Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 269 Dragon 1 VS Xiaomao 4

Chapter 269 Long Yi VS Xiao Mao 4
"Finally..." Xiao Mao wiped the sweat from his temples.

Long Yi took out the elf ball, took back the unconscious Flying Mantis, looked down for a while, and put it back into his arms in silence.

"Fight, Huiyuan!"

With black hair and white patterns, Chi Ming, who had changed his fur, raised his paw, obviously not liking the hard rocky ground under his feet, and jumped directly onto a rock.

"Chi Ming." Xiao Mao whispered.

The host sitting in the broadcast room didn't know Chi Ming, so he quickly asked Dr. Oki who was on the scene loudly, and the film crew quickly sent a microphone to Dr. Oki.

"This elf is from ancient times..." Dr. Oki, who had communicated with Xiaomao long ago, naturally also made some inquiries about Chi Ming, but before he finished introducing Huiyuan's information, the battle broke out on the field .

"Huihara, use jet flame!"

A special white flame attacked the giant pincer mantis in the air, and the strange color of the flame instantly caused the audience to exclaim.


"Use a flash of lightning!"

Naturally, with the speed of the Giant Pincer Mantis, it would not be unable to avoid Huiyuan's jet flames. After dodging the attack, it quickly turned into a red lightning bolt, dragging a long white light strip behind it, and came to Huiyuan in the blink of an eye.

"Use the flame cart!"

Huiyuan, who was in the flame car state, was thrown flying by the giant pincer mantis, but the giant pincer mantis, who was about to continue attacking, suddenly changed his face and looked down at his right pincer.

On the red pincers, a white flame burns quietly!
"Tarsal bone white fire, really difficult ability."

Xiaomao knew that fighting elves like the ancient Chi Ming must be fought quickly, otherwise the continuous damage caused by the tarsal bone white fire would drag the giant pincer mantis to death, not to mention that it had fought fiercely for a while just now, and its physical strength was not enough. many.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, he immediately ordered the Giant Pincer Mantis to continue attacking.

At this time, Huiyuan, who was sent flying, also adjusted his posture in the air, using the unique balance of cats to land steadily on another stone.

Long Yi showed a triumphant smile: "Use Ignite!"


Two groups of white flames lit up in Huiyuan's eyes. At the same time, the flames on the claws of the giant pincer mantis in flight suddenly rose against the wind, expanding into a huge fireball in an instant, wrapping the giant pincer mantis, and directly burning the latter into a Human Torch!

The giant pincer mantis wrapped in flames screamed in pain. The combination of insect and steel systems doomed it to have no resistance to flames at all. This wave of burning alone made the giant pincer mantis dying, making it unstable even in flight. up.

"How is it possible!" Xiao Mao exclaimed.

Long took a look at him and explained: "Ignite, a special ability that belongs to the ancient Chiming. As long as there is any white fire in the tarsus on the opponent, my Huiyuan can stimulate the fire energy in the body to make it stronger. Ignore the distance!"

This is the special ability of Huiyuan's latest awakening, and it is also the first time it is used in an official battle.

As Huiyuan fits the shape of the ancient Chi Ming more and more, more and more abilities unique to the ancient Chi Ming are awakened. This special false god spirit that has not appeared for hundreds of years is emitting its dazzling brilliance.

The body of the giant pincer mantis was crumbling. Xiaomao knew that this elf had reached its limit, but he still didn't want to admit defeat.

"Giant pincer mantis, use the destructive death light!"

The giant pincer mantis burning like a torch overcomes the severe pain caused by the flames with great perseverance. It raised its hands with difficulty, and traces of golden energy gathered in the pair of pincers of the giant pincer mantis, gradually forming two Golden energy ball.

"What admirable perseverance." Long Yiyi did not give an order.

The golden energy ball gradually took shape, but just before the destructive death light was about to be launched, the newly formed energy ball became smaller and smaller, and at the same time, the flames on the giant pincer mantis suddenly increased.


The giant pincer mantis screamed and fell down, the white flame gradually extinguished in the decline.

Tarsus white fire, burn the opponent's energy to grow your own flame!
The desperate blow of the giant pincer mantis was just a useless dying struggle in Long Yi's eyes.

"Fall down! Xiaomao's giant pincer mantis also fell down! He only has one injured water arrow turtle left in his hand, while the opponent, Long Yi, still has four elves!"

Xiao Mao could no longer hear other people's voices. He gritted his teeth and released his last elf.

"Go, water arrow turtle!"

The ace water arrow turtle appeared for the third time. However, the state of water arrow turtle was very bad. After playing, he kept shaking his head. The sequelae caused by the thick bone stick attack just now seemed to be still there.

Long Yi chose to attack from the front: "Hui Yuan, use big characters to explode!"

A "big" character composed of huge white flames flew up into the air and rushed straight towards the Blastoise.

"This kind of power..." Xiao Mao's face turned pale.

It would be a big mistake if one only focused on the particularity of Huiyuan Flame and Frost and neglected its ultimate move as an example.

"Water arrow turtle, use the water cannon to attack!"

The water arrow tortoise managed to open its eyes, but the world it sees now is full of double images. The two water cannons it fired with difficulty completely lost its aim.

Big characters hit!

Although the fire-type trick is not effective for the water-type water arrow turtle, the special effect of the tarsal white fire has not been discounted. The water arrow turtle has followed in the footsteps of the giant pincer mantis just now, and its whole body is covered with white flames. .


The burning pain caused Blastoise to subconsciously mobilize the water energy in its body to block it, but the scene of incompatibility between water and fire did not appear. Although the barrier-like water energy temporarily blocked the burning of the flame, it was still passing away. Strengthen the opposite flame.

When the balance is out of balance, it is the time for the flame to dry up the water flow!
"Use a cleave attack!"

Huiyuan clawed hard, leaving three deep scratches on Blastoise's face.

The Blastoise, who had been hit one after another, finally felt a little clearer, and the double image world in front of him was closing rapidly and strangely.


At a certain moment, the water arrow turtle roared suddenly, slapped the attacking Huiyuan away with its palm, and then fired two powerful water cannons.

"Water Arrow Turtle!" Xiao Mao was overjoyed.

"Attack the ground with jet flames!" Long Yi said hastily.

Haibara used the reverse thrust of the flames to fly into the sky, and escaped the water cannon attack of the Blastoise, but also put himself at a high altitude where he had nowhere to rely.

"Water arrow turtle, another water cannon attack!"

"Huihara, use the freezing light!"

The water cannon flew into the sky, and was frozen into ice cubes by the gray-black freezing light.

With the help of the ice block, Huiyuan quickly returned to the ground, and then under Long Yi's command, he used the ice-type mobile trick of ice skating, and quickly circled behind the water arrow turtle.

"Use the flame whip!"


Twisting around, the flames on the tail suddenly exploded, forming a long tail of flames in the air like a tiger's tail, and slammed on the shell of the water arrow turtle.

The water arrow turtle was indifferent, because the steering remained unchanged, it simply condensed a water ball in its mouth, and then spit it directly under its feet.

The water system's unique skill - the wave of water!
"Use Blizzard!"

Haibara jumped back, spitting out a black blizzard while the tide was sweeping, freezing the waves of the water, and in the middle of the ice flower-like scene was the Blastoise who had just turned around.

The water cannon was launched and successfully hit Huiyuan in the air!

"Come back, Huiyuan." Long Yi shook his head, Huiyuan's trick was really ineffective against water-type water arrow turtles.


Still wrapped in flames, the water arrow turtle roared with both hands towards the sky, with an astonishing momentum.

"It's up to you, Gala Gala!"

Gala Gala is here again!
"Use Earth Fissure!"

The huge force made the entire Baiyin Stadium tremble, and a terrible crack spread towards the water arrow turtle in a zigzag shape, and a terrifying air wave rushed into the sky, mixed with countless gravels.

"Use the shrink shell!"

The thick tortoise shell was rushed into the sky by the ground crack, and then fell down hard.

Blastoise stretched out its six limbs, trying to stand up, but its legs softened but failed.

"Give it the last bone boomerang."

The whirling bone stick hit the forehead of the Blastoise, and the latter stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to grab something, but in the end he couldn't grab anything, and fell down on his back.

"The Blastoise loses its ability to fight, but Gala Gala wins!"

"The winner has been decided! Contestant Long Yi defeated his rival Xiaomao with his powerful elves, and successfully advanced to the top eight of this year's Baiyin Mountain Conference! Let us congratulate him on his promotion with warm applause!"

Long Yi waved to the surroundings, and then saw Xiao Mao on the opposite side lowered his head, retracted the water arrow turtle, and walked down the steps step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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