Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 260 Huiyuan VS Kuailong!

Chapter 260 Huiyuan VS Kuailong!

Xiaozhi doesn't understand the meaning of the representatives of the fourth-level members of Shueisha, and even Xiaoxia and Xiaogang have a half-knowledge, but Longshi Heito understands!
This grade, this level, is either a task maniac who completes tasks crazily, or a gifted club member who has received extremely high evaluations for trial tasks.

And no matter which one, it shows that Long Yi has great strength.

This is a formidable enemy!
He could have picked up a red tyrannosaurus with amazing potential for nothing, but he didn't expect such a competitor to appear out of nowhere, and the dragon made Heito very angry.

But for Long Yi's shot, he didn't say anything to criticize, not even the trio of Xiaozhi on the side.

Defeat the elves, subdue the elves, and cultivate the elves.

This is the tone of all trainers!
It's perfectly normal to see a favorite elf defeated in the wild and take it in. As long as you don't snatch other people's elves, there is no problem at all.

"Please advise!"

The dragon made Heihu back a distance, and winked at Kuailong himself.

But Long Yi took back the Gala Gala he had just shot.

After all, the opponent is a member of the Longshi family and Du's apprentice, so whether it's true or not, it's always right to be cautious.

Although Gala Gala is very good, it is not suitable for dealing with Kuailong.

"It's been a long time since I fought with you, go to Huiyuan!"


An elf like a big cat fell into the arena and yawned lazily.

"This elf is..." When he found out that it was an elf he had never seen before, Xiaozhi's first reaction was to take out the elf book and scan it.

"No data! No data!"

"It's actually an elf that isn't even recorded in the illustration book!" The trio was taken aback, and the Dragon Messenger Heihu's heart sank.

Long Yi smiled and said: "This is my initial elf, please give me more advice."

"Huihara, use Blizzard!"

Huiyuan shuddered his snow-white fur, and opened his mouth. The small mouth with four canine teeth suddenly turned into a wind eye, and the strong wind gusts out, mixed with countless black crystal snowflakes.

Black blizzard!

Although Kuailong is one of the three pure-blooded dragons, the attributes of dragon and flying make it invulnerable to ice-type tricks. Any ice-type tricks hitting Kuailong will have a four-fold increase in damage!
Dragon envoy Heihu didn't dare to let his Kuailong meet this weird blizzard, and directly ordered to avoid it.

call out!
It was obviously a slightly obese fast dragon, but its flying speed was so fast that it didn't match its appearance. With a flash of yellow light, it had already flown into the sky, reaching a place where the blizzard couldn't reach.

"The speed is so fast, it is indeed a fast dragon!" Long Yi praised.

Don't look at Kuailong's fat body, but it is the fastest flying among all known elves (excluding mythical beasts). It is said that it only takes [-] hours to circle the world. No one who has ever fought a super elf can imagine.

It seems that Xiaozhi at this time was taken aback by the instant super high speed displayed by Kuailong.

"So fast!"

Pikachu also sighed similarly on Xiaozhi's shoulder, even though it is also a Pokémon known for its speed, it is not the opponent of the fast dragon in front of it.

Kuailong's speed is not only the peak speed, but also its starting speed, which is the best in the world!

That's why it's called the Dragon!

"Quick Dragon, use electromagnetic waves!"

The dragon envoy Heito gave an order, and in the next instant, Kuailong came to the back and upper part of Huiyuan from a high altitude, and two blue electric currents emitted from the tentacles above his head, trying to paralyze Huiyuan.

This set of attacking dragons made Heihu tried repeatedly. Few elves could react to the ultra-high-speed attack of Kuailong.

Long Yi saw Kuai Long, but he knew that Hui Yuan's reaction speed was not fast enough.

"Use the flame cart!"

Hui Yuan, who couldn't see the enemy but could feel the attack approaching every step of the way, curled up into a ball without the slightest hesitation. At the same time, the white flame ejected from his mouth also formed a fire ball outside his body. .

The electromagnetic wave fell, but was blocked by the flames of the flame car on Huiyuan's body. The power of thunder and fire collided, producing a small explosion and blasting out a cloud of black smoke.

"Use ice beads!"

call out!
A crystal clear, fist-sized black ice bead suddenly flew out of the smoke. Before the dragon envoy Heihu could react, the ice bead hit Kuailong's stomach and exploded into a ball of ice powder.

"What!" The dragon startled Heihu, the speed of the ice bead was too fast, and he didn't order Kuailong to dodge naturally, so even if Kuailong's speed was amazing, he was hit.

Fortunately, the attack power of the ice beads is not strong, and there is not even a wound on Kuailong's stomach.

Seeing this, Long Yi smiled: "Hui Yuan, another ice bead, and another snowstorm!"

call out!
Another ice bead lifted into the sky, but this time the dragon made Heihu react.

"Get out of the way!"

The ice bead hit Kuailong's stomach again and exploded into ice powder.

Immediately afterwards, a raging black blizzard spewed out from the mouth of Huiyuan again, densely radiating in a fan shape, covering a large area.

The dragon envoy Heihu hurriedly said: "Get out of the way, Kuailong!"

The strange ice beads are fine, and if they are knocked down with low attack power, they will be hit, but this blizzard knows that its power is not small, if Kuailong is hit head-on, it is not impossible for one of them to be directly defeated of!

Kuailong: ...

The blizzard was getting closer and closer, and the dragon made Kuroto's heart beat faster and faster, but no matter how he called, Kuailong in midair remained motionless as if he was stupid.

one second.

two seconds.

Kuailong suddenly moved his head, as if a person suddenly woke up after being distracted, and then saw the overwhelming black snowstorm.

"Get out of the way!"

The dragon sent Heito's voice into Kuailong's ears, and this time it finally responded, but it was too late.

The black blizzard engulfed Kuailong, and countless six-petal snowflakes fell on Kuailong, causing tiny mental shocks to it again and again.

The mental impact of a single snowflake is actually not worth mentioning, not even a tenth of the power of an ice bead.However, there are too many snowflakes. Hundreds of thousands of snowflakes fall on Kuailong every second. Waves of mental shock waves sweep over Kuailong, as if layers of snow are accumulating on Kuailong. , let it sink down step by step.

Until the end, Kuailong couldn't escape the blizzard range of Huiyuan, and even moved a few meters at the beginning, and fell from the air while being beaten.

Kuailong fell to the ground, and his body was soon covered with thick black snow, turning into a snow scene.

This blizzard not only directly defeated Kuailong, the Dragon Envoy Heito, but also froze a large lake, which was very powerful.

Huiyuan stopped his trick with satisfaction. Since it forcibly eliminated other miscellaneous energies such as electricity-type energy in its body, and specially trained fire-type, ice-type and ordinary-type energies, its ability to control the three-type energies began to improve by leaps and bounds, until Today, the defect of the unstable foundation of forced evolution is completely clear. Whether it is ice, fire or ordinary energy, Huiyuan can use it like a finger, and it is very powerful.

This is its progress during this period of time!

"You lost." Long Yi said.

The dragon made Heihu bow his head, trembling slightly.

Shaking his head, Long Yi casually took out a blank poke ball and threw it at the red Gyarados on the lake.

"No! I have other elves, and I didn't lose!" Dragon Envoy Heihu suddenly raised his head.

"Go, Gyarados, use the destructive death light!"

A blue Gyarados was released by Heihu, the dragon envoy, and it was a destructive death light attack. The target was not only the elf ball that Long Yi had just thrown out, but even the one who had just woken up but couldn't because of being affected by the blizzard. The moving red Gyarados!
[Even if I can't get this Gyarados, I will destroy its talent! 】The dragon caused dark thoughts to pop up in Heihu's heart.

The dragon's face turned black, and he also threw a poke ball.

The golden destructive death light first blew up Long Yi's blank poke ball, and then under the desperate eyes of the red tyrannosaurus, just before it hit the red dragon fin on its back, a tall pure black figure used its body to attack it. blocked.

Long Yi's black tyrannosaurus let out a painful roar, and even its steel and iron bones were in pain, and his angry eyes were fixed on the ordinary tyrannosaurus of the dragon envoy Heihu.

The red Gyarados stared blankly at the back of the black Gyarados.

"Three... three Gyarados!" Xiaoxia was so frightened that her legs went limp.

Dragon Messenger Heito was also taken aback by the black Gyarados.

"Destruction of Death Light!"

Long Yi's black Gyarados used the destructive death beam to attack, and the dragon master Heito immediately ordered his own Gyarados to fight back, and the two destructive death beams collided in the air.

However, the thickness is obvious!
Dragon Messenger Heito's Gyarados was obviously not as strong as Long Yi's black Gyarados, and the destructive death light was pushed back a little bit, and finally exploded directly on its head, causing huge damage.

"Hayhara uses jet flames, Gyarados uses destructive death light!"

A white flame and a golden beam of light hit the dragon envoy Heito's Gyarados at the same time, tearing its skin apart, covering it with fire, and sinking into the water.

"Do you still want to fight? I'll accompany you all." Long Yi clasped his hands and said, apparently also angered by the shameless behavior of Dragon Envoy Heihu just now.


He looked at the black tyrannosaurus in the lake, and then at the gray field on the shore.

Longshi Heihu gritted his teeth and said, "You are amazing."

After finishing speaking, he took back his Gyarados and Kuailong, and then released a Charizard to ride on and leave. He didn't even want the captured Rocket team minions and elite player Chen Ji.

Only then did Long Yi throw another elf ball.

The red Gyarados had recovered a little strength at this time, straightened up and rubbed against the body of the black Gyarados, and then was hit by the poke ball, rolled for a while and made a subdued sound.

Long Yi picked up the elf ball, and immediately called up the elf panel.

(End of this chapter)

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