Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 27 Dragon 1's First Monthly Exam

Chapter 27 Long Yi's First Monthly Exam ([-])

"This is really...unexpected." Miyamoto Mei's tone was complicated.

First, he solved the college strange talk that no one could solve for decades, and then he was immune to his natural pupil ability, and now he became the master of Yaodao Mo Yan and Shimada Ye Mirai's husband.

Ryuichi Miyazaki seems to be getting more and more mysterious, even the student council president Mei Miyamoto has developed a strong interest in him.

For the next few days, Long Yi came to learn Iai Dao from Shimada Ya every day, under the effect of 'Qi', his body became stronger and stronger, and his understanding of Iai also deepened day by day.

While Long Yi became stronger, Asaoka Satoshi did not stand still.


Tuesday night.

On the fourth floor of the teaching building, in front of the archives room belonging to the student union, clear footsteps sounded.

A boy in a hoodie, whose face could not be seen clearly in the shadows, walked over.

"You're late." Asaoka Satoshi said, he had been waiting for a long time.

"Stop talking nonsense, where are things?" the boy said impatiently.

Asaoka Tomo took out a card, which was an SD card, which recorded some details about the visitor.

Enough to make people drop out of school or even go to jail!

After confirming the authenticity of SD with his pocket phone, the man took out a key: "You have one night."

So the transaction is completed, and both parties get what they want.

"I hope you didn't leave a backup. If there is a next time, then Akasaka Sword will not be able to stop me."

"Don't worry about my credit. Of course, I don't want a third person to know what happened today."

The man didn't answer, but turned and walked away, but everyone knew his answer.

No one wants to be targeted by Satoshi Asaoka.

Opening the door with a key, Satoshi Asaoka walked into the file room that belonged exclusively to the student union.

It stores all kinds of information and information collected by the student unions from the day the Trainer Academy was born, many of which are not as detailed as the school's secret files.

Among them, of course, is the well-known Seven Unbelievable Legends of the academy.

Asaoka Satoshi quickly found the information he wanted, but as he read, his green eyebrows slowly frowned.

The situation was more difficult than he had imagined, and the legend of Geng Gui in the cemetery was more mysterious and terrifying than the one he encountered.

Putting down the materials, Asaoka Tomo accidentally found a notebook lying on the ground beside it, which seemed to be accidentally dropped by a member of the student union who was looking for materials here.

Randomly flipping through, this is a diary, and the person who recorded it was the assistant who assisted Meiya Miyamoto in managing the student union.

"September 4, sunny.

A big event happened today, that cold Shimada Ye unexpectedly took in an apprentice on behalf of his teacher, and gifted Mo Yan, the demon sword.It was rare for the president to lose his temper when he heard the news, and I was a little worried about that boy, after all, the relationship between the president and Ye Shimada..."

"April 4, overcast.

big news!I overheard the president who was taking a nap talking in his sleep. It turns out that the master Yaodao Moyan chose will marry the master who is silent. No wonder the president is so angry. May the Phoenix King bless that boy..."

Asaoka Tomo's eyes lit up.

As he secretly followed Ryuichi, he certainly knew that the boy in the diary was his target. Originally, Asaoka Satoshi thought that the relationship between Miyazaki Ryuichi and Miyamoto Mei would go further because of this, but he didn't expect the fact to be exactly the opposite...

He gradually had a plan in his mind.


April 4, Thursday, cloudy with light rain.

Long Yi and Honda walked on the road holding umbrellas, the fine rain curtain made the whole world a bit hazy.

clap clap~
A girl without an umbrella ran past with her schoolbag on her back.

"Hey! Meisha! Here!" Long recognized the person with a sharp glance, and hurriedly greeted him.

Takagi Misa turned her head back, glared at him, turned her head and continued to move forward, without the slightest intention to come and walk together.

"What happened to her?" Long Yi was taken aback.

Honda shook his head: "Who knows. By the way, I heard that you are with Shimada Ye every day after school these few days? Do you leave after ten o'clock every day?"

Ye Shimada, that's a celebrity in the school, and he's notoriously indifferent.

Long nodded and said: "Yes, I joined the Kendo Club, and I am studying with her."

Long, who was obsessed with getting stronger day by day, didn't notice it at all. After taking away a girl's first kiss while drunk, he threw her aside the next day, and then had sex with another beautiful girl for several days. What an asshole I am.

Chatting while walking, Zhong Longyi and Honda soon arrived at the classroom, today is the monthly exam day, and it is also the first important exam for the freshmen after coming to the Trainer Academy, the students in the class are all very nervous.

At nine o'clock in the morning, as the head teacher of Class C walked into the classroom, the exam officially began.

The written test was held in the morning. After Long Yi got the test paper, he quickly read it, and found that the whole test paper consisted of 10 multiple-choice questions, 10 true-false questions, 10 fill-in-the-blank questions, and 3 essay questions. 2 points for each question, 40 points in total; 1 point for each blank, 20 blanks, 20 points in total; 20 points for each essay question, 60 points in total.

"It's okay, it's okay, 20 multiple choice questions and true or false questions, you should be able to get a lot of right." Long Yi thought happily.

Multiple choice questions:
1. Assuming that three magnetites evolve at the same time when they meet, what is the result of the evolution? (____)

A: An ordinary three-in-one Magnemite. B: Three ordinary Magnemites.

C: A mutated three-in-one magneton. D: Three mutated three-in-one magnet monsters.

Long Yi: "..."

Long Yi knew that after Magneto evolved, it would be a three-in-one Magneto, but he didn't know if in this world, Magneto could evolve into a Three-in-one Magneto alone, or if three Magnetos had to combine to evolve into a three-in-one. Magneto.

And such extremely rare coincidences often have some unexpected results, so options C and D do not seem to be completely impossible.

Long Yi silently recited the multiple-choice formula from his previous life: three long and one short, choose the shortest, three short and one long, choose the longest, choose B if the length is different, and choose D if the levels are not uniform.The same length is A, and the same short is C. Copying is the main part, Mongolian is the supplement, and the combination of Mongolian and copying will definitely pass.

After a few seconds of silence, he filled in an A in the answer column.

After finishing the multiple choice questions, Long Yi came to the judgment question.

1. There is no obvious difference in appearance between male carp king carp and female carp king carp. ... (____)

Long Yi bit the cap of his pen, scratched his hair in entanglement, and wanted to sneak a look at the situation of other students, but just as soon as he raised his head, he met the cold eyes of the head teacher, which made him bow his head in fright.

The male king carp and the female king carp...

Who knows if there is any difference in appearance between the two, shouldn't the trainer's focus be on the question of 'how to increase the chance of carp king evolution'?

No matter, I have never heard of the carp king having a different shape, so it should be correct.

Long Yi Po and Wei Zi Po made a tick.

Look at the second question.

2. A north-facing nose always faces north. ... (____)

Ha, this is easy. You can know the answer just by looking at the name of this elf. It is simply a free question.


In this way, Long Yi finished the judgment questions and filled in the blank questions, leaving only the last three big questions.

(End of this chapter)

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