Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 28 Dragon 1's First Monthly Exam

Chapter 28 Long Yi's First Monthly Exam ([-])
Essay questions: 20 points each, 60 points in total.

one.Explain the origin of the lazy character of the lazy man.

two.The initial elf of the rookie trainer Xiaoyan is the Big Rock Snake. Please design a training plan for the Big Rock Snake and a follow-up elf capture plan for him.

three.Yamato City encountered elf riots due to excessive deforestation. As the gym trainer of Yamato City, you were entrusted by the mayor to take full responsibility for this matter.Please provide at least three countermeasures and describe the purpose, importance and feasibility of the suggestions.

After reading the three essay questions, Long Yi fell into thinking.

This is a completely different question from the previous multiple-choice questions, judgment questions, and fill-in-the-blank questions. If the previous questions test the trainer's mastery of various knowledge, then these three questions are to evaluate the trainer's own development direction .

The first question is a partial topic of knowledge, and it does not belong to the content taught in the usual class. If the trainer does not like to delve into these elf knowledge, it is basically impossible to answer it.

The second question belongs to the training category, which requires the trainer to have a clear plan for the future and have a certain understanding of various trainer professions.

The third question is to test the understanding of the profession of trainers, especially gym trainers, and the degree of mastery of "New Laws of Trainers".Only by knowing your own position can you understand what you can do and what you can't do. Otherwise, no matter how powerful a trainer is, he is just a ticking time bomb.

Long Yi gave up on the first question. Although there are characteristics in this world, they are still different from the characteristics of elves in memory.

Instead of saying it is a characteristic, Long Yi prefers to call it a characteristic.

For example, Arbor snakes in the game have one of the two characteristics of molt or intimidation, but here, all Arbor snakes have the ability to shed their skin, which is the instinct of snakes.

As for intimidation, for some humans and small elves in its recipes, Arbor snake has its own special effects of fear, but for elves such as Kuailong and Nido King, the so-called intimidation has become a joke.

Long Yi doesn't know why the lazy man is so lazy, this is a kind of elf that is very rare in Fengyuan, so naturally he can't answer.

The second question, Long Yi, refers to Xiaogang, the nanny of the protagonist Xiaozhi. The elf subjugation plan is basically several types of rock elves that are common in Kanto and Chengdu. The training plan also mainly reflects the hard characteristics of rock elves.

There is actually a pitfall in this question, which is about the plan to subdue elves in the future. In fact, in matching, it is necessary to take into account the rationality of the profession, the degree of cherishment, the breeding conditions and the increase in strength.

If you choose some unrealistic treasure elves just for the sake of strength, you will be greatly deducted points. In addition, if you choose the gym trainer route, then the choice of elves must be based on the local area. This is the restriction of occupational restrictions.

The main living areas of the Big Rock Snake are the Kanto and Chengdu areas, and they are also close to each other, so Long Yi puts the target elves on these two areas.

After finishing the second question, Long Yi turned to the third question.

Elf riots.

It's a bloody word.

If human beings want to develop, they must squeeze the living space of elves. Most people have a fearful and close attitude towards Pokémon.

They are afraid of being hurt by the powerful power of the elves, and want to hold this power in their hands, forming this weird mentality.

People don't want too many unstable factors in the place where they live, but they also want to have the convenience brought by elves.

When human behavior exceeds the tolerance limit of the elves, the so-called elf riots will occur.

This is the elf's counterattack!
From the battle of the Silver Mountain hundreds of years ago, to the attack of the agate jellyfish and the stinger jellyfish in Blue Pruchi a few months ago, this kind of elf riot has never stopped, and it will never stop in the future.

Every elf riot will result in the death of a large number of humans and elves, Long Yi has no intention of entangled in who is right and who is wrong, nor does he want to think about such philosophical issues.

He only knew that he was a human being, and his natural position was to stand on the human side.

Since he has no actual contact with such incidents, Long Yi can only rely on his own imagination to choose a few well-regulated suggestions. Although it is impossible to get too high a score, it is not enough to get a duck's egg.

After finishing the last question, Long Yi checked lazily, dropped the pen and became dazed.

The 90-minute exam time passed quickly. The students discussed the question just now in twos and threes. Long Yi knew that his score was not optimistic after listening to a few words.

But his mind is not on this.

That last question still had an impact on him.

Looking at the students in the class who were either annoyed and regretful because they got a wrong question, or proud and proud of getting a right question, Long Yi felt a bit out of place.

It's not because of the incompatibility caused by social barriers, but because of the difference in the concept of life.

People in this world have seen too many injuries caused by elves, so they can rationally face this bloody reality.

As for Long Yi, the thoughts before the time travel finally bound him, the last question of the examination paper pierced the false beauty like a sharp knife, and made him face the cruel reality.

Elves and humans, conflict and death.

Close your eyes, the picture in your mind is scary and sad.

"It's time to wake up." Long Yi whispered.

Then he opened his eyes, brown and black pupils reflecting reality.


In the afternoon is the actual combat exam. The first-year freshmen need to have a 1-on-3 battle, and the opponent is the teaching assistant of the college.

Due to the lack of manpower, the actual combat test will last for one and a half days.On Saturday, the written test, actual combat and daily class scores will be announced, and students who fail the lower test will receive their own punishment tasks.

Long Yi's exam was in the second round in the afternoon, after a short wait, it was his turn.

The opponent was a man with long hair and a shawl, who looked like an artist.

"Now begins the assessment battle between Miyazaki Ryuichi and assistant teacher Fujii Jiro in class 1 C! The number of Pokémon to be used is limited to 3, and Fujii Jiro will start first. Only Miyazaki Ryuichi has the right to change Pokémon, and the time is unlimited."

The two sides bowed to each other to show respect, and then Fujii Jiro went first.

"My starter is this!"

A sprite whose body is mainly light yellow and orange appears on the field.It has very sharp claws and well-developed thigh muscles, its eyes are piercing, and its performance of jumping back and forth is full of fighting spirit.

The strong chicken, recognized by the Hoenn Regional Alliance as the best of the three initial elves, is the evolution of the fire elf fire pheasant. It has almost no shortcomings, and it is a very good fighting elf.

"Fire element? Then I choose you!"

The poke ball was opened, and the red lobster minion fell onto the field.

"Little Lobster, it's up to you this time. If you win, I'll give you 3 chicken legs." Long Yi said.


The lobster soldier was immediately full of fighting spirit.

"Now I declare, the game, start!"

(End of this chapter)

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