Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 258 End Line

Chapter 258 End Line
"Xiaoxia, please help me take care of Pikachu."

"Ah... oh, yes!"

Asking Xiaoxia to take care of the unconscious Pikachu temporarily, Xiaozhi stood facing Long Yi again, but his hand on the poke ball did not release the next pokemon immediately.

So strong!

A drop of cold sweat trickled down from Xiaozhi's forehead, dripping sourly into his eyes.

It's not that Xiaozhi has never encountered a stronger trainer than Long Yi, such as the ice king Kona, the fighting king Xiba, and even Ma Zhishi, the owner of the Dry Leaf Gym, are not necessarily inferior to Long Yi. .

But none of the examples mentioned above were serious about fighting Xiaozhi.

After all, they are all well-known trainers who have been famous for a long time, but what about Xiaozhi?It's just a fledgling rookie trainer.

Fighting against such an opponent has to go all out, they can't afford to lose that person.

A heavenly king like Kona is willing to fight Xiaozhi because he has a good temper. At most, he only used three or four points of his strength, and the elves who played should not even be the first echelon.

And what about Long Yi?
Gala Gala is his main elf, and he himself is fighting very seriously, so the pressure on Xiaozhi is naturally extraordinarily great!
After wiping off his sweat, Xiao Zhi, who had lost his usual enthusiasm and fighting spirit unknowingly, released his fourth elf.

"Come on, little elephant!"

A cute blue miniature elephant appeared on the field, looking very energetic.

Little Elephant is an elf hatched from an elf egg that Xiaozhi got during the journey, and later evolved into Dunjia, but to be honest, there are not many scenes and his strength is not very strong.

It is not strong in the back, and its strength is naturally weak when it is just born. You can refer to Bobo who was just hatched.

"Little elephant, use a rolling attack!"

Gala Gala lazily stretched out his free left hand, and blocked it with one hand in the shocked eyes of Xiaozhi and Xiaoxiang, without even moving back a step.

Then, a stick smashed down.

"The little elephant has lost the ability to fight!"

Xiao Gang announced the result, and glanced at Xiao Zhi worriedly.

With rich experience, he has already seen the strength of Long Yi, the gala gala, and even saw Xiaozhi's hidden panic.

Xiaozhi like this has no chance of winning!
Sure enough, Xiaozhi fell out of the next trick.

The Fireball Rat's jet flame was not powerful enough, so it was blocked by Gala Gala in the same way as defending the water gun, and was then taken away by a bone boomerang.

The last shining owl, the power of thought could have caused some troubles for Gala Gala, but unfortunately the owl's unique skills are lacking, and the unique skills it knows are only pecking, hitting, mind power, hypnosis, and seeing through a few tricks. The long-range attack ability is not enough, and the strength of the mind itself is not enough. Gala Gala, who broke free from the mind, slapped the ground with his palm behind him, repaired another stick, and fell into a coma.

"I... lost." Xiaozhi murmured, a little unbelievable.

It's not that he hasn't lost before, but he has almost never encountered a situation where he lost so badly.

Of the six elves, they didn't even hit one of them, and they didn't even cause much damage!
When Long Yi saw Xiaozhi's eyes, his heart skipped a beat, thinking something was wrong.

Because he suddenly met the protagonist in his memory, he was unknowingly a little too serious, which seemed to hit Xiaozhi's confidence.

Long Yi himself has a system to accelerate the growth of elves, one year is equivalent to several years of training for others, if there is no system, his strength at this time may not be able to beat the current Xiaozhi.

And the elves carried by Xiaozhi at this time, except for a Pikachu, the others are all behind the scenes. The really powerful elves are either placed in the fire-breathing dragon valley, or they are in the backyard of Dr. Oki or other places, or they have not been encountered yet.

At this time, Xiaozhi is far from growing to his peak, and is just a newcomer trainer with a little experience.

"Sorry, your Pikachu is very good, it made me take it too seriously without realizing it." Along the way, Xiaozhi forced a smile.

Looks like it was really hit.

Long Yi thought helplessly, and gave Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia an apologetic look.

He and Xiaozhi are not familiar enough, this kind of mental blow can't be persuaded and can't be persuaded, only Xiaogang and Xiaoxia can help Xiaozhi get out of this shadow.

"You release all the elves, I'll let Lux heal them."

Long Yi asked Lux ​​to heal Xiaozhi's six elves with the healing wave, and then he was embarrassed to stay any longer, exchanged communication numbers with Xiaoxia, and then bid farewell to the trio.

"Lax, use teleportation."

There was a blur in front of his eyes, the familiar and unfamiliar trio disappeared, and what appeared in Long's eyes was a big tree.

Long Yi originally wanted to go back to the protected area directly, but just as he was about to give Lacus an order, he suddenly remembered something.

In my impression, Xiaozhi and others did get lost in a forest before arriving in Kaji Town, and a very interesting thing happened in that episode.

Team Rocket's secret experiment, the red Gyarados that were forced to evolve, and...

"Kandong dragon is the king of heaven, and the dragon makes the cross!"

A man wearing a black and red cloak and with fiery red hair flashed through Long Yi's mind.

No matter before or after crossing, the meaning of the name Du is extraordinary, symbolizing absolute power!
Long Shidu, the most outstanding trainer of the Dragon Shi family, his rise directly led to the absence of a champion in the Kanto region for several years.

"To me, this world is paradoxical. There are many familiar people, but they are very strange. This is the first time I can accurately grasp the direction of the plot, maybe I should go and have a look..."

Long Yi really wants to see, in this specious world, will the next encounter of Xiaozhi and others return to the track of history?
Let's see if the Rockets are as mentally handicapped as in the animation, and see if the red Gyarados that must be caught in the game will appear.

At the same time, take a look at the demeanor of the man known as the world's strongest king!


Lacus turned her head to look at Long Yi.

"Can you still sense the three people just now?"

Seeing Lacus nodding, Long Yi turned around, showing a strange smile, and said slowly: "Let's follow."

One person, one pet, disappeared with the activation of teleportation.


the other side.

"Xiaozhi, you don't need to be depressed. Miyazaki-kun should be a powerful trainer comparable to the master of the gymnasium. It is normal for you to lose to him." Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi worriedly and said in relief.

"However, I have won many battles as the gym master!" Xiaozhi said.

Pulling off the coat, you can see that there are several badges pinned to the inner lining of the coat, all of which he and his elves collected hard in gyms in the Chengdu area.

"There is also a difference between the gymnasium owner and the gymnasium owner." Xiao Gang said.

He was going to tell Xiaozhi some unspoken rules that belonged to the gymnasium owner.

"Some gyms, such as my Nibi gym, Xiaoxia's Hualan gym, Abi's juniper gym, Xiaoqian's Manjin gym, etc., are all inherited from parents or teachers. There are high and low strengths, but it does not mean that you have the strength that the owner of the pavilion should have, otherwise Xiaoxia and I would not come out with you to practice."

"The other gym owners, such as Ma Zhishi, the owner of the Withered Leaf Gym, Xia Bo, the owner of the Red Lotus Gym, and Liu Bo, the owner of the Kaji Gym you are about to challenge, are all powerful trainers who have been famous for a long time. Home."

"The elves they used to fight the challenger were either not their main elves, or they deliberately lowered their strength to release water. The results of this kind of battle can't be used as a reference."

"Those gym masters who are serious are enough trainers to protect the peace of a big city alone! Their strength is stronger than you think! Much stronger!"

"So, many of the gymnasium competitions that I have been proud of winning are the result of the gymnasium owner letting go?" Xiaozhi was a little hard to accept, feeling frustrated and resentful that his past efforts had been completely denied.

I'm not that weak.

I do not have!
Xiaoxia opened her mouth in worry, but didn't speak.

No one could see the emotion contained in Xiao Gang's squinting eyes, he just patted Xiao Zhi on the shoulder.

Xiaozhi's bright eyes dimmed.

Pikachu wanted to comfort Xiaozhi, but just as he raised his arm, he suddenly felt a strong weakness, and an abnormal blush appeared on his face.

"What's wrong with you, Pikachu!" Xiaozhi said anxiously.

Next to him, Bokby in Xiaoxia's arms also lost his former spirit and became sluggish.


"It's not just Pikachu and Bobbi, many elves in the forest are not in the right condition." Xiao Gang was keen to discover the problem.

Ahead, there was a sound of waves and water.

"It's water! Miyazaki-kun said that you can reach Kaji Town by walking along the river!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he quickly ran with Pikachu in his arms.

In his heart, the only thing that can help Pikachu return to normal at this moment is the Elf Center in Kaji Town.

(End of this chapter)

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