Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 281 Aitia, City of Order 1

Chapter 281 Aitia, City of Order 1
Since ancient times, snakes have snake ways, and rats have mouse ways.

Bai Shizhangyan is not only rich in experience, but also good at cultivating elves. Now that he is in the channel business, he is naturally good at this aspect.

In less than ten days, a task that met Long Yi's requirements appeared in front of him.

【Kill/Arrest Pokémon Hunter K】

[Mission Difficulty: March Moon Level]

【Publisher: Interpol Headquarters】

[Mission Objective: Go alone to Aitiya City, kill or arrest the notorious Pokémon Hunter K]

[Mission briefing: According to reliable information, Pokémon Hunter K will go to the city of order, Aitia, to snatch a mysterious elf.This character is very dangerous. In an emergency, it is allowed to kill the target directly. If it is captured alive, the reward will be doubled.Also, there will be no support other than intelligence support during the process. 】

Along with the mission information, there is also the target information provided by the Interpol headquarters.

"Pokémon Hunter K..." Long Yi opened the file.

The first page is the profile of the person. In the photo, a middle-aged man with half white hair and half black hair is staring indifferently at the front. He has long hair and a long face, with small and narrow eyes.

The information includes height, weight, age, personality, and past. It is obvious that he is a well-known criminal whose ancestors have been traced through three generations by the Interpol.

But the more people like this, the more terrifying they are.

Because he has been understood so clearly, but there is still no way to arrest him and bring him to justice, one can imagine how difficult this person is.

Bai Shizhangyan said: "Because of the huge interests and intricate background, Pokémon hunters have been banned repeatedly. Among all the elf hunters, there are 26 people who are the most terrifying. Each has a letter as a code name. Your opponent this time is one of them." ——Hunter K!"

Long nodded.

He didn't know Hunter K, but he knew Hunter J. She was a strong woman who dared to capture even mythical beasts. She was powerful, had many subordinates, and was ruthless.

This hunter K is as famous as her, and obviously he is also a ruthless character.

Long Yi wanted to rely on battles to allow Ao Yu to break through and enter the elemental level, a powerful enemy was essential, and it couldn't be a gentle battle, he needed a more cruel and dangerous battle.

Hunter K is very suitable.

As he browsed through the documents, Long Yi's expression became more serious.

What a hunter K, he deserves to be a character who stands out from countless Pokémon hunters, he is really powerful.

Unlike Hunter J, who has many subordinates, is powerful, and has advanced technology, Hunter K is a loner. In addition to possessing powerful elves, he himself has terrifying strength.

This is a mighty samurai!

Hunter K is proficient in karate, judo, muay thai, military boxing, ninjutsu and other fighting skills, and his own strength is very good.

There are a total of 32 of his elves, including various attributes, which are enough for him to fight in various complex environments.

Among them, it is clearly marked that they have reached the limit value of the race, and there are as many as 4 of them!
Hunter K's most glorious record was killing an element-level trainer and selling his element-level elves.

That one is priced at 5 million yuan!

It was that entrustment that made him famous, ascended to the throne of letter hunter, and possessed the code name of K.

Bai Shi Zhangyan said: "At any other time, I don't think you have the slightest chance of winning against such an enemy."

Hunter K is strong in all aspects, and he has a cold personality and rich experience. Even if a young man like Long Yi is stronger than him, he is likely to die in his hands. The former element-level trainer is a good example.

Strength, and winning or losing, are often two different things.

But since Baishi Zhangyan recommended this task, he naturally has his reasons: "Fortunately, the location this time is the city of Aitia, and this is your only hope."

Aitia City is known as the City of Order, and it is the city with the least crime and the best order in the world.

none of them!

This city is in Fengyuan. Although it is under the control of the alliance in name, it is actually a country within a country. Just like the legendary city of Oludran, the hometown of Yalang, the legendary waveguide hero, it has its own laws and managers. , the alliance cannot interfere in the slightest.

This is also the reason why Interpol Headquarters cannot provide other support during the mission.


A few days later, the city of Etia.

Long Yi sat on the speeding tram, looked at this advanced high-tech city, and recalled the information about Aitia city in his mind.

The city of Aitiya has a long history, dating back to the dark ages. It belongs to a daimyo and played an important role in the war that overthrew the Oda Naganobu Dynasty.

After the war, other important leaders formed the Elf Alliance and became the first generation of councilors.However, the owner of Aitia City voluntarily gave up his seat as a council member and retired, with the additional requirement that Aitia City has eternal independence.

This city is the most advanced among all the cities Long Yi has seen. The streets are full of automatic transport belts, trams, buses, etc. are all unmanned, and there are even hovering cars flying in the sky from time to time.

There are many high-rise buildings, and various advertisements and news are played on huge screens. There are very few wild elves, and the meows, stinky mud, Bobo, and dark crows that can be seen everywhere in the dark corners of other cities are almost invisible here.

The reason why Aitia City is called the City of Order, the safest city in the world, is because the crime rate here is extremely low, which is unbelievably low.

But the detection rate is high enough to shame the law enforcement officers in other cities to commit suicide!

All this is because of an elf.

An elf who has lived from the dark ages to the present, one of the earliest element-level elves cultivated by humans.

Giant gold monster!
Through the glass window, Long Yi looked at the tallest building in the city center. Above it was a huge statue of a giant golden monster, and there were streaks of blue electric lights on his body that were indefinite.

Legend has it that there is a supercomputer with this golden monster at its core monitoring all the cameras, calls and satellite views in the city. Almost any crime that occurs in the city of Aitia cannot escape this surveillance network. , and the super high detection rate is naturally attached to this.

Long Yi's protection against Hunter K is also based on this.

"It's a pity that the Interpol didn't find Hunter K's target this time, otherwise I would just have to wait and see, and I would have a good fight with him." Long Yi sighed regretfully.

It didn't take long for the battle, and the law enforcement forces from Aitia City would arrive after hearing the news, even if Long Yi was not the opponent of Hunter K, the danger was minimized.

Unfortunately, the premise of all this is knowing Hunter K's goal.

"Qingfeng has arrived."

There was a female voice announcing the station on the radio, Long Yi straightened the neckline of his windbreaker to cover half of his cheeks, and got off the tram with his luggage.

Not far from the station, a girl wearing a long white coat with no underwear underneath, showing white and tender legs, and a pair of black high-heeled shoes came into view.

This girl has long golden curly hair, fluttering in the air, holding a sign in her hand, and looks like she is receiving someone.

Long Yi smiled, walked forward, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Baihe?"

"Thousand paper cranes?" The girl looked Long Yi up and down, and asked back.

Long nodded.

The girl suddenly burst into a beautiful smile, put down the sign, stepped forward to give Long Yi a hug, and then let go.

"You are more handsome than I imagined! Let's go, my home is not far away, we will talk all night tonight."

Folding the cardboard casually and throwing it into the trash can, the girl stroked her hair and asked as she walked, "Although we have known each other for so long, we only know each other's pseudonyms. My name is Mikako, Mikako Tano, how about you?"

"Miyazaki Ryuichi, you can just call me Ryuichi." Long Yi smiled.

In the eyes of others, Long Yi and Mikako are like two pen pals who met for the first time, unfamiliarity in familiarity, life in tacit understanding, but the atmosphere of chatting is very good.

Soon, Long Yi followed Mikako into a building, the elevator stopped on the 5th floor, and the two walked into Room 503.

"Sit whatever you want, I've already packed the room for you, so you can stay with me for the next few days." Mikako said, and went to the kitchen to prepare fruits and drinks.

Long Yi's expression changed slightly, he responded and sat down on the sofa.

"Tea or drink?"

"Tea is fine."


Soon, Mikako who took off her coat came over with tea and fruit.She has a good figure, and the blue sweater clearly reveals the curves of her upper body, while the plaid skirt on her lower body is even more elegant, revealing a section of her white thighs.

The two sat on the sofa chatting like this, talking and laughing, and in the evening Mikako showed off her cooking skills and invited Long Yi to dinner, after that it was time to take a bath.

In the steamy bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist, Long Yi sat on the small stool in front of the mirror to wash his hair.

"I'm in."

Mikako, who had her hair up and wrapped her body in a bath towel, came in, sat behind Long Yi and said, "Long Yi, let me wash it for you."

Long nodded, and the latter quickly washed the foam off his head.

A tender white finger protruded from the armpit and wrote on the white mirror: "When there is news, I will write a note and put it next to your pillow."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Long Yi wrote.

Article [-] of the Law of Etia City: Prohibit the infiltration and cross-border arrest of any member of the alliance!
Although Etiya is the safest city in the world, it is also the city with the least privacy in the world!
And even if he is an international criminal, as long as he has not committed a crime in Etia City, he is an innocent tourist!

Therefore, Long Yi wanted to kill Hunter K, but he couldn't disclose that he came to Aitia City for this purpose, but had to have a legitimate cover-up.

He could only "by chance" encounter Hunter K breaking the law, and then in order to protect himself, he had no choice but to kill Hunter K.

As for the arrest?

It's impossible in the city of Etia!Because Long Yi does not have this right!

After some erotic bathing, Long Yi and Mikako really talked at night by candlelight. The two of them shared the same bed, and everything was a normal meeting of pen pals.

This is the city of Etia.

Even if you are in your own home, you can be locked instantly and arrested on the spot if you say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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