Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 265 List Released

Chapter 265 List Released
The competition process of the Silver Mountain Conference is very tight. After the 48 official contestants are selected in the audition, the second round of group competition will start the next day, and the top 16 places will be directly determined!
The competition venue for the group stage will be moved to the Silver Stadium. It can be said that the official competition starts here, and there will be live broadcasts by the news media.

In the group stage, 3 people form a group and are randomly selected. Each qualifying player needs to fight a 3VS3 battle with two contestants in the same group. 3 points for a victory, 0 points for a defeat, and [-] point for a tie.

If the two sides have the same score, then the winner will be determined according to the results of the battle against each other.

If still the same, there will be an extra game.

During the group stage, the contestants can only inquire about the information of the two opponents in the same group, and these materials will only show the type of elf used by the opponent in the audition and the battle video, which can be said to be very limited information.

For example, Long Yi, his opponent in the group stage, can only see that Long Yi has a Gala Gala elf, and the three auditions that quickly ended the battle.

Only after entering the top sixteen will the list of all the top sixteen and the global grouping be announced!

Long Yi's opponent in the first group match was from Kaji Town. She was a girl who mainly played fire elves. She had a very bold personality and seemed to be a character that appeared in the animation.

It's a pity that her elves are too single, and her strength is not strong. Although she prepared the electric shock beast to restrain the water elves, she was still defeated by Long Yi's Gala Gala one-on-one.

In the second round, Long Yi didn't need to play, it was a battle between the other two in the group, and the fire-type girl won.

In the third round, the opponent was a trainer who was dressed like a wandering singer, and his strength was even better. Gala Gala once again succeeded in a series of three.

So far, after one day of auditions and three days of group matches, Long Yi has officially advanced to the top [-] of the Silver Mountain Conference.


In the evening, with the end of the last group match, all the top sixteen players were freshly released.

"Now, let us announce the list of matches!"

As the host's voice fell, a tree diagram with upper and lower layers appeared on the big screen, representing two groups, AB and AB respectively.

Each group of 8 contestants will face off in pairs, and then the winner will fight with the winner until the champion of each group is determined to compete for the overall championship of this year's Silver Mountain Conference!
"The list is finally out."

The contestants and spectators who had been waiting in the hall looked up one after another, and the heads of the qualifying contestants appeared one by one, and at the same time, each contestant understood their opponents and the general situation of the group.

"My opponent is..."

Long Yi was No. 7 in Group B, the penultimate player to appear, and his opponent was...

A boy with brown hair and a hedgehog head appeared on the right side of Long Yi.

Contestant No. 8 in Group B, Shigeru Oki from Zhenxin Town, Kanto!

"It's actually Xiao Mao!" Long Yi never expected this, he quickly looked at the other 16 people, and soon found a few familiar faces among them.

First of all, the target of this trip is Musashi. She is No. 6 in Group B, which means that Long Yi needs to defeat Xiaomao before he can fight Musashi, which is considered to have completed the task ahead of schedule.

Then there is Xiaozhi, who was Xiaomao's opponent in the first round, but now Xiaozhi is assigned to Group A, if he wants to meet Long Yi or Xiaomao, he can only meet in the final.

There is another person who is also from Fengyuan, Ye Yue who eliminated Xiaozhi in the animation, he is also in group A, and he is in the group next to Xiaozhi. If there is no accident, history may repeat itself.

As for the champion of this year's Silver Mountain Conference, because there are too few scenes, there is only a glimpse. Long Yi has long forgotten what he looks like, and he doesn't know if he is among the 16 people.

Long Yi originally thought that there were only a few people he was familiar with, but when he saw the No. 8 player in Group A, he still couldn't help blurting out the phrase 'it's him'.

"Great, Miyazaki-kun, according to this lineup, you will be able to eliminate Miyamoto Musashi in the quarter-finals!" Kawashima Kotoko hurriedly approached and said happily.

This is much better than the worst outcome she expected, now it depends on whether Long Yi's strength is strong enough.

Long Yi looked at Kawashima Kotoko with a solemn face, watching the smile on the latter's face shrink and disappear little by little.

"What... what's wrong?"

Long Yiyi: "You said that there is only one elite member of Team Rocket, right?"

"Yes... yes." Long Yi's tone made Kawashima Qinzi feel ominous.

"No. 8 in Group A, Sasaki Kojiro, if my information is correct, he should also be an elite member of the Rockets!"

That's right, this last acquaintance is none other than Kojiro!

"The Rockets have always been on a team of two. Although Kojiro Sasaki is the heir of the Sasaki family, he ran away from home because of escaping marriage, and then joined the Rockets training camp. He and Musashi should be teammates in the same team, and he is also a member of the Rockets team." The championship team of the first training camp!"

Musashi and Kojiro have never been easy to deal with, especially when there is a deviation between their life trajectory and Long Yi's memory.

If the two really have the strength to match their identities, then Long Yi will usher in two fierce battles!
"You can check. These two people should have known each other since they were young. It seems that they were classmates in a certain school."

Kawashima Kotoko immediately ordered his men to investigate, and at the same time, the expression on his face became ugly: "This is difficult."

"What's wrong?" Long took a look at her, feeling as if there was something inside that he didn't know.

"Look at player No. 4 in Group B."

Long Yi raised his head and saw that he was quite young and handsome, and he should be in the same grade as him.

"His name is Feng Yutan, and he is the youngest and most outstanding heir of the Fengyu family. When I was waiting for you before, because I was not sure when you would come back, I happened to meet Fengyu Saburo, who lived in Baiyin Town, from Fengyu's family. Knowing about Feng Yutan's situation, I also asked him for help, unexpectedly..."

"I didn't expect that we would be divided into a group." Long Yi continued.

Kawashima Kotoko nodded.

This is indeed the worst situation. Judging by Kawashima Kotoko's expression, the strength of this young man named Kaze Yutan should not be underestimated, maybe even stronger than Musashi and Kojiro.

According to the competition table, if Long Yi wants to complete this urgent task, he not only needs to defeat Musashi, but also has to face two powerful trainers, Kaze Yutan and Kojiro, in succession.

That was three tough battles in a row!

This is more than that, although Xiao Mao in the first round is a trainer of the same age as Xiao Zhi, and he has only debuted for about two years, but it would be a big mistake to estimate Xiao Mao based on Xiao Zhi's strength.

Oki Shigeru, who is personally taught by the league champion Oki Yusei, is by no means a reckless trainer like Xiaozhi. It can be seen from the animation that his style is sharp and comprehensive.

But now, when the animation is reflected in reality, thinking of the changes in Musashi and Kojiro, Long Yi doesn't mind raising Xiaomao's strength by two levels at all.

Even for Xiaozhi, among the six elves that Long Yi defeated at the beginning, only Pishen was the main force, and the others were cannon fodder.

And what about Xiaomao who is probably stronger than Xiaozhi's main team?
His strength is definitely not weak!
In the four games, the opponents are all powerful enemies, Long Yi's position can be called the death group of this year's Silver Mountain Conference!
At the same time, the other side of the hall.

"Miyazaki Ryuichi, is he my opponent?" Xiao Mao looked at the list on the big screen and said softly.

He was ready to take a good look at the opponent's information and battle videos when he went back.

It has always been Xiaomao's fighting style to make a decision before acting.

"Xiao Mao!"

A familiar voice sounded.

Turning his head, Xiaomao saw Xiaozhi, a boy from the same village who he had never dealt with since he was a child.

Of course, there are also two followers who have been by his side, Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia.

"It's Xiaozhi. You're lucky. You don't have to worry about being eliminated by me before the final. Of course, you can't make it to the final with your strength."

Faced with Xiaomao's venomous tongue as always, Xiaozhi was not in the mood to get angry today, but reminded with a solemn face: "Be careful, your next opponent is very strong, very strong!"

"You know him?"

Xiaozhi's face turned pale, as if recalling some unbearable past events: "I..."

"I have six elves, but I haven't hit one of them with a ga la ga la."


Xiaomao's pupils contracted slightly, his heart was vigilant, but his face showed indifference: "It's not a big deal to beat you, my strength is different from yours."

"Goodbye Xiaozhi, your steps in the Silver Mountain Conference have almost come to an end."

"Damn it! Xiaomao!" Xiaozhi hopped his feet anxiously, but was finally persuaded by Xiaogang and Xiaoxia to go back.

"Miyazaki Ryuichi." Back at the residence, Xiaomao dismissed his wives and cheerleaders, and checked Longyi's information with a serious expression.

On the surface, he doesn't care, but how could Xiao Mao, who has always regarded Xiao Zhi as a strong enemy, not know the horror of this opponent.

One elf knocked down six Xiaozhi?
He didn't even dare to think about it himself!

After watching the 6 videos of Long Yi at the Baiyin Mountain Conference, Xiao Mao was silent for a moment and walked decisively to the video call in the room.

"Hey, grandpa, it's me..."

(End of this chapter)

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