Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 270 Flying Mantis and Human Ecology

Chapter 270 The Flying Praying Mantis and the Varieties of Life

"Contestant Long Yi, your elves have all been healed."

"Thank you, Miss Joy."

After receiving a few elf balls from Miss Joy, Long Yi put his hands in his pockets and walked out of the elf center step by step.

"Look at that, it's Miyazaki Ryuichi!"

"It's him, did you watch his match, his elves are so strong!"

Some whispers came from time to time, for most ordinary people and trainers, the top eight of the Silver Mountain Conference are already very strong trainers, not to mention that Long Yi still has room to move forward.

Looking up, there is no moon in the black sky, only a few lone stars shining here and there.

"It's still not comprehensive enough, there is a lack of grass-type and electric-type elves, and the acquisition of mounts has to be put on the agenda."

While other trainers were busy envious of others, Long Yi was thinking about the matching of his own elves.

Walking towards a place where there is no one at will, gradually there are fewer and fewer human voices around, until I can no longer see a human being or a building as far as I can see.

Long Yi took a look around, took out a poke ball, pressed the button, and threw it.

Flying Mantis escaped from it and stood on the ground.

The Flying Mantis who had just finished treatment had a gloomy expression at the moment, standing there with his head down, motionless.

"How about it, do you regret choosing this path? You still have time to look back now." Long Yi walked over and said.

After being awakened by Baishi Zhangyan, Long Yi and Flying Mantis communicated for a long time, whether to take the traditional way of Flying Mantis, or the way of Giant Pincer Mantis.

In the end, Flying Mantis chose Giant Pincer Mantis.

But the giant pincer mantis is a special evolution produced by human intervention. Unlike the natural evolution of other elves that have evolved over thousands of years, it is more difficult to take this path.

Much bigger!
Flying Mantis must give up the flying-type energy that he is good at now, and become familiar with the heavier and harder steel-type energy.

This is not just a change in one's own energy intensity, but also the adaptability of the body, the change of mentality, the change of habits, etc.

Today, although the Flying Mantis has learned the steel wings, its strength has not increased but decreased.

And being defeated by the giant pincer mantis twice in a row was a heavy blow to the heart of the flying mantis.


Flying Mantis raised his head, this is a forest, although it is a bit different from his hometown, but the forest is a forest after all, giving it a familiar taste.

However, the forest has not changed, but it is no longer the proud warrior among the Zerg.

It has become weaker!
Long Yi patted its saber arm, Flying Mantis turned his head and looked at his titular master.

"A true warrior dares to face the dripping blood and the bleak life."

"Strength or weakness doesn't mean anything."

"It's the will."

The Flying Mantis tilted its head, and with its wisdom, it still couldn't understand such a profound truth.

Long Yi burst out laughing.

"Come on slowly, the silence at this moment is the necessary accumulation for future glory."

"If you get through it, it will be a better tomorrow."

Looking at the pensive Flying Mantis, Long Yi silently added the second half of the sentence in his heart: If you can't make it through, you'll be useless.


Fengyuan, Guchen Town.

"Mayu! It's time to eat!"

"Come on Mom."

Miyazaki Mayu, who was wearing cute plush pajamas, trotted down the stairs and sat down in her seat.

On the left is stepfather Takashi Miyazaki, on the right is mother Mieko Miyazaki, and there is an empty seat opposite.

"Just stay in bed all day during the holidays, and you're not afraid of growing mushrooms." Miyazaki Takashi patted his daughter on the head angrily.

She is so cute that she sticks her tongue out.

"Father, when will brother come back?"

"Your brother won't come back for the New Year this year." Miyazaki Takashi said.

This was the first time in more than ten years that Long Yi did not celebrate the New Year with everyone, and Miyazaki Takashi couldn't help feeling that his son had grown up.

"Oh..." The lost Miyazaki Mayu silently pawed at the rice, like a little white rabbit without energy.


Kanto, Baru Town.

Misa Takagi, who had just had dinner, took her katti dog for a habitual night run, and then quietly turned a corner and entered a forest.

Because there are no special products in this forest, and there are very few elves, so few people usually come to it.

However, by chance, Takagi Misa discovered a little secret in this forest.

"Catty Dog, lead the way."

Relying on the dog's sense of smell, Takagi Misa came to the center of the forest smoothly even though the forest at night was invisible, and saw the familiar thick tree.

The trunk of this arbor is as big as two people hugging each other, and there is a tree hole about [-] centimeters above the ground, which is big enough for an adult to bend over to get in and out.

Sensing the movement outside, two red lights lit up in the dark tree hole, and then there was a sound of piercing through the air, and two green vine whips flew out of it, firmly binding Katie Dog's forelegs.

Accompanied by a strange cry, an elf jumped out of the tree hole. It had a toad-like body and carried a red flower bud with four banana leaves on its back, ready to bud.

An evolutionary form of the seeds of the three royal frogs in the Kanto area, and the only elf that lives alone in the wild among the three royal families in the Kanto region!

"Frog Grass, today I must subdue you!"

Takagi Misa shouted, this is not their first battle, but all previous battles ended in Misa's failure.

"Caddy, use the jet flame!"

As red flames illuminate the forest, the battle in Kanto begins.


Chengdu, a small island in the Whirlpool Islands.

People by the sea always eat very early. At this moment, the lights of every house are on. Except for a few women and children who are still waiting for the family members who have not returned, there is no one else on the street.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, even the usual flock of tourists disappears at this time.

At this moment, a beautiful girl in a white down jacket with blue waist-length hair jumped off the fishing boat that was delayed due to the storm, and thanked the boat owner.

"Hurry up and go home, son, your mother must be waiting impatiently." The boss of the boat with a cigarette in his mouth chuckled, obviously familiar with the girl.


Stepping on the familiar gravel road, the girl went straight to a familiar house, and immediately saw a middle-aged woman waiting at the door.


With a call, the girl dropped the luggage in her hand, and Ruyan threw herself into the arms of the young woman.

"Why did you come back? Let Mom see if you have suffered outside."

"There was a storm at sea, so the ship was delayed." The girl smiled, and the light coming from the door illuminated her delicate face, whoever it was, Fujii Mari who went to Fengyuan for a tour.

"Dark and thin."

"Mom, you are talking nonsense, how can I be black!" Mari pretended not to obey, and made Sayuri Fujii amused.

"Okay, okay, no black no black."

Mari Fujii went back to get her luggage. The mother and daughter entered the room while talking. The table was full of cold food.

"Sit down for a while, I'll heat up the food."


Mari sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV.

"This year's Silver Mountain Conference, the last match of the [-]-to-[-] competition is between Oki Shigeru from Zhenxin Town and Miyazaki Ryuichi from Guchen Town!"

When the TV screen turned, a handsome boy in a black samurai uniform with a samurai sword on his waist came into view.

Her heart skipped a beat, she frantically turned off the TV, her face was red and hot.

"What's the matter Mari?" Saiduri Fujii in the kitchen poked her head curiously.

"It's nothing, mom, I, let me help you." Mali said in a panic, touching her hot cheek, and felt that the reason just now was so stupid.

"Then what, I'll go upstairs and put my luggage away first." After speaking, he hurried upstairs.

Sayuri Fujii came out of the kitchen wiping her hands and turned on the TV.

On the TV, the battle between Xiaomao and Long Yi has just started, and from time to time it will switch to a close-up of the faces of the two trainers.

"Miyazaki Ryuichi, that seems to be the name of the boyfriend Mari talked about at the school." Sayuri Fujii, who had secretly contacted the school and knew the truth about Mari's dropout, said softly.

"This child..."

Shaking her head, Sayuri turned off the TV, went back to the kitchen to warm up the dishes, and pretended nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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