Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 263 Jinpeng VS Bidiao!

Chapter 263 Jinpeng VS Bidiao!

After a while, the white light dissipated, and a big bird spread its wings and soared in the air.

That is a bird!
The appearance of the Bidiao is very similar to that of the Bibi Bird, except that it is larger and has a longer wingspan.After evolution, the originally colorful tail feathers turned into a uniform red, but the feathers on the head changed from pure red to red, yellow and red, and the length increased greatly.

Bi Diao watched the sunset go down a little bit, his eyes no longer had the vigor just now, but a kind of maturity and appreciation.

Below, a big hole suddenly opened in the clouds, and the bird that was knocked into the air rushed up to prepare for revenge.

Long Yi's Bi Diao lowered his head and cast a calm but sharp gaze.

With Bi Diao's eyes, you can see a small snake in the grass below at an altitude of 1000 meters!
Different from the evolved iron claw lobster, although Bi Diao has become much more mature and stable, the spirit in his bones has not disappeared, but is more pure.

It's a falcon soaring in the sky, not a lobster lurking in the muck!

The wild bidiao met Long Yi Bidiao's eyes, was shocked by that momentum, and walked away in despair.

Wild elves know how to judge the situation better. They never fight meaningless battles, because any injury may lead to death.

The pressure of survival made those wild elves understand what it means to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and what it means to bow your head when you should bow your head.

After admiring the sunset for a while, Long Yi's Bi Diao folded his wings and returned to his master.

"Congratulations, Bi Diao." Long Yi stroked the giant bird beside him.

Its Bi Diao is even bigger than the normal Bi Diao. When it stands, it is more than two meters tall, and its wingspan is unknown, but it must not be less than three meters.

On the side, Qianbingwei Guidao couldn't understand it, he didn't understand why Long Yi's Bibi Bird evolved into Bi Diao just after coming here.

Didn't adults say that evolution is difficult?
Its green caterpillar had already retracted into Onijima Senbei's arms at this time, and it was so frightened that it lost its soul.

Bi Diao lowered his head and rubbed Long Yi's cheek, the feathers on its body were very hard, but the fluff on its cheek was very soft.

"Maybe I should give you a name, how about... How about calling it Jinpeng?"

Jinpeng, implying the golden-winged roc, is a very powerful mythical beast in legend!

Bi Diao, no... Jinpeng spread its wings and let out a loud cry. There was a burst of joy in the voice, and it was obvious that he liked the new name very much.

"Good boy, I'll call you Jinpeng from now on!" Long laughed.

Jinpeng has been by Long Yi's side since it hatched from the egg, and the relationship between the two is very deep.

Bring up the system panel, and the information on it has changed.

7. Jinpeng: Bi Diao, who is very well developed, is far superior to Tongji in all aspects!
Elf Race: Bi Diao

Status: healthy
Age: 1 years old
Personality: Brave

Amity: 200 (purple)
Racial limit value: 80% of flight-type energy, 80% of normal-type energy, 65% of steel-type energy; 80% of physical strength.

Jinpeng is a well-behaved bird without any special features, but Long Yi believes that one day, it will grow into a powerful elf worthy of this name!


At the same time, the other end of the main silver peak.

"The Bi Diao just now..."

A very handsome young man in a mountaineering suit and a camouflage hat looked at the direction where Jin Peng was falling.

His name is Feng Yutan, and he is the most outstanding contemporary descendant of the Fengyu clan, an ancient Bird Master family in Chengdu.

Bird operator is a special title for trainers who specialize in using bird Pokémon to fight and reach the elemental level.

As a member of the Fengyu clan, Feng Yutan has lived with bird elves since he was a child, and he has naturally developed a character of loving bird elves, and has a very deep research on this kind of elves.

And Bi Diao is precisely the kind of elf that the Fengyu Clan is best at!
Just by taking a look at it from a distance just now, Feng Yutan can be sure that this is definitely a very good bird!
"Interesting, but I don't know if that bird is wild or has a trainer."

The so-called happiness at seeing Lie refers to Feng Yutan's state of mind at this time.

Just at this time, Jin Peng over there had just been named by Long Yi, and a howling sound pierced the sky, making Feng Yutan's heart itch even more.

"Come out, Bidiao!"

A golden bird appeared in the air, this is his initial elf.

This heterochromatic bidiao is not as big as Jinpeng, and its body is more like a normal bidiao, but its eyes are as sharp as knives, its minions are sharp, and its feathers are beautiful and beautiful, very beautiful.

At this time, there was also a long howl, the howling sound was like a sharp arrow, shooting straight into the sky, sharp and loud.

"Bi Diao, go in that direction, there is an outstanding Bi Diao, go and compete with it." Feng Yutan pointed to the direction where Jin Peng landed.

The golden Bi Diao nodded and flew over.



When Jin Peng heard Feng Yutan Bi Diao's call just now, he turned his head vigilantly, Long Yi who turned his head after that quickly saw the golden Bi Diao flying towards him.

"It's actually a flashing competition!" Long Yi said in surprise.

Every wild flash elf is rare, this is the experience of any experienced trainer.

And now, a golden Bi Diao appeared before Long Yi's eyes!

The golden eagle flew in the air, making a provocative cry.

Jinpeng flapped his wings agitatedly and looked at his master.

Long Yi smiled and said: "Go, don't lose."

Jinpeng immediately soared into the sky, reaching the same height as the golden bird.

The golden bird did not fight Jin Peng directly, but looked down at Long Yi's direction, and began to increase its height.

Not to be outdone by Long Yi's Jinpeng, the two eagles became taller and taller, and once again penetrated the clouds and came above the sea of ​​clouds, to an area out of sight of the two trainers.

call out!
The golden Bi Diao suddenly spun around, splitting into seven or eight shadow clones, and then all the figures lit up with white light at the same time, rushing towards Jinpeng.

Lightning flashes!
Jinpeng's eyes flashed, thanks to Bi Diao's sharp gaze, it easily penetrated the opponent's real body, and it didn't use other unique moves, it also won with a flash of lightning.

The two Bi Diao directly collided with each other under the high-speed movement in a flash of lightning. Jin Peng stabilized his body by fluttering his wings a little, while the golden Bi Diao flew backward for a longer distance before stopping.

In terms of physical fitness, Jinpeng is stronger!

This discovery seemed to make the golden bird very angry. A strong flight-type energy gathered under a pair of wings, forming two thin blades attached to the bottom of the wings.

Flying type trick - Air Slash!

A cyan air blade struck, Jin Peng was unhurried, he turned sideways and dodged it lightly, and then suddenly turned back, not only dodging the second air slash from the golden Bi Diao blocking the path, but also turning back in an instant. Attack, hit the opponent.

The secret of Yan Fan is to catch him by surprise, attack him unprepared, and launch an attack from the blind spot of the opponent's line of sight so as to achieve the effect of being close to a sure hit.

At this moment, Jinpeng is used to switch from defense to offense, turning into a frontal surprise attack, and the effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

But the golden bird did not choose to dodge, it seemed that it was very upset when it fell into a disadvantage just now, and it also performed Yan Fan with a backflip, and chose to face Jin Peng head-on again.

The sharp flying energy forms a V-shaped airflow in front of the two Bidiaos, which not only greatly increases the lethality, but also reduces air resistance and achieves the effect of acceleration.

This time the collision was stronger than before, a large amount of cyan air flow flew around in the collision, and neither of the two Bi Diao would back down until the effect of Yan Hui disappeared, and neither of them felt a winner.

This round, evenly matched!
However, the result of the tie did not satisfy the Golden Bi Diao, and Jin Peng also let out a dissatisfied murmur in his throat.

Jin Peng suddenly flew to a higher altitude, and then dived rapidly. During the dive, red flames burned on his body, and this flame gradually evolved into a special blue flame, which enveloped his entire body and exuded a powerful aura.

The Ultimate Flying Skill - Brave Bird!
The golden one was a step behind the eagle, and it was too late to use the brave bird to fight, but it didn't lose its panic at all. Suddenly, a powerful golden and red energy appeared on its body, and it hit the brave bird like a meteorite.

The ultimate mystery of the ordinary system - the impact of hundreds of millions of tons!


The energy generated by the collision of the two powerful moves crazily hedged, reacted, and expanded, and finally formed a grand explosion, blasting out a big hole in the thick cloud layer.

Call ~
A figure wrapped in black smoke fell far away, stopped the charge after falling hundreds of meters, glanced at the sky in fear, and then flew to the other end of the main peak of Baiyin.

Another figure was high above the clouds, watching the golden Bi Diao leave, suddenly there were tiny cyan energy streams on his body, and Jin Peng fell straight down with a painful expression on his face.

It also fell to a height of almost a hundred meters. Jinpeng, who had recovered from the backlash of the brave bird, spread its wings and held the updraft to stabilize its body.

Jinpeng screamed, and the golden bird's howl came from a distance, tit for tat.

(End of this chapter)

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