Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 264 An Urgent Mission Worth 100 Million Points!

Chapter 264 An Urgent Mission Worth 100 Million Points!
"It's so powerful, I don't know who its trainer is." Long Yi said.

Although Jinpeng had just evolved, it was obvious to him who owns the system what strength his elf was, and the Shining Bidiao just now was able to compete with Jinpeng, obviously the value was also very high.

It can't be said that there are no wild birds like this. After all, even element-level wild cunning tengus have appeared on the trainer's island, but the chances are really slim.

Compared with wild, it is more likely to have a trainer.

Jin Peng landed next to Long Yi again, it could be seen that it was injured and a little embarrassed.

"This time it's a tie, we will definitely win next time." Long Yi said.

Jinpeng nodded, full of fighting spirit.

Released Lux ​​to treat Jin Peng's injuries, Long Yi lost the will to stay any longer, and simply took Guidao Qianbingwei to ride Jin Peng to experience what it's like to be a mount in the air.

Bi Diao's size and strength are enough to support some light and middleweight adults, and Long Yi's Jinpeng strength is even stronger, even if he takes a ghost island Qianbingwei with him, he seems to be able to handle it with ease.

After returning to Baiyin Town and paying off the guide's commission, Long Yi and Onijima Senbei parted ways and came to the hotel where they were staying.

The annual Chengdu League Baiyinshan Conference has already opened at this time, and the fierce sea selection and knockout rounds are underway.It was not easy to book a room in Baiyin Town during this period. Fortunately, the status of a fourth-level Shueisha member was somewhat privileged, which gave him a place to live.

The league conference in a region has the characteristics of a region. Baiyinshan adopts a three-match points system. After the audition, the 48 contestants with the highest points need to be divided into three groups for a 3-on-3 group elimination match to determine Official round of 3 places.

Today is the last day of registration, and most of the contestants have finished the competition. Although the registration deadline is 8:[-] tonight, the contestants who catch up at the door are actually likely to face the embarrassing situation of no opponent, and thus lose miserably.


As soon as Long Yi walked into the hotel's gate, he saw a few staff members in black suits sitting in the lobby standing up and rushed to meet him.

"Hello, is this Miyazaki-kun?"

The leader was a woman in a suit and skirt, tall and OL.

"It's me, are you?" Long Yi asked vigilantly, Geng Gui's eyes quietly appeared in the shadow behind him.

Once the situation is not right, it will buy Long Yi valuable time to release the elves.

"Excuse me, I'm Kotoko Kawashima, who is responsible for the security of the Baiyin Mountain Conference of the Chengdu League, and this is my ID."

She took out a certificate, and Long Yi looked at it. Although he had never seen this type of certificate, it didn't feel like a fake certificate.

The woman who called herself Kawashima Kotoko looked around and said in a low voice, "There is an emergency, can I take a step to speak?"

Long Yi appraised the strength of these people, hesitated a little, and nodded.

A group of people went to the corner of the hall, and several other big men in black suits formed a circle, providing a communication space for Kawashima Kotoko and Long Yi in the corner.

"Miyazaki-kun, I'm sorry to bother you. In fact, I just received a secret report today that elite members of the Rockets have infiltrated this Silver Mountain Conference. They want to reveal their identity as the Rockets after winning the championship."

"The Chengdu area has managed to suppress the arrogance of the Rockets in the past two years. If the opponent really succeeds, it will greatly damage the face of the league. The Rockets will also sweep away the previous downturn and become more difficult than before. .”

"Therefore, I beg you here to participate in this year's Silver Mountain and prevent the Rockets from winning the championship!"

Kawashima Kotoko spoke convincingly and looked serious, directly breaking out a shocking news.

It took Long Yi half a minute to digest, and asked: "Since you all know that he is an elite member of Team Rocket, why didn't you arrest him directly?"

Kawashima Kotoko showed a troubled expression: "The intelligence came from the Special Search Division. Although the target person has been basically determined, the other party has never been on a mission. Legally, we have no right to arrest her."

This is the weakness of the alliance. Sometimes, the laws set by oneself will in turn restrict themselves.

Long Yi was silent.

Kawashima Kotoko knew the nature of Shueisha, and said directly: "Of course, this operation is not for you to help for free. I have already issued an emergency mission in Shueisha. As long as you can stop the Rockets, you can get 100 million points, and After the emergency mission has been exchanged for point rewards, it can still be submitted as a normal mission!"

100 million points!

Long Yi's heart skipped a beat, this was already beyond the reward range for moon-level missions, and reached the sun-level missions represented by level 7 members!

If this task is completed, plus the previous savings, Long Yi is enough to exchange for a secret technique!

What's more, because they are fighting at the league meeting, even though the opponent is a dangerous elite member of Team Rocket, Long Yi and his elves are not in danger at all!
If it wasn't for getting the information too late, if it wasn't for the fact that the nearby alliances weren't suitable, this kind of mission wouldn't be up to Long Yi at all!

"Okay! I agree! But I need to confirm first." Long Yi said decisively.

"That's natural." Kawashima Kotoko made a gesture of invitation.

Long Yi immediately contacted Baishi Zhangyan and Renhe Xiaotian who were far away in Kanto, confirmed the authenticity of the urgent mission, and then took it directly.

After finishing all this, Long Yi adjusted his mentality and asked: "Now, what do I need to do?"

"Because the possibility of internal rape within the alliance cannot be ruled out, there will be no shady scenes in this competition. All draws will be random to avoid bigger scandals."

Long nodded.

If it was revealed that there was a shady scene in the league competition, even if Long Yi successfully attacked the Rockets, the result would not be better, but the impact would be worse.

Kawashima Kotoko said: "Therefore, first of all, you must have the qualifications to participate in the Silver Mountain Conference."

The most direct qualification for the competition is naturally to collect 8 gym badges in the Chengdu area, followed by the Pokmon test twice a year, which is mainly for students at school and trainers who don't have time to collect badges everywhere.

In addition, there are some special places, such as conference donations and so on.

With Kawashima Kotoko as an insider, Long Yi's qualification for the competition is naturally not a problem, and it will be settled soon.

After the official competition, Long Yi needs to fight three times separately like everyone else, and only one elf is allowed in the knockout round, and points will be obtained according to the victory or defeat.

If the points are the same, the qualifying places will be determined according to the battle time.

Although the number of people is already very small at this time, it is relatively easy to gather three opponents for Long Yi.

Long Yi chose Gala Gala, and quickly won all three matches, and he was undoubtedly qualified.

At this time, Kawashima Kotoko was relieved.

Kawashima Kotoko invited Long Yi to a coffee shop in the town, asked for a treasure chest, then took out a piece of information, and pushed it over: "This is the information about that elite member of Team Rocket."

Long Yi opened the file bag, took out the information, the first time he saw the photo on it, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

It was a very beautiful woman in her twenties with long red hair in an exaggerated hairstyle.

"This man is called Miyamoto Musashi. His father is unknown. His mother was once an assistant to a senior cadre of the Rockets. She disappeared during a secret operation and her whereabouts are unknown."

The information wrote about Miyamoto Musashi's life, including almost all her experiences from childhood to adulthood. Only in recent years, because Musashi entered the elite trainer of the Rockets, the information was blank.

However, Long Yi didn't listen to the description in the materials or Kawashima Kotoko's retelling. The first time he saw this photo, only the familiar funny trio remained in his mind.

is her!



At the same time, in a house in Baiyin Town.

Feng Yutan, who just came back, couldn't even sit still, so he was dragged by his uncle and forcibly dragged to the registration office of the Silver Mountain Conference. After that, there were three quick battles, and he managed to get the promotion spot in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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