Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 287 The Second Elf

Chapter 287 The Second Elf

"Ao Yu!"

Long Yi immediately turned around.

As far as the eye can see, under the light of the fire, the suet road, which was already torn apart under the fire, was directly blasted into a deep pit. The surface of the pit is molten like magma, and it is cooling rapidly at the moment.

Ao Yu fell to the ground, the scales on his body were dull, and the dragon horns on his head and the dragon fins on his back also lost their usual bright red color.

Hunter K's Abilang's situation is not much better than Ao Yu's. He stood upright on the spot, and Long Yi couldn't see what happened to his back. However, looking from his side, Abilang's front was completely dark and severely burned. !

A gust of wind blows.

Abilang fell on his back, wisps of hot air rose from the surface of his scorched body, and a special smell of meat filled the air.

"how is this possible!"

Hunter K almost bit his tongue in surprise.You must know that his Abby Lang is a race limit elf, and he is also proficient in two secret skills, so he can't beat the red tyrannosaurus of the kid on the opposite side?

After the shock, there was intense fear. The strongest elves on his body had already fallen one after another, let alone Hunter K's other elves, and they turned around and ran away immediately.

"Double bomb gas, use black mist."

As he turned around, he remembered letting out a double-bomb gas escape to cover himself.

A fierce light flashed in Ao Guang's eyes.Although it hates Ao Yu's closeness very much on weekdays, it's one thing to be unwilling, but another thing to be beaten in front of the "fan girl" who is courteous every day.

A dazzling golden light shines from the ferocious dragon kiss, ready to destroy the death light.

"Ao Guang, stop." Long Yi shouted, Ao Guang roared bitterly, canceling the trick.

Let Lux use superpowers to control the fleeing hunter K and double-bomb gas-it is really funny to run away in front of a superpower elf without a corresponding elf.

Long Yi walked to Ao Yu's side step by step.

Crouching down, Ao Yu exudes a strong high temperature, like a boiled dragon.

After the secret skills of the two sides collided, the attack Ao Yu encountered was actually similar to that of Aibi Lang, but because its defense was much higher than Ai Bilang's, it did not appear the latter's terrifying appearance.

Calling out the system, the word health on Ao Yu's panel has become a serious injury, but it is not a serious problem, and it is not difficult to heal this kind of injury.

What really made Long Yi sigh was that even this kind of life-and-death crisis that he faced suddenly, and the explosion that occurred under such stimulation, did not allow Ao Yu to step into the ranks of the element level.

It is still a mutant tyrannosaurus with the limit of race.

That's it.

"Essence, it's no loss that it has stumped the threshold of countless genius trainers, the separation of divine beasts and ordinary elves."

Shaking his head, Long Yi stood up.

After letting Lacus and Pippi heal Ao Yu briefly, Long Yi knocked Hunter K unconscious and confiscated all the elves, equipment and property on him.

There was already a vague sound of helicopter propellers in the distant night sky, and there was not much time left for Long Yi.

Originally, Long Yi was just planning to fight Hunter K, and was not going to complete the task at the risk of violating the laws of Aitia City, but after the unfair treatment just now, and the death of dozens of Aitia City police officers Personnel, Long Yi also changed his mind.

Walking to the side of the overturned off-road vehicle, Long Yi saw this ancient elf that had lived for hundreds of years, the guardian of the city of Aitia, an element-level mythical beast-level giant gold monster!
The size of this golden monster is no different from that of an ordinary golden monster, and its appearance is similar, but its body is full of long or short, continuous or individual blue lines, which looks like a three-dimensional block. Like a huge computer board.


The one in front of me is a genuine element-level elf, and it still doesn't have a trainer - the trainer of the golden monster died hundreds of years ago, and it hasn't had a new trainer since then.

But even so, Long Yi didn't dare to take it.

It was one thing to forcibly capture the most annoying hunter K in the city of Aitia, but it was quite another to snatch away its patron saint, the golden monster.The former can be easily carried down by Long Yi relying on the background of the Aoki family, and the city of Aitia will not go into details, while the latter is an unending hatred, even the alliance and the Aoki family will not stand on Long Yi's side.

Regardless of the poor performance of the law enforcement officers in Aitia City today, their weapons are as advanced as those of the top legions in the alliance!
"Jiraqi, what's the situation with this golden monster now, how did Hunter K manage to control it?" Long Yi asked.

Ji Laqi in pajamas appeared out of thin air, flew around Long Yi and then sank into the body of the giant metal monster.

After a while, Ji Laqi flew out again.

"Master, it has a virus~"

"Virus?" Long Yi asked in surprise.

"That's right." Ji Laqi nodded cutely, "Megro has a brain comparable to a supercomputer, and its body structure is naturally similar to that of a computer, which can be invaded and infected by computer viruses."

Long Yi understood what Jirachi meant, although he couldn't imagine what a computer-like body structure would look like, but Long Yi didn't have the mood to dissect a golden monster, that's something only doctors in elf research do.

"In addition, each Metagross has a database in its brain. A system with supercomputing capabilities can already copy and store this part of private chats. Does the owner need to copy it?"


Long Yi was stunned, and nodded quickly: "Of course! The speed must be fast!"

"Good host~"

Ji Laqi screamed happily, and then got into the body of the giant metal monster again. At the same time, a progress bar appeared in Long Yi's eyes, and the progress bar climbed at an extremely fast speed.

Long Yi's breathing was a little short.

This is the database in the brains of the giant metal monsters that survived the dark ages!

How rich should it be?As one of the first batch of artificially bred element-level elves in the world, how deep will the understanding of elements be?
Long Yi didn't dare to imagine, he just knew that he might be about to find a big treasure.

【beep!beep!Abnormal found!Abnormal found! 】

Suddenly, the progress bar stopped abruptly, and a bright red warning sign appeared in Long Yi's sight.

Before he could react to what happened, a super-sci-fi duck-shaped elf with sharp edges and corners, whose body color was composed of red and cyan, flew out of the golden monster, suspended in the air sluggishly.

"This is... a 3D dragon?" Long Yi wasn't quite sure. The information he learned after traveling did not contain such spirits. Long Yi originally thought that there were no 3D dragons in this world, but he didn't expect one to appear in front of him. Only.

"Maybe Hunter K used it to plant the virus on the Metagross." Long Yi thought.

[The abnormality is eliminated, continuing to copy, the progress is 67%...]

One minute later, the system successfully copied all the content in the Metagross database. At the same time, Long Yi also changed the program files of this 1D dragon with the help of the system, becoming its absolute master.

This artificially created special elf also became Long Yi's 13th elf.

13.3D dragon: the first special elf created artificially in modern society, with infinite possibilities.

Elf Race: 3D Dragon

Attribute: normal

Status: healthy
Talent: digitalization, virtual body

Digitization: 3D dragons can enter the world of data by digitizing themselves.

Virtual body: The body of the 3D dragon is actually the product of the materialization of the virtual program. By modifying its main program, the effect of changing itself can be achieved.

Intimacy: 255 (highest authority, absolute obedience)

Racial limit value: 50% of normal energy, 50% of psychic energy, 50% of electric energy; 50% of physical strength.

"This is the 3D dragon? It's really a magical elf." Long Yi was checking the attributes of the 3D dragon when he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

He raised his head and met a pair of calm eyes.

Metagross, wake up!

"Golden monster, you're awake." Long Yi greeted, feeling a little guilty.

The golden monster didn't speak, just looked at it like this, those eyes seemed to see through the facts, like a wise old man.

"This person is the culprit who attacked you, but I can't hand him over to you, I want to bring him back to the alliance to sue." Long Yi pointed to the unconscious hunter K.

Giant Gold Monster: "..."


It nodded slowly, as if agreeing.

Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief, quickly said hello, then summoned Jin Peng, rode on it and left here.

Call ~
The strong wind blew up the curtains, and the purple nightgown on Mikako who was waiting on the balcony.

"Long Yi! You're back!" Mikako said in surprise.

"Well, I caught Hunter K, but something happened and I need to leave immediately. You may be implicated by me. Should you go with me or stay?" Long Yi said quickly, and at the same time his clothes and luggage were in Lux. Flew out of the guest room under the control.

Mikako is a special staff member of the Alliance. Although she has a staff, she is not considered an agent or a spy. She is a native of Ethia, but her ancestors were arranged by the Alliance to live here.

After hesitating for a while, Mikako shook her head: "I won't go there, I didn't do anything anyway."

Although not long ago, I had a feeling for the profession of trainer, but the homeland was hard to leave, and I couldn't make up my mind to leave Mikako all of a sudden.

After all, Long Yi is just a peer with whom she has a crush, while the other side is an environment where she has lived for more than 20 years, where she has family, friends, and a job.

Long nodded and didn't force it: "Okay, just call me if you have any trouble, but I probably won't come to Aitia City again."

"Well, have a good journey, I wish you an early becoming the king of the alliance." Mikako blessed.

"Lend your auspicious words."

Long Yi found out that the helicopter that had arrived at the Metagross building was already ordered to scout around, so he bid farewell to Mikako at once, patted the remaining Jinpeng, and soared into the sky.

In the moonlight, Mikako watched from the balcony that Long Yi, who was riding Bi Diao, was flying higher and higher, as if he was going to fly to the moon.

"Take care." She thought.

A gust of wind blows, a little cold...

(End of this chapter)

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