attack!"

Accompanied by the magnetite retracting the lightning, the Gotha Duck stuck out of the water, opened its mouth and sprayed out a thick jet of water, rolled directly against the magnetite and flew into the sky.

After the water cannon passed, Long Yi didn't let the Gotha Duck continue to attack, but returned to the floating board, and the little magnetite floated down wobbly.

This blow caused a lot of damage, the powerful steel defense of Magneto was useless in front of the water cannon, and the pervasive energy of the water system eroded its body.

Gotha Duck's level advantage exists. This little magneton cannot be too strong, and the current Shinji can't subdue it if it is too strong.

"Use light walls."

A square golden light wall box protected Magneto, and then Shinji took back the elf.

"Hey, are you going back now?" Peony who was watching was surprised.

Long Yi frowned.

Light wall tactics...

Has Shinji already learned to use this at this stage?

"Tender seedling turtle, prepare to fight!"

Sinnoh's unique Grass-type Yusanjia appeared. This is also Shinji's initial elf. After later evolving into an earthen turtle, it appeared many times in the animation.

"Use ram!"

very fast!
The speed of the normal young tortoise is very slow, but this one of Shinji is actually the same as Xiaozhi's, the speed is unbelievable.

Not only is it fast, but it is also very powerful. A single impact knocked the defenseless Gotha Duck off balance.

"Use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

With a flick of his head, several flying blades flew out from the small sapling on Nen Miaogui's head, swishing across Gotha Duck's body, the powerful special defense brought by the instant amnesia faced the physical flying blades It didn't work at all, and there were several knife-like wounds on Gotha Duck's body.

"Catch it with petrification." Long Yi ordered.

Gotha Duck shook his head, because of the side effect of instant amnesia, its reaction became dull.

"Use bite!" Shinji said.

Nun Miaogui jumped up and bit the Gotha Duck's arm. Under the pain, the Gotha Duck subconsciously wanted to throw Nen Miaogui out. Unexpectedly, Shinji took advantage of this to make Nen Miaogui jump into the air, and then in mid-air The Flying Leaf Knife was used again, causing a lot of damage to the Gotha Duck.


The young tortoise hit the Gotha Duck's soft belly with its head, and this time it hit the vital point. The Gotha Duck's eyes protruded, and the Gotha Duck slowly fell to the ground and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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