Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 257 Gala Gala VS Pikachu!

Chapter 257 Gala Gala VS Pikachu!
Putting away Lacus and Bibi Bird, the four found a clearing in the forest nearby as a battle venue.

Long Yi and Xiaozhi stood on one side, Xiaogang was the referee, and Xiaoxia watched with her arms around Burkeby.

Because it is a private battle in the wild, the two sides have not mentioned any regulations. The number of elves is defaulted to six for all-hands battles, and there are almost no other restrictions.

As a member of Shueisha, with a system, Long Yi, who thinks that he is stronger than the protagonist in the original book, is the first to start the elves.

A small, earth-colored elf with cold eyes appeared on the grass, its head was wrapped by a complete white skull, and a thick bony stick was habitually condensed in its right hand against its shoulder.

"This elf is..." Xiaozhi had actually seen Gala Gala before, on the Quartz Plateau, but it was a long time ago and his impression was not very deep, so he didn't recognize this elf immediately.

He took out the elf illustrated book and scanned it, and Xiao Zhi, who got the information in the illustrated book, confirmed Gala Gala's attributes and specialties.

"Garragala of the ground type, then I will decide to be you, little saw crocodile!"

A little blue crocodile appeared on the field, and jumped up happily as soon as it appeared, looking very energetic.

"Little saw crocodile." Of course Long Yi knew this little saw crocodile who liked to dance.

"I'll let you attack first."

"Then I won't be polite! Little saw crocodile, use the water gun to attack!"

Vanessa ~
Xiaozhi's little saw crocodile jumped twice, and suddenly sprayed a water gun towards Gala Gala, judging from the thickness and speed of the water gun, it was quite powerful for the little saw crocodile.

But Long Yi didn't give the order.

"Why don't you avoid it? The attack of the water element's unique move should be very effective for Gala Gala." Xiaoxia murmured in confusion.

On the field, Gala Gala yawned, and the right hand holding the bone stick suddenly danced quickly in front of him. The pale bone stick formed a round shield in front of him because of the high-speed swing, blocking all the water flow down.

Water gun - no effect!
"What!" Xiaozhi was taken aback, but recovered quickly, "Since the water gun is ineffective, then little saw crocodile, use impact!"

The little saw crocodile lowered its head and rushed forward without any fancy, but the speed was not fast.

Long's eyelids drooped slightly, and he didn't say a word.

Is it only to this extent...

Gala Gala's expression looked a little more serious, at least it stopped yawning.

Facing the small saw crocodile attacking head-on, Gala Gala suddenly turned sideways just before being hit, and then slammed down the thick bone stick, hitting the back of the small saw crocodile.

With a heavy blow, the little saw crocodile's eyes suddenly widened, its pupils contracted to the limit, and its belly slid against the grass for a while, but stopped moving.

"You knocked down the little saw crocodile with blow!?" Xiaozhi was frightened.

Xiao Gang was also taken aback, but he faithfully fulfilled the referee's accusation and announced that the little saw crocodile had lost the ability to fight.

Among the trio, only Xiaoxia, who was mentally prepared on the sidelines, was not too surprised by this, but still felt a little unbelievable.

The difference in strength is too great!
"Xiaozhi, if you only have this level, then I'm afraid you won't see Lacus on the stage." Long Yi said.

He didn't mean to look down on Xiaozhi, on the contrary, Long Yi was taking this battle very seriously.

Serious enough to have used the advanced battle psychology recently with the help of Baishi Zhangyan.

Because of the memory of the previous life, Long and Xiaozhi's character, and Xiaozhi's elves are very familiar with it, so he can completely skip the first character judgment and directly plan for Xiaozhi's personality.

And looking at all of Xiaozhi's performances, he is not afraid of passionate, cruel, insidious, hardworking, or calm opponents.

What Xiaozhi is most afraid of is actually the kind of powerful trainer with a strong aura that directly suppresses his enthusiasm!

What Long Yi is playing now is such a role.

"Come back, little crocodile." Xiaozhi took back the elf, "You have worked very hard, take a good rest."

Facing Long Yi's ridicule, and looking at the young trainer with his arms folded across his chest, Xiaozhi suddenly felt a huge pressure.

The last time I felt this way, it seemed to be the sense of powerlessness I felt when I was fighting the King of Ice, Kona, in the Orange Islands.

"What am I thinking about? How could a trainer like Ms. Kona come across so casually?"

Shaking his head and throwing away the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, Xiaozhi released his second elf.

"Come on, bay leaves!"

It was another familiar elf, as soon as the bay leaf came out, it turned around and threw Xiaozhi to the ground, kissing you and rubbing its cheek against Xiaozhi.

"Okay, bay leaf, I understand." Xiaozhi said helplessly.

After comforting for a while, Bay Leaf was finally ready to fight.

"Use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

The bay leaf lowered its head and flicked, and the green saw blades spun up and flew towards Gala Gala, but was smashed one by one by Ga La Gala with a bone stick.

"Damn it, it's moving too fast, it has to restrain that bony stick." Xiaozhi murmured.

Wait, bone stick!
With a flash in front of his eyes, Xiao Zhi immediately issued a new order: "Bay leaf, use the rattan whip to grab Gala Gala's hands!"


Long Yi still didn't give the order, it wouldn't take the initiative to attack if it didn't give the order to Gala Gala, this time it even let two vine whips wrap around its hands.

"Okay! I've caught you!" Xiaozhi was overjoyed.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang are also very happy, thinking that Xiaozhi has ushered in a turning point for victory.

"Are you sure?" Long Yi had a half-smile, "Galagala, pull the bay leaf over."


Gala Gala wrapped her left hand around the rattan whip and pulled it hard. The bay leaf, 1.2 meters tall and weighing more than 20 kilograms, had no resistance at all. It was directly pulled into the air by the strange force and fell in front of Gala Gala.

"Bone stick attack."

It was no different from a small saw crocodile when it was smashed down with a stick, and it lost its fighting ability with just one bay leaf move.

"Moon... bay leaf!" Xiaozhi exclaimed.

"Bay leaf loses the ability to fight!" Xiao Gang said loudly, secretly sweating for Xiao Zhi.

This rattling rattle is so strong!
"I'm sorry for you bay leaf, take a good rest."

Putting the poke ball away, Xiao Zhi looked back at his remaining pokemon.

Fireball Mouse, Owl Nighthawk, Little Elephant, Pikachu.

"Since we are not as powerful as our opponents, then we will use speed to win!"

Losing two consecutive battles put pressure on Xiaozhi, but he still didn't give up, but tried hard to think about all his advantages: "Pikachu, are you willing to play?"

Pickup Pickup!

Pikachu nodded and jumped into the arena.

"Knowing that Gala Gala is a ground-type elf and sending Pikachu on the field, I have to say that Xiaozhi, you are really very courageous."

Long Yiyi secretly heightened his vigilance.

He doesn't care about all the elves in Xiaozhi's hands at present, because they have just been subdued in the Chengdu area not long ago, and their strength has not yet reached their peak.

But there was only one, and he couldn't be careless.

That's Pikachu!

As Xiaozhi's original elf, and the elf who has been with him from the beginning to the end, Pikachu can be said to have become Xiaozhi's symbol.

His Pikachu and the wild Pikachu represent completely different meanings. He has won too many impossible battles for Xiaozhi. It can be said that Pikachu is the real character!

This elf is very special, very special!
The appearance of Pikachu seems to have awakened a new fighting spirit for Xiaozhi, and he shouted: "Pikachu, use the lightning flash attack!"


Fast as a bolt of lightning!
The thin and small body broke out in an instant with the power to crush rocks!
Xiaozhi's Pikachu is by no means an existence that can be used in common theories. In less than a second, it crossed the distance between each other and came to the front of Gaara Gala, and bumped into the latter's soft belly.


From the beginning of the battle, Gala Gala was actually hit for the first time!
The powerful impact pushed Gala Gala to slide backwards, and her legs plowed two deep marks on the grass, exposing the black soil below.

"Use the headbutt!"

Gala Gala's eyes flashed brightly, but before it could move, Xiao Zhi's order had already been issued first.

"Pikachu, use high-speed movement to get out of the way!"

In an instant, Pikachu disappeared on the spot, leaving an afterimage, and was smashed into pieces by Gala Gala's head hammer.

Seeing the hope of victory, Xiao Zhi's momentum increased greatly: "One more flash!"

Silver-white lightning formed again, and Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, who were watching the battle, were still there for Pikachu in their hearts, and Bobbi swayed his arms happily.

Long Yi gave the order at this time: "Use broken rocks to stop it."

Bang bang bang!
Gala Gala punched the ground, and rocks rose from the ground on Pikachu's attack route. Pikachu, who was in the state of lightning flashed, had no time to disguise himself, and directly bumped into it.

It smashed the first rock, the second, but not the third, and stopped and shook its head in pain.

"Bone Boomerang!"

hula la~
The pale bone stick was thrown out by Galagala, knocking Pikachu into the air, and after a roundabout, it gave Pikachu who was flying upside down a heavy second attack.

Pikachu let out a scream, flew out and fell to the ground.

Ground-based trick, the effect is outstanding!

"Pi... Pikachu has lost the ability to fight!" Xiaogang announced, and Xiaozhi rushed up to hug his Pikachu.

"How are you, Pikachu, are you alright?"

Xiaozhi called out loudly, but unfortunately Pikachu had passed out and couldn't give him a response.

This world is different after all.

Long Yi closed his eyes, thinking so.

(End of this chapter)

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