Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 278 Secret Technique - Two Dragons Capture the Pearl!

Chapter 278 Secret Technique - Two Dragons Capture the Pearl!
Long Yi knew that the deal with Baishi Zhangyan was definitely not the lowest price, but he didn't care.

If the points are not used, they are just a number, meaningless.

How many points he spent, and whether the other party earned more was not what Long Yi cared about, he only cared about whether he got what he wanted, and the price was within the acceptable range.

That's enough.

If you really want to compare pennies and pennies and don't give others a little sweetness, no one will trade with you over time.

Both the Dragon Ball and the metal coating are real objects, certified by Shueisha.

The first thing Long Yi studied was the newly acquired secret technique of Double Dragon Seizing Pearl.

This secret skill is not complicated. Compared with the last dread demon obtained, it is a bit too simple.

The secret technique is divided into three parts, texture, roar, and dragon ball.

If you want to learn this secret technique, you first need to let the two dragon/pseudo-dragon elves learn to use their own dragon energy to draw corresponding patterns on their bodies, which cannot be one inch longer or shorter, neither thick nor thin.

Secondly, the two elves need to make specific roars during practice, and the frequency, number of times, and tone must not be wrong.

Third, it is necessary to prepare a dragon ball left behind by an element-level dragon elf after death.

It's very simple, so simple that if someone is smart enough, he can learn it just by looking at it.

Therefore, this secret skill is very special, when practicing, you need to find a place where no one is around, otherwise, if someone learns it secretly, it will be Long Yi's responsibility.

The so-called time does not wait for me, seize the day and night!

Although the end of the new year was approaching, Long Yi didn't delay even a day, and left the Quartz Plateau by helicopter in the afternoon of the day the transaction was completed.

Where did he go?
no one knows.

Chinese New Year has its benefits.

It's Chinese New Year, even if it's a trainer who travels all year round, one or two will return to their families, and no matter how bad they are, they will find a city to get rid of some loneliness.

Therefore, at this time of year, there are the fewest humans in the wild.


In the Viridian Forest, by a small river.

This is a small river in the forest without a name. As the largest forest in Kanto, no one knows how many such nameless rivers there are in the Viridian Forest.

And on the bank of this small river, there is a dark brown wooden house.

It was a hunter's hut, where early hunters would sometimes spend the night too far into the forest to return home.

After many years, this abandoned hut has regained its vitality, and a young man with a travel bag lived in it.

"However, that's it." Long Yi said with satisfaction.

The most difficult case to solve in the world is improvisation, killing a stranger who has no connection at all and no reason;

After tidying up the house briefly, Long Yi found that most of the furniture was still in good condition, not too damaged to be unusable.

the next day.

"Come out, Ao Guang, Ao Yu!"

One red and one black, two ferocious tyrannosaurus appeared in the river, their roars shook countless waves, green caterpillars and unicorns fled hurriedly from the nearby big trees, a large number of carp kings jumped out of the water, and a few A few walking grass pretending to be plants trembled and panicked.

Ordinary Gyarados are the overlords of a river, let alone these two of Long Yi's.

"I've shown you the lines and roar roads, let's get in touch now." Long Yiyi said.

He's a New Year's Eve, so he hid here all the way, just to let the two elves practice Double Dragon Catch the Pearl, so naturally he won't waste time.

Ao Guang nodded, a cyan energy line appeared on his body, and then moved slowly.

Ao Yu next to her was originally rebellious, but after being glared at by Ao Guang, she obediently obeyed like a little daughter-in-law.

Long Yi moved a stool and sat by the side to observe. Once there was a problem with the two tyrannosaurus patterns, he would correct it immediately.

As for the other elves, they can't take care of training for the time being.

This step is not difficult at all.

Ao Guang's talent is outstanding, it took two days to draw the correct pattern, and the moment it was completed flickered on it, which was a sign of success.

Compared with Ao Guang, Ao Yu's qualifications are undoubtedly much worse, and his personality is irritable and irritable. Such meticulous work is as difficult for him as it is for Li Kui to embroider flowers.

But with Ao Guang around, Ao Yu's anger calmed down, and her self-motivation was as high as 1000%. Although she was stupid, hard work can make up for it. After 10 days of painting, she also successfully completed it.

After the texture is the roar, the cadence.This is relatively simple, and it took two Gyarados a day to master the skill.

After the preparatory work is completed, it is the turn of the formal training.

On this day, light rain and fog.

Long Yi walked out of the hut, holding a dragon ball the size of a human head in his hand, and as he approached, Ao Guang Ao Yu, who was sleeping at the bottom of the river, also woke up and surfaced.

The two tyrannosaurus knew that today was the real training, and their four fist-sized eyeballs were staring at the dragon ball in Long Yi's hand, breathing heavily.

Ao Guang's golden beard is upturned, and Ao Yu's red beard is curved down.

"Go." Long Yi took a deep breath and tossed the dragon ball high.

Ao Guang was the first to let out a furious roar, his body lit up with flickering cyan lines in one breath, and then jumped forward, about to bite the dragon ball in his mouth.

This is the roar of another Gyarados, it is Ao Yu!
Normally, Ao Yu would never dare to fight against Ao Guang, but at this moment, the dragon balls glowed, and the patterns glowed, and the lines on Ao Yu's body subconsciously condensed. The lips pushed out.

The glowing dragon ball sinks into the water.

Ao Yu dived directly into the water, opened his mouth and bit the dragon ball.

Suddenly a strong force came from behind, and Ao Yu's several hundred kilograms body was pulled out of the water by that force, and the dragon ball he just bitten was also thrown out, flying high into the air.

Ao Guang spat out Ao Yu's tail, urged his surfing skills, and set off a huge wave to rush towards Dragon Ball.

Ao Yu turned around and shot out the destructive death light, using the reaction force to fly into the air, and then came to the top of the dragon ball first.

One dragon, one bead, and one dragon, the three have distinct layers, and the rays of light on their bodies complement each other, gradually forming a whole.

"This is... Double Dragon Seizes the Pearl?"

Long Yi murmured.

Different dragon/pseudo-dragon elves have different mirror images for learning this secret skill. The combined resonance of lines, roars and dragon balls will stimulate the deepest instinct in their blood, so the scenes of capturing the beads are also different.

The video that Bai Shizhangyan gave to Long Yi showed two miniature dragons grabbing pearls, gentle and cute.

But in front of him, there are two mutated Gyarados, fierce and savage.

Half an hour later, the competition gradually subsided, the lines were hidden, and the dragon ball was dim.

After all, it was Ao Guang who was stronger and won the Dragon Ball without a doubt.

However, Ao Guang himself has reached the limit of his own race, and there is not much benefit in practicing Shuanglong Zhuzhuzhu. It is Ao Yu, who is in a weak position, who has really improved.

Long took a look, and in just half an hour, Ao Yu's major attributes rose by 5 percentage points.

The effect is amazing!

"It's no wonder that other people in this world have no systematic help, but so many people have cultivated race-limited and even element-level elves!" Long Yi was stunned.

Like him, those who were cultivated to the limit at the early childhood stage, and then evolved and naturally grew to the limit, belonged to the super high-quality elves who were unique in thousands, geniuses among geniuses.

And if an adult elf is subdued, but is very emotional, or very talented, but missed the best cultivation period, what should I do?

It doesn't matter, as long as you have cultivation-type secret skills, you can still come from behind!
Even, Long Yi guessed that there are other ways to make the elves reach the limit value of the race.

After all, all roads lead to Rome, and there are plenty of geniuses in this world.


half a month later.

One red and one black, the two ferocious Gyarados each use destructive death light to attack each other. The powerful energy light can hardly be seen directly, and its power is evenly matched.

"It's really scary, it's only been half a month." Long Yidian opened the system panel, and Ao Yu's information was completely changed.

12. Ao Yu: A special Gyarados that was forced to evolve for some reason. Its powerful pain and anger allowed it to master the power of anger.

Elf Race: Gyarados
Attribute: Dragon/Water/Evil

Status: healthy
Age: 7 years old
Personality: irritable

Talent: Heart of Rage

Heart of Anger: The intense anger that comes from the heart changed its heart when it evolved, thus possessing the power to master anger.

Amity: 70 (orange)

In half a month, Ao Yu has grown to the limit of the perfect race that most elves of trainers can't reach in their lifetime!
This is the cultivation secret skill, the power of Double Dragon Playing Pearl!

Of course, such a terrifying effect is also based on Ao Guang who has the perfect limit in Long Yi first.

Ao Guang suddenly withdrew to destroy the death light, tilted his head, and the golden energy beam passed by its ear, blowing off a big tree behind it.

Gold, blue, red, blue, the four colors of light finally condensed in Ao Guang, and finally each light penetrated into a tooth respectively, and the four big teeth became four colors.

Seeing this, Ao Yu stopped to destroy the death light, the dragon fins on his back were shining brightly, and a black and red Tai Chi energy ball lit up in his throat.

After reaching the racial limit, Ao Yu also awakened her own exclusive skills.

"Ao Guang's exclusive skill - Annihilate Death Light!"

"Ao Yu's exclusive skill - Dragon's Breath!"

Gold, blue, red, and blue energy beams are emitted from Ao Guang's four teeth, and spirally wound on the way to form a four-color energy beam.

The black and red Taiji energy ball finally exploded in Ao Yu, spitting out a stream of flames, the color was black and red, and the red was black.

The two terrible tricks collided together, resulting in a huge explosion. The terrible hurricane blew countless big trees to their knees, and a song of leaves was played in the perennial green Viridian forest.

Long Yi raised his head, the sun was high and the sun was shining brightly.


The corners of his mouth hooked slightly, and the young man thought in his heart: It's not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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