Chapter 277
December [-], Saturday, heavy rain.

Quartz Plateau Shueisha Kanto Branch, Long Yi got up from the bed, lifted the quilt, pulled off the pajamas on the chair next to him, put it on, and walked to the bedside.

The location of his room is excellent. From the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see twelve villas belonging to senior members in the distance, and a large lake in the center.

The heavy rain was pouring, pattering on the windows, and the sky and the earth were misty.

In a trance, there seemed to be a black shadow passing by in the artificial lake between the twelve villas. It was as long as a snake and its eyes were like lamps.

According to Baishi Zhangyan, it was a rice spoon snake, more than ten meters long and several tons in weight, and it was the trump card of a certain senior member.

There is no doubt that this is an element-level elf.

Looking at the lake surface, Long Yi didn't know what he was thinking.

On the quilt behind him, a black-furred elf with a fox tail moved his eyelids, opened his eyes, and yawned lazily, his voice was like a cat or a tiger, like a lynx like a leopard.

Hearing the movement, Long Yi turned around and said with a smile: "Wake up, let's go eat together when we wake up."

Hui Yuan stood up, shook his hair, jumped to Long Yi's feet, and rubbed each other affectionately.

After washing up and changing into a set of samurai uniforms, Long Yi took Hui Yuan to the restaurant for dinner.

The benefits of Shueisha members are good. Although they all cost money, many times you can’t buy the services you want with money.

But here, don't worry about that.

There was already a pale-haired old man eating alone in the restaurant, it was Bai Shizhangyan who had an employment agreement with Long Yi.

"Good morning, Master Baishi." Long Yi greeted.

He always respects those who are capable.

Bai Shizhangyan was still dressed in the same old style, with a flamboyant purple suit, a dark yellow round hat, and a rosewood walking stick, the head of which was carved in the shape of a dragon's head.

"Sit down and eat first."

Baishi Zhangyan is very interesting.In terms of ability, he is the most knowledgeable and brilliant among the trainers that Long Yi has come into contact with; in terms of character, he is also rare and weird.

As a former master trainer, Baishi Zhangyan does not put on a condescending tone, nor does he speak in an educational tone, but he is also indifferent to whether others respect him or not.

It seems that to this old man, no matter whether it is Long Yi or the members who traded with him before, they are all just a trading partner.

The relationship between the two parties is a business relationship, which is mutually beneficial. He doesn't care about the redundant friendship other than that, and deliberately rejects it.

Just like a lonely old man, living silently in this world.

Long Yi has never seen Bai Shi Zhangyan have any friends, or relatives.

"I want to exchange secret skills. Do you have any suggestions?" Long Yi said.

After Kawashima Qinzi's emergency mission reward arrived, Long Yi's net worth skyrocketed, and he was naturally eligible to exchange secret skills.

The secret skills that mid-level members of Shueisha can exchange are only the alliance's three major attribute secret skills, the fire-type spark dragon sword, the water-type water pressure cannon, and the grass-type Senluo maze.

Long Yi has completed 3 tasks successively, the entrustment of Hualan gymnasium, guarding the lake of the tyrannosaurus carp, and the promotion task of the Silver Mountain Conference.

Among them, the extension of the date of the Tyrannosaurus Dragon Lake was proposed by Long Yi, and the alliance did not release a second mission, so although there are a lot of reward points, the number of missions is not counted.

The three missions gave Long Yi 200 million points in total, and one mission that could be exchanged for March.

In addition, Long Yi has a monthly salary of 10 points for the past few months, but these are used as Baishi Zhangyan's salary, which is still [-] less.

In addition, in order to help the iron-clawed lobster evolve, Long Yi spent 20 points to buy a big wolf dog dog treasure.

Therefore, Long Yi only has 170 million points + one quota for the March Moon-level task at his disposal.

With this fund, apart from Huohua Tianlongjian, he couldn't afford it, and the other two secret skills, Long Yi, had money to start with.

But for such a large amount of business, he must ask Baishi Zhangyan for advice. After all, the salary of [-] points per month is there, so it is not a waste?
Bai Shizhangyan finished his porridge in a leisurely manner, wiped his mouth, and said: "Secret skills have too much influence on the outcome, so every trainer will want to obtain more secret skills if they have the ability. But getting The cost of secret skills is too high, and at this time you need to weigh the pros and cons to determine what you need and what you don't; what you must have and what is dispensable."

"First, let me introduce these three secret techniques to you."

Bai Shizhangyan picked up three small biscuits and put them on the table, as a metaphor for three secret skills.

"The first is the water pressure cannon. This secret technique is very simple, and it is characterized by great power and fast speed. The elf who learns the water pressure cannon will generate an additional water bag in the body, and usually store a large amount of water system energy in the water bag. With this water bladder and practice, you can quickly condense a powerful water pressure cannon."

Long nodded.

"There's nothing to say about the water pressure cannon. It's just an ordinary attack trick. The disadvantage is that the size of the water bladder is fixed. After the energy of the water system inside is exhausted, the secret skill cannot be used. The number of times and power are fixed."

The underlying meaning is that the water pressure cannon has no room for improvement.

Bai Shizhangyan pointed his finger on the second biscuit: "Then the sparking dragon sword. Compared with the water pressure cannon, the sparking dragon sword is much better. Its effect is to generate a long flame sword, and the elf holds this Sword fighting, the fighting method is flexible, the consumption is small, and the battery life is high. As long as the fire energy in the elf's body is not exhausted, the Spark Sky Dragon Sword will not disappear."

"But!" Bai Shi Zhangyan ordered some biscuits, "The first shortcoming of the Sparkling Dragon Art is that it can only be used in close combat. Although it can be thrown from a distance, it has no ability to recover; the second shortcoming is the conditions of use! Because it is energy Long sword, so not all elves are suitable for this trick. The most suitable targets are flame monkeys, flame chickens and duck-billed fire dragons, followed by fire-breathing dragons. Other elves are not suitable for learning this trick, even Hard to even use it."

Long Yi's current fire-type spirits are Huiyuan and Gyarados, both of which are not suitable for the Spark Sky Dragon Sword, so he silently passed it in his heart.

"The last move, Senluo Labyrinth."

The first two are offensive secret skills, but the Senluo maze is a restrictive secret skill.

Baishi Zhangyan said: "The water pressure cannon is an enhanced version of the water cannon; the sparking dragon sword is a completely self-created secret technique; the Senluo maze is inspired by the ultimate trick of the grass system to harden plants."

"I haven't exchanged this trick before, so I don't know the specific principle. I only know that if you want to learn the Senluo Maze, you must first learn to harden the plants. After using it, the elf itself will not be able to move, and a large number of hardened plants will form a maze around it. , This labyrinth is extremely defensive, there will be thorns to attack at any time, and it changes from time to time, it is a secret technique that combines defense and attack."

These three tricks are actually designed by the alliance for Yusanjia. The water pressure cannon has the highest practicability, and many other elves can learn it, but the potential is the lowest; the spark dragon sword has improved in all aspects, but it is not suitable for fire-breathing dragons. It is completely unsuitable for fiery beasts.

As for the Senluo Labyrinth, the preconditions limit most of the grass-type elves to death, and it is a secret skill that only the four royal families can learn.

The shadow of the main force of Long Yicao has not been seen yet. It is obviously impossible to exchange for the Senluo Maze. The Spark Sky Dragon Sword has also been passed. The only thing that is still useful is the water pressure cannon.

"Water pressure cannon, I don't suggest you exchange it either." Baishi Zhangyan seemed to see through Long Yi's thoughts, shaking his head.

In his opinion, the water pressure cannon can only increase Long Yi's strength to a limited extent, only two Gyarados can learn it, and there is no place in the body of the iron-clawed lobster for the water bladder.

Moreover, the upper limit of this secret technique is too low, so it can be said that the cost performance is extremely low.

Of course, he was only in charge of explaining his own thoughts, as to whether to change or not, it still depends on Long Yi's own opinion.

"Actually, you can trade with me, or with other members." Baishi Zhangyan gave Long Yi another way.

"With you?"

"This is the list of mid-level club members that can be redeemed, and they can only be used by themselves after exchange, but each of the other mid-level club members is one of the best elite trainers. There are some coincidences, or family inheritance, that have mastered other secret skills."

These are all exchangeable, the price is high or low, and the secret skills are good or bad.

Of course, in order to prevent the proliferation of secret skills, there are strict restrictions on such transactions. After purchase, they can only be used by themselves, and they will be notarized by the alliance. Those who violate them will receive huge penalties, and even go to jail.

"Do you think I don't have a secret technique?" Baishi Zhangyan said, "Not only do I have one, but I also have a secret technique that is very suitable for you. It comes from the Chengdu Dragon Envoy family."

The secret technique that Bai Shizhangyan mentioned is called Double Dragon Seizing the Pearl. It is a kind of training secret technique that requires two dragon-type or pseudo-dragon-type elves to practice, which can greatly speed up the growth of elves.

If one of the two elves is strong and the other is weak, then the growth rate of the weak one will become very impressive, and regardless of its own foundation, the bottleneck is the sum of the aptitudes of the two elves.

In short, this is a very terrifying training secret technique, and it is precisely this secret technique that the Dragon Envoy family can greatly shorten the growth period of the miniature dragons for hundreds of years, and quickly cultivate powerful fast dragons.

As soon as Long Yi heard it, his heart moved.

Ao Yu's potential is very high, but the problem is that its foundation is very poor, and it is difficult to make up for it even by using the system. It takes a water stone to increase the energy intensity of the water system. Who can afford this price?
But if you have the secret skill of winning pearls by two dragons, then cooperate with Ao Guang to train, Ao Yu's strength will improve by leaps and bounds, and quickly reach the same racial limit as Ao Guang!
As for Ao Yu, who has a heart of anger, the probability of breaking through the element level is far higher than that of Ao Guang.

That is to say, if all goes well, Long Yi will soon be able to train his own element-level elves!
Heart pounding, Long Yi and Bai Shizhangyan, who were slightly moved on the surface, bargained and finally completed the transaction at a price of 120 million points.

Although this secret technique has a great background, it is also very limited, and at most you can only raise a few elves to the limit of the race, and you must have a dragon/pseudo-dragon elf with the limit of the race in advance, and you can't play the biggest leapfrog challenge feature of the secret technique, so The price is actually not that high.

Ren and Oda were called as witnesses, and after investigation, it was proved that Baishi Zhangyan was indeed qualified to sell the secret technique of Shuanglong Seizing Pearl, and then the two parties completed the transaction.

This only means that Long Yi has the right to use it, he cannot sell Shuanglong Duozhu to a third person, nor can he teach it to others.

If it was Long Yi who wrote it in the diary and someone stole it, Long Yi would also bear criminal responsibility.

So far, Long Yi's points have shrunk to 50, and the March-level mission is still there.

"Not only secret skills, but also other things don't have to be exchanged with Shueisha. This is the worst choice for a person who has no channels and connections. You spent 20 points to exchange for the wolf dog treasure. If you tell me, 15 You can buy it."

Long Yi was speechless, and had a new understanding of the value of Baishi Zhangyan.

"What about the metal coating?" Long Yi asked.This is a must for the Flying Mantis to evolve into the Giant Pincer Mantis.

"50." Bai Shi Zhangyan said, this price is a full 20 lower than the exchange price in Shueisha, and it is also all the remaining points in Long Yi's hand.

"It's changed!" Long Yi said decisively.

3 Moon-level missions are also valuable. If Long Yi is not suitable for the three major secret skills of the alliance, it does not mean that other people are not suitable either.

Such a task quota is worth at least 50 points, and the actual value is even higher.

After all, tasks take time and dedication to complete, and buying tasks is not the same as buying points.

"I have a dragon ball, which is the dragon ball of the element-level fast dragon, and it is also a necessity for practicing double dragons to win the ball." Baishi Zhangyan said with a smile.

Although this element-level energy treasure is rare, the energy contained in it is too powerful to be used. In fact, the actual value is not much higher than ordinary attribute treasures, and the collection value is more than the use value.

If not, the original Akasaka sword would not have been treated as an ordinary poison pearl to Long Yi.

"Master Baishi, you..." Long Yi wanted to cry, but suppressed the excitement in his heart, and made a deal with Baishi Zhangyan.

So far, Long Yi's points and missions are all cleared.

Back in the room, Long Yi carefully opened the backpack, revealing an orange bead the size of a human head inside.

Dragon Ball!

Element-level Dragon Ball!

"Master, master, after absorbing this dragon ball, you can open up another dimension!" Ji Laqi appeared out of thin air, and said crisply.

Long Yi shook his head: "No hurry."

At the very least, Ao Yu has to be raised to the limit value of the race first.

(End of this chapter)

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