Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 285 VS Hunter K Middle!

Chapter 285 VS Hunter K Middle!
The four elf balls zoomed in, rotated, and opened in the air, emitting four beams of white light.

One flew up into the sky, in the shape of a big bird, with a silver body and red wings inside. It was an armored bird.

One fell to the side roof, with a brown body, a long nose and white hair, a ferocious face, and palms made of leaves like cattail leaves. It is the prototype of the big tengu in ghost mythology and the cunning tengu.

A guard in front of Hunter K, in human form, with a brown body and a purple battle skirt, with red gloves on his hands, is the boxing elf Abby Lang.

The last one, located directly in front, has blue skin and black hair, is as fierce as a lion, and is full of electric current. It is a Roentgen cat.

As expected of Hunter K, Hunter K reacted completely differently from ordinary trainers. After being attacked suddenly, he immediately released his four most powerful extreme elves of races. Together with the Mengsong cactus that had just climbed up, it formed a huge opponent for Long Yi. Absolute strength and quantity suppression.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

Roaring, roaring, a powerful electric current burst out from the black hair of Roentgen Cat, forming a palm-width [-] volts, directly hitting Long Yi's red Gyarados.

Using electricity to attack the Gyarados, which has both water and flying systems, is the first judgment any qualified trainer will make.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows, snapped his fingers, and an ordinary red elf ball flew out of his hand, and fell from the top of Ao Yu's head in an arc, then opened, and an elf emerged from it.

Gala Gala condensed a thick bone rod in half a second, and then the bone rod was tapped, and the current was guided there, and it was all guided into the ground the moment it hit the ground, without any damage.

A bad wind came, it was a sneak attack from the cunning tengu on the top of the shop, at the same time, the armored bird in the sky also spun around, shooting silver nails in all directions, trying to bury an ambush in the field steel nails.

storm!Sa Ling!
The Mengge Cactus, which was thrown to pieces, shook its head violently, shaking the strong dizziness out of its mind, and then pressed its hands on the ground under the order of Hunter K, and two emerald green grasses grew like vines , and quickly attacked Gala Gala and Ao Yu.

Grass trick - tie grass knots!

Except for Abi Lang who was guarding himself, the other four elves attacked one after another!
What a quick response!
Such a tacit attack!

Long Yi praised Hunter K's operation in his heart, and a large amount of green data flowed through his eyes. The surrounding field formed a virtual interface with precise data in his eyes. The energy fluctuation, speed, position, The size, the power of the trick and the speed of the trick are all at a glance.

The newly added calculation function of the system simply allowed Long Yi to catch up with Igarashi Hei's more than ten years of hard work, and it was far more accurate and time-sensitive than the other party's data analysis.

Raising his hand, the pitch-black Ao Guang appeared beside Ao Yu, and then another poke ball was opened, and Lacus stood behind Long Yi.

In addition to Geng Gui at the beginning, there are also five elves appearing on Long Yi's side!
However, he didn't let Lacus and Geng Gui participate in the battle. The significance of Lacus' appearance is to use superpowers to fine-tune the battle situation, and at the same time establish a spiritual link between Long Yi and several elves, so as to ensure that Long Yi's orders can be conveyed in a timely and clear manner. Give a few elves, and even form an animated reminder picture in their minds.

The storm hit, the color was slightly black, although the coverage area and momentum didn't look that amazing, but in Long Yi's eyes the energy intensity was so high that it turned red.

What makes the cunning tengu reach its racial limit is its energy intensity!
In contrast, the Sa Ling of the Armor Bird and the knot-tying power of the Dream Song Cactus are much worse.

"Ao Yu, Ao Guang, use water to play."

There were two dragon chants, and a large amount of white water appeared in the void.

Playing with water is the foundation of the water system's unique skills, but it represents an elf's ability to control and finely control the energy of the water system.Ao Guang and Ao Yu may be close in subtle manipulation, but they are already at the top of ordinary elves in terms of control strength.

Large expanses of water quickly formed a huge water polo, and Ao Guang and Ao Yu got into it like a duck to water.

Although the cunning tengu's storm is very strong, the wind's ability to attack water is weak. The powerful black storm hit the surface of the water, except for hitting a depression and making the water sparkle, it did not cause any better effect.

puff puff~
At the same time, the Sa Ling of the armored bird sank into the ground, and the grass knots of the dream song cactus struck along the ground.


It's moving!

Under Long Yi's order, Gala Gala raised his own bone club, and then smashed it down.

The terrifying force caused the suet road in front of Gala Gala to instantly collapse into a large circular pit, and then a circular shock wave spread in all directions.

Puff puff puff!

The steel nails that had just been buried in the ground were squeezed out one by one under the action of the earthquake, and the grass knots clinging to the ground were smashed into green grass clippings in the waves, and finally disintegrated into grains of dusty grass energy particles.

Gala Gala's earthquake was so powerful that Hunter K's face changed slightly. However, the hidden danger of Sa Ling was eliminated, and the shattered seismic wave did not end. Under the control of Gala Gala, the remaining seismic waves presented a The fan continued to attack Hunter K, and the solid asphalt road was cracked with hideous holes under the attack of the earthquake.

"Frozen Fist!"

Abbey Lang strode, bent, and punched.


There was a not very loud sound, a punch as fast as lightning, and a thin layer of ice appeared on the surface of the road.

The remaining seismic waves came to a sudden stop, not a single bit of them crossed the ice layer, and were completely blocked.

Gala Gala opened his eyes, and in its induction, the ground and soil under the ice layer were completely frozen, and the hardness of this completely frozen soil was even comparable to that of steel!

It is precisely because of this that the seismic waves of Gala Gala were blocked.

Abilang with the limit of the energy intensity of the ice system?

After receiving the information from Gala Gala, this idea came to Long Yi's mind.

"Who are you?" Hunter K asked.

Originally thought it was just a small character who was overreaching, but Long Yi's elf strength exceeded his expectations, a trainer with this strength could not be an unknown person.

"Shueisha, Miyazaki Ryu...huh?" Before Long Yi could say anything, he suddenly felt something, and suddenly drew his sword towards the side and rear of his body.Accompanied by the loud clang of unsheathing, a snow-white saber light suddenly appeared, and amidst the screams, first-class blood beads popped out of the air.

A Huola figure emerged from nothing, its fur color was jet black, which was very different from ordinary Huola, and it was perfectly hidden in the night just now, approaching quietly.

"Tch, have you been discovered?" Hunter K spat regretfully, and directed a few elves to continue the attack.

Huan La, who failed in the sneak attack, clutched his injured left hand, gave Long Yi a bitter look, and made him back away.

One step, two steps, three steps...

After nine steps, there was a sudden slap under Huola's feet.It looked down in astonishment, and in the firelight, its own shadow was actually disconnected from its body, and there was a full step between the two sides.

A warm liquid waded across Yula's face, and he wiped it with his hand, it was blood!

Huan La uttered a panicked cry, and then a burst of purple air quickly filled his face, his face froze, and he fell to the ground.

Its position, unknowingly, has returned to the place where it was cut by Long Yi before, without even taking a step back.

In Long Yi's shadow, a pair of red eyes quietly appeared, and a gloomy laughter sounded quietly, and then disappeared with the eyes hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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