Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 286 VS Hunter K Next!

Chapter 286 VS Hunter K Next!
"Cunning Tengu, use Yan Fan!"

The powerful flying energy endowed the cunning tengu with terrifying speed, the sharp wind pressure squeezed the water out of the pool, and a white lightning flashed in the dragon's eyes.

Under Yan Fan's instantaneous ultra-high-speed attack, Ao Yu was accidentally knocked out of the water polo by the cunning Tengu and rolled to the ground.

good chance!
Hunter K's eyes lit up, the Gyarados is a Gyarados after all, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot change the fact that it is not good at fighting on land.

"Use Crazy Volts!"

The Roentgen cat roared and started to run, and the electric current that was beating on its body surged wildly in a short period of time, even so strong that it covered most of its body.

"Ao Guang, use the destructive death light to attack the Roentgen cat." Ao Yu couldn't get up, Long Yi asked Ao Guang to support him.

A beam of golden destructive death light arrived first, but was intercepted by a silver figure.

The destructive death light slammed into the ground against the armored bird emitting silver light, and then rubbed back, leaving a scorched black mark on the road.


The armored bird flapped its wings and flew into the sky with a resounding cry, completely unharmed.

On the other side, the Roentgen cat's crazy volt also hit Ao Yu's body who was lying on the ground. The damage caused by the electric current was second. The scales made an overwhelmed shattering sound.

The armored bird with the ultimate defense!

The cunning tengu with the limit of flying energy!

The roentgen cat with extreme strength!

Abilang with the limit of ice energy!

In Long Yi's eyes, the data of several elves belonging to Hunter K were refreshed quickly, and his face remained unmoved, as if he was not the one who fell into the disadvantage.

With red eyes and anger aroused by the pain, Ao Yu twitched the roentgen cat beside him with his tail, and then forcibly straightened his body out of the water. Several dragon fins on his back glowed red one by one.

Talent - the heart of anger!
"Use Dragon Fury!"

The furious Ao Yu began to condense fireballs in his mouth, and the golden-red energy ball exuded strong energy fluctuations, and the surrounding air was distorted from a distance.

Very strong!
The power of Ao Yu's Dragon's Wrath when he first subdued it was comparable to that of the Gyarados, but when it reached the limit of the race, the power of Dragon's Wrath has exceeded the limit of ordinary elves' unique skills, and it can be called a semi The level of secret skills!
Seeing that the situation was not good, Hunter K hurriedly said, "Stop it!"

Roentgen Cat uses Thunder, Armor Bird uses Metal Tone, Dreamsong Cactus uses Missile Needle, and Sly Tengu uses Storm.

But even at this time, his Abby Lang still didn't make a move.

"Ao Guang uses a tornado, and Gala Gala uses noise."

The white tornado collided with the cunning tengu's storm, and the different winds entangled and collided together, and the two unique moves were both eliminated.

There was a piercing noise from under the skull, the invisible noise collided with three ring-shaped metal sounds, and it was also a draw.

The densely packed missile needles hit Ao Yu's body like rain hitting plantains; a thunderbolt fell in the night sky, and it was not until the attack hit that there was a delayed thunder in the ears.

The missile needle's attack didn't hurt or itch, but the damage from the thunder was enough. Ao Yu let out a painful roar, and the dragon's wrath in his mouth had been completely formed.


Dragon's Fury flew towards Hunter K, forcing his elves to return to defense.

Iron wall!

A silver armored bird stands in the front, its steel-like body seems to be melting in the red light, and its cry is hoarse and shrill.

Roentgen cat used Thunder again, this time the target was Ao Yu's Dragon's Fury, but there was a problem with its estimation of the distance, Thunder hit the ground behind Dragon's Fury, in vain.

Mengge cactus used sandstorm, and cunning tengu used storm. The unique moves of the two elves combined into one to form a dust tornado. With the blocking of armored bird, Ao Yu's dragon's wrath was finally blocked.

"Ao Yu uses the destructive death light, and Ao Guang uses the jet flame!"

A ray of golden light and a ray of crimson flew out respectively.

The destructive death light hit the Roentgen Cat, which was running out of electricity, and it was thrown flying, smashing the glass window of a nearby shop, and falling into the darkness.

The cunning tengu who sustains the storm with all his strength from jetting fire hits.

With its speed, it could have dodged, but Hunter K was attacked, and the cunning Tengu, who was afraid of punishment, tried his best to stop Dragon's Wrath, but lost the last chance to dodge.

In the high temperature of thousands of degrees, the cunning tengu let out a scream, and fell to the ground with his whole body scorched black.

At the same time, Gala Gala casually threw a bone stick boomerang, knocking the Mengsong Cactus unconscious.

The dragon's wrath dissipated, revealing an armored bird with half of its body scorched black and half of its body shining silver. Ao Guang took a look at it, and made up for it with a jet of flame, making the latter lose its ability to fight.

In the blink of an eye, four of the five elves belonging to Hunter K were seriously injured or unconscious, unable to fight.


Long glanced at the scene and sighed.

It still doesn't work.

Hunter K is already the strongest, most dangerous, and life-threatening battle target he can find. There are four elves with extreme race values, so it cannot be said that he is not strong.

However, fighting against such a person cannot be measured from a conventional perspective. In the melee, Dragon's Wrath, which was only a semi-secret skill, established the victory. Four of the five elves were injured, and only the last Abby Lang remained.

Although there is pressure, it is far from the limit, let alone make Ao Yu break through the limit and become an element-level elf.

There is a gap between them!
"Catch it with your hands." Long said.

"You think you're sure to win?" Hunter K looked indifferent.

The situation is already very unfavorable to him.Although there are other elves on him, his combat power is at most at the same level as that of the Mengsong Cactus, and it won't help if he releases it.

But Hunter K doesn't panic because he still has it, his strongest elf.


This Abby Lang is no different from other Abby Lang that Long Yi has seen, with a brown body, a lavender battle skirt, red boxing gloves, sharp eyes, and a strange hairstyle.

However, he is the elf of Hunter K, so he is destined to be unusual.

Abi Lang stepped forward, its speed was not fast, it could even be said to be very slow.

It's not that Abby Lang's speed is not good, but that it walks very leisurely, like a boxer about to participate in a boxing match, stepping steadily towards the ring instead of the battlefield.

Ao Yu, who was in anger, had a destructive and deadly light on his head.

call out!
A ray of black light flashed, and the destructive death light was deflected and shot into a piece of ruins to form an explosion.

A golden crease remained in Long Yi's retina, and opposite to it was a thin black line.

Bullet Punch!
Steel energy limit!

Long Yi's pupils shrank, and Ao Yu over there also froze for a moment, followed by even more manic rage.


Ao Guang on the other side also sent out a jet of flame to assist the attack at the same time.


A golden thread burst the water cannon; a blue thread froze the flames.

Abilang moved his hands slightly, and moved forward calmly, the blasted water cannon and frozen spray flames had no effect on it.

Lightning fist!Electric system energy limit!

Frozen Punch!Ice energy limit!

"This is..." Long Yi was speechless when he saw it.

How can it be so strong! ?
Ice, electricity, steel... how can a normal person train Abby Lang who is the limit of the three series!

This unscientific!

Ao Yu, who was repeatedly defeated in the attack, let out an angry roar, and the Dragon's Fury condensed again. Facing the attack at the semi-secret level, Abilang, who was walking, finally stopped.

The wrath of the dragon the size of a wheel flew out.

Abilang tucked his right fist at his waist, leaned forward to the left, and made an attacking posture.

"It's just a dragon's wrath, look at my Abby Lang broke it!" Hunter K said.

Secret technique - Hundred Crack Fist!

Abbey Lang swung an unknown number of punches in an instant, and dense fist shadows formed a wall of fists in front of him, including golden lightning fists, blue freezing fists, red flame fists, and black bullets. Fist, there is a brown Sonic Fist, and there is a white Stun Fist.

The sound of popping bubbles.

In front of this dense fist shadow, Dragon's Wrath, which Roentgen Cat, Sly Tengu, Armor Bird, and Dreamsong Cactus tried their best to block just now, was easily broken.


Abilang has already released his right fist, and stepped forward with his right foot. Immediately afterwards, he took a step forward with his left foot, and swung out the left fist just received from his waist.

The air trembled, and the supersonic speed produced a piercing detonation. The dense fist shadows were submerged one by one into the left fist swung by Abi Lang. When its left fist reached the limit, a huge brown fist shadow flew out, which was as big as a fist. The size of a truck.

The body is brown, the thumb is golden, the index finger is blue, the middle finger is red, the ring finger is black, and the little finger is white.

Cheats - Punch hard!
"Ao Yu!" Long Yi exclaimed.

Ao Yu's pupils shrank to the size of a needle, the dragon fin horns on his back were so red that they were hot, and every scale on his body began to emit a faint red light.

A pitch-black black line appeared from Ao Yu's abdomen, quickly climbed to his jaw, and a strong black-red energy light glowed deep in his throat.

Ao Yu's exclusive secret skill - the dragon's breath!
Under the threat of Abilang's sudden and powerful attack, Ao Yu, who was caught between life and death, had no time to think. The instinct of survival allowed him to discover every trace of energy and potential in his body. The dragon breathes.

The black and red breath collided with the fist shadow the size of a truck, and a strong hurricane erupted from the impact point, forcing Long Yi and Hunter K to hold on to everything around them to ensure they would not be blown away.

For a moment.

Calm and calm.

(End of this chapter)

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