Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 253 Progress

Chapter 253 Progress
Whoa whoa whoa!
There was a 'bang' sound, and a big splash exploded from the water surface. Long Yi on the shore saw the lobster soldier fluttering about in the air, and the expression on his face was obviously terrified.

Below, the calm water surface was once again broken by a blue tyrannosaurus, its ferocious mouth opened, and it bit the lobster soldier who had nowhere to hide in mid-air.

"Use foam rays."

Long Yi's voice restored the lobster soldier's composure, dense bubbles of light fell down, the soft mouth of the gnawing Gyarados couldn't bear such a fierce blow, and couldn't help but turn its head to resist with its scales.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the lobster soldier dived into the water and disappeared.

The Gyarados who lost its target was furious, and moved its angry eyes to Long Yi on the shore.

A water cannon full of anger hit.

Long Yi released Lacus casually, and the powerful superpower controlled the water cannon to turn a corner in the air and hit the Gyarados own head. Although it didn't cause much damage to it, it was enough to make this big stupid man sober .

The Gyarados shook its head, looked at Lacus with fear, turned around and dived into the water.

"Let's go, time is still long." Long Yi said.

It is not a matter of overnight for the lobster soldiers who have been bullied by the Gyarados to get rid of this.


In this way, after arranging the two elves, Long Yi returned to the guard's hut, transferred the clothes and pants in the luggage to the closet, and stayed there.

Watching the sanctuary is not an easy job.

First of all, such protected areas are often set up in the wilderness that is inaccessible. Even if the food is regularly supplied by the alliance, medical help is definitely lacking.

This requires the caretaker to have a high level of self-healing ability.

Secondly, the elf alliance's punishment for poachers is very severe.Especially for the poachers who poach the elves in the poaching reserve, the minimum punishment is a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years, which makes almost all poachers are daring and bad criminals!

Drugging, poisoning, kidnapping, murder, for poaching, those poachers can do anything, almost every one of them can be called full of evil.

However, there are often only single-digit guards in such a large protected area, and there is only one person in a small protected area like the Gyarados Lake.

This person not only needs to guard against cunning poachers, but also drives away evil trainers who stray into or want to secretly capture elves.

And every time a protective elf is lost, the watchman will receive a certain penalty, and the basic fine is the market price of the elf.

Therefore, this kind of task can be said to be thankless, and few people are willing to take it.

If it wasn't for Bai Shi Zhangyan's guidance, Long Yi would not have accepted this kind of task.

"Capitalists will take risks when they have 50.00% of profits. If they have [-]% profits, they will dare to trample on all the laws of the world. If they have [-]% profits, they will dare to risk the gallows. In the final analysis, it is still money that touches people's hearts. "

Why is poaching repeatedly prohibited?
Because of making money!

Very profitable!

Take the Gyarados as an example. The Gyarados sold in regular elf stores on the market cost tens of thousands of yuan each.

And what about the cost price of poaching?

The cost can be several thousand or tens of thousands of yuan at most, and these costs are apportioned among dozens or hundreds of elves.

Even if it is sold on the black market for 1 yuan, it is still a profit of hundreds or thousands of percent!

With such a huge benefit, how could it be possible not to make people take risks?
"The elves in regular stores first need to be legally sourced, secondly need to be healthy, and thirdly need to be tamed, plus the money for opening the store, rent, labor costs, taxes, etc., the whole set of calculations is actually not very profitable. .”

Therefore, the lowest prices are those types of elves that can be artificially bred by large companies, mass-produced, and whose combat effectiveness or appearance is relatively affordable.

Such as Pikachu, Pippi, three-in-one hive, Dajia, Heracross and so on.

Only by understanding the huge interests of poachers can we know how low the bottom line of people in this industry will be, and then we will have enough vigilance.

"Absolutely don't have any sympathy for any poachers!" Recalling the words of blessing from the previous guard when he just handed over, thinking of the expression on his neck touching a scar on his neck when he said this, Long Yi beat Twelve points of vigilance were raised.

"I hope my luck is good, and don't have too many flies bothering me." Long Yi said.

He just wants to cultivate his elves, nothing more.


Time passed like water, and more than a month passed quickly.

Long Yi has completely assumed the identity of the guardian of the Tyrannosaurus Dragon Lake, and his mentality has also adjusted.

In fact, as a caretaker, as long as no one comes to make trouble, his own task is not heavy.

There is a basement under the caretaker's hut, and there is an instrument in it that can detect all humans within a hundred miles. This instrument is also connected to a handheld device carried by the caretaker.

What Long Yi needs to do is to defeat and arrest the poachers when they sneak in; drive away the trainers and tourists who stray in, and cooperate with the reception alliance to come over regularly to check the ecological environment of the tyrannosaurus group in the tyrannosaurus lake. medical and scientific personnel.

Today is also the day when researchers come to study.

The Gyarados Lake was located off the center, and the calm lake surface suddenly exploded, and a black Gyarados broke through the water and stood upright on the lake.

It was Long Yi's mutated Gyarados!

Taking out the binoculars, I saw this tyrannosaurus with black and shiny scales, a majestic figure, sharp teeth, and two golden and yellow beards.

"Long Yi, your mutant Gyarados has grown stronger and stronger. I have studied Gyarados for more than ten years, and I have never seen such a majestic Gyarados."

Professor Mu En, who led the team, praised it, and his eyes fell on the mutant Gyarados without blinking.

"Professor, it's just that you haven't seen those powerful trainers' Gyarados." Long Yi said modestly.

"Wild, after all, it's a little bit close."

Long Yi has done experiments, the lowest statistic of the ultimate evolutionary elves in the wild is 30%, and the highest is around 5, 60%. This is almost the most powerful ordinary elf that normally appears in the wild.

Similar to the island of trainers, there are only plain cunning tengus, which are a very small number of special individuals, just like the wild red ghosts in ancient times.

And what about Long Yi's Gyarados?
Over the past month, the energy intensity of the dragon, normal, and water types has all increased by 3 percentage points, reaching a terrifying 88%!

The evil energy has increased the most, directly from 65% to 70%.

As for the physique, it was 90% when I came here, and now it has reached 94%. Perhaps it will not take three months to reach the limit of the race.

Ordinary trainers can only roughly estimate the growth and changes of elves, and judge whether their own training methods are effective, but Long Yi has systematic and intuitive data, which is more clear.

The training method of Baishi Zhangyan is very effective!

Another ordinary Gyarados broke through the water, this Gyarados is very huge, Long Yi's Gyarados are already very huge among the same race, this one is even bigger than Long Yi's by a large circle.

The body length is definitely more than nine meters!

"Oh, Ah Yi is going to challenge again." Professor Mu En's eyes lit up.

This tyrannosaurus named Ayi was originally the most powerful one in the tyrannosaurus lake, but since Long Yi came, it was deprived of the title of strongest. The best territory was also taken away by Long Yi's Gyarados.

But Ah Yi didn't give up, he challenged Long Yi's Gyarados every now and then, of course the result was doomed, he was beaten up every time.

"Gyarados are powerful, withdrawn and proud. Although my Gyarados is the strongest in the lake, there is no way to make other Gyarados submit."

Long Yi's task for the Gyarados at the beginning was to become the king of the lake. Although it occupies the best resources now, the Gyarados below are neither listening nor listening to the announcement.

Acknowledge your strength, but never surrender.

"Gyarados has no king, and the task you gave it is impossible." Professor Mu En persuaded.

Long nodded.

By the lake, a pair of small eyes peeked out of the water to look at the black tyrannosaurus that had won another victory in the center of the lake, eyes full of envy.

It's Lobster Minion!
A blue Gyarados swam towards the Lobster Minion, who simply surfaced, made a face at the Gyarados, then turned and ran.

The wild tyrannosaurus was furious and rushed to catch up.

After escaping and chasing, the lobster soldier suddenly rolled in the water, swam back quickly with a flick of his tail, and instantly came behind the Gyaradosaurus.


The big red pliers clamped the tyrannosaur's tail at once, and cut it hard, cutting a big gap.

The Gyarados roared in pain, and by the time it held back the pain to look for the culprit, the lobster minion had already disappeared.

The angry Gyarados can only return to the lair full of anger.

"Your lobster soldier's psychological shadow is almost healed." Mu En said.

Long Yi nodded with a smile, turned his head to look at the sunset, a dark cloud composed of Bibi Bird and Bobo came back from the sky, the number was astonishing.

The leading one was flying higher and higher day by day.

"Soon." Long Yi said.

(End of this chapter)

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