Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 250 The days when I was the owner of the Hualan Gym Happy New Year, fellow readers!

Chapter 250 The days when I was the owner of the Hualan Gym ([-]) Happy New Year, fellow readers!

"Good... so strong!"

Ryota in the auditorium was dumbfounded.Shinji's series of attacks were smooth and smooth, before he could react, Long Yi's Gotha Duck had already fallen.

Not only Ryota, but even the three Hualan sisters who have rich "defeat experience" were also frightened by Shinji's offensive.

"Come back Gotha Duck." Long Yi retracted Gotha Duck, and then attached the poke ball to his belt again, this scene made Shinji's eyes fluctuate slightly.

"Beautiful attack! Facing the Gotha Duck, which has instantly lost its memory and strengthened its defense, it did not hesitate to replace it with the young turtle who is better at physical attacks. It shows that you have a good understanding of the attributes and unique moves of elves."

"Then what do you do with it?"

"Come on, thorn clam!"

After some compliments, Long Yi released his second elf.

A purple shellfish landed on top of the float.

The spiny clam is the evolution of the big tongue shell after using the water stone. Its body is a large black pearl with eyes and a mouth, which is wrapped by two layers of solid shells inside and outside. The outer layer is uneven and covered with thorns of different sizes.

This is where the name of the thorn clam comes from.

The most powerful thing about a thorn shell is its physical defense!
"Come on, Shinji, let's see whether you have the stronger attack of the young turtle, or the stronger defense of the spiny shellfish!"

Shinji raised his hand in silence, and retracted the young seedling ghost.

"Change again!?" Sakura asked in surprise.

"Little Magneto, use one hundred thousand volts!"

Long Yi bared his teeth, feeling uncomfortable.

He has a little bit of the feeling of Zhizhihu Xiaozhi, and it is really uncomfortable to fight against such an opponent.

Especially in the gymnasium competition, when you can't change the elves at will.

"Use protection!"

A layer of green protective cover covered the spiny shell, and the [-] volts of the little magnetite returned in vain.

This thorn shell is very good in defense, but the problem is that the evolution is too early, resulting in the foundation not being laid, so the unique skills learned are very limited.

This severely limits its growth ceiling!

Fortunately, Long Yi didn't want to rely on it to win the game.

"Use Saling."

The moment after the end of the [-] volts, Long Yi ordered decisively, the thorn clam closed its shell and spun, countless white lights shot up into the sky, and disappeared after falling into the field.


Ryota was a little surprised, why didn't the master elf's trick cause any damage?

Shinji's face changed, and he ordered: "One hundred thousand volts again!"

"Continuous use of protection in a short period of time will have a high probability of failure, but..." Of course Long Yi knew the weakness of protection, but the thorn shell is the ultimate evolutionary type after all, it is only a hundred thousand volts at a time, and it can still eat it!

"Use the shrink shell!"

One hundred thousand volts made a perfect hit, and Shinji trained the little magneton very well, not only powerful enough, but also with a high hit rate.

As we all know, the hit rate of electric-type tricks is the most touching.

However, although one hundred thousand volts has an excellent effect on thorn shellfish, it is not enough to instantly kill a thorn shell shell that has shrunk.

And the electric power of the little magnetism is destined to prevent it from attacking all the time.

Ten seconds later, the one hundred thousand volts ended, and the weak spiny shell opened its shell.

"Use Poison Ling!"

This time, countless purple lights shot up into the sky, but they still didn't cause any damage to the little Magneto.

Mrs. Liang was very puzzled. In his eyes, the owner of the pavilion was at a disadvantage. However, the faces of both sides showed that the new owner of the pavilion had a certain chance of winning, and the purple-haired challenger looked gloomy.

After Shuangling left the field, Long Yi smiled and said, "Why, didn't you attack?"

"Use Aurora!"

This is the only powerful attack trick that this thorn shellfish knows. A rainbow-like beam of light falls on the small magnetite, and a golden box suddenly appears around it, weakening the power of the aurora beam.

The effect of the light wall continues!
"One hundred thousand volts again!"

This time the spiny shell didn't hold on any longer, lost consciousness in the electric current, and fell limply on the floating board.

"The thorn clam loses its ability to fight!"

The dragon kept receiving the thorn shell, and then released his third elf.

"Shinji, this one is the elf I raised myself!"

"Come on, Lobster Soldier!"


The red lobster soldier landed on the field and raised his pincers, but his voice was different from usual, it sounded more sinister, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

"This elf is..."

Shinji is most familiar with the elves of the Sinnoh region, followed by the Kanto elves who have prepared for this trip. Although he also knows most of the other Chengdu and Fengyuan unique elves, they are not so familiar in comparison.

This was the first time he saw a real lobster minion.

To be on the safe side, he took out the elf illustrated book and read the information of the lobster soldier.

The water system has never evolved, and no matter how you look at it, it is not comparable to the previous Gotha duck and spiny shellfish.

However, the pressure that this lobster soldier brings to Shinji is the biggest among the three elves!

Because this is an elf bred by Ryuichi Miyazaki himself!
"Use one hundred thousand volts!"

Because of the existence of Shuangling, Shinji couldn't change the elves arbitrarily, so he could only reluctantly continue to use magnetite to attack.

After several consecutive eruptions, the power of this little magneton was about to run out, and this time the power of [-] volts had dropped significantly.

"Use it to harden and carry it down." Long Yi ordered.

The lobster soldier crossed his pincers in front of him, and his carapace flashed a layer of light, which seemed to become harder.


Even if the [-] volt hit, even if it hardens, it should still suffer a lot of damage. However, the lobster soldier was silent in the lightning, so calm that he didn't look like a water-type elf at all!
After a while, the attack ended, revealing the lobster minion with a dull carapace.

The latter moved the pair of pincers away from the front of his body, revealing a pair of red, sullen eyes.

"How is it possible!" Shinji said for the first time that it was not an instruction.

Whether it's the knowledge he learned in books or his own combat experience, he was told the fact that the electricity system restrains the water system, but this lobster soldier seems to be contrary to common sense!
A water elf who is not afraid of electricity?
"Use tit for tat!"

At the command of the dragon, the lobster minion jumped into the water, quickly rushed under the magnetite, and then jumped up high, the right pincer that was shining with black light slammed down heavily before Shinji could react.

Bang... poof!

The little Magneto was punched into the bottom of the water and immediately lost consciousness, the steel body couldn't even float up.

"Come back, magneton."

"Is it only this level after all?" Shinji whispered to the Poké Ball.

"Get ready to fight, tender seedling turtle!"

The three Sakura sisters finally noticed Shinji's abnormality. He was completely contrary to the mainstream trainer's thinking, and he was not the kind of gentle trainer at all!
As soon as the tender seedling turtle came out, seven or eight white lights and five or six purple lights suddenly flew out from the floating board. These dozen or so beams instantly hit the tender seedling turtle, causing it great damage.

Sa Ling!

Poison Ling!

Long Yi accurately seized this opportunity, and directly ordered the lobster soldiers to attack: "Use sneak attack!"

The lobster soldier approached quickly, and just after the attack of Sa Ling and Du Ling ended, it directly punched the tender seedling turtle on the chin, sending it flying high and landing at Shinji's feet.

"Tender... the tender seedling turtle has lost the ability to fight!"

Two attacks, two elves lose consciousness!
Long Yi's counterattack came so fast and fierce, within less than a minute, the gap between the two sides was evened up, the speed was so fast that even the referee of Hualan gymnasium bit his tongue.

"Cut." Shinji gritted his teeth and retracted the tender seedling turtle, and released his third elf suppressing his anger.

"Get ready to fight, Abby Lang!"

Shinji's third elf is neither the grass type nor the electric type, but Abiro of the fighting type!
Abby Lang looks exactly like a boxer, with red boxing gloves, brown, and a purple dress-like armor.

This kind of elf is known as the elf with the fastest punching speed, and it is 100% male, and none of Abby Lang is female.

As soon as Abi Lang appeared on the stage, the scene just now reappeared, and the continuous attacks of Sa Ling and Du Ling caught him off guard.

"Sneak attack!"

The Lobster Soldier punched Abby Lang in the abdomen, but because of the protection of fighting energy all over his body, the effect of this punch was not outstanding.


"Use Lightning Fist!"

With a punch as fast as lightning, before the lobster soldier could react, Abby Lang's lightning punch had already landed on it, sending it flying far away.

The effect is outstanding!

The residual electric current danced on the surface of the carapace, the lobster soldier ground his teeth, and a layer of black energy swept across, sweeping away the electric current.

"You seem to have forgotten that the lobster soldiers are water spirits." Long Yi raised his head and said.

A bad thought suddenly crossed Shinji's mind.

"Use foam rays!"


A large group of bubbles attacked Abilang. Although its punching speed was fast, it didn't have any long-range attack ability, and the factors of the venue limited its range of activities.

As a last resort, Abby Lang had to use the Sonic Fist to smash Bubbles one by one.

However, although Abby Lang's attack speed is very fast, like the Flying Mantis, he can't fight for a long time. After 2 minutes, Abby Lang was unable to continue, and was hit by the ensuing foam light, causing explosions one after another.

Amidst the smoke and dust, Abby Lang fell into the water.

"Abilang lost the ability to fight! Because all three spirits of the challenger have lost the ability to fight, the winner is the gym master Ryuichi Miyazaki!"

"I thought it was an evolutionary type, and I had some expectations, but I didn't expect it to be so weak." Shinji took Abby Lang back.

Long Yi, who knew him well, knew that this Abilang was probably either released or given away.

"Thank you for your advice. I will challenge you again in the future." Shinji bowed politely, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Shinji!" Long Yi called out to stop him.

Shinji stopped and didn't turn around.

He seemed to have a premonition of what Long Yi was about to say.


"It's not just people who are choosing elves, elves are also choosing their own trainers."

"Only with like-mindedness can we go further."

"I look forward to fighting with you next time."

Shinji turned around in surprise, in the past few months, Ryuichi was the first senior trainer who did not question his training methods.

Silently bowed again, he left without saying anything.

Ryota ran out after him.

"You are amazing!"

At the gate of the gymnasium, Ryota said to Shinji with a look of admiration.

Shinji glanced at him, this boy was no different from the newcomer trainers he met before.

"I don't need this Abby Lang anymore, do you want it?"

"Huh?" Ryota was confused.

Shinji put Abby Lang's Poké Ball into Ryota's hand, and walked away step by step.


Shinji chewed the word, subconsciously placed his palm on a poke ball.

There is his original elf, Tender Miao Turtle.

From Sinnoh's Grass Family Yusan Family, no matter how hard or tiring the training is, there is not a single elf who will complain.

Yes, kindred spirits!
Shinji's footsteps became firmer.

A trace of white light bloomed in the gap of the elf ball.

(End of this chapter)

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