Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 256 Three-person Team and Challenge

Chapter 256 The Trio and the Challenge
In more than two months, if Long Yi himself has improved the most, he is probably riding a bicycle.

A few minutes later, Long Yi, who was riding a mountain bike, came to the edge of the top of the mountain. A hole in the mountain wall below gushed out a large amount of water, forming a small white waterfall.

He took out the handheld and looked at it. The three red dots were in the forest below, and they were still moving towards this side at a slow speed.

"It doesn't look like a poacher, but don't be careless."

There have been precedents for some poachers to pretend to be lost trainers and secretly drug or harm the guardians after they let down their vigilance.

After blowing a whistle, an exceptionally majestic Bibi bird descended from the sky and landed beside Long Yi.

The normal bibibirds are not very big because they live in the forest, and they are only a little over one meter tall when they land and stand.

But its evolutionary version is completely different from the eagle. Its wingspan is generally more than two meters, and its height is rarely less than 1.5 meters when standing. It is a complete large bird elf.

Long Yi's bibi bird is more than 1.3 meters tall and has a wingspan of 1.8 meters. It can barely even be used by a teenager to ride.

Stretching out his hand to caress Bibi Niao's neck, Long Yi roughly circled a forest according to the direction shown on the radar of the handheld, and ordered: "Go to the sky and look at this area, if there is anyone, circle the direction below the mark."


Bibi Bird nodded, fluttered its wings and flew into the sky. Every so often, it found the target in the forest with its sharp eyes and hovered in the sky.

Long Yi parked his bicycle, called out Lux, teleported several times in a row, and arrived directly below the hovering Bibi Bird.

He soon saw the person who caused the alarm, and it was also three unexpected acquaintances.

Walking on the left is a brown-skinned man of indeterminate age, a bit in his 20s and a bit like 30 years old.This person has short black hair, squinting eyes, wearing an orange T-shirt, a green camping leather jacket, dark brown trousers, and a large backpack.

On the right side of the team is a young girl, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with orange hair tied in a side ponytail, she looks playful and cute.She was wearing a sexy sleeveless yellow vest, and her lower body was ultra-short denim suspenders with white thighs exposed, and she was carrying a red travel bag.

It is worth mentioning that in the girl's arms is also holding a very precious and rare beige eggshell-shaped elf - Bobbi.

"Xiaogang, and Xiaoxia." Long Yi glanced at Xiaogang's face and squinted eyes, which had hardly changed from the animation, and then looked at the youth who had grown up a lot, but had seen photos in Hualan gymnasium. Xiaoxia.

This book says that the man in the middle is...

Walking between the two was a black-haired boy who was in the same grade as Xiaoxia, but a little shorter.

The upper body is black lined with a blue and white jacket, the lower body is blue jeans, a red and white peaked cap is worn on the head, and a Pikachu is lying on the shoulder. The fat and thin are just right, and it looks very cute.


Long Yi said the name silently in his heart.

Although the age and appearance did not match, the familiar clothes and the iconic elf still proved his identity.

History turned a corner in this elf world, but returned to the familiar plot of Long Yi.

"Who are you!?" The sudden appearance of Long Yi startled the trio, and while Long Yi was looking at them, the three were also looking at Long Yi.

"This elf is..." Xiaozhi's gaze was almost immediately attracted by Lux, whom he had never seen before, subconsciously took out the elf illustration book, and read Kirulian's information.

"I am Ryuichi Miyazaki, the caretaker of the protected area. The front is a special protected area set up by the Alliance. Anyone without a pass is not allowed to enter. Who are you?"

In fact Long Yi knew it, but he couldn't say it out.

Xiaozhi opened his mouth and said, "I'm Satoshi Tajiri, a trainer from Zhenxin Town. I'm going to challenge the Chengdu League, but I got lost on the way to Kaji Town."

"This is my elf Pikachu." He pointed to the yellow elf on his shoulder.

It really was Xiaozhi.

Long nodded.

Xiaogang also introduced with his magnetic voice: "I am Tsuyoshi Shuto from Nibi City."

In the absence of beautiful girls, Xiaogang is still very reliable.

Just as Xiaoxia was about to introduce herself, Long Yi waved his hand: "I know you, Iizuka Xiagong from Hualan City."

"Hey!" Xiaoxia's eyes widened, her expression was very surprised, "How could it be..."

There is no trace of Long Yi in her memory at all.

Long Yi explained: "Two months ago, at the invitation of your three sisters, I served as the head of the Hualan gymnasium for a period of time, and I saw your photo at that time."

"My sister's invitation..."

Although Xiaoxia had some minor conflicts with her three older sisters, she didn't understand everything. She was 17 years old and the same age as Long.

She knew that every year her sisters would invite some powerful trainers to face the gymnasium qualification assessment by the alliance examiner, but she couldn't imagine that the little brother in front of her who looked only a few years older than her had such strength.

"If you want to go to Kaji Town, you go straight to the left, you will see a river, and then follow the river to the south to Kaji Town."

Although Long Yi has a different feeling for the trio, it's not easy to express it too directly, after all, the taciturn Xiao Gang is actually very reliable.

Too direct intimacy can easily be self-defeating.

After beckoning, the Bibi bird in the sky also landed, letting the trio know how they were discovered.

"That..." Xiaozhi rushed forward excitedly, "Miyazaki-kun, can you join me in an elf battle?"



Xiaoxia hastily tugged on Xiaozhi's sleeve. Although the opponent is very young, since he is a trainer invited by the sisters to deal with the alliance reviewer, his strength is definitely not what Xiaozhi can fight against.

The two sides are not comparable at all!
But Xiaozhi didn't know this, his eyes fell firmly on the elf Lux whom he had never seen before, and the beating fighting heart in his chest could hardly be suppressed.

Pickup Pickup!

The Pikachu on the shoulder also made a smaller fist, as if showing his muscles.

"Pikachu, you think so too, right?"


"Oh? You want to fight with me?" Long Yi felt a little funny, and suddenly couldn't laugh anymore when he smiled.

He suddenly thought, if he were himself, facing a strange trainer with unknown depth and personality, would he have such enthusiasm for fighting?
It's impossible!

This seems to be the difference between Xiaozhi and other trainers. He seems to be reckless, but his enthusiasm that is not afraid of anything that day is really enviable.

"Okay, I promise you."


To Xiaoxia's surprise, Long Yi accepted this competition!

Of course, Xiaozhi's innocent eyes couldn't hide it from Long Yi, knowing that his main target was actually Lacus.

"However, if you want to meet my Lux, you must have a certain level." Long Yi said.

"I will never lose!" Xiaozhi was full of fighting spirit.

Pickup Pickup!

Pikachu says it does too.

The names of the trio, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's full names come from the source of the two people's names circulated on the Internet, and Xiaoxia's Iizuka Kasumi is adapted from its voice actor Iizuka Masamune.

(End of this chapter)

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