Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 251 The days when I was the owner of Hualan Gymnasium

Chapter 251 The Days of Being the Head of the Hualan Gym ([-])
"The target of that you."

"Miyazaki Ryuichi!"

Hearing this, Long Yi's complexion suddenly turned ugly.

It's not a good thing to be targeted by a killer, especially such a famous killer who has successfully assassinated someone at the level of the deputy commander of the army.

I have only heard of a thousand days to catch a thief, but I have never heard of a thousand days to prevent a thief.

Seeing that the old man's tone was too tough, Junsha explained from the side: "According to the information, the target of Shuichi Inoue's assassination this time is indeed Miyazaki-kun you. And Shuichi Inoue has a quirk, if the assassinated person is willing to go one-on-one with him If you win the battle and promise to let him go, then he will give up the commission and can answer a question of the assassinated person, even if it means betraying his employer."

"So you need to defeat Shuichi Inoue and find out who commissioned him to assassinate Colonel Kinoshita." The old man said.

Kinoshita was the deputy commander of the army who was assassinated by Hideichi Inoue.

Long Yi ignored him, the old man told him in a commanding tone as soon as he opened his mouth, he was very annoying.

Looking at Junsha, Long Yi questioned: "The killer who betrayed his employer, such a person is still alive, and someone entrusted him to do it?"

According to Long Yi's understanding, this should be the most untouchable bottom line in the killer world.

Since those people commissioned an assassin, they naturally didn't want to expose themselves, let alone someone who dared to assassinate a person of Kinoshita's status, his identity must not be simple.

"Shuichi Inoue has a very high success rate and is very courageous. He dares to take on any job."

This can explain part of it. After all, many big shots and ordinary killers dare not touch them, for fear of getting burned.

"As for why he is still alive, it is because most people dare not kill him."

"Shuichi Inoue is Genmai's nephew."

Seeing that Long Yi still didn't quite believe it, Junsha could only add: "Inoue Yuanzhi is the number one killer of the demon lair, code-named Shuten Doji, and it is said that he has a way to quickly cultivate element-level elves. The three who died in the demon lair killer Two of the element-level trainers were killed by him."

Drunk boy!

This one can be said to be the pillar of the demon cave, a legendary existence in the killer world.

The old man gritted his teeth and said, "Inoue Genzhi has no offspring, and his only relative is Inoue Shuichi. In his mind, Inoue Shuichi is probably similar to his son."

If it weren't for the existence of Inoue Genzhi, a mere Inoue Shuichi would have been arrested by someone he sent to torture to find out who was behind the scenes.

Long Yi felt a headache.

"You should know the whereabouts of Inoue Shuichi, inform him that I want to fight him." After a while, Long made a decision.

Killing Shuichi Inoue is unreliable. Not only will Shutendouji Inoue Genmai be angered, but more importantly, if the person who issued the commission does not resolve it, there will be a steady stream of other assassinations and frame-ups.

The most one-and-done solution before Long Yi is to defeat Inoue Shuichi and learn about the client from him.

As for who assassinated Kinoshita Colonel?
Fuck him!

Don't say that Long Yi's own life is in danger now, even if there is no such thing as that old man's tone of voice, Long Yi will not ignore him.

No matter how old this person is, they are all members of the alliance military; and Long Yi can be said to belong to the Aoki family, belonging to the alliance police.

The coalition military and police have never been at odds.

The military looks down on the police, because the military has an absolute advantage in terms of discipline, sophistication, and advanced equipment.

The police also look down on the military because most of the time the military does nothing.Using the best, but doing nothing, maintaining the order of the alliance depends on the efforts of countless ordinary police officers on weekdays.

He has done more than a cow, and he has to go through life and death when he meets a murderer. However, he is not treated as well as others, and he is ridiculed by others. No one can bear it.

Unless the military offers benefits far more important than Long Yi in exchange, the Aoki family alone will be able to keep Long Yi.

And such an old man who has obviously retired, and has not yet found his murderer and enemy, would he be willing to use up the few favors he has left to deal with a stranger who makes him unhappy?

Unless he's out of his mind!

This person is old, but Long Yi doesn't think he is old and confused.


Facts have proved that the flower basket police have been monitoring the whereabouts of Inoue Shuichi, and the other party quickly agreed to the battle.

The speed was so fast that Long Yi even felt that the two parties had already discussed it, so he waited for one of the protagonists to enter the arena.

Ten minutes later, in an abandoned factory building in the suburbs, Long Yi saw Luniridou Inoue Shuichi.

This is a middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing a hunting suit that is very common among onmyoji, with a black background and white hood, and a high crown on his head.

Long Yi walked into this abandoned factory building alone, and the others were not allowed to follow.

"Miyazaki Ryuichi?"

"Shuichi Inoue?"

Inoue Shuichi took out his mobile phone for comparison, and nodded: "I heard that you have a very special ancient elf?"

Knowing that the other party was confirming his identity, Long Yi simply let Hui Yuan out.

Huiyuan may be the only ancient Chiming surviving in this world. It's not that other people can't breed it, but it's time-consuming and laborious, and they can't have offspring, so it's not worth it.

Seeing Huiyuan, Inoue Shuichi finally confirmed his identity.

"Are you ready to face death?" Inoue Shuichi suddenly pulled out an exaggerated smile, obviously smiling with his lips pursed, but the smile spread to his cheeks.

It's like that clown makeup!

To be fair, Shuichi Inoue had always given off a relatively stable and mature impression before, this sudden terrifying smile really startled Long Yi.

This is not an expression that normal people can make!

Because of this surprise, Inoue Hideichi flicked his right hand one by one, and several elf balls flew out from his wide sleeve at the same time, one by one elves appeared beside Inoue Hideichi.

A big-mouthed bat, a Heluga, an Alidos, a circle bear, and a lava snail.


An ancient wooden wheel with a diameter of about three meters appeared on top of Inoue Shuichi's head. In the center of the wheel, there was a bald man's head inlaid!

The man was grinning, with two fangs protruding from his lower lip, his face was blue, his eyes were wide open, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, it looked like the head of an evil spirit.

"Where to enter the Tao, evil fire, suck it for me!"

Five streams of white air came out from the mouths and noses of the five elves, and were sucked in by the mouths of the skulls on the wooden wheel, and a blazing green flame immediately appeared on the wheel.

Inoue Shuichi has never been a serious trainer, all his elves are purchased on the black market, each elf can be connected with the shikigami wheel after special feeding, so that it can be used in battle Absorbing all the vitality in one fell swoop, it sends out a powerful, weird and terrifying sinful fire attack.

But this time, in order to assassinate Long Yi, he directly sacrificed five elves!
Soon, the vitality of the five elves was absorbed and turned into five mummies.

Almost the whole body covered in flames rolled towards the wheel, Long Yi had already come to his senses at this time, but he didn't release any spirit.

From Inoue Shuichi's point of view, this was a sign that Long Yi was frightened.

"What is the strongest talent in the Trainer Academy this year, that's all."

"Give me death!"

As the scorching flame wheels approached step by step, Long Yi suddenly laughed, turned sideways and raised his right hand.

"If you use elves to fight me, you may still have a chance. I didn't expect this trick to come up."

"Jomungandr, the dreaded demon!"

The gigantic Yemengade appeared in front of Long Yi. It straightened its front half, and behind it appeared an even bigger phantom of a big snake. The height even broke through the roof of the abandoned factory building. It descended on Hualan City like a giant snake, causing an uproar. .


Inoue Shuichi was taken aback by Yemengade's terrifying figure, but he quickly gritted his teeth and said, "Whatever elf you are, it's useless in front of my shikigami!"

Ye Mengjiad lowered his head and sensed the aura of the wheel, and the fearful demon behind it suddenly dissipated, turning into a huge door looming in the darkness.

The giant door opened a gap slightly, and the unstoppable terrifying suction instantly sucked the wheel into the world behind the door, and then the door closed again, turning into a black light and falling on Yemengard.

hold head high!
Yemengard let out a long roar, and a small scale on his back quickly became black and shiny, like a black pearl.

The last time it absorbed was a little imprint that Suicune put on Kukai and Thorn Dragon King, but this time it devoured a complete ghost!
And he was fed by Shuichi Inoue, a ghost with an unknown amount of elf vitality!
The shikigami was destroyed, and Shuichi Inoue spurted a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale in an instant, his whole body was on the verge of falling, and he couldn't even stand firmly.

Long Yi rolled Yemengard's tail around Inoue Shuichi, and asked: "Tell me, who sent you to kill me."

"Ahem, it's the jellyfish Yin Ji... Hee, Hill."


Inoue Shuichi fell to the ground, covered his throat and took a deep breath.


Long Yi remembered this name. She once attacked the Trainer Island together with Hellboy Garton, Mulan General Taketori, Poison Master Gu, and Rocket Team’s youngest cadre, Sandstorm Prince Seth, not only killing a large number of students and teachers Even the headmaster stole a very precious treasure.

Hellboy Garton tried to kill Erica on Ice, the owner of the gymnasium in Rainbow City, when the snow girl assassinated the superstar Sakamoto Donglan. Because Long Yi failed to intervene in the mission, he committed suicide by taking poison.

If Hill wants to avenge Garton, then there is nothing wrong with blaming Long Yi for this grievance.

A jellyfish Yin Ji is not terrible, what is terrible is the behemoth that the Rockets, the league, can't handle.

"With Hill's strength and identity, it's impossible for you to risk sneaking into Kanto, are you lying to me?" Long Yi looked at Inoue Shuichi coldly.

The Alliance did not dare to offend Inoue Genzuru too hard, but they would not let Inoue Hideichi go too far either.

If he can't kill him, he can be arrested and locked up for a while, and it is still possible to exchange the benefits of Inoue Genzumi.

Inoue Hide's face was flushed, and it seemed that he had lost the support in his heart after losing the shikigami: "I don't! She... She said that she will be my woman after she says it's done."

Long Yi looked at him for a while.

"You better not lie to me."

Putting away Yermungandr, Long Yi turned and left, leaving Inoue Shuyi lying alone on the dusty concrete floor.

(End of this chapter)

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