Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 29 Dragon 1's First Monthly Exam

Chapter 29 Long Yi's First Monthly Exam ([-])
"Little Lobster, use the bubble light!" Long Yi chose to strike first.

A large number of blue bubbles flew out of the lobster soldier's pincers. This kind of water bubbles did not have such a strong impact as other water-type tricks, but they would explode, and sometimes they were even more terrifying.

"Rush up." Fujii Jiro said, "use grab."

Hearing this, the strong chicken leaned forward with its upper body, its powerful legs burst out with excellent speed, and its sharp claws pierced the blisters in front of it one by one, without even letting the bursting explosion affect itself.

"So fast!"

Faster, faster than any elf I have seen before. Although it is an elf for exams, good diet and training still make this strong chicken far surpass Tongji.

This is the power of trainers, they can make an ordinary elf burst out with extraordinary energy!

In a daze for a moment, the strong chicken had already arrived in front of the lobster soldier.

"Use Chain Kick!"


The strong chicken is very fast, it can kick 10 consecutive kicks in one second, and ordinary chain kicks are more deadly in its hands.

Long Yi hastily shouted: "Quickly use it to harden!"

After the lobster minion hit the third attack, he finally managed to use Harden.

With a more dull sound, the lobster soldier who raised his pincers in a defensive posture was kicked out.

"The reaction is not bad, what should you do next." Fujii Jiro brushed his long hair and said, but he didn't let the strong chicken take advantage of the victory to pursue.

"Use Dig!"

The lobster minion disappeared from the field.

"Oh, did you choose to sneak attack?" Fujii Jiro raised his spirits a little.

After all, the strong chicken is an elf belonging to the fire department, and it is not so strong that it ignores the restraint of attributes.

The arena was very quiet, and Li Zhuang Chicken looked around, but he didn't find any trace of his opponent, as if the lobster minions had disappeared.

Long took a look at his opponent. Unique moves like digging holes can often put a lot of pressure on the opponent, and some trainers and elves with bad mentality will show their flaws because of this.

But Long Yi is doomed to be disappointed this time. As an assistant teacher of the academy, Fujii Jiro has rich combat experience, so he doesn't care about this trick at all.

Helpless, he could only let the lobster soldiers attack.

"Use Crab Punch!"

Strong Chicken stepped up his guard, but nothing happened.

Just as it was looking around, a certain stone on the ground under its feet jumped slightly, and then cracked a tiny gap.

The attack comes from below!

Fujii Jiro realized this, and calmly said, "Jump up!"

The lobster soldier jumped out of the ground waving his white-lit fist, but the strong chicken, who was reminded by Fujii Jiro, had already taken off one step earlier. With its strong jumping ability, it perfectly avoided the lobster soldier's attack.

"Use jet flame!"

Crimson flames descended from the sky, scorching the body of the lobster soldier.

With the fighting power of the elves, the observation ability of the trainer, the overall view of the battle and the ability to grasp opportunities, Long Yi is at a disadvantage in all aspects!
"Damn it, use the bubble light against the spray flame!"

The increased power of the foam light blasted the jet flames by virtue of its attributes, and then went upstream. However, at this moment, the strong chicken suddenly stopped attacking, and was hit sideways by a small amount of foam, falling freely.

"Serial kick!"

The lobster minion was kicked away again.

"Courage is commendable, but it's useless." Fujii Jiro shook his head.

"So strong, is this the strength of a teaching assistant?"

When I watched the battle from the sidelines before, Long Yi felt that the battle ended too quickly, other than that, I didn't have any special feelings, but when I went on the field in person, I realized that I was suppressed everywhere, and the whole battle was under the control of the opponent. .

"Come back, little lobster soldier." Long Yi retracted the little lobster soldier, turned his head and looked around, the battles in other venues were almost overwhelmingly suppressed.

Fighting next to him was a boy who didn't like to talk in class. He was simply struck out at the moment and was crying in grief.

Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, Fujii Jiro asked, "Why, do you want to admit defeat?"

"Admit defeat?" Long looked at the elf ball in his hand, "No wonder! Go, Abo Snake!"

The light purple Arbor snake landed on the field, staring at its opponent.

"Abo Snake, use the black mist!"

Abo Snake opened its mouth and spit out a large amount of black mist. The mist quickly diffused, covering a large space and covering most of the battlefield.

These fogs can effectively block the vision of Lizhuang Chicken and Fujii Jiro, hindering their offense and defense, but for Arbor Snake, which has thermal imaging vision, it is nothing.

Long Yidao: "Attack, use tight restraints to restrict the movement of the strong chicken!"

Fujii Jiro frowned. The strong chicken didn't have a particularly effective way to deal with the situation at hand. If it was a normal battle, he would choose to change the elf, but the assessment regulations restricted him.

After hesitating for a moment, Fujii Jiro gave the strong chicken the command to sweep with jet flames.It can be clearly seen that a red line appeared in the black mist, and it was turning clockwise.But the flames did not disperse the black mist. The mist evolved from evil energy is different from ordinary water mist, and it is difficult to evaporate.

Not long after, the red line in the black mist suddenly disappeared, and the frightened cry of a strong chicken sounded in the mist.

It's Arbor Snake, it got it!
"Use the poisonous fang!"

The strong chicken is a medium-sized elf, and its strength is not weak, but its strength is mainly concentrated on its legs, which does not help much to break free from the entanglement of the Arbor snake.

With the injection of the poison, the venom weakened the strength of the strong chicken to resist, but the snake's tightness became more and more tight, and finally the strong chicken fell into a coma and was thrown into the air by the snake.

Fujii Jiro took back the strong chicken with a poke ball.

The referee raised a red flag: "The Lizhuang chicken loses its ability to fight!"

"Go, Cammy Turtle!" Fujii Jiro released his second elf, "Use high-speed rotation!"

A gust of wind appeared in the center of the black mist, gradually forming a tornado, and a large amount of mist was brushed into the sky by this tornado, revealing the true colors of the battlefield, including the Arbor snake hiding in it.

"Rocket Headbutt!"

The dragon defended against its attack early in the morning, "Use digging!"

The smoke and dust are everywhere, and the blue Kami turtle stands on the ground, and the ears and tail, which symbolize longevity, are very beautiful.At its feet there was a black hole, which the Arbor snake had dug.

Fujii Jiro felt a little annoyed by Long Yi's troublesome tricks one after another, especially as the only assistant on the field who was defeated by a freshman and made him feel embarrassed: "Use the wave of water in the hole."

The wave of water hit the Arbor snake, but after passing through the long tunnel, the impact force of the water flow was gone, and it did little damage to the Arbor snake.

"So you are nothing more than that." Long Yi said.

"What did you say!"

Before Fujii Jiro could finish speaking, Long Yi quickly made Abo Snake attack.

"Use poison needles!"

Abo Snake got out of the ground and fired poisonous needles at Kami Turtle. Although most of them were blocked by the turtle shell, there were still a few hits.

Then it sneaked into the ground before the Kami turtle turned around and used the water gun to fight back, shifted to another direction, and continued to attack.

The body structure of the Cammy Turtle is doomed that it cannot turn around too fast, and the Abo Snake accumulates more and less, and slowly a trace of purple appears on the face of the Cammy Turtle—it is poisoned!
With a flash in Long Yi's eyes, he gave a new order: "Tighten the fangs after binding them!"

The Arbo snake drilled out from the original hole, entangled the Kami turtle, and the purple poisonous energy formed a pair of crystal-like energy fangs in its mouth.

"Shrink the shell!"

At the critical moment, Fujii Jiro let Kami turtle use the shrink shell to avoid the attack of the poisonous fang in time, but the situation is not optimistic.

(End of this chapter)

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