Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 261 Name and Leaving

Chapter 261 Name and Leaving
12. Red Gyarados: A special Gyarados that was forced to evolve for some reason. Its powerful pain and anger allowed it to master the power of anger.

Elf Race: Gyarados
Status: Seriously Injured/Debilitated
Age: 7 years old
Personality: irritable

Talent: Heart of Rage

Heart of Anger: The intense anger that comes from the heart changed its heart when it evolved, thus possessing the power to master anger.

Amity: 70 (orange)

too weak!
This red tyrannosaurus can be said to have the lowest stats among all the ultimate evolutionary elves that Long Yi has seen, even worse than the flame horse that was borrowed from Aoki Masakazu back then.

But the reason Long Yi subdued this red tyrannosaurus was naturally not for its current strength, but for the special talent that Ji Laqi said.

It is also the talent that greatly reduces the difficulty of breaking through the element level!

"The heart of anger, the power of anger." Long Yi murmured.

His understanding of the element level is still in the theoretical and exploratory stage, so he naturally doesn't know how much impact this talent can bring, that is the content of future research.

But this time and this place are not the time to explore this, Long Yi casually put away the poke ball, and took Hui Yuan and the black Gyarados back.

After exchanging a few pleasantries with Xiaozhi and the other three, looking at the ship full of Rocket Team prisoners, Long Yi took out the satellite phone and contacted the Kaji Town police.

After a while, several helicopters came over the Lake of Wrath, and a group of special police officers with live ammunition quickly descended by rope and took the Rockets into custody.

Naturally, these few helicopters alone cannot take away these dozens of Team Rocket players, not to mention their secret base in the forest. Although the personnel inside should have escaped long ago, the seizure of a base is not a small credit .

This special police team is only an advance force, and the large force is taking a fast boat and going upstream along the River of Anger.

But these have nothing to do with Long Yi, even though Long Shi Heihu is gone, but it should be his credit and no one dares to rob him, after all, he still has a master who is the strongest king in name.

Saying goodbye to Xiaozhi's trio, Long Yi returned to the Lake of the Tyrannosaurus.


A month later, the lake of the Gyarados.

Because the Gyarados hadn't reached its peak yet, although the three-month period had come, Long Yi continued for another month.

This kind of guarding task is the most thankless and boring, and the Chengdu League is also happy with it, and did not compete with him.

The sky is high and the clouds are wide, white clouds and gray dogs.

A splash of water suddenly exploded in the center of the Gyarados Lake, and a majestic black Gyarados burst out of the water, majestic and majestic, it was Long Yi's mutated Gyarados!

Since the fierce battle between the Gyarados and the newly evolved Iron Claw Lobster last time, and the wildest Gyarados in the lake, Ayi, also surrendered, Long Yi's Gyarados has completely established himself as the boss. No Gyarados dared to compete with it.

The only one who dared to stroke the dragon's beard, besides the master Long Yi, was the big lobster.

Of course, if you agree with it, those wild gyaradors are just tyrannosauruses who are afraid of Long Yi, but it doesn't mean that they respect him as king.

The title of King of Gyarados is still far away.

But at this moment, Long Yi's black Gyarados seemed to be running away in a panic.

Another splash exploded on the water surface, and a red Gyarados came out of the water, but it was the special Gyarados that Long Yi cut off from the Dragon Envoy Heihu and was forced to evolve by Team Rocket!
For the convenience of calling these two tyrannosaurus, Long Yi gave them names respectively.

The black one is called Ao Guang, and the red one is called Ao Yu.

Ao is the surname of Long.

Ao Guang is the name of the Dragon King of the Dragon Sea, which represents Long's expectation of a pair of black Gyarados; Ao Yu's Yu is more feminine because the red Gyarados are female.And Yu homophonic prison, hell is often reminiscent of red such as flesh and blood, echoing the color of the red Gyarados.

Long Yi subdued Ao Yu, healed him, and released him, Ao Guang, and Iron Claw Lobster to the Gyarados Lake.

Originally, he just thought that the Gyarados Lake would be suitable for Gyarados to grow up, but he didn't expect to find another interesting thing.

Ao Yu is very fierce and irritable when getting along with other people or elves, but when facing Ao Guang, she behaves like a little woman courting her. If you don't pay attention, you will get entangled in Ao Guang's body, like twists and turns.

Professor Mu En said with a smile that this is the courtship method of the Gyarados family, but usually the male Gyarados wins the opponent and then entangles the female Gyarados, but the current situation is rare.

"To put it bluntly, your red Gyarados, you've taken a fancy to your black Gyarados."

Facing Professor Mu En's ridicule, Long Yi just shook his head and laughed.

At this time, Ao Yu quickly caught up with Ao Guang, and the two Gyarados moved forward side by side. Ao Yu would rub his head on Ao Guang's neck from time to time.

Ao Guang had a helpless expression, but he didn't resist, as if he was used to it.

"A red Gyarados that was forced to evolve, and a mutated pure-blooded Gyarados. If the two can be combined, how talented will the resulting carp king be?"

Long Yi was curious and looked forward to it.

Why is the gap between novice trainers and novice trainers sometimes so big?
The difference is here, the background!
Some rookie trainers only got their first initial elves when they were 16 years old, and they were of ordinary quality randomly distributed or bought by the alliance. Naturally, their achievements in the short term were limited.

And what about others?
I have lived with elves since I was a child, and what I have come into contact with and experienced is not at the same level.

Even if they got their first elves at the age of 16, their initial elves are the descendants of those powerful and carefully selected elves by their parents and teachers. Of course, the starting point is different.

Just like Xiaozhi and Xiaomao.

Xiaozhi's Pikachu, even if the protagonist is turned on, is not necessarily the opponent of Xiaomao's Blastoise.

Because that water arrow turtle is the world's most famous doctor elf, the champion of the league when he was young, and Omu Xuecheng, who fostered a large number of powerful elves in his backyard, evolved from the Jenny turtle carefully selected by his grandson!

Besides the Squirrel Turtle, Xiaomao also has an Ibrahimovic who grew up with him, who is also a rare elf.

How do others compare?
Not to mention that there are terrible families like the Dragon Envoy family whose children are given mini-dragons when they grow up, or Takahashi Heiichi, who are rare rich children in the world.

This world has never been fair, and so is the trainer and his party.


Half a month later, when the four months expired, Long Yi's Gyarados finally reached the limit value of the race.

The energy intensity of the dragon is 100%!The energy intensity of the water system is 100%!100% energy intensity of normal type!Physical fitness 100%
Except for the evil type, which is a little bit worse, only reaching 91%, all others are ranked at the limit of the race!
"It's finally consummated, it's time to go." Long Yi sighed endlessly, it was the first time he had such a long special training in four months.

It was still a scorching summer when we came here, but now the autumn is crisp and the ground is golden.

The noisy sound of propellers came from far to near, and a black helicopter hovered over the open space by the lake and lowered the rope ladder.

A strong man in his 40s in camouflage climbed down and was the new guardian.

"It's time to go." Long Yi took one last look at the Tyrannosaurus Lake.

In the center of the lake, an exceptionally huge blue Gyarados was watching from a distance.

That's Ah Yi.

He originally wanted to keep Ao Yu, because there is no place more suitable for the growth of tyrannosaurus than this tyrannosaurus lake, but Ao Yu refused and insisted on following Ao Guang.

Thinking about the tyrannosaurus that is full of the lake, there are not many achievements. Long Yi knows that although the environment here is good, the reason why Ao Guang can make rapid progress is because of the solid foundation laid during the carp king period, while Ao Yu's foundation is too weak. , It doesn't make much sense to stay, so I just let it go.

"Hello." The new guard walked up to Long Yi.

"I leave it to you." After handing over a series of items such as the handheld device to him, Long Yi picked up his luggage, no longer thinking about it, and climbed onto his body to leave.

In the distance, the wind picked up, blowing the fallen leaves all over the mountain.

"Calculating the time, this year's Chengdu League Silver Mountain Conference will almost be held." Long Yi murmured.

Another year is about to pass...

(End of this chapter)

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