Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 259 That man!

Chapter 259 That man!

In the forest, Lax, who was hanging far behind Xiaozhi and his party, suddenly went limp, and was embraced by Long Yi who reacted from the side.


A blush appeared on Lux's face, and she raised her hand weakly, but she didn't even have the power to link her mind.

"Is it the effect of forced evolution of sound waves? I didn't expect it to happen." Long Yi, who is familiar with the plot, of course knows what happened to Lacus at this moment.

"Get some rest, Lux."

Taking Lacus back into the poke ball, Long Yi ran quickly.

"Team Rocket...Xiao Zhi, I hope you will be fine."

Recalling the ferocity of Team Rocket members and Pikachu's coma after the defeat, Long Yi suddenly felt a little worried for Xiao Zhi.

This world is not a product of illusion!


"It's a lake!"

The three of Xiaozhi who passed through a bush forest suddenly saw a bright light, and a huge lake in the forest appeared in sight.

"Look, Xiaozhi, there is a boat!"

A big black boat was sailing in the lake, and at the same time as Xiaogang made a sound, a huge splash of water suddenly exploded in front of the boat, and a terrifying roar came from it.

When the water was gone, the instigator appeared.

"It's the Gyarados!"

A red Gyarados stood upright on the water, roaring in pain, the intense anger in its eyes almost burned its sanity.

"It finally appeared, the red Gyarados." A group of Team Rocket players in black uniforms rushed onto the deck, led by a man in a special uniform who was as strong as a bear.

Seeing this group of lingering human beings, almost only the instinctive red tyrannosaurus condensed a destructive death light in its mouth, ready to wipe out this group of annoying humans.

"Be careful!" Xiaozhi and the other three exclaimed when they saw the Gyarados' movements, but did not see the people on board clearly.

Two toucans appeared above the ship, each accumulating destruction and death light.

The executive captain of Project R, an elite member of Team Rocket, Chen already glanced at the shore, and then gave the order: "Destroy the death light, launch!"

Two small and one big, three destructive death beams collided above the lake.

Although the red tyrannosaurus is special, it was forced to evolve from the carp king after all, and its strength is not strong. Soon, its destructive death light was retreating steadily, and then it was blown up by two remaining destructive death lights .

The pain from the wound intensified the Gyarados' anger, its sanity was completely burned, its eyes were scarlet, and a huge fireball condensed from its mouth.

The ultimate dragon move - the wrath of the dragon!
The size of this dragon's wrath is even comparable to the dragon's wrath used by Long Yi's Gyarados!
"This kind of power..." Chen already watched with fiery eyes, knowing that his two toucans might not be a match for this Gyarados in terms of the power of their unique moves.

But the reason why trainers are powerful is that human beings have wisdom far surpassing that of elves!

"Use the drill to peck! Attack from left to right!"

High-speed rotating flying energy appeared on the beaks of the two toucans, like two indestructible sharp drills!
One went to the left and the other to the right, each attacking the red Gyarados from one side.

The red Gyarados, whose sanity had been burned to the ground, subconsciously turned its head and spewed dragon wrath at one of the toucans. The powerful dragon flames ignited the feathers of the latter, and the burning toucan screamed and fell into the ground. in the water.


There is a second one!
Oh Ni!

The second toucan folded its wings, and its long, high-speed beak slammed into the red tyrannosaurus, causing great damage to it.

"It's now, launch the power grid!" Although the red Gyarados is envious, but it needs to be kept in a wild state when studying it, so Chen Ji can only suppress the desire in his heart and direct his men to fire the bow ballista.

A large net wrapped the red Gyarados, and then a high-voltage current flowed through it, causing the red Gyarados to pass out.

Chen already nodded, and ordered: "Drive the boat over."

Team Rocket, who was in charge of sailing the boat, drove the boat to the shore where the three of Xiaozhi were.

At this time, the three of Xiaozhi had already discovered something was wrong, and after seeing the uniforms of the people on board, Xiaozhi couldn't help but exclaimed: "Team Rocket!"

Chen, who folded his arms, was surprised: "Oh~ you actually know us, so I can't let you leave."

Chen, who originally had no intention of letting Xiaozhi and the others go, glanced at the sky, and the vicious toucan immediately straightened its wings.

"Since you plan like this..." Xiaozhi glanced at Pikachu, who was sluggish on his shoulder, and chose another elf on his waist: "Go, little saw alligator!"


The little saw crocodile appeared on the stage full of vitality.

However, at this moment, this place has been shrouded in forced evolution sound waves. All elves who have not evolved to the ultimate form will be greatly affected. Xiaozhi's little saw crocodile is no exception. When it comes out, it becomes as weak and wobbly as Pikachu Akira couldn't even walk steadily.

"Hey, toucan, use the drill peck!"

The vicious toucan descended from the sky, and Xiao Gang, who saw the situation was not good, had already taken out the big rock snake's elf ball and was about to throw it out.


A bolt of blue lightning struck the toucan, causing its feathers to stand up and its body scorched black.

"who is it!"

Chen Ji turned his head abruptly, and saw a fast dragon appeared above the ship at some point, and the one hundred thousand volts just now came from its hand.

A Team Rocket player with his head down suddenly jumped up and landed firmly on Kuailong's back, throwing off the magic mirror and hat on his face.

"You are……"


Long Yi, who had just arrived, happened to see the scene where Kuailong attacked Toucan and rescued Xiaozhi and the three, and then saw the person who jumped on Kuailong's back, and blurted out the familiar name immediately.

But soon, he frowned.

Not Du!
Although it is also a fast dragon, although that person also has red hair, but the hairstyle is different!
Not a flaming hairstyle, but short, neatly combed red hair!
The man on the fast dragon glanced at Long Yi in surprise, and then put his gaze on Chen Ji, and condescendingly pronounced: "The bastards of the Rocket team! I, the dragon envoy Heihu! The identity declares that you have committed the crime of gathering crowds to conduct illegal experiments, using machines to poach elves, and instructing elves to attack citizens! If you are sensible, put down your weapons and catch them obediently, otherwise I have the right to kill you on the spot!"

"Dragon envoy Heihu..." Looking at that strange face, Long Yi's heart was shaken.

Where did you go?

The plot has changed!

"Dragon Envoy Heihu." Chen Ji also repeated the name, and at the same time quietly gestured with his hands behind his back.

"Quick Dragon!"

Kuailong in the air suddenly raised his body, and a crossbow arrow tied with a rope passed under its belly, and fell into the water weakly.

"Stubborn!" Heihu, the dragon messenger, patted Kuailong under him, and blue lightning flashed on the tentacles above the latter's head.

"Use one hundred thousand volts!"

The crackling electric current fell, and the members of Team Rocket on board were electrocuted until they were paralyzed and unconscious, and a few of them who were almost physically fit went into shock directly.

This team of Rockets is mainly responsible for the strikers in Project R, and there are not even a few people with elves, so how can they stand such an attack.

Even Chen Ji, who is the captain, is just the bottom of the Rockets' elite team. The only two toucans were also seriously injured. No matter how strong their bodies were, they couldn't resist Kuailong's [-] volts and were stunned. .

Team Rocket, wipe out!

Kuailong flew to the shore and landed, and the dragon in Team Rocket's uniform caused Kuroto to jump off its back.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

"It's okay, thank you for saving us." Xiao Gang said.

The dragon messenger Heihu looked at Long Yi again: "Did you call my master's name just now?"

Long nodded: "Kuailong, red-haired, so I mistook you for the Dragon King."


Home ki wave yi!

Suddenly, Pikachu and Bobbi, who were still looking uncomfortable just now, regained their vitality in an instant.

Seeing this, Long Shi Heito sighed: "I just found an opportunity to pretend to be a member of this team of Rockets today. I haven't found their lair yet. Now it seems that the rest of the Rockets should have found something wrong and started to evacuate." gone."

Catching Chen Ji is at best a small achievement, and it is not perfect after all without capturing the specific materials of the Rockets' secret research.

But fortunately, there is still it...

The dragon made Kuroto's eyes fall on the comatose red Gyarados, the dragon fins on its back were still emitting red light.

The credit can only be exchanged for some rewards for him, but this special red Gyarados can actually increase his strength.

Especially, the dragon's wrath just now!
If his prediction is correct, the value of this red tyrannosaurus is much greater than imagined!
"Your anger, unwillingness, and sadness, let me help you calm down!"

The dragon made Kuroto throw a poke ball at the Gyarados in the lake.

"Galla Gala, use the bone stick boomerang!"

The high-speed rotating bone club hit the Pokéball thrown by the Dragon Master Kuroto, smashing it to pieces.

"Miyazaki-kun!" Xiaozhi and the other three looked at Long Yi and Ga La Ga La in front of him in surprise.

"Huh?" Long Shi Heihu turned around and looked at Long Yi, "What do you mean?"

"Sorry, I'm also very interested in this red tyrannosaurus." Long Yi said.

In the air beside him, Jiraki, who only Long Yi himself could see, explained: "This red Gyarados has a very special talent, the probability of breaking through the element level is ten times higher than that of ordinary elves!"

"Didn't ask?"

"Shueisha fourth-rank member, Ryuichi Miyazaki."

Hearing this, the dragon made Heihu's expression significantly more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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