Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 255 Evolution!Iron Claw Lobster VS Gyarados!Down

Chapter 255 Evolution!Iron Claw Lobster VS Gyarados!Down

In the midst of the water vapor, the iron claw lobster jumped up and down from the waves, and moved quickly along the body of the Gyarados, and soon came to the neck of the Gyarados.

Hey Zha!

The evil energy was overflowing, and the big pliers in the right hand became as black as ink, and they hit the bulge behind the Gyarados' head with all their strength.

The ultimate evil move, sneak attack on the vital points!
If this hit hits, even Long Yi's Gyarados steel steel frame might be dizzy for a while, facing the successive powerful blows from the iron-clawed lobster, it may not necessarily lose the battle directly.

But Long Yi, a Gyarados, has so much experience in fighting, he was already ready when he felt the upper body of the iron-clawed lobster, and when the sneak attack came, he turned his head suddenly, and a strong golden light shot out from his mouth.

Destroy the dead light!

The iron claw lobster has no defenses and can only use its pliers to resist destruction and die.

However, the characteristics of the villainous tricks determine that the power will be greatly reduced when the timing of the tricks is not used. The key point of the sneak attack, which has lost its super attack power, is not an opponent to destroy the dead light at all. The iron claw lobster is knocked into the air.

In mid-air, a stream of water suddenly appeared, and before the iron claw lobster fell into the water, it was wrapped in the water stream and drew an arc, and fell on the Gyarados from another angle.

Water jet!

A tooth for a tooth!

The pitch-black pliers landed on the Gyarados, but there was a sound of gold and iron colliding.

The iron claw lobster stared at it, and saw that the tail it hit just now turned into a steel-like silver-gray color at some point, and there was not even a white mark left on it with its own pincers.

"It's the steel tail. Gyarados is using this move faster and faster. Is it because of its getting stronger?" Long Yi on the shore analyzed the current situation of the two elves.

The Gyarados, who was almost swayed, lowered its head and twisted its body to entangle the iron-clawed lobster.

However, in terms of flexibility, the iron-clawed lobster is ten times better than the Gyarados, and it jumped directly into the water, making the Gyarados' entanglement attack fail.

Just after entering the water, the iron claw lobster used the strong ejection force of its tail to break through the water, and the bright white light lit up on the right pincer again.

Crab Punch!
This time, the Gyarados didn't dodge again, and got a firm pincer on its chin, which was very painful.

The tail swept across, and the iron claw lobster entered the water again to avoid it. Using the jet of water, it quickly came to the other side and broke through the water, and its hands were full of black light.

Evil Department Cross Slash!
A pair of longan eyes of the Gyarados gradually turned red. Using the iron head skill to temper the head, it chopped off the evil cross and smashed it to pieces, and then blue lines lit up on its body.

The ultimate dragon move - the dance of the dragon!

A powerful tornado appeared centered on the Gyarados, and a large amount of water was sucked into the sky, forming a spectacular waterspout.

The ultimate dragon move - tornado!

The iron-clawed lobster, which wanted to attack again, failed and was thrown away by the whirling force of the tornado, and the jet of water on its body was also broken.

Two red rays of light lit up in the waterspout, like the eyes of two demons, and then a huge fireball broke through the waterspout, hitting the iron claw lobster in the sky with nowhere to hide.

Dragon Fury!
This is a powerful trick that all elves with dragon blood can master. The more angry they are, the higher the concentration of blood, the stronger the power of dragon's wrath.

As for Long Yi's mutated Gyarados, it successfully evolved after absorbing the power of a whole dragon ball during the Carp King period. After evolution, it directly awakened the dragon attribute, and its blood concentration was not inferior to that of the three pure-blooded dragon families.

And from the cruel nickname of the Tyrannosaurus, it is definitely not a gentle and peaceful elf, but a bad temper that is notorious among water elves.

This time a real fire was fired, and the dragon's wrath of the Gyarados blasted out, even stronger than the destructive death light it used to use.

In the sky, the Iron Claw Lobster, which was rolling and losing its balance, of course also saw the huge fireball flying towards it.

There is no terrible high temperature, but the powerful energy contained in the fireball is more terrifying than any fire element trick.

Before changing to evolution, the lobster soldier at this time must have been panicked and at a loss.

However, at this time, the Iron Claw Lobster was still calm in his heart, but he condensed a black energy ball on each pair of pincers while rolling, and then collided violently.

The ultimate move of the evil department - the wave of evil!
A black wave rippled in the sky, the iron claw lobster itself was pushed further by this 'wave', but the speed of Dragon's Fury became slower and slower under the impact of the wave, and finally exploded ahead of schedule.

Hey Zha!

A layer of green protective cover usually wraps the iron claw lobster in groups. The flames of Dragon's Wrath swept and burned, and the color of the protective cover only gradually faded, but it was not broken.

After a while, Dragon's Wrath disappeared, and the iron-clawed lobster with a nearly transparent protective cover fell into the water and surfaced again.

Gyarados calmed down a lot after using Dragon's Fury, and its red pupils returned to pitch black, looking down at the iron-clawed lobster not far away.

The pair of lobster claws of the iron claw lobster opened and closed, making a sharp scissors-like clicking sound, and the stars above the head became more and more golden.

Hey Zha!

Suddenly, the iron-clawed lobster's tail exerted force, breaking through the water like a bolt of red lightning, and quickly flew past the Gyarados' face, accompanied by a clicking sound.

The iron claw lobster fell into the lake behind the Gyarados, and at the same time a small piece of golden beard fell slowly.

It cut off a section of Gyarados' beard!
The originally golden and beautiful dragon beard has become one short and one long now, which looks really funny.

The Gyarados looked down at its beard, and its eyes quickly turned red. It turned around and roared, spitting out raging green flames.

Dragon's Breath!

The iron-clawed lobster showed no sign of weakness, and rode the waves to fight. It sprayed a large amount of foamy light from its double pincers and hit the Gyarados all over the body.

The two elves fell into a fierce battle again, and the Gyarados who watched from the sidelines could only see their beards trembling, realizing that there would be another bully in the lake that they couldn't afford to provoke.

Ah Yi, who was the largest in size, suddenly lowered his head, no longer having the ambition to compete with Longyi Gyarados for the territory, so he dived into the water in desperation, and went back to the cave to sleep.

In this battle, the two elves fought for more than an hour before they separated. They were almost exhausted from the fight, but neither could do anything to the other. In the end, it was still a draw.

The two sides agreed to fight another day, Long Yi's Gyarados still occupied the widest and most fertile territory in the center of the lake, but the iron claw lobster was not interested in these, and came to a water area with strange rocks and dense aquatic plants at the edge of the lake to roost. down.

The days passed day by day, Long Yi's Gyarados and Iron Claw Lobster fought every three days, and fought every five days. Although no one could win a decisive victory, the strength of both sides was steadily improving in the frequent and fierce battles.

Long Yi settled down, forgot about the trivial matters outside and the assassination from the jellyfish Yin Ji, and focused on training the other elves.

Occasionally receiving Professor Mu En, who came to study, became Long Yi's only source of information about the outside world.

Just like that, another week passed, and Tian Longyi was separating the feathers of the Bibi bird that had just been recalled from the forest, when the sensor at his waist suddenly issued a piercing siren.

I took it out and saw that on the radar-like electronic map, three red light spots were extremely eye-catching, and they were still approaching the Tyrannosaurus Lake a little bit.

"A poacher, or a lost trainer?"

Long Yi frowned, this was the first time he encountered such a situation in more than two months.

After thinking about it, the predecessor's action of stroking the wound became clear again in his mind. Long Yi didn't dare to neglect, and recalled all the elves including the Gyarados and the Iron Claw Lobster, and then let the Bibi Bird scout in the air, and he rode on the The bicycle quickly rushed towards the three red dots.

"Maybe it's time to subdue an elf that is used for traveling and suitable for riding." Long Yi looked at the saber at his waist that collided with the bicycle, thinking so.

(End of this chapter)

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