Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 272 Dragon 1 VS Musashi 2

Chapter 272 Long Yi VS Musashi 2
"Hmph." Musashi retracted Guo Ranweng, a smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"Come back, Huiyuan."

Is it a trap...

Long Yi thought.

Through the battle with Blastoise yesterday, I guessed that I don't have grass-type or electric-type elves, so I deliberately used the big-mouthed bat to lure me out of the gray field.

The black mist covered the tracks to protect the fragile dream monster, and then locked the dark eyes to prevent me from changing, and finally weng went on the same trip and died together.

This series of actions is definitely premeditated, the purpose is to defeat Long Yi's Hui Yuan!
Huiyuan is not considered the strongest elf in Longyi's hands, but it is the most difficult to deal with, and also the most headache for the enemy.

Desperate black ice establishes the victory, tarsus white fire protects itself, coupled with the recently awakened ignition ability, Huiyuan's tactics have gradually taken shape.

But now, before it showed its corresponding strength, it was taken away by Musashi's combo.

Rational and analytical Musashi?
No, not right!

Long Yi suddenly thought of the previous two matches, in those two matches Musashi's opponents were not very strong, although she didn't talk much, her fighting style was obviously aggressive.

This time the trap should be someone else!
Turning his eyes to the outside, Long Yi saw a man in a blue suit with short lavender hair in the audience.

Sasaki Kojiro!

In that case...

"It's up to you, Ao Yu!"

The water splashed in all directions, and a huge monster fell into the water, making an angry roar.

And it's a red Gyarados!
The host's tone suddenly rose: "The second elf of Long Yi contestant is the rare flashing Gyarados!"

In the auditorium, Xiaozhi's trio looked frozen.

"It's that Gyarados." Xiaozhi said.

"Gyarados." Musashi's eyes flashed, and he looked at the venue in disgust.

The water venue is the most unfavorable venue for her.

The poke ball opened, and a black-purple pokemon slipped into the water.

Ao Yu's eyes are full of violent anger that cannot be concealed. Since being forced to evolve, except for Ao Guang, anyone and any elf are within its attack range!

"That Gyarados!" Xiaozhi said anxiously, "Its anger has not subsided yet!"

Ao Yu turned his head and looked at Long Yi, his mouth condensed a golden light that destroyed the death light.

"What's going on, is Long Yi's elf trying to attack his trainer?"

There is a rule in the league competition that uncontrollable elves will be disqualified for the competition!
That is to say, if Ao Yu loses control, he will be sentenced to defeat directly!

Seeing this scene, Musashi, who was about to attack, also stopped her Abo monster.

"Do you want to attack me? Yes!" Long Yi looked up at Ao Yu, as if the terrifying elf in front of him was just a well-behaved sheep.

The anger in Ao Yu's eyes became more and more intense, and the destructive death light in his mouth almost took shape, but seeing Long Yi's calm expression, he finally turned back without attacking.

"It's under control!" Xiaozhi couldn't believe it.

Obviously, the anger of the red Gyarados showed no sign of subsiding at all!

"Ao Yu, use Dragon's Fury!"

The golden light in the mouth was replaced by red, and the huge energy stirred the water in the pool, forming a terrifying fireball.

not good
Musashi hurriedly said: "Abo monster, use the dissolving solution!"

"Put it down."

The Abo monster in the water sprayed black venom towards Ao Yu, and Ao Yu turned his head to the side, allowing the solution to fall on himself, and the intense pain stimulated its pupils to become redder.

"Dragon's Fury, launch!"

The Aber monster stopped attacking, and all it could see was crimson, as if the sun in the sky was falling towards itself, and an indescribable sense of fear surrounded its heart.

A large amount of pool water was evaporated into water vapor and floated into the sky, and Ao Yu's red figure loomed in the mist, with a pair of eyes and dragon fins on his back shining brightly.

"Abo has lost the ability to fight!"

With one hit, he knocked down Musashi's Arbor!
"Is this all your strength?" Long Yi crossed his arms and looked at the woman across from him calmly.

Musashi gritted his teeth, the fiery heart under his glamorous appearance was ready to move.

"Come back, Abbey."

"Come on, Big Mouth Bat!"

"Hmph." Long Yi smiled.

Start to reveal your true nature!

"Use Destruction Light."

The golden destructive death light was formed and emitted from Ao Yu's mouth, but it couldn't compare with Ao Guang's destructive death light in terms of thickness and brightness.

Very weak destructive death ray.

"Big Mouth Bat, use Air Slash!"

The big-mouthed bat issued two air slashes, which divided Ao Yu's destructive death light into four parts in a cross shape, and the remaining energy exploded, annihilating both of them and the air slash.

"Wing Attack!"

With the help of the smoke from the explosion, the big-mouthed bat quickly approached Ao Yu, with a pair of wings shining brightly, and hit Ao Yu's body hard.

"Dragon's Fury!"

Another fireball formed, chasing after the fleeing big-mouthed bat.Under Musashi's order, the big-mouthed bat turned around and used the air slash to fight back, trying to blow up Ao Yu's Dragon's Fury just like before.

The two cyan air blades fell into the fireball formed by Dragon's Wrath, but were swallowed in the blink of an eye. Not only was Dragon's Wrath not destroyed, but the energy of the swallowed air blade became even greater.

The big-mouthed bat, which had no time to dodge because of the counterattack, was hit head-on by Dragon's Wrath, and its fragile body was worse than that of the Abo monster just now. It fell straight from the air in the scorched black, and fell into the water.

"The big-mouthed bat loses its ability to fight!"

Because Musashi lost three elves, the game entered the intermission time again. The audience attracted by the continuous fierce collision finally took a breath, only to find that they were too involved just now, and some even forgot to breathe.

"That's all." Long Yi retracted Ao Yu, turned around and prepared to step down.

"Bastard, stop looking down on people!"

On the opposite side, Musashi finally lost the icy aura that he was barely pretending to be, and completely forgot that he was wearing a sexy dress with high slits at this time. There was a gasp.

"Come back! I ask to cancel the break and continue the game!"

"Oh?" Long Yi stopped and looked at the referee.

"If you agree, Long Yi, then the intermission can be canceled." The referee said seriously.

Having stirred up Musashi's anger just now, Long Yi naturally didn't want to give her time to calm down, not to mention that there was a calculating little Jiro on the sidelines.

But it can't be too obvious.

"Since you are eager to be eliminated, then I will satisfy you."

Nodding his head indifferently, Long Yi returned to his position, not caring about the rule that Musashi should be the first to fire, and directly let Ao Yu out again.

"Don't say I won't give you a chance to prove yourself." Long Yi said contemptuously.

In the dark, he took a peek at Ao Yu's back, and found that the color of the dragon's fins had dimmed a lot, and the roar had calmed down a bit. Apparently, two consecutive dragon's wrath calmed down Ao Yu's anger greatly.

Probably still able to support a shot.

Long Yi made a judgment.

Ao Yu's strength is actually very weak, but there is an angry force in its body. With the support of this force, its Dragon's Fury can exert an attack power that surpasses Ao Guang's and reaches the point where it is close to the limit value of the race.

This is the reason for killing Arbor in one hit!

According to Long Yi's calculations, Ao Yu in the full state can release the super-powerful dragon's wrath three times, and then he will fall into a state of depression, and his strength is worse than that of some wild tyrannosaurs.

"Arrogant boy, you will regret offending me! Go, Hei Lujia!"

Resembling a hellhound, Hei Luga, who is decorated with exoskeletons and skeletons all over his body, stands on the floating class. His flushed body seems to be able to see the flames burning inside his body, and his succubus-like tail sways slowly behind him.

"It's so rare! The fifth elf of Musashi is also a flash elf, it's Heluga!"

"The red Hei Lujia!" Long Yi was also surprised.

Hei Lujia looked at the water splashes around him in disgust, and sprayed two sparks from his nostrils.

"Hei Lujia, use Purgatory!"

"Ao Yu, use Dragon's Fury!"

The scorching heat is spreading, and the temperature in the air is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ao Yu roared, Dragon's Fury fired!
Scarlet hellfire erupted from Hei Lujia's mouth, spreading out in a fan shape, forming a raging sea of ​​flames directly on the water!
"This flame color..."

"Racial limit value!"

Two different flames collided together, creating a fierce conflict that exploded like a bomb.

Long Yi shielded his face with one hand, and the violent hurricane blew his clothes tightly against his body, outlining his toned figure.

So hot!

The scorching high temperature made people feel blind from the cold winter. In a trance, Long Yi seemed to see a pair of eyes lit up in the sea of ​​fire, and then Ao Yu's roar came from his ears, and then there was a violent vibration under his feet.


With a howl of a wolf, the flames soared into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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