Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 289 Auction!Down

Chapter 289 Auction!Down
"This lunatic!"

The buyer who owned Molten Core cursed that his funds were obviously not as abundant as the other two.

"200 million, plus a Molten Heart and a Frozen Tree Heart!"

The Frozen Tree Heart is the tree heart in the body of the Blizzard King at the element level, and its value is higher than that of the Molten Heart.

"The heart of the molten fire is discounted by 53 yuan, and the heart of the ice tree is discounted by 65 yuan, a total of 318 million yuan!" Natsuko Kimoto quickly estimated the price without even checking the historical transaction records.

On the other hand, Takahashi Pingyi is not short of money, but the funds that can be used are limited.

More importantly, he did not prepare attribute treasures and special treasures, and the only secret skill flame armor that could be sold had already been traded.

The price of 300 million is almost close to the highest price of the race limit elves. It is not impossible to be higher, but that is not what the ordinary cunning tengu in front of me can achieve, but similar to Abby Lang who has mastered secret skills, or the three The ultimate elves of the pure blood dragon clan.

"Hunter K has 4 known extreme elves, among which his Abirang has the highest value, but the total number of auctioned elves is only a dozen. According to the current estimation process, counting the finale elves, it is very likely that the other party only sold 3 of them. Only."

This is normal, any trainer will not have too many racial extreme elves, if Takahashi Heiichi captures Hunter K by himself, he will not sell any of the four extreme elves!
"If there are only three, then the final elf should be the Roentgen cat..." Takahashi Ping thought for a moment.

Hunter K's Abby Lang is the most famous, followed by the Roentgen cat, the armored bird, and the cunning tengu last.

Considering his own limited funds, Takahashi Heiichi decided to give up bidding on Tricky Tengu.

In Box No. 2, a woman frowned her beautiful eyebrows, with a trace of sadness on her face.

"350 million." She clicked on the bidder and sent it out.

"The bid for Box 2 is 350 million yuan. Is there any other bids? Once! Twice! Three times!"

"Bids are closed!"

There was a difference of 50 in value, but the attributes of Molten Fire Core and Frozen Tree Heart made Long Yi a little bit excited, and finally he chose this lower price.

Then there is a series of ordinary elite elves, with transaction prices ranging from 10,000+ to hundreds of thousands. Someone bid for a tree species, which is the seed of the tree on the back of the turtle on the elemental platform, and it is also an attribute treasure, which was acquired by Long Yi.

Soon, the remaining twelve elves were auctioned off one after another, and this auction also came to an end.

"Congratulations to the guests in Box No. 7, who took a picture of this Mengge cactus!"

Natsuko Kimoto took a long breath, wiped off the sweat that didn't exist, and then said crisply: "Happy time is always so short, there is only one elf left in this auction, everyone. Guests who have not obtained the elf they like, don't miss this last chance."

"The last one, an electric elf, a race-limited roentgen cat!"

As usual, it was an old-fashioned display. The powerful destructive power of this roentgen cat was more shocking than the previous cunning tengu, and it also made the customers in each box short of breath.

"What a roentgen cat, what a pity, what a pity."

The man who photographed the cunning tengu sighed, his savings had been emptied, and he really couldn't afford this roentgen cat.

"I will definitely get this Roentgen cat!" Takahashi Heiichi vowed in the No. 3 box.

In box 2, the woman with the crooked eyebrows and crooked eyes also exhaled and picked up the meter.

"The starting price for a roentgen cat at the limit of race is 150 million yuan, and each increase must not be less than 2 yuan!"

Natsuko Kimoto's base price was meaningless, because as soon as she finished speaking, Box 2 raised the price to the familiar 300 million yuan.

"350 million!" Gao Qiaoping refused to budge.

The No. 2 box continued to bid: "400 million yuan!"

This price has exceeded the value of this Roentgen cat. However, for the real rich, money is just a number. They never buy things to make money, but because they want it.

"500 yuan!"

This is Heiichi Takahashi's final price and all the pocket money left in his account.

Yes, the funds of nearly 1000 million before and after are just his pocket money.

"Is there a higher price?" Kimoto Natsuko looked at the No. 2 box, because no secret skills or treasures were provided, so if the No. 2 box did not continue to bid, then this Roentgen cat belonged to Takahashi Heiichi.

"300 million, plus a learning device!"

But not Box 2!
In Box No. 5, a guest who had never called a price before shouted a new price in this situation!

For 99% of the trainers, they don't even know that there are artificial elves like 3D dragons in the world, but for the real rich, this special device developed according to the characteristics of 3D dragons is a must. .

A set of learning devices can allow many elves to increase their combat experience without going through dangerous battles, and prevent irreversible injuries during their growth stages.

"A set of learning devices is priced at 200 million yuan!" Kimoto Natsuko announced, and the price of the No. 5 box surpassed Takahashi Heiichi, ranking first.

Takahashi Hei had a difficult look on his face.

Is he short of money?No shortage!Does he lack a learning device?No shortage either!
But at this moment, he was in a kind of embarrassment. Unless he called his father immediately to transfer money, Takahashi Heiichi might miss this Roentgen cat.

But time is running out.

Following the bids for box No. [-], after three consecutive bids and no bids, Natsuko Kimoto immediately announced the end of the bidding and handed it over to Long Yi for adjudication.

"I'll choose Box No. [-]." Long Yiyi said without a doubt.

The value of the two people's bids is to wait, but for Long Yi, there is no way to buy a set of learning devices for 200 million.

The offer was exactly what he wanted.

Since then, except for Abby Lang, Forest Lizard and 3D Dragon, all other elves from Hunter K have been auctioned off. Long Yi received a total of 23 million yuan in cash, plus a set of learning devices, Melting Fire One heart, one ice tree heart, one earthen turtle tree plant, and one flame armor learning method.

Of course, because this auction is not a mission reward, Long Yi needs to pay a transaction tax of up to 140 million, and according to international practice, give the auctioneer and Bai Shizhangyan 14% each, which is [-] yuan.

Although he knew that Baishi Zhangyan had evil intentions, but before the other party showed it, Long Yi also had to pretend that he didn't know. Therefore, although Baishi Zhangyan had decided on his own, he could actually not pay the money, but Long Yi still gave.They even made up the whole thing and gave 15 yuan respectively, totaling 30 yuan.

After deducting 170 million yuan, the actual income is 8503 million yuan, plus some treasures.

The guests had a sumptuous meal with Shiraishi Zhangyan, auctioneer Kimoto Natsuko and some of her assistants, as well as Ren and Oda. Long Yi bid farewell to everyone and returned to his own room in the Shueisha building smelling of alcohol.

In the room, apart from the furniture and Long Yi's luggage, several treasures from previous auctions and a learning device like an electric cap were also there.

【drop!The fire energy crystal nucleus is detected, whether to absorb it?whether】

【drop!Ice-type energy crystal nuclei detected, whether to absorb it?whether】

【drop!Grass-type energy crystal nuclei are detected, is it to be absorbed?whether】

【drop!A special treasure learning device has been detected, whether to perform fusion?whether】

As soon as he entered the room, continuous system prompts almost occupied Long Yi's entire field of vision.

Taking a deep breath, closing the door and locking it, Long Yi said silently.



Do not absorb!

The next moment, a white air flew out from the heart of the nearest Frost Tree, and swept across Long Yi's body in an instant. With the sound of freezing, countless frosts covered Long Yi's whole body from scratch, and then the extreme Within a short time, he was completely frozen, as if he had been sealed in a block of ice.

From the inside out, the skin, muscles, bones, blood, and nerves are all frozen!

Long Yi didn't move at all, his eyes were looking ahead, his mind was frozen and he couldn't think.

The flames burst into flames, rising beyond the ice.

At this moment, there are two heavens of ice and fire!

(End of this chapter)

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