Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 271 Dragon 1 VS Musashi 1

Chapter 271 Long Yi VS Musashi 1
Bang bang bang!
The salute was roaring, and the sky was full of enthusiasm.

In the Chengdu Baiyin Stadium, the 8-in-4 battle was even more intense than yesterday. The powerful elves collapsed from exhaustion, and the fierce battles ignited the atmosphere.

"Flame chicken, use jet flame!"

"Charizard, we also use flame-throwing!"

On the ice field, two powerful fire elves sprayed out scorching flames. The high temperature melted the solid ice layer. The incompatible fire energy formed a distorted huge fireball that gradually expanded, and finally produced an earth-shattering big explosion.

The air wave rolled back, and the flame chicken's claws firmly grasped the ice surface and then slid, leaving a few clear scratch marks on the ice layer.

At a certain moment, the twin feathers on the back of its head suddenly stood up, and the whole person jumped to a height of tens of meters, then turned around and spun, a strong flame burst out from its right leg, and it kicked down angrily.

Housekeeping Skills - Flame Kicks!

The fire-breathing dragon roared and raised its arms to support the flame kick, but it didn't expect the flame chicken to spin suddenly, using it as a fulcrum, and the other leg fell down fiercely.

Double kick!
This hit hit the head of the fire-breathing dragon directly, and the latter screamed, his hands were weak, and the empty door opened wide.

"Opportunity!" Ye Yue's eyes lit up, and he quickly ordered a fierce attack: "Flame chicken, give it a final split attack!"

The struggling claws landed on the fragile belly of the charizard, and the latter rolled his eyes and fell back.

"Fire-breathing dragon is incapacitated!"

"Even the fire-breathing dragon..." Xiaozhi gritted his teeth and looked towards the corner of the auditorium, where Xiaomao was silently watching the battle in the shadows.

"Look, Xiaomao, I will never lose!"

At this moment, Xiaozhi's trump cards such as Charizard, Pikachu, and Snorkel have all been defeated one after another, leaving only the last elf on his body.

On the other side, Ye Yue's situation was worse than his. Of the six elves, only the flame chicken was still there, and he had already fought a battle with the fire-breathing dragon.

"Come on, Giant Claw Crab!"

Xiaozhi's main force of the water system, the Giant Claw Crab, debuts!
"Giant Claw Crab, use Crab Fist!"

After being carefully cultivated by Dr. Oki, it completely got rid of the previous state of malnutrition. The powerful giant claw crab raised its heavy right pincer and smashed it down fiercely. A blue energy ball flew out at a high speed, extremely fast!

"Flame chicken, jump up!"

"The giant claw crab uses bubble attack!"

The giant claw crab spit out a large amount of white foam from its mouth, and this large piece of foam flew into the sky, enveloping the jumping flame chicken.

"Use Destruction Light!"

The powerful destructive death light hit the flame chicken in the air, and was hit by the crab fist of the giant claw crab the moment it fell.

"The flame chicken lost the ability to fight, but the giant claw crab won!"

"So the winner is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

"I...lost?" Ye Yue from Fengyuan was at a loss for a while, and then smiled helplessly: "I lost."

"Yeah! I won!" Xiaozhi cheered happily, but when he turned his head, he saw Xiaomao's back turning indifferently.


"Xiaozhi, he actually won against Ye Yue." Long Yi watched the match in silence, and quickly digested the shocking news in his heart.

In the next match, Feng Yutan, the powerful trainer Kawashima Kotoko called, the contemporary leader of the Niaoshi family, defeated his opponent with great strength and became another popular candidate for the championship.

Then, after a short break of 5 minutes, finally came the last game of the day.

8 into 4.

Dragon One Battle, Miyamoto Musashi!
Long Yi walked up the steps step by step, and saw the glamorous Musashi on the opposite side.

The audience at the scene showed a trend of polarization. Most of the girls were cheering for Long Yi, while the boys were captured by the temptation of Musashi's black rose.

Except for a few men who came with their girlfriends or wives, most of them were cheering for Musashi.

Venue Draw - Water Venue!
First attack draw - Musashi first attack!
Musashi maintained her usual glamorous setting, and released her first elf without saying a word.

It's a big-mouthed bat!

The supersonic bat is one of the spirits widely used by the Rockets' lower-level combatants because of its proliferating numbers and is easy to capture and breed, and this one from Musashi has evolved into a large-mouthed bat.

As a bat-shaped elf, the big-mouthed bat has a big mouth that occupies almost the entire body. It is hard to imagine how its internal structure is composed.

According to Long Yi's previous observations, Musashi's big-mouthed bat's flying-type special move is quite powerful, but its speed is not fast, and its combat power is actually not strong. It mainly uses ultrasonic waves to interfere with the opponent, and it is a spirit with auxiliary functions.

Facing such an opponent, Long Yi chose to send Hui Yuan to play.

"Game start!"

"Huihara, use the freezing light!"

The single-target attack power of the freezing light is actually stronger than that of the blizzard, but the disadvantage is that the range is small and it is easy to be dodged.

However, the speed of Musashi's big-mouthed bat is not fast enough. Considering the later stage of the battle, in order to save energy, Long Yi chose the freezing light instead of the snowstorm.

"Dark fog."

A large amount of black mist spewed out from the mouth of the big-mouthed bat, and Huiyuan's freezing light hit the black mist, freezing a part of the mist, turning into ice blocks and falling.

However, it didn't hit the big-mouthed bat!
The fog spread quickly, and Musashi gave the order of 'ultrasonic wave' again, Haibara covered his ears in pain, the ultrasonic sound beyond the limit of human hearing was very uncomfortable for the elves.

"Big-mouthed bat!"

The big-mouthed bat suddenly flew high into the sky, and Musashi used the poke ball he had prepared long ago to take back the pokemon, and then released another one.

"Oops! Because of the blocking of the black mist, Contestant Long Yi has no way of knowing what the second spirit of Contestant Musashi is!"

Not only Long Yi couldn't see it, even the referee and the audience didn't know what Musashi's second spirit used.

"Come back, Huiyuan!"

Long Yi chose to change the spirit.

"Black eyes."

Two balls of red light lit up in the black mist, like the pupils of two black eyes. At the same time, a layer of black film covered Huiyuan's body, and the red rays of the poke ball fell on it, exploding for no reason.

"Don't let me change it." Long Yi's expression darkened.

The poke ball that got hit by the black eyes will be cut off from the poke ball in a short time, and the situation is getting worse for Long Yi.

"Hide and hide, Huiyuan, use Blizzard to attack!"

Since you are hiding in the black mist, then I will use a large-scale attack to beat you out!
Huiyuan leaned forward, and a powerful black blizzard spouted from his mouth, part of the black mist was blown away, and the other part of the black mist was condensed into black ice and fell.

clap clap~
"Shadow Ball."

A pitch-black shadow ball flew out of the mist, but was soon detonated in the blizzard, blasting a small gap.

Musashi frowned, and took out the Poké Ball again.

"Continuously use the shadow ball!"

At this time, the black mist had been almost blown away, and Long Yi finally saw Musashi's second elf.

It's a dream monster!
dream hemp!

The Dream Demon let out a cry, and fired three shadow balls in a row. These three shadow balls flew in a zigzag shape, and were soon detonated in the snowstorm, blasting out a large safe area.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Musashi raised his hand, ready to change the spirit again.

"Use ice beads!"

Long Yi suddenly shouted.

As soon as the blizzard stopped, a black ice bead flew out, directly blocking the red ray of the poke ball, just blocking the light.

"Use the flame whip!"

Huiyuan, who was approaching quickly with ice skating, turned around and swept across, the tiger's tail made of raging flames slapped Mengyao's face with a 'snap', causing objective damage and at the same time attaching white flames to it.

The dream demon turned into a ball of red light and was taken back into Musashi's elf ball.

"Go, sure enough, Weng!"

"Use fellow traveler!"

A strange blue elf landed on the float, and in the sparkling light, sure enough, Weng's shadow and Hui Yuan's shadow were connected together under the water.

"Damn it!" Long Yi's expression changed.

Musashi showed a cold smile: "I caught you."

"Use it again!"

Guo Ran Weng clapped his palms, Hui Yuan's body suddenly moved uncontrollably, and another flaming whip landed on Guo Ran Weng's body.

Sure enough, Weng did not choose to resist, but endured while clapping his hands.

One shot, two shots!

"Sure enough, Weng and Gu Chiming lost their fighting ability at the same time!"

Under the influence of traveling together, Musashi's Ruanweng and Haibara died together.

(End of this chapter)

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