Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 288 Auction!superior

Chapter 288 Auction!superior
Five days later.

Wearing exercise clothes, Long Yi walked into a luxuriously decorated box under the leadership of the maid.

The area of ​​this box is not large, and the wall facing the door is replaced by a glass curtain wall. There is a sofa in the center of the room, and there are small wooden stools on the left and right sides, on which flowers and vases are placed.

In front of the sofa is a coffee table with flowers, fruits, tea sets, etc. on it.

Wearing a purple suit and a hat hanging on the coat rack at the door, Bai Shizhangyan stood up from the sofa when the door opened, and stepped forward to greet him enthusiastically.

"Long Yi, you've come!"

"Master Baishi, you guard me really well." Long Yi joked.

A few days ago, Long Yi asked Bai Shizhangyan to contact a group of trainers who were interested in Hunter K's elves. Unexpectedly, five days had passed. Although the other party met Long Yi's request, the form was this box auction. It completely prevented Long Yi from contacting other people.

"It's just an old man's caution." Baishi Zhangyan laughed at himself.

As an information dealer and channel dealer, what he is most afraid of is that Long Yi and his other customers will know each other, so that they can completely avoid Baishi Zhangyan to communicate in private, which is not allowed by any channel dealer.

Long nodded and said nothing more.

Waved to let the waitress who led the way back down, Bai Shizhangyan led Long Yi to the glass wall, pointed to the bottom and said: "All the curtain walls of the box here are one-way glass, you can see the outside from the inside, but you can see the outside from the outside." Can't see inside."

"See the glass room below, it's the most advanced elf testing room, the elves you want to auction will be tested there later, and then those who are interested will bid in turn, and all your prices will be reflected on the top On the electronic screen of your computer, it’s up to you to decide with whom you end up making a deal.”

"I'm very satisfied." Long nodded, "When will it start?"

"excuse me, may I ask."

Bai Shizhangyan returned to the sofa, pressed a button on the coffee table in front of him, and after receiving the news that all the guests had arrived, he announced the official start of the auction.

There was a gap in the platform next to the glass room below, and a beautiful woman in a kimono took the elevator up and greeted the guests in the box enthusiastically.

"It's a great pleasure to meet old friends again, and of course new friends I met for the first time. I am Natsuko Kimoto, the auctioneer for this auction."

Long Yi didn't know this woman, but judging from the enthusiastic responses from other boxes, it seemed that she was quite famous.

"Not much gossip, let's start today's first auction."

Natsuko Kimoto clapped her hands, and another young and beautiful woman in a bunny costume walked over with a catwalk, carrying a tray with a poke ball on it.

Whether it was the elegant and generous auctioneer Natsuko Kimoto before, or this bunny girl with long legs and big breasts, they were all extremely beautiful women, which made Long Yi look forward to this auction even more.

"This first elf is one of Hunter K's ace elves, an armored bird that has reached the limit value of the race!"

As soon as the auction came up, it was Hunter K's ace elf, which caused an exclamation from many boxes.

After all, this is a race limit elf, an elf who hopes to break through the elements!

If a normal trainer wants to cultivate such an elf, he must have qualifications, resources, hard work, and luck. Even if you have a lot of money, such an elf is not just cultivated, and it is even more expensive to buy with money. .

Therefore, every time this kind of elf appears, it will be sold for an exaggeratedly high price.

Natsuko Kimoto picked up the poke ball and put it in a device in front of the glass room. Soon the poke ball was grabbed by a mechanical hand and appeared in the glass room, pressing the button.

White light flashed, and a silver armored bird appeared in the glass room, fluttering its wings agitatedly.


Two cyan wind blades suddenly appeared under the armor bird's wings, and then with a wave of wings, they hit the glass wall directly in front of them one after the other.

Bang, bang.

With two crashing sounds, the air of the armored bird returned in vain, leaving no marks on the glass wall.

"This special glass is strong enough to withstand the full attack of a race limit elf, and unless it is a secret technique, it is impossible to break it." Baishi Zhangyan explained.

"Look, everyone, this is a laser gun that is as powerful as a fast dragon destroying the dead light."

Natsuko Kimoto operated the machine and protruded a weapon in the shape of other weapons above the glass room, and white light began to gather in the black muzzle.

The armored bird seemed to sense something, and flew up uneasy.

A white light flashed, and the attack of the laser gun hit the armored bird that had just taken off with lightning speed. Light.

Three seconds later, the attack stopped, and the armored bird that was attacked against the glass wall slid down, and then flapped its wings midway and flew up. The steel feathers on its chest were still bright and beautiful, and there was no trace of being attacked at all.

"Okay, it really is an armored bird with the limit of race!"

"This kind of defense, it turns out that the body of an elf can be so hard."

"This elf, I am determined to get it!"

There was admiration from each box, and it was obvious that the armored bird was very popular.

Kimoto Natsuko rolled his eyes, and on his gentle face showed a smile as gentle as sunshine and as sweet as cherry blossom petals, and said: "The race limit armor bird, the starting price is 100 million, and each increase must not be less than 1 yuan! Because the auction At the request of the party, secret skills, attribute treasures and special items can be used for discount."

"Now, the auction begins!"

As soon as Kimoto Natsuko finished speaking, a young voice rang out impatiently: "150 million!"

With one mouthful, the price will be directly increased by 50%, which is full of pride.

"This voice is..." Long Yi was taken aback suddenly, and a handsome boy in a suit appeared in his mind.

Takahashi Heiichi, the eldest son of Takahashi Yemo, a wealthy man in the Kanto region!
As one of the wealthiest rich second generations in Kanto, Takahashi Heiichi can say that any troubles that can be solved with money are not troubles in his eyes, and the rest cannot be solved with money.

In a college competition, Takahashi Heiichi lost his strongest primordial elf, the Charizard, and he was left with only one racial limit, the Frog Flower. Naturally, he urgently needed a new main elf, but that kind of elf was not available in a short time. Out of training, so can only rely on buying.

It's a pity that such elves are priceless, until this time...

"180 million!" But unfortunately, he was not the only one with money present.

"200 million!"

"250 million!" Takahashi Heiichi expressed his determination to win.

"150 million, plus a Molten Core!" Another voice sounded.

The Molten Core is the core of the element-level coal turtle. It is useless to ordinary people except that it is precious, and the market price is at most 60 to [-].But the bidder was very confident, because according to the information he spent money on from Baishi Zhangyan, the seller seemed to be very interested in various element-level cores.

Every element-level elf will leave such attribute treasures after death, but except for a few secret skills that can be used for them, most of them are actually consumed by collection and research.

Although I don't know what the other party is going to do, this thing must be a premium in the seller's mind.On this basis, not to mention 250 million, even 300 million may not be able to lower your price!
"The average transaction price of Molten Core is 53 yuan!" Kimoto Natsuko said, the person who just bid was ranked second with a total price of 203 million yuan.

In another box, Takahashi Hei, who was wearing a suit and shirt, frowned.

He came here just after hearing about the auction, and had not done intelligence work beforehand, but the confidence contained in that voice made the son of a business tycoon feel a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

Reminiscent of what Natsuko Kimoto said before the auction, Takahashi Heiichi saw the bid on the screen, the Molten Core that had not disappeared even though it was under his own name.

has a problem!
Although this auction is about financial resources, it's not just about money!
After figuring this out, Takahashi Heiichi immediately changed his strategy: "250 million, plus the learning method of the secret skill Flame Armor!"

Takahashi Ping has three methods of learning secret techniques, among which he only has the right to use the secret technique of rose flower and the secret technique of dragon king's power, but he has no right to sell it, but the flame armor has it.

"Are there any other customers who want to bid?" Kimoto Natsuko shouted, and there were very few people who continued to bid.

"300 million!" Another female voice bid.

Natsuko Kimoto confirmed it three times, and no one shouted anymore. She knocked down the auction mallet in her hand: "The bidding is closed! Next, the auctioneer will choose among several bidders to conduct the transaction for a while, please wait a moment."

"Long Yi, which one do you like?" In the box, Bai Shi Zhangyan asked.

The higher priority of secret skills and element-level attribute treasures or special treasures is the signal that Long Yi asked him to release, so he naturally knew that the one with a bid of 300 million had already been eliminated.

"250 million plus flame armor secret technique." Long Yi said decisively.

Although the core element is important, it is far less difficult to purchase than secret skills, and it is not a necessity, so he naturally knows how to choose.

At the same time, Long Yi was also sighing in his heart, it was not a loss that he had a gold belt for killing people and setting fires, repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses, money that ordinary people would not earn in their lifetime, he just captured an international criminal, and it was easy.

"Congratulations to the friends in Box No. 3! The staff will come to trade immediately, please be prepared." As soon as Long Yi made a decision, Natsuko Kimoto immediately announced below.

The buyer who bid for Molten Core was stunned.

Intelligence error?

No, it should be that the importance of attribute treasures is not as high as I imagined, and the priority of secret skills is higher.

This is the normal situation, because no one thinks there are too few secret skills, but the attribute treasures of the element level are tasteless, and they really have little effect.

"It seems that we need to adjust our thinking." The man thought silently.

"The second elf is Hunter K's flame horse, this one..."

Being able to be used by Hunter K as a traveling elf, this flaming horse is naturally excellent, but the few boxes that bid just now seemed to be lacking in interest, on the contrary, there was an endless stream of bids in other boxes that hadn't spoken before.

In the end, the flaming horse was bought by the guests in box 13 at a price of 17.

Is it the racial limit? The gap is that big.If it rises to the element level elf, the price will be hundreds of millions at every turn, which is another level.

After several excellent elves in a row, the second race, the ultimate elf, came on the stage.

"The cunning tengu that attacks the limit, the starting price is 100 million yuan, and each increase must not be less than 1 yuan!"

"300 million!" The female voice sounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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