Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 254 Evolution!Iron Claw Lobster VS Gyarados!superior

Chapter 254 Evolution!Iron Claw Lobster VS Gyarados!superior

Time quickly passed another half month.

This day, a group of transport planes flew over from Tiantian, and when they came to the sky above the Tyrannosaurus Lake, they opened the hatch below. Countless big fish fell from the sky, and the sound of splashing into the water was endless.

This is the transport plane used by the alliance to regularly deliver food to the Gyarados in the lake to prevent them from expulsing the old and weak members spontaneously due to the scarcity of food.

In addition to the transport planes, there was also a black helicopter accompanying it, which dropped an airdrop box with a parachute.

Inside this airdrop box are food, medicine, and equipment supplements for the guards, as well as some items, letters, packages, etc. that they purchased themselves.

Long Yi watched the fleet leave after putting in the food. At this moment, there are tyrannosaurs dancing on the waves on the tyrannosaurus lake, and the scene of a group of dragons dancing wildly is really spectacular.

Move the airdrop box back to the room and open it.

Ignoring other food and medicine, Long Yi took out a beautifully packaged iron box from it.

Open it, and there is an irregular, jet-black, black lump with a bit of a smell on the silk brocade lining inside.

"It's finally here." Long Yi picked it up, and a notification from the system that it could be absorbed came out of his mind without accident.

This thing is a natural evil treasure that Long Yi exchanged with his merits, it comes from the dog treasure in the belly of a big wolf dog.

Natural evil treasures are very rare, and the most numerous are the dog treasures in the stomachs of the Great Wolfhound and Hei Lujia, but this kind of dog treasure is not found in the stomachs of any artificially bred Great Wolfhound or Hei Lujia. It will appear, only wild elves have a small probability of appearing, so the value is much higher than fire stone and other attribute treasures.

Just such a piece cost Long Yi 20 points.

Absorb Gou Bao to obtain 86 points of evil-type energy, which is much lower than the energy content of a fire stone. It can be said that the price/performance ratio is extremely low.

But things are rare and expensive, as is the case in the market, you have to accept it if you don't agree.

"With this, it should be almost the same."

Long Yi called out the system spirit Jirachi, and ordered: "Target lobster soldier, instill 21 points of evil energy!"

"Good master~" Ji Laqi happily agreed.

The evil energy that had just risen on the system panel began to decrease, and at the same time the lobster minion's data panel began to increase.


East of the Gyarados Lake, in a cave hidden under a large rock.

The sleeping lobster soldier suddenly woke up from his sleep.It felt a familiar and unfamiliar power appearing in its body out of thin air, and quickly merged with its own evil energy.

As if he had eaten too much in one breath, a strong sense of fullness filled the chest cavity of the lobster soldier. This delicious little guy never thought that one day he would be so full that he would want to eat when he heard the word "eat". To the point of vomiting.

So full!

It's so bloated!
The strong abdominal distension made the lobster soldier a little crazy, and he couldn't help but roll over, stirring up the surrounding lake water to be muddy.

During the tumbling, the lobster soldier accidentally bumped into the big rock used to cover the hole, subconsciously hammered it with his pliers, and the strong evil energy made the pliers red and black.

The stone was torn apart.


It seems to be a little easier!
The lobster soldier's eyes lit up, and he mobilized the energy in his body again, but he fell into the mud with his pliers, and the feeling of missing with all his strength made him quite uncomfortable.

No, it's too soft.

I need something that will take a beating!

His eyes subconsciously swept across another much larger hole not far away, and the eyes of the lobster soldier became brighter and brighter.

The intense pain made it too lazy to think so much, and went straight in with the heat of the brain, and soon there was a miserable roar from the cave, and then the lobster soldier ran out quickly, with a swollen lump on his head from a pincer. The carp dragon followed closely behind.

you again!
Seeing the lobster soldiers, the new hatred and the old hatred have already been overwhelmed by anger. The rational Gyarados didn't even think about it, but just destroyed and died. Although it is not as good as Long Yi's Gyarados, the power of the ultimate trick After all, it should not be underestimated.

The golden beam of energy pierced the water and struck at a slightly slower speed, but it was more powerful under the refraction of the light.

The lobster soldiers did not dodge or dodge, with a strong black light shining on the pair of pincers, crossing and slashing in front of him.

Evil Department Cross Slash!
The black energy cross collided with the golden beam of light, and finally both annihilated and canceled out.

The lobster soldier flicked his tail, and took advantage of the large number of blisters generated by the explosion to quickly approach the Gyarados, and directly hit the Gyarados in the jaw with his full force.

The ultimate evil move, sneak attack on the vital points!
The Gyarados screamed, staring at its eyes, shaking its head left and right in pain.

The lobster soldier was in control, and the powerful and heavy pincers fell on the head of the tyrannosaurus carp. Every hit made the opponent's head hurt more, and each hit made his pain less painful. brighter.

After seven or eight times, even the steel and iron bones of the Gyarados couldn't bear the blows of the Lobster Soldier, and he fell unconscious with his head tilted and floated to the surface of the water.

The lobster soldier stood on the body of the Gyarados, holding up the double pincers.It glanced around, saw the owner Long Yi walking towards the bank, and saw the wild Gyarados watching from both sides in the distance.

It turns out that Gyarados is nothing more than that!
A burst of white light enveloped the lobster soldier's body, and under the white light, its size began to grow rapidly, from a height of more than half a meter to a height of just over a meter, directly doubling.

"Evolution." Long Yi stopped, feeling a kind of heartfelt satisfaction.

After more than two months of special cultivation, the lobster soldier was finally reborn from the cocoon and successfully evolved!

Ten seconds later, the white light dissipated, and a huge lobster jumped high and landed in front of Long Yi.

This is a big lobster!

He is just over one meter tall, and his color is darker red than when he was a lobster soldier. The original six legs have become two thicker back legs and two auxiliary shrimp legs. ferocious.

The biggest difference in appearance is the top of the head. There is a golden five-pointed star more than before evolution. I don’t know what the meaning is, but every lobster soldier has the ability to use high-speed stars after evolution.

Long clicked to open the system panel, and the data on it had changed drastically.

6. Iron-clawed lobster: A strong iron-clawed lobster, the domineering has penetrated into the bone marrow, and has the courage to drive away any enemy.

Elf Race: Iron Claw Lobster

Status: healthy
Age: 2 years old
Personality: Domineering

Talent: unyielding, domineering

Unyielding: The stronger the enemy is, the more excited the iron claw lobster will be, and the stronger the fighting power will be.

Domineering: It is inherently domineering, without any action, it is enough to frighten weak elves.

Amity: 200 (purple)
Racial limit value: 80% of water-type energy, 80% of evil-type energy, 60% of normal-type energy; 80% of physique.

One evolution, two talents, can be described as completely reborn!
Long Yi looked at the iron claw lobster, who turned sideways with calm and sharp eyes.

If the pre-evolutionary lobster soldiers need to rely on roars and movements to show their domineering and domineering, then the evolved iron-clawed lobster only needs one look to achieve better results than before.

It's like a little gangster who is brave and ruthless, but can't get on the stage.

The other is a mature and stable gangster with a strong aura.

"Iron claw lobster and Gyarados are also in this lake." Long Yi said.

Hey Zha!

The iron claw lobster moved its eyes, jumped directly into the lake, and quickly swam towards the center of the lake.

Along the way, the tyrannosaurs that were eating one after another made way for the iron-clawed lobster in fear. The most ferocious of the water-type elves felt the oppression from the iron-clawed lobster.

Ah Yi was so angry that he wanted to attack, Long Yi's Gyarados in the center of the lake glanced at it, and the latter suddenly got out of the way unwillingly.

The legs of the shrimp separated from the water waves, and the waves under their feet became higher and higher. The iron claw lobster, which was only more than one meter long, soon reached the same height as the seven or eight meter Gyarados.

"Learn to surf!"

Hey Zha!

Iron Claw Lobster looked at the previous nightmare Gyarados, but his heart was very calm. The slender right pincers lit up bright white, and with the power of surfing, they smashed down with one pincer.

Water system trick - Crab Punch!

The tyrannosaurus twisted its body, and a large stream of water was wrapped around its jet-black tail, and it greeted it head-on.

The water system's unique move - the tail of water!

Both sides chose the most impactful head-to-head play at the same time!

The tails of the pincers collided, and the large amount of water contained in the tail of the water burst out, and the shining light on the crab's fist gradually dimmed.

In the first move, you will meet your opponent, and you will not be equal!

(End of this chapter)

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