Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 252 New task to maximize benefits

Chapter 252 New task to maximize benefits
In the abandoned factory building, the floor is full of dust.

Outside the abandoned factory warehouse, the sun is shining brightly.

Long Yi walked out from the gate, as if he walked from darkness to light.

The old man who had been waiting at the side rushed up quickly, his old face was as red as a monkey's butt, and he opened his mouth and asked, "Who is it! Who killed my son!"

There is no doubt that this old man is the father of Colonel Kinoshita.

Long Yi ignored him, and waited until Junsha came over before saying to her: "The matter is settled, I will not be the owner of the Hualan gymnasium from tomorrow, and there will be a period later."

"As for you."

Long Yi looked at the old man.

After catching him for a while, he said tauntingly, "With your stinky mouth, I'm not surprised that someone will buy your son to kill you."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, ignoring the angry old man who was yelling at him behind him.

"He didn't ask!"

"How dare he play me!"

The old man cursed for a while, then stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at the dark factory gate with gloomy eyes.

"Shuichi Inoue is still inside."

"Junsha, send someone to arrest him, I must know who killed my son!"

"But..." Junsha hesitated.

"Do as I say!!!"


Under the stern gaze of the old man, Junsha, who had been saved by him, gritted her teeth and gave the order.


Long Yi spent his last night in Hualan Gym in Hualan City.

Until the sun rose the next day, the expected inspector still hadn't arrived, but Long Yi's task had been automatically completed.

Although the three Sakura sisters once wanted to add money to keep Long Yi, but Long Yi, who had already made a plan, did not agree, but boarded the airship that flew directly to Chengdu area that day.

Long Yi's goal this time is Kaji Town in the Chengdu area.

Kaji Town is also a city that appeared in previous games and animations. It has an ice-type Kaji Gymnasium, and the title of Liu Bo in winter was once familiar to everyone.

It's a pity that since the original elf long-haired pig "abandoned" Liu Bo, his character has become cold and cruel.

Although Liu Bo's strength has risen instead of falling, decades have passed, and he still hasn't crossed the most important hurdle to become an element-level trainer.

Long Yi's target this time is not the Kaji gymnasium, but a nearby protected area.

There is a big river running through the town of Kaji, and this big river extends into the nearby forest to form a lake, which is the angry lake where the Rockets created the red tyrannosaurus.

In fact, there are several such lakes in the Kaji Forest, with different names, but the same thing is that there are many carp kings living in all the lakes.

This is not unusual, as the weakest and most rampant elf, the carp king can be found in almost all waters around the world.

But the King Carp in Kaji Forest is a little different.

Follow these lake-forming rivers further into the forest, and you will find that all the rivers originate from a low mountain.

The mountain is not high, but very steep, with caves forming waterfalls and rivers on the cliffs.

The source of all the rivers forms another lake on the top of the mountain.

"Is this the Tyrannosaurus Lake?" Long Yi sat on the helicopter, holding the handle with one hand, leaning out half of his body from the hatch, looking down at the lake on the top of the mountain below.

The lake is blue, irregular in shape, and sparkling.

This Gyarados Lake is the lake with the largest number of Gyarados and the densest living area known to humans so far.

All the Kaji forest rivers and the king carp in several large lakes will swim upstream during the annual breeding season, and the strong enough king carp will rush up the waterfall and return to the source to mate and breed.

And in this part of carp kings, every year, a few carp kings of varying numbers will successfully evolve into tyrannosaurs!
When the other carp kings leave after laying eggs, the successfully evolved Gyarados will stay, guarding the elf eggs and the baby carp kings born in the next year.

Year after year, there are more and more Gyarados, until the food cannot satisfy the increasing number of Gyarados, the weakest Gyarados in the group will fall down the waterfall and scatter away.

After the Alliance discovered this place, it immediately turned it into a Gyarados Sanctuary, and provided a lot of food for the Gyarados in the lake.

Under the protection of the alliance, there were more than 150 tyrannosaurus at the same time in this tyrannosaurus lake at the time, and the density was unimaginable to others.

The task that Long Yi took this time was to guard the Gyar Dragon Lake, to prevent poachers and other trainers who came to illegally subdue the Gyar Dragon Lake after they accidentally learned about it. 20 points.

The helicopter hovered by the lake, Long Yi landed along the rope ladder, handed over to the previous caretaker, and then watched it go away.

In this short ten minutes, more than three Gyarados have been watching from a distance on the lake, and they live in peace with each other. There is no life-and-death struggle between the Gyarados outside.

"Lake of the Tyrannical Carp Dragon, thankfully Master Baishi was able to help me receive this task."

This kind of guard task is boring, long time, and dangerous, so although the reward is not low, it has never been very popular.

But from Baishi Zhangyan's point of view, the meaning of this task to Long Yi is different.

Because he also has a Gyarados!

Baishi Zhangyan once said that for the Gyarados, the best way to grow is to put it in a place where the fighting is fierce, and then provide enough medical services and food.

Long Yi's Lux can use healing waves, and Pippi has just learned to heal ringtones recently, one to heal physical injuries, and one to recover mental fatigue.

The combination of the two, coupled with the strong strength of the Gyarados itself, can completely allow it to grow well in the lake.

For others, guards are boring, but for Long Yi, they are both training and making money.

Moreover, the nature of the lobster soldier has been restored. If he wants to evolve into an iron-clawed lobster, he needs to change from bullying the weak to challenging the strong. He can also get exercise in the Gyarados Lake.

One task, three benefits, this is the maximization of benefits advocated by Baishi Zhangyan!

"Come out, Tyrannosaurus!"

The jet-black Gyarados fell into the water with a deafening roar.

Puff puff!
The three Gyarados that dived into the water just because of the helicopter's departure came out of the water again when they heard the roar, their smaller half of their bodies were exposed to the air, and they were so afraid that they uttered a threatening growl at Long Yi's Gyarados.

Although the Gyarados in this Gyarados Lake would not be able to beat you to death as soon as they met, it was not without fights here!
None of the Gyarados have their territory, and Long Yi's Gyarados undoubtedly invaded the territory of one of the three.

Not to be outdone, Long Yi's Gyarados roared back, with two golden beards raised high.

"Gyarados, I found a good place for you, don't let me down."

"There are currently two Gyarados 130 in this lake. Within three months, I hope you can become their king!"

Long Yi's Gyarados eyes glowed with hot light, golden energy condensed in the big mouth, and a destructive death beam shot directly towards the middle one among the three wild Gyarados.

Not to be outdone, the wild Gyarados used the destructive death light to fight back. However, both the light and the thickness were greatly lacking. It was directly crushed by the destructive death light of Longyi Gyarados, and it fell on the body and exploded into a scorched black.

The two Gyarados looked at each other and used water cannons to sneak attack at the same time.

The three tyrannosaurs were at the bottom of the pack, and they kept the most marginal territory by advancing and retreating together. When they saw their companions injured, they immediately attacked.

Longyi Gyarados flicked its tail, and the powerful water tail directly scattered the double water cannons, and then dived into the water and approached.

As soon as Long saw that the Gyarados did not suffer, he stopped watching. Instead, he rode the bicycle left by his predecessor to the other side of the lake and released the lobster minions.

"Little Lobster, for the next period of time, you should live in this lake." Long Yi said.

The lobster soldier waved his pincers and jumped into the water. After observing for a while, he was very happy to find a hole that was very suitable for a nest, and then climbed in.

Climb and climb.


The lobster leg seemed to have stepped on something hard. When I picked it up with large pliers, it looked like a blue scale.

[Why does it look familiar? 】

The strange lobster soldier didn't notice two orange balls lit up in the darkness ahead, like two lanterns.

When it realized something was wrong, the Gyarados who had been awakened in its deep sleep roared and rushed out of the darkness, biting the lobster soldier with its giant snout covered with steel-like fangs.

[It's a Gyarados! 】

【Master, you tricked me! ! ! 】

In a haste, a crab punched the Gyarados in the head, allowing it to crush the lobster minion who was defeated, and then turned around and ran away. If it was not in the water, you could even see tears from the corners of its eyes.

Behind him, the furious Gyarados chased him down.

(End of this chapter)

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