Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 266 Dragon 1 VS Xiaomao 1

Chapter 266 Long Yi VS Xiao Mao 1
On the huge silver stadium, under the watchful eyes of thousands of spectators, a crushing battle has come to an end.

"Abo monster, use the big snake to stare!" Musashi, dressed in a purple evening dress and revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin on his back, is noble and glamorous, like a high-ranking queen.

Following her order, the phantom of a terrifying big snake appeared behind the Abo monster on the field, and the crocodile on the opposite side suddenly fell into panic, and was entangled by the fast approaching Abo monster.

"It happened!"

The expression of the crocodile's trainer suddenly changed.

"Use the poison!"

Abo monster bit it down, and a large amount of highly poisonous venom was injected into the body of the crocodile, and soon the crocodile became weak and lost its self-awareness.

"The crocodile loses its ability to fight, and Arbo wins!"

The referee announced the ending loudly, and Musashi raised his elbow-length silk gloves and waved slightly to the audience.

On the field, Abo monster let go of the crocodile's body, spitting out cores, exuding a dangerous and deadly charm.

"What a wonderful battle! The Musashi player from Sunshine Town won the victory beautifully with an overwhelming advantage!"

On the electronic screen, Musashi only used 4 spirits, and he defeated his opponent when he only lost one. It can be said that his strength is not at the same level at all.

"Let's take a break for 5 minutes, and then start the final battle of sixteen and eight immediately!"


"Musashi, it's really different."

Long Yi sat in the player room, looked at the screen and said.

The Musashi in this world is glamorous and deadly, with a kind of evil charm like Widowmaker, and the strength of elves is also very strong, I don't know how many times stronger than the funny Musashi in memory.

tata tao~
The footsteps of high heels landing sounded, Long Yi turned to the exit, Musashi who had just finished the game walked in, then without looking at Long Yi, he left through another passage.

Soon, 5 minutes are up.

"It's my turn."

Long Yi stood up and walked out from the exit. The moment he stepped into the sunlight, the cheers in his ears suddenly increased, as if he had walked into reality from the shadows.

"This year's Silver Mountain Conference, the last match of the [-]-to-[-] competition is between Oki Shigeru from Zhenxin Town and Miyazaki Ryuichi from Guchen Town!"

Long Yi was wearing a black samurai uniform similar to the ancient scholar's gown, with the demon sword Mo Yan hanging from his waist, and walked step by step to his own position.

Because he was guarding the Tyrannosaurus Lake for four consecutive months, his hair, which was already too long to be cut in time, was simply combed into a ponytail, which added a bit of softness to the more masculine temperament.

On the opposite side is Xiaomao, who is simply wearing a down jacket and has a cheerleading team of seven or eight married wives on the coach bench.

The two sides looked at each other with calm eyes, and nodded slightly to show courtesy.

At this time, the host was still introducing the backgrounds of the two parties. Long Yi’s introduction was briefly mentioned, while Xiaomao talked about his world-famous grandfather, Dr. Inevitably, Hanako sitting next to him, who is Xiaozhi's mother, was photographed.

"The two players will definitely bring us a fiery battle, let us wait and see!"

"Start now, draw the battle field!"

The venue for the Silver Mountain Conference is also composed of four standard venues: rock, grass, ice, and water. Although the details are different, they are generally similar.

After being selected by the computer, the cursor was finally fixed on the rock pattern representing the rock field.

A rock field full of rocks, large and small, of all kinds was switched out.

"Then decide to attack first and then attack!"

The cursor moves quickly and finally stays on the green square.

"It's decided, the first striker is Ryuichi Miyazaki!"

Long glanced at the site, this rocky site was much simpler than the ones he had encountered before, except for rocks, there were no ponds or other messy things.

"Go, Gala Gala!"

"It really is gala gala." Xiaomao took out an elf ball, kissed it lightly, and then threw it out, "Come on, my sweetheart!"


With a heavy landing sound, Xiaomao's original elf, also his ace elf Water Arrow Turtle, appeared in front of Gala Gala.

"Game start!"

"Water arrow turtle, use the water cannon to attack!"

Xiaomao chose to strike first, and the two large guns on the back of the water arrow turtle sank, shooting high-pressure water from them.

"Use broken rock."

Gala Gala The bone stick hit the ground, and three tall rocks rose from the ground, blocking the two elves.

"Bomb them directly!" Xiaomao said.

He has indeed bred the water arrow turtles very well. The water arrow turtles that have been cultivated in just two years are already stronger than most leaders of the water arrow turtles that have only evolved in the wild for more than ten years or even decades.

Power, speed, precision, all impeccable!
The water cannon shattered the three rocks and other rocks blocking the way in succession. However, when the obstacles were cleared, Xiaomao's eyes were filled with the scene of the rattle turning into a red light and being taken back into the poke ball.

"Oh, that's too much! Facing the strong attack of Xiao Mao's water arrow turtle, Long Yi directly chose to replace the elves!"

"Come on, Lux!"

With long green hair, a green body, and a long white dress, Lacus appeared like a lively girl.

"Contestant Long Yi's second elf is Kirulian!"

"Kirulian!" In the audience, Xiao Zhi's face turned red.

In the past, he couldn't force Lux, who was defeated by all six elves, but Xiaomao did it in less than a minute.

Long Yi doesn't have time to think about Xiaozhi's thoughts at this time, the pressure Xiaomao brings to him is much greater than Xiaozhi's.

"Lax, use Magic Leaf Slash!"

Pieces of green leaves wrapped in purple light emerged, and under the control of Lux's powerful superpower, they bypassed all the rocks and attacked the Blastoise from all directions.

Lux's grass-type energy intensity is as high as 100%. If this move hits directly, it will cause huge damage to Xiaomao's Blastoise!
Facing the sky full of green, Xiaomao directly chose to attack: "Water Arrow Turtle, another water cannon!"

Kirulian's body is very fragile, as long as the water cannon can hit it, it can be knocked down with one blow!
Xiaomao is not a reckless trainer like Xiaozhi, he has his own considerations in every move, and he is very clear about Kirulian's strengths and weaknesses.

As for his Water Arrow Turtle, Xiaomao never believed that he would be instantly killed by a move of Demon Leaf Slash.


The powerful water cannon fired again, and this time it was faster than before because the obstacles along the way had been cleared.

With Lux's speed, it is absolutely impossible to avoid it!

"Lax, maintain Magic Leaf Slash, use teleportation to dodge!"

Lux suddenly appeared in the air, Blastoise's water cannon missed, and the green leaves of the magic leaf had already surrounded it.

"Not good!" Xiao Mao's expression changed.

Under the control of superpowers, the green leaves became sharper than a knife, and the grass-type energy contained in them caused great damage to Blastoise.

The effect is outstanding!

"Bazilla, use high-speed rotation to defend!"

The Blastoise shrinks its shell and then spins at high speed.A large number of green leaves fell on the solid turtle shell and made a ding ding dong dong sound, and the subsequent attack of the magic leaf chop was skillfully resolved by Xiaomao's attack trick.

Long Yi immediately changed his strategy: "Lax, use your mind power!"

The Magic Leaf Zhan disappeared, but at this moment, Xiao Mao, who had been prepared for a long time, decisively used the elf ball to take back the ace water arrow turtle.

"It's you, Hu Di!"

Hu Di, with yellow skin and a strange shape, appeared with a Nianli spoon in each hand, floating in the air.

This is the strongest super power elf in Kanto!

"Use mind power!" X2!

Long Yi and Xiao Mao looked at each other, and then turned their gazes into the field at the same time.

Lux's long hair was hanging upside down, and Hu Di crossed his hands in front of him, using two powerful thoughts from the two elves respectively, and then they competed in mid-air.

The weak mind power is invisible and colorless. As the elves on both sides continue to increase the power of the mind power, the purple-red superpower energy begins to become visible to the naked eye.

The energy squeezed in the area reached its peak, and then an explosion occurred instantly, and a violent storm swept away, blowing over the bodies of Lacus and Hudi who were unable to react in an instant.



After a while, the smoke dissipated, revealing the two elves lying on the ground.

The referee raised his hands high: "Kirulian and Hu Di are both incapable of fighting!"

On the big screen, Long Yi's Lacus and Xiao Mao's Hudi patterns dimmed simultaneously.

(End of this chapter)

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