Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 284 The Disadvantages of Cosmic Space

Chapter 284 The Disadvantages of Cosmic Space

"It's useless! In my cosmic space, no attack can hit my sun rock and moon rock, but their ultimate power can be multiplied. You have no chance of winning from the beginning!" Aida came from the darkness. Chiyo's confident voice.

The moon disappeared, and the vast, bright, and hot sun appeared again in the dark space of the universe, and then a large crimson flame swept in, surging like a sea of ​​flames.

The fire element's ultimate move - jetting flames!
"Iron Claw Lobster uses Bubble Light, and Ashbara uses Blizzard!"

The superimposition of the two elves' unique moves finally blocked the jet flames of the Sun Rock.

"Don't be kidding, if your secret technique is really so perfect, it will be a sensation in the world." Long Yi's eyes flashed a lot of data, and he looked at the surrounding space seriously.

This is a brand new ability that appeared after the system absorbed the second energy crystal nucleus before. The system can use Long Yi's eyes and other body organs to analyze and scan, and has a powerful analysis ability comparable to a supercomputer!

He is now analyzing and looking for the weakness of this so-called cosmic space.

Yes, this secret technique definitely has a fatal weakness!

Among all the secret skills that Long Yi knows, the most powerful and comprehensive one is the Dragon King's divine power secret skill of the Dragon Envoy family. The secret skill consumes less, has strong effects, and is very comprehensive, so it can be said that it has no weaknesses.

But if Aida Chiyo's universe is really as he said, and the effect is definitely beyond the dragon king's supernatural power passed down from generation to generation by the Dragon Envoy family, then he should have been famous in the world long ago, instead of nesting in the city of Etia As a small training class class leader, relying on teaching to charge a little tuition.

Therefore, this universe definitely has weaknesses.

"Facts are often more terrifying than people imagine." Facing Long Yi's ridicule, Aida Chiyo's voice couldn't help but get a little angry, "Yue Shi, show them what despair is, use impact!"

The sun hides and the moon reappears.

The huge moon moved slowly in space, crashing towards it with a slow but unstoppable, desperate momentum, covering up, down, left, and right, without giving the iron claw lobster and Huiyuan any room to hide.

The iron-clawed lobster let out a loud cry, and used its crab fist to attack again, but the powerful water-based energy bullet passed through the moon weakly, and disappeared into the universe.

"found it!"

A green light flashed in the dragon's eyes.

At the moment when the sun and the moon alternate, the so-called cosmic space finally has a flaw, which is discovered by the system that touches the world with Longyi's eyes.

"Huihara, Iron Claw Lobster, use the Destructive Death Beam! The target - Mikako is right in front of you!"

"What!" Mikako was taken aback by Long Yi's order, and immediately stood up.

"Are you a lunatic?" Liu Yuan also looked at Long Yi with the expression of looking at a lunatic.

However, Aida Chiyo, who was hiding in the dark, looked at Long Yi's confident face, and felt a bad premonition in his heart.

Could it be...he found out?
No, it's impossible, even he, the creator, can't see where the weakness of the universe is, so why can other people see it?

The moon is rolling and unstoppable.

However, at this time, Iron Claw Lobster and Haibara didn't even look at the huge moon that covered everything in front of them, but looked at Mikako with cold eyes.

Hey Zha!


The golden energy condenses in the double pincers of the iron claw lobster and the mouth of Huiyuan, and finally forms three golden rays of destructive death light, one large, two small, and these three rays of destructive death light merge into one in the middle, forming a huge golden energy beams.

The golden destructive death light exploded in front of Mikako, as if hitting an invisible object, the powerful explosion sound was deafening, and the surrounding dark space faded away quickly.

Shuttle in~
An orange rock elf appeared out of nothing in front of Mikako, howled and lost the power to hang in the air, and fell to the ground unconscious.

It is Sun Rock of Aida Chiyo!
The rock and super energy system should have good resistance to destroying the death light, but I don't know if it is a side effect of the universe, but with just one blow, Sun Rock lost its fighting ability.

"This is impossible!" Aida Chiyo shouted in a gaffe.

At the same time, the Moonstone that belonged to it also appeared in front of the Ironclaw Lobster and Huiyuan, but before the Ironclaw Lobster could take advantage of the victory and pursue it, there was an explosion on the Moonstone, and then the rare elf with the color of the rock and just now Like the Sun Rock, he fell down and passed out.

Sun Rock and Moon Rock lost their ability to fight at the same time!

"It turns out that the so-called cosmic space is just an illusion that confuses people. However, through some unknown means, the power of the sun rock and the moon rock are connected, so the power of each attack is equivalent to the combined attack of the sun rock and the moon rock. , but the disadvantage is that only one elf can act at a time." The green data flow in the dragon's eyes gradually disappeared, and this cosmic secret technique had lost its mysterious color in his eyes.

"The most deadly thing is that while one elf is attacking, the other elf is in a defenseless state, and even the attribute restraint is useless at this time. And when this elf is attacked, because of the secret technique, it is equivalent to Attacking two unsuspecting elves at the same time, it is likely to be killed with one blow."

"The so-called cosmic space is nothing more than a rudimentary secret technique with huge flaws, that's all." Long Yi concluded.

Liu Yuan stared blankly at Sun Rock and Yue Shi who had passed out on the field, feeling that the idols in his heart were beginning to collapse.

Aida Chiyo's face turned red and then pale, and finally heaved a long sigh, and took back his two elves.

"I lost," he said.

15 years of research, 15 years of hard work, it was still a joke in the end.

Aida Chiyo waved her hands decadently, ordered Liu Yuan to see off the guests, and then returned to her office without looking back.

"You two, please." Liu Yuan stretched out his hand after realizing it.

Obviously, Long Yi and Mei Jiazi have become the most unwelcome guests of the Sun Moon training class.


By the time she left the Sun and Moon training class and took the unmanned subway back, Mikako was still immersed in the battle just now.

Living in Aitia City for more than 20 years, this is the first time she has seen such a heart-pounding battle between elves!
Even the televised live broadcast of the alliance meeting didn't give her the feeling that the battle just now was as scary as it was!
"Long Yi, what is a secret technique?" Sitting beside Long Yi, with her slender thighs tightly closed together, Mikako suddenly raised her head and asked.

She is not a trainer, but after seeing that kind of battle, she has a strong interest in the profession of trainer.

"Secret skills are created by humans. They are terrifying skills comparable to the unique skills of divine beasts!"

Long Yi recalled the scene when he first learned the secret technique, with a strange expression on his face: "This is also the only unique technique that ordinary trainers can use against masters of element level."

"Barely resist," he added.

Mikako seemed to understand but nodded.

"That is to say, the cosmic space just now is a secret technique created by Aida Chiyo, but there are still big flaws?"


Long Yi hesitated for a moment, then said: "Actually, the cosmic space secret technique just now is already very powerful, especially the ability to recover energy and devour the opponent's unique technique, it is very terrifying."

"But Aida Chiyo's ambitions are too great. He has too high requirements for his own self-created secret skills and too many abilities, which not only leads to a drop in power, but also a fatal flaw. It is a pity."

Long Yi even felt that if he abandoned the so-called cosmic space hidden ability, abandoned the link ability of combining two elves into one, and could focus on the ability to devour and recover energy, it would definitely be a very terrible defensive and auxiliary secret skill !

Unfortunately, no if.

He is not Aida Chiyo, and he does not understand the learning methods and key points of cosmic space, let alone make major changes.

This made Long Yi very regretful.

However, in any case, Aida Chiyo is a powerful trainer who has created his own secret skills.And after this battle, his name, Miyazaki Ryuichi, will soon spread among the high-level people in Aitia City.

Next, is to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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