Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 279 Secondary Plane—Boundless Sea!

Chapter 279 Secondary Plane—Boundless Sea!

"Jirachi, absorb the Dragon Balls."

After Ao Yu reached the limit value of the race, the Dragon Ball and the secret technique of Shuanglong Seize the Ball temporarily had no place to be used. Long Yi directly chose to let the system absorb it and open up a new secondary plane.

"Good master!" Ji Laqi said happily, the eyes on the stomach under the pajamas quietly opened a gap.

No, this description is not correct. It should be said that the eye has already opened a gap, but now it is only enlarged.

【drop!In energy absorption, the current progress is 0%! 】


The element-level dragon ball in Long Yi's hand suddenly cracked open, and a large amount of cyan smoke suddenly appeared in the dark dragon ball.The smoke billowed violently, vaguely forming the head of a fast dragon and roaring fiercely at Long Yi.

it hurts!

In an instant, extreme pain fell on Long Yi's body, all the veins all over his body suddenly tensed up, his muscles and bones were convulsed, and the protruding tendons twisted and twisted under the skin like little snakes.

Damn it!Forget the pain of absorbing the energy crystal nucleus last time!

The progress bar is increasing bit by bit, and Long Yi's pain is also increasing bit by bit. Ji Laqi, who is flying in mid-air, loses his eyesight, and the mechanical and single boards have to use the same intervals to report the progress without ups and downs. .

After all, it is not a real life!
Long Yi sighed like this, knowing that Ji Laqi's cuteness and emotions are all programmed like a robot.

At this moment, Long Yi can only make sure that he doesn't pass out from the pain by thinking about these things to distract himself.

A few minutes, maybe a longer or shorter time, but in Long Yi's eyes, it seemed as long as a year.

Finally, the energy in the dragon ball was completely absorbed, and the dragon ball lost all its color, like a cracked large glass ball, slipped from Longyi's hand, sank into the water and disappeared.

"It's finally over." Long Yi sat up from the ground, his back was covered with mud, and his clothes were drenched with sweat.

I don't know if it's my illusion, I didn't pay much attention last time, but this time Long Yi felt that his body seemed to become stronger.

He squeezed his fist, but nothing seemed to change.

Ji Laqi shivered, his big dark eyes regained their spirit, and he became that cute little one who could act like a spoiled child again.

"Master, master, the secondary plane has been successfully opened~"

He stretched out his hand happily and swiped in the air, a rectangular space appeared in front of Long Yi, inside was a thick cyan mist, which represented tens of thousands of dragon element energy essences!

Equivalent to a hundred ordinary dragon balls!
"For some special reason, this secondary plane is very compatible with Ao Guang and Ao Yu, and it can completely accommodate two elves to enter together at the same time. Does the master need to put in the elves now?"

"Put it in immediately." Long Yi said.

As for the special reason, from Long Yi's point of view, it is probably because Ao Yu and Ao Guang used this dragon ball to practice Double Dragon Seizing the Pearl, and the three parties had a connection.


Two ordinary elf balls appeared in the secondary plane at the same time, and then Ao Yu Aoguang was released, and then the elf balls collided and exploded.

【Ding!Ao Guang has got rid of the control of the elf ball and is signing a contract! 】

【Ding!Ao Yu has got rid of the control of the elf ball and is signing a contract! 】

Two lines of two dragons formed a pattern and fell in the air, submerging into the middle of Ao Guang's and Ao Yu's foreheads respectively, and then disappeared.

[The contract has been signed! 】X2
At the same time, the font of the data about the two elves in the system panel also changed from black to gold.

[Target confirmation, start to generate the corresponding environment. 】

A large amount of cyan mist in this misty space sank, gradually turning into cyan water droplets, and countless water droplets formed the ocean.

Whirlpools appeared out of thin air in the cyan ocean. Ao Guang and Ao Yu fell into the water and slid in and out of each vortex like ducks in water. When they were tired from playing, they could sink to the bottom of the water and rest peacefully in a crystal palace-like dragon palace on the bottom of the sea.

"The secondary plane - the boundless vast sea was successfully generated!"

The plane was created successfully, Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief, after comforting Ao Guang and Ao Yu for a while, he waved his hand to make Ji Laqi retreat.

If it is real, Seven Star Wishing Star Dragon One will certainly establish a good relationship, but this is just an artificial assistant introduced by the system, similar to Siri, Xiao Ai, etc., to deal with some simple problems, naturally there will be no emotion.

"The two sub-planes solve the problem of food and housing for the three elves with the largest appetite, and staying in them can be said to be exercising at any time, so there is no need to worry about the problem of declining strength."

Long Yi was very satisfied.

The strength of the elves is not static, and naturally they will not be able to sit back and relax just because they have reached the limit value of the race.

People still have birth, old age, sickness and death, let alone elves?
Sickness, old age, chronic illness, injury, nutrition, laziness...

A series of reasons may cause the strength of elves to retreat, and a certain amount of training is indispensable to maintain it.

Therefore, many people look down on trainers who travel around.

Because they may be well-informed, and their strength may not be weak, but the long-term travel and lack of external conditions will inevitably lead to a decline in the strength of the elves.

In this world, traveling blindly will never become a strong trainer.

Even Xiaozhi, his strongest elf, except for a skin god, the other fire-breathing dragons, kirbys, etc., had not been raised and trained by Damu and others, they would have degenerated to the point where they don't know what they look like.

It may not even be able to beat a wild circle bear.

Long Yi's Huiyuan, Gala Gala and other elves have evolved a long time ago. The reason why they have been unable to reach the limit value of their race is because a large part of the time is locked in the elf ball, unable to exercise, natural growth and natural gain. The decline is offset, so the growth is slow.

"Next, maybe we should accept some dangerous missions..." Long Yi thought so.

The stronger he became, the more Long Yi could feel the huge gap between ordinary trainers and elemental trainers.

This gap is not only reflected in strength, but also in treatment, status, and all aspects!
And Ao Yu, who has just reached the limit of the perfect race, is the elf with the highest probability of breaking through the element level in Long Yi's hands.

If you want it to break through, such a fierce battle is essential, after all, it is a tyrannosaurus known for its viciousness.

After brushing off the dirt on his body, Long Yi went back to the house to pack his luggage, took one last look at the cabin, turned and left.


"After Ao Guang reached the limit of racial perfection and mutated completely, he learned to annihilate the death light without a teacher; Ao Yu mutated first, and then realized the dragon's breath after reaching the limit of racial perfection."

"Although they are both mutated Gyarados, their experiences are completely different, yet they also obtained their own exclusive profound art skills. Is this a coincidence, or is it inevitable?"

Long Yi was still thinking about the path in the forest leading to Changpan City.

If the starting point of the elements is that human beings are not satisfied with the upper limit of the strength of ordinary elves, and it is a kind of power aggression against those divine beasts that are above ordinary elves, then what is the cause of the secret technique?
Also dissatisfied!

After discovering the limit of ordinary elves, the trainers at that time will definitely give birth to a group of ambitious people, trying to step into areas that have not been set before.

This situation of no way ahead will certainly not only develop in one direction of the elves themselves, but also an important direction for the exploration, update, and creation of unique moves that have the greatest impact on combat.

And the source of inspiration is undoubtedly the exclusive skills of those beasts.

"Feng Wang has the sacred fire, and Darkley has the black hole, but the flame bird and others don't have their own unique skills. Does this mean that only the mutant elves, even the divine beasts, can awaken their own unique skills?"

"No, that's not right." Long Yi shook his head and overturned his guess, "The red and blue water capitals are also ethnic beasts, and so is Rogia, but they all have their own unique skills."

While thinking, a low hum suddenly came from the front.

It's a needle bee!

Long Yi's expression froze, he quickly put aside his doubts, put his palm on the poke ball, ready to fight at any time.

In the past half a month in the Viridian Forest, Long Yi has already gotten used to how to deal with this kind of elf.

Wild beetles usually act alone, as long as they don't provoke it, and don't attack unicorns and iron-shelled insects in front of it, they generally don't take the initiative to attack humans.

But once there is a conflict, it must be killed with one blow. You must not let the big needle bee escape, otherwise it will immediately lead dozens of hundreds of big needle bees to chase and kill you. It is very likely that a trainer will see that scene. Can't even run away.

Most of the bones in the Viridian Forest fell under the hands of such elves.

The buzzing sound was getting closer and closer, Long Yi cautiously summoned Lacus to stay by his side.

Finally, the originator of the sound, a large needle bee, came into view.


The big needle bee stopped suddenly and took a fighting posture.

"Big Needle Bee, what's wrong?"

Behind it, the bushes rustled, and a man in a brown coat with shaggy hair ran out.

It turned out that there was a trainer.

Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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