Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 267 Dragon 1 VS Xiaomao 2

Chapter 267 Long Yi VS Xiao Mao 2
"Exciting, both sides lost the first elf at the same time!" The commentator's excited voice came from the radio.

Long Yi exhaled, calmly retracted Lacus.

The battle with Xiaomao made him excited after a long absence.

"Xiao Mao, you are a good opponent!"

Xiao Mao is an arrogant person, but Long Yi's strength has won his respect, and he responded: "You are too."

"Let me see, how do you deal with this one! Come on, iron claw lobster!"

Iron-clawed lobster, a water-type, evil-type, dual-type elf!
"Iron claw lobster, it really is you..."

Xiaomao said in a low voice.

Although he has evolved, Gala Gala's character is so distinctive, Xiaomao has never forgotten the group of elves he met in the abandoned warehouse, and among the group of elves, there is a lobster soldier!
"This time, I won't fail again!"

"Come on, Electroshock!"

A elf with bright yellow body hair and black stripes, known as the bully of electric elves, appeared on the field, eager to try.

"It's up to me to attack first, iron claw lobster, use foam!"

A large number of bubbles are ejected from the double pincers of the iron claw lobster. These bubbles float lightly, reflecting colorful light in the sun, without the power and speed of the bubble light at all.

Switching to the perspective of Xiao Mao and the electric shock beast, but because of the existence of these bubbles, the vision is completely blocked, and the surrounding situation cannot be seen clearly, which is very uncomfortable.

"Breaking cleverness with force! Electroshock Beast, use [-] volts to destroy these bubbles!"

The Electric Shock Beast bumped its fists, and a large amount of electric current emanated from the two antenna-like horns on its head. The golden electric current spread and swept away the bubbles in the air.

clap clap clap~
Bubbles popped endlessly.

After ten seconds, all the bubbles were destroyed.

Long Yi showed a triumphant smile: "Iron claw lobster, sneak attack!"

A black light suddenly flashed from behind the rock on the side of the electric shock beast, and then quickly approached and hit the electric shock beast on the waist.

It is the iron claw lobster!

The sneak attack conditions were met, and the power of the iron claw lobster's sneak attack suddenly increased greatly. The raging evil energy broke through the electric current protection on the electric shock beast's body surface and attacked its waist muscles. The latter showed a painful expression on his face, and he even stood up. Unsteady.

"Electric Beast!"

"Give it the final crab punch!"

Hey Zha!

The luminous crab uppercut hit the electric shock beast in the jaw, and the latter was thrown high, and then hit a rock and received secondary damage.

"Electric Beast loses its ability to fight!"

The host boasted loudly: "What a powerful iron-clawed lobster, faced with inferior attributes, cleverly exploited its strengths and circumvented its weaknesses, and used its powerful attack power to secure victory in one fell swoop!"

"Contestant Xiaomao has already lost two elves first, will he use new elves next, or use the water arrow turtle for a water-based duel?"

Xiaomao gritted his teeth and retracted the electric beast.

Closing his eyes, looking back at his remaining elves, and considering the types of elves left in Long Yi's memory, a tactic formed in Xiaomao's mind.

"Come on, wind speed dog!"


Shenjun's wind speed dog appeared on the stage, and it suddenly moved its nose, and its eyes were firmly locked on the iron claw lobster, with a strong fighting spirit rising.

It's you!

Wind Speed ​​Dog recognized the opponent.

The iron claw lobster grinned, and moved its pincers calmly, making a clicking sound.

"It's unbelievable, facing a strong water-type enemy, Xiaomao actually chose the fire-type wind speed dog!"

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use big characters to explode!"

Long Yi raised his eyebrows: "Iron claw lobster, use the wave of water!"

A large-character-shaped flame hit the air, and two blue water polos in the iron-clawed lobster's double pincers hit the ground, setting off a wave and heading towards the large-character explosion.

When the two sides made contact with each other, the high-temperature flame and the turbulent water reacted violently, and a large amount of water vapor was produced in the chirping sound, which gradually filled the audience.

"It's now, the wind speed dog uses the speed!"

In the mist, with the wind speed, the dog barked, and a white line stirred the air.

"So that's it, Xiaomao, that's what you came up with." Long nodded.

Although this water vapor can't affect the iron claw lobster's line of sight, it is enough to block Long Yi's.

And as long as the trainer's reaction is slow, the winning rate will be greatly increased for a speed elf like Wind Speed ​​Dog.


Using the super-fast wind speed dog does not need to consider the problem of air resistance at all. Not only will the wind not slow down its speed, but it will even make it faster!
The iron-clawed lobster shook its head and looked around. This kind of lobster-like elf that can survive in the harshest environment can see through the fog, but the speed of the wind speed dog is too fast. The iron-clawed lobster just caught the wind speed dog. The next moment It had already been hit by divine speed, and was directly embedded in a rock.

"Use big characters to explode!"

Another burst of big characters formed in the mist, and the iron-clawed lobster was inevitable.

"Use protection!"

"Use a slam attack!"

Just now with the protection to block the attack of the big character explosion, before the iron claw lobster can break free, the wind speed dog that followed it has already slammed into it at a high speed, and the powerful force smashed several rocks in succession against the iron claw lobster stop.

Huh, huh.

The short-lived water vapor quickly disappeared, the wind speed dog opened the distance again, and the iron claw lobster was buried in a pile of broken rocks.

"It's really a clever tactic. Player Xiaomao used his wisdom to also fight a textbook-like reverse-attribute battle!"

"Good job, Wind Speed ​​Dog." Xiao Mao praised.

Wind Speed ​​Dog shook his mane, very happy.

Suddenly, the rock exploded, and the carapace was stained with a lot of dust, making the iron-clawed lobster stand up.

"How is it possible!" Xiao Mao lost his composure suddenly.

After eating the wind speed dog's speed and a slam, but the iron claw lobster can't see any injuries!
Long Yixiao: "The iron-clawed lobster has a hard carapace. The defense of this kind of elf is stronger than you can imagine."

Hey Zha!

A stream of water suddenly appeared on the Iron Claw Lobster's body, cleaning up the dust all over its body.

"It's our turn to fight back, iron claw lobster, use water jet!"

The iron-clawed lobster wrapped in the water flew high and was so flexible in the air that the wind speed dog looked up and down, a little panicked.

"Don't panic the wind speed dog, use the speed!"

The wind speed dog nodded and ran at high speed again.

But Long Yi was not in a hurry to let the iron claw lobster attack.

"Speed ​​is a very powerful trick, but it also puts a lot of load on elves. My iron-clawed lobster can fly in the air for a few minutes, how long can your wind speed dog maintain its speed?"

Xiao Mao's face was ugly.

In less than a minute, the wind speed dog broke away from the super speed state, with his tongue sticking out, looking tired.

"Iron claw lobster!" Long Yi shouted.

Xiao Mao's eyes flickered, and he made a gesture quietly.

But Long Yi said with a smile: "Fly for a while."

The wind speed dog staggered and almost tripped over the rock.

At this moment, the iron-clawed lobster, seeing the opportunity, made a turn in the air and bumped into the wind speed dog without waiting for the dragon's order. The water flow enveloping the whole body caused great damage to the wind speed dog.

"Use Crab Punch!"

A punch from top to bottom, hit the top of Feng Speed ​​Dog's head heavily, smashing it to the ground, and smashing it until a deep pit appeared.

Hey Zha!

The Iron Claw Lobster relieved the jet of water, and stood on the body of the already unconscious Wind Speed ​​Dog, honor or disgrace.

"The wind speed dog has lost the ability to fight!" The referee announced the result of the battle in due course.

"Contestant Long Yi's Iron Claw Lobster is really too powerful. With Xiaomao's Wind Speed ​​Dog down, he officially lost three elves. The game was suspended, and the two players rested for 5 minutes, and the second half of the game will start after 5 minutes! "

"Come back Iron Claw Lobster, you did a good job." Long Yi put away the Iron Claw Lobster and walked towards the empty coach bench.

On the opposite side, Xiao Mao retracted the wind speed dog in silence, and turned around.

In the coach's bench, seven or eight married cheerleaders wearing small tube tops, miniskirts, and holding support bouquets looked at each other, and the atmosphere was gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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