Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 280 Ghosts

Chapter 280 Ghosts
Long Yi looked at the person coming.

This is a very old trainer, who looks about 40 or [-] years old, with short black hair, gray trousers on his lower body, and ordinary clothes.

The first moment he saw Long Yi, the smile on the visitor's face quickly faded, and his hands subconsciously brushed the sides of his scalp, as if it was a habitual way of arranging his hair.

But soon, he reacted and smiled again.

It can be seen that this is a man who doesn't smile very much, his smile is very blunt, it is the kind of professional smile, which is completely different from the smile that appeared at the beginning.

"Young man, why did you run into the forest during the Chinese New Year?" He glanced at Lax calmly, pretending not to care, "Recently, there are often Bobo groups flying up in the depths of the forest. ,be careful."

Long Yi smiled shyly: "I originally came in to subdue a powerful insect-type elf, but I didn't expect to hear a terrifying roar, and then I was too scared to go in, and I was ready to go back."

Alone in the wilderness, Long Yi still has the necessary vigilance.

"Oh? Roar? What kind of roar?" The man showed interest.

Long Yi pretended to think for a while, then hesitatingly said: "It's a bit like... a bit like the cry of a Gyarados."

For many trainers, although the wild Gyarados is very powerful, it is also a terrifying elf. Not everyone has the courage to subdue it.

The man nodded.

This makes sense.

It should be that a wild tyrannosaurus just evolved in some river, maybe there was a conflict with another one, and they were fighting for territory, so they scared so many Bobos.

The vague news from the big needle bee seems to testify to this point.

"Uncle, what about you?" Long Yi asked curiously.

The man smiled and said, "I'm a gym trainer in Viking City. Recently, someone reported that the forest is not peaceful, so I'll take a look."

Long's eyelids twitched, almost biting his tongue in fright.

Viridian gymnasium, gymnasium trainer!

Isn't that...

If you look carefully, if you change this person into a suit, put on hairspray, and sit on the sofa, he really has the air of a big boss.

"Could it be that you are the owner of the strongest gym in Kanto, Tokiwa Gym, Mr. Sakagi!?" Long Yi put on an expression of surprise when he met an idol, but he couldn't believe it.

The man smiled and said, "I don't know if I'm the strongest in Kanto, but as the owner of Viki Pan Gym, the person named Sakagi is indeed me."

It's him!

It's really him!

This is Sakagi!The boss of Team Rocket, the world's largest evil organization!

Long Yi's heart was pounding, and his mind was buzzing.

He also wants to calm down. The problem is that the more he knows, the more he will be in awe. The identity of this person in front of him is too scary. In terms of strength, at least he is a trainer at the level of a heavenly king.

While dealing with it, Long Yi was thinking about ways to get out, his mind was in a mess, and he even had the idea of ​​letting Lacus take him to teleport away.

Fortunately, although Sakagi looks easy to talk, but that's just to test Long Yi's tone, and he is still the leader of the Rockets in his heart.

After getting the information he wanted, and the person in front of him seemed to be his admirer again, Sakagi, who found it troublesome, said goodbye to Long Yi on the pretext of investigating the changes in the depths of the forest.

Long Yi couldn't wait for this, so he agreed repeatedly.

The two sides separated, and after watching Sakagi leave, Long Yi took Lax into the bushes quickly, and then let him use teleportation to take him away.

"No, that's not right!"

Sakagi stopped suddenly.

"If it's really my admirer, why didn't he feel disappointed when he heard that I was going to leave? Why did he look understanding? Even if he was reasonable, wouldn't the normal reaction be to have the cheek to follow me and lead me the way?"

"Now that I think about it, why does this person seem to be... afraid of me!"

As the leader of Team Rocket, Sakagi has seen too many subordinates who were afraid when reporting to him.To some extent, Long Yi's performance just now was similar to those people.

This man has a problem!
"Big needle bee, go back and have a look."

One person, one pet returned the same way, Sakagi squatted down and looked at the footprints on the ground, only found a short line, and disappeared in the bushes after walking less than ten meters.

After a moment of silence, Sakagi closed his eyes, reached out and grabbed the branches of the bush, and a green light emerged from his hands.

Extraordinary ability - the power of the rock!
This is an ability that only one lucky person will appear in the Viridian Forest every ten years. It can communicate with elves, heal wounds, and even communicate with plant consciousness!
"Did you escape teleportation?"

If it was just a guess just now, then Sakagi is 100% sure now.

The only thing he wasn't sure about was what the other party was afraid of.


"I didn't expect to meet such a person when I went out to relax." Standing up and dusting off his hands, Sakagi put the incident behind him.

As the owner of the Viki Pan Gym, as the leader of Team Rocket, as a powerful element-level trainer, master trainer, and master of the earth, there are too many people who want Sakagi to die, but so far no one has been able to do so point.

A young man afraid of himself?
No matter what he knows, he is not qualified to be taken seriously by Sakagi.

Not at all.


Edge of the Evergreen Forest.

A Kirulian from the Hoenn region suddenly appeared on the grass with a young man.

Looking back, the Viridian Forest was quiet.

"It's a good thing they didn't come after them." Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

Although he also knew that the possibility of Shimo Sakagi chasing him without any vengeance is very low, but after all, Long Yi once killed his elite team member, Hellboy Garton, and recently thwarted the plans of Musashi and Kojiro, so there is no guarantee that he will Will not be missed by the Rockets.

The so-called ghosts in the heart, this is the case.

"Just in case, leave Viking City as soon as possible."

Using teleportation to quickly return to Viridian City, Long Yi put away Lacus, bought a ticket with the latest time, and boarded the train directly.

It wasn't until he took the bus to the neighboring Nibi City and got mixed into the vast crowd that Long Yi finally relaxed.

Having strength and not having strength, the two mentalities caused Long Yi and Sakagi to react differently when facing the same thing.


Two days later, Quartz Plateau, Shueisha Kanto Branch.

"Looks like your receipt is good."

In the bathhouse, Long Yi and Bai Shi Zhang Yan soaked in the pool together, enjoying themselves.

The old man is indeed old, and he can't tell if he is wearing clothes, but when he takes off his clothes, he is covered in pork ribs.

And Long Yi next to him has a fit body, with a male waist, a mermaid line, eight-pack abs, pectoralis major, and biceps.

"Well, I'm very satisfied with this secret technique." Long Yiyi let out a breath of comfort, as if he wanted to spit out all the fright he had endured in the Viridian Forest.

Glancing quietly at Long Yi's figure, Bai Shi Zhang Yan showed envy in his old eyes.

He asked in an unwavering tone, "What do you think of Shueisha?"

Long Yi didn't know why he asked such a question, thought for a while, and replied: "Very good, the degree of freedom is high enough, and you can exchange for many things that cannot be bought outside."

This is Long Yi's true feeling.

"So, complete the mission, redeem the reward, complete the mission, redeem the reward, and become a senior member step by step. This is your idea."

"Yes." Long Yi was very calm.

Bai Shizhangyan shook his head: "This is the most stupid way."

"Huh?" Long Yi hummed in doubt.

"A lot of things that can only be exchanged here for you are ordinary in the eyes of others. The real value of Shueisha is to exchange some unique information, knowledge, and props!"

"And those who want to exchange these, their own points and tasks are not enough, do you understand what I mean?"

"You mean..." Long Yi thought about the previous deal, the secret technique of double dragons, element-level dragon balls, and cheaper metal coatings.

"That's right, the redemption list is a big platform, and each member is a small platform. A truly smart person will choose to use points to trade with other members, then grow their own strength, expand their network, and finally earn points with their grown power. Redeem for something truly valuable and unique."

Long Yi pondered: "So, the reason why you want to trade with me is that earning points is one aspect, and acting as a middleman is the main reason?"

Bai Shizhang Yan smiled without saying a word.

He is old, and the main elf is dead, so he doesn't have the energy and interest to raise another one.

But being old doesn't mean that you are willing to live an ordinary life, so Bai Shi Zhangyan began to sell his experience and knowledge, and made friends with some talented newcomers but no background.

Just like Long Yi, just like the previous transaction partners.

Strong connections allow Baishi Zhangyan to find a source of goods with a lower exchange price than Shueisha, and Long Yi and the others get a bargain, and the points/tasks of the transaction can also allow Baishi Zhangyan to befriend those wealthy children who need points.

This is a win-win situation for all three parties.

Smiling nonchalantly, Long Yi didn't continue this topic, but asked: "Are there any missions that are not only dangerous and challenging but also acceptable?"

"Of course, the higher the reward, the better."

Bai Shizhangyan frowned and said, "Didn't I tell you that it's best not to accept this kind of task?"

"I know." Long nodded, "But one of my elves needs to fight to break through itself."

"Sufficiently dangerous and fierce battle." Long Yi emphasized.

This reason is enough to convince Bai Shizhang Yan, he nodded and asked, "What kind of elf, what kind of strength."

This will determine the difficulty of the tasks he picks.

Long Yi was silent for a moment, then said: "Gyarados, the limit of race, doesn't know secret skills."

Bai Shi Zhangyan stood up from the pool in shock, and looked at Long Yi in shock.

No one knows the meaning of this sentence better than him!
There are Shuanglong Zhuzhuzhu, and once Long has a Gyarados at the limit of race, it means that he has a second dragon/pseudo-dragon elf who has reached the limit!
too fast!
This progress is much faster than he planned!
Baishi Zhangyan originally thought that it would take three to five years for Long Yi, at least when he was promoted to level 6, to be able to train his own racial limit elves, but the reality gave him a blow.


Bai Shizhangyan knew Long Yi's black tyrannosaurus, now it seems that the talent of that tyrannosaurus is much higher than he imagined.

It's a pity, but he didn't know that what Long Yi wanted to break through was the red mutant tyrannosaurus that he had just subdued recently.

"I understand. I will notify you if there is a suitable task." Sitting down again, Baishi Zhangyan said.

Long nodded, his eyes gradually narrowed in the white water vapor, as if immersed in the joy of taking a bath.

What is he panicking about?
Long Yixin said.

Shock is understandable, but panic, why?
If he didn't have the experience of encountering Sakamu, he wouldn't be able to see this point based on Long Yi's experience, but just now Bai Shi Zhangyan's performance of suppressing and panic really resonated with Long Yi who just came back.

Although the performance is much better, but the inner emotion is the same!

Panic, on behalf of ghosts.

Long Yi changed his mind, he remained calm on the surface, but secretly became wary of Bai Shi Zhang Yan in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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