Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 282 Sun Moon Training Class

Chapter 282 Sun Moon Training Class

For the next few days, Long Yi spent time playing in Aitia City under the leadership of Mikako.

Protecting Mikako with her strong body, she squeezed through the crowd and came to a small, fully enclosed room.

"Look, Long Yi, this is the most famous signature elf in this elf garden—the white peacock!" Mikako said, pointing to an elf behind the glass.

Due to legal and environmental factors, there are incredibly few wild elves in Aitia City, and there are very few elf trainers and breeders. Therefore, if many ordinary people want to see live elves, they can only go to similar zoos. places to visit.

This has also led to the vigorous development of this emerging elf garden in this area.

Long Yi looked up and observed this so-called white peacock.

I saw the loess floor in the room, not much grass, a big tree with a crooked neck in the center, and a snow-white bird elf perched on it.

It's a dark crow!

However, this dark crow, which is obviously a flashing elf, is completely different from the same kind in Long Yi's impression. Not only does it not have the cunning, insidious and mischievous heart of ordinary dark crows, but it looks a bit elegant and noble.

It stood on the top of the tree, not paying any attention to the crowd watching. It combed its snow-white feathers with its beak, and its eyes were lively and pure.

Long Yi even felt that this dark crow was probably a mutated flash, and it no longer had evil attributes.

"As expected of a white peacock." Long nodded.

Sure enough, only the wrong name was chosen, and there was no wrong nickname. This dark crow is indeed as elegant and beautiful as a peacock.

After visiting for a while, nothing happened, Long Yi secretly sighed, and left the Fairy Garden with Mikako, looking for a place to eat.

The places they visited these days are the same as the Elf Garden just now, a place with some kind of precious and rare elves, or an elf class opened by a famous trainer, or a company with a powerful elf as a symbol, Or a similar elf garden.

Unfortunately, after going to many places, Hunter K is still nowhere to be found.

This is the troublesome part of the task entrusted by the alliance. It is either extremely dangerous or has various other difficulties.

Sitting on the sidelines is the most stupid.

"If we say that in this city, there is an elf that Hunter K wants to hunt the most..." Long Yi stirred the coffee in front of him with a spoon, looked at the road through the glass window on the side, and crossed the transport belt. , street lights, surveillance, pedestrians and tall buildings, all the way up.

Finally, I saw the tallest and most conspicuous central landmark of Etia.

Giant gold monster!
That's right, there is no other elf in Aitiya City that can compare with this living fossil that has survived the dark age, even if you count all the elves in Long Yi!

But even if he tells Long Yi that Hunter K's target is the Metagross, he can't do anything about it, because the location of the Metastas itself is only one meter away, and Long Yi himself will be killed if he gets too close to Hunter K before he finds it. Tia police arrest.

"Perhaps, I need to change my thinking." Long Yi thought.

He already knew the power of Hunter K very clearly from the data, but the strength of the city of Aitia was not so strong.

The most important point is that the city's own laws severely restrict the growth of local trainers!
In this city, there is only a metagross and an element-level elf!

And once something goes wrong with the giant metal monster and loses the core of the city's monitoring, the city of Aitiya will inevitably be in chaos.

If it really falls into that situation, what will the administrators of Aitiya City do?
I'm afraid I can only turn to the powerful trainers in the city for help!
This is what Long Yi thought of.

Picking up the coffee and taking a sip, the more he thought about it, Long Yi raised his head and looked at the girl on the opposite side: "Mikako, you also know that I am a trainer, and I finally came to the city of Etia. What powerful trainer?"

"Such as gymnasiums and the like, I want to challenge it."

Mikako was taken aback, and quickly replied: "There is no gymnasium or trainer school in Aitia City, but there are several training classes, the most famous of which should be the Sun and Moon training class in the west of the city."

The training class is a cram school for teaching trainers, and it is also a characteristic industry of Aitia City, but it is not as well developed as the Elf Garden. After all, there are not many people in this city who want to become trainers.

"Okay, then go to the Sun Moon Training Class." Long Yi said.

If you want to challenge, you must challenge the most famous one!Only in this way can he become famous and enter the eyes of the city government of Aitiya.

Anyway, Long Yi has not done anything against the laws of Aitia City so far, so he is not afraid that they will notice him.

After two tram transfers, Long Yi and Mikako finally arrived at the Sun and Moon training class in the west of the city.

The scale of this training class is much larger than Long Yi imagined. It occupies three shops facing the street in a bustling street. All the upper and lower floors are rented. A huge advertisement board occupies most of the space of the windows on the second floor. It is a golden sun and a silver moon in the pitch black, with the five characters of Sun and Moon Training Class in the center.

"It's here." Mikako said.

Pushing open the door, you are faced with a bright front hall decorated with fake mountains and flowing water. A beautiful female receptionist is standing behind the counter with a smile on her face.

There are two walks on both sides, and there is a wooden door, and the voice of the teacher giving a lecture can be faintly heard inside.

Ryuichi and Mikako went up and said bluntly: "Hi, I'm Miyazaki Ryuichi from Guchen Town, I heard that Mr. Aida Chiyo from your class is the most powerful trainer in Etia City, and I'm here to challenge. "

"Huh? Challenge the master?" Before the female receptionist could speak, a passing boy turned his head to look.

It was a boy in his 20s, followed by a Pupu pig, jumping forward with a spring-like tail.

"Mr. Liu Yuan." The female receptionist bowed.

"You want to challenge my master?" Liu Yuan sneered at Long Yi, "Only you?"

The Boo Boo pig behind him also let out a mocking laugh, swaying happily like a tumbler.

"Huh?" Long Yi frowned, and said, "Geng Gui."

A pair of eyes and a mouth suddenly opened in the shadow under Long Yi's feet, and he stood up like a ghost, and Mikako, who was spared by the side, suddenly stretched and appeared in front of Boo Boo, piercing the latter with a fist shining with jet black light His body seemed to be crushed into pieces.

Pupu Zhu's eyes suddenly widened, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

"You!" Liu Yuan was taken aback by Long Yi's sudden attack, and when he saw the Pupuzhu who was 'insta-killed', his face turned green and then pale, and turned around with a snort.

"Since you are not afraid of death, come with me."

"Come back, Geng Gui." Long Yi said.

Geng Gui retracted the shadow to his feet again.

Shaking his head and smiling, he ignored the staring female receptionist and followed.

The three of them came to the second floor from the side stairs.

The first floor is a classroom, but the second floor is different. After being opened up, it was renovated into a battle room. The floor was covered with tiles, and the center was even hollowed out and filled with soil to transform it into a standard general battle room.

"Wait here." Liu Yuan glared at Long Yi, knocked on the door and entered a room at the end, and came out after a while following a man with a ponytail.

It was a man in his 30s, with a slender figure, black hair, and a high ponytail, looking a bit delicate.

He was wearing a black robe, with a golden sun embroidered on his left chest and a silver moon on his right belly, with his hands behind his back, he looked like a capable person.

And Liu Yuan, who was invincible just now, followed behind him with his head down, without any momentum.

Obviously, this person is the founder of the Sun Moon training class, Aida Chiyo, who is known as the strongest trainer in Aitia City! ——
Recently, I have to read books to prepare for the exam, and the updates will be reduced a lot, and it will resume after June.

(End of this chapter)

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