Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 262 Lies and vision

Chapter 262 Lies and vision

There are many mountains and rivers in this world, some are famous and some are not.

If you ask someone, which is the most famous mountain you know, Hoenn will say Chimney Mountain, Sinnoh will say Tianguan Mountain, and Kanto will say Tsukimi Mountain.

As for the people in the Chengdu area, the answer is undoubtedly Baiyinshan!

Baiyin Mountain is located at the junction of the Kanto region and the Chengdu region, but in fact most of the area belongs to the Chengdu region. It is a continuous mountain range rather than a single mountain.

The Baiyin Mountain known to the world can be roughly divided into the south and north veins. The south vein has high peaks and dangerous roads, which belong to the Chengdu League. The Baiyin Stadium is built on it, and it is the venue for the annual Baiyin Mountain Conference. At the foot of the mountain, there are Baiyin Town and Fengwangyuan.

Beimai Peak is short and beautiful, and it belongs to the Jingtu Temple. A large number of temples have been built. There are an endless stream of pilgrims offering incense and worship throughout the year, and the incense is flourishing.

On this day, three figures, one big, one small, and one beast slowly appeared on the main peak of Baiyin in the southern vein, which is rarely visited by people.

The main peak of Baiyin Mountain can be called the highest mountain in Chengdu, with an altitude of 5683 meters. At the foot of the mountain are Fengwangyuan and Baiyin Town, which store the fire of Fengwang.

However, although it is the highest mountain in Chengdu, the main peak of Baiyin is steep and difficult to climb, and the scenery on it is average, so there are few people all year round.

The big and small beasts that were climbing the mountain at this time were Long Yi who had just returned from the Tyrannosaurus Lake and was relieved of his post as a watchman, his original elf Huiyuan, and a little guide ghost hired in Baiyin Town. Island Senbei.

Onijima Senbei is about thirteen or fourteen years old. He has a thick head and a thick head, dark skin, and is very strong. There is a green caterpillar lying on his shoulder.

According to the latest law, this grade is naturally not allowed to formally own elves, but the more remote the place, the looser the implementation of the policy, and Onijima Senhei has not officially tamed the green caterpillar, so no one cares about it.

"Qianbingwei, how long has your green caterpillar been with you?" Long Yi asked curiously.

The color of this green caterpillar is different, a little darker than normal, showing a kind of dark green.

"It's been three years." Onijima Senhei replied.

"Three years." Long nodded.

Insect-type elves are the elves with the shortest lifespan. Dajia and flying mantises are better. Elves like green caterpillars, unicorns, thorntails, etc., although they evolve very quickly, within a few months It can evolve to the ultimate form normally, but its lifespan is very short, usually at most two or three years before it dies.

As a result, powerful trainers using such elves are rare.

When mentioning the green caterpillar, Onijima Senhei suddenly became a little depressed: "Brother Long, is it possible that my green caterpillar won't be able to evolve in a lifetime?"

Long Yi fell silent.

Although the evolution rate of green caterpillars is very fast, and it belongs to natural development, there is almost no evolutionary bottleneck, but just like not every silkworm can cocoon when raising silkworms on the earth, not all elves like green caterpillars can evolve of.

It has not evolved for three years, and Onijima Senhei obviously encountered that small probability event.

This kind of common sense is not only clear to Long Yi, many ordinary people also know a little bit because of their contact.

Onijima Senbei obviously didn't understand this at all, so he was depressed.

On the shoulder, the ignorant green caterpillar rubbed its head against Onijima Senhei's cheek, and the relationship between one person and one pet was obviously very good.

After being silent for a while, Long Yi suddenly spoke.

"Qianbingwei, do you know a legend?"


Long nodded: "In the legend, there are actually three ancestors of the green caterpillar, one is the ordinary Bada butterfly, the other is the moth, and the other is from a legendary Pokémon called Rayquaza. .”

"Raykuza!?" Onijima Senhei's eyes suddenly turned cold. Although he had never heard of Raykuza's name, it did not prevent the impact of the words "legendary Pokémon" on him.

Even the green caterpillar on his shoulder raised its head upon hearing this.

"Liekongzuo is a very powerful legendary elf, comparable in strength to Phoenix King. Here is its photo, you can take a look."

Long Yi called up the photo of Lie Kongzao from his mobile phone. Compared with the elusive Phoenix King, Liekongzao is rare, but at least there are photos circulating.

In the photo, the green Raykon is flying in the air. Its appearance does have some similarities with the green caterpillar, and it looks very domineering.

"According to unconfirmed legends, about 10000 out of 100 green caterpillars cannot evolve, but among these 100, there is a one percent chance of a special green caterpillar."

"This special green caterpillar has almost no difference in appearance from ordinary green caterpillars, but when it leaves the forest and climbs up to some special places alone, it can attract animals living in the ozone layer through the ancient blood connection in its body. Rayquaza descends!"

"At that time, this special green caterpillar will be blessed by Raykonza, awaken the blood belonging to Raykonza in itself, and evolve into a new Raykonza."

"The new Raykuza..." Onijima Senhei's eyes sparkled, as if they had turned into two diamonds: "Brother Long, is what you said true?"

Long Yi shook his head and laughed: "I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so how do I know if it's true or not, but I do know a place that is said to be haunted by Lie Kongzao, in the Fengyuan area, it's called Sky Pillar, and it's said to be the highest place in the world one."

"Pillar of the Sky..."

Onijima Senhei and his green caterpillar looked at each other, as if they had made up their minds.

Long Yi just smiled when he saw this, the Sky Pillar belongs to the legendary place, even he only knew about this low point in his previous life, and he had never heard of it after traveling to the world of elves.

As for the ability of the green caterpillar to evolve into Rayquaza, it was just a lie based on an adapted version of the game in the previous life.

Taking a look at the uplifted Onijima Chibei, Long Yi didn't regret this lie.

Think of it as one last thought for him.

Anyway, if a normal green caterpillar cannot evolve, it will almost die of old age within a year or two, and it will not wait for Onijima Senhei to become a powerful trainer who can climb the sky pillar.


In the evening, after a whole day of climbing, Long Yi and Onijima Senhei finally climbed to the top of the main peak of Baiyin Mountain.

A strong mountain wind hit, blowing the black hair all over Huiyuan's body.

At this time, it has entered winter, and Huiyuan has finished moulting. His short white fur has turned into long black hair, and his tail has changed from a tiger-like whip to a fox-like fluffy long tail.

On the forehead, a small amount of white hair formed a flame-like pattern.

This is exactly the winter form of the gray field!
"Finally here, the top of Baiyin Peak." Long Yi sighed, even though he was strong and strong, climbing the highest mountain in Chengdu also felt a bit strenuous.

On the contrary, Onijima Senbei, because he grew up in the mountains, although he looks thin, he is all muscular, and his condition is not much worse than that of Long Yi.

"Brother Long, what are you doing here on the top of the Silver Mountain?" Kijima Chibei asked curiously.

It wasn't the first time he had come up this mountain. There was nothing but rocks and snow, and the scenery was just average.

"Of course it's for the elves." Long Yi said with a smile.

Looking up, the sky is high and the clouds are wide at this time. Huge birds are flying in the sky, swooping down from time to time, making the cry of Bixiutuo.

"Qianbingwei, do you know that this main peak of silver is the world's largest habitat for the eagles."

Although Bi Diao evolved from Bibi Bird, its living habits are completely different.

Bobo is equivalent to a baby bird. When Bobo is strong enough, it will evolve into a Bibi bird. However, most Bibi birds only live in the forest all their lives, so they are petite.

But there are some Bibibirds who are not satisfied with the crowded forest. They yearn for the blue sky, hope to soar in a wider sky, and fly to high altitudes that their kind have never touched.

In this part of the bibi birds, some failed, gave up or died; some succeeded and evolved into bibi birds.

This main silver peak is the world's largest bird habitat!
"Come out, Bibi Bird!"

Long Yi threw out the elf ball, and a strong Bibi bird soared into the sky, making a cheerful cry.

When Long Yi was guarding the Tyrannosaurus Lake, he was consciously cultivating his Bibi Birds. First, he was the leader of the many Bibi Birds and Bobo groups in the forest, so that he could feel the rights of the patriarch.

And in this kind of enjoyment, Bibi Bird is increasingly dissatisfied with his weaker siblings.Most of the Bobo group led by the wild Bibi Birds are no match for the sparrow group led by the Toucans. Although Long Yi's Bibi Birds are not afraid of those wild Toucans, they look less and less at their weaker counterparts.

It longs for a stronger, higher and wider stage!
So it came here in Long Yi, and came to the top of this silver mountain!
A wild bird in the sky seems dissatisfied with Long Yi Bibi's arrogance, and swoops down from a higher sky, with a pair of sharp claws, like an eagle pouncing on food.

This is the hunting method of Bidiao. Their daily food has grown from bugs in Bidou's period to rabbits, foxes, snakes and even goats and bison!

Without dodging or evading, Long Yi's Bibi Niao charged directly towards Bi Diao, his whole body was covered with bright white light.

Lightning flashed, soaring into the sky!
Bi Diao, who didn't use the trick, was hit by Bibi Bird, and Bibi Bird rushed to a higher sky, which was a field it had never touched, and smashed through the clouds.

The world is vast!
Long Yi's Bibi Bird was fascinated by the view of seeing all the mountains and looking down on all beings above the sea of ​​clouds. The sunset on the clouds emitted golden-red sunlight, falling on the brown-yellow feathers of Bibi Bird.

White light blooms quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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