Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 290 Reborn!superior

Chapter 290 Reborn!superior
In the room, a huge block of flames wrapped a block of ice that was as tall as a person, and a tall young man was frozen in the ice block. It was really a shocking and weird picture.

The cold air in the heart of the ice tree froze every inch of Long Yi's skin, every muscle, every tendon, every internal organ, every cell, and even his mind was frozen in such extreme cold. up.

Outside the ice layer, the flame ignited by the lava core burns quietly. The flame is scarlet red, and the burning blue smoke has a little bit of black, which seems to have a pungent smell of coal.

In this heat and cold, Long Yi's body began to change drastically.

The power of the flames compressed the cold air inch by inch!

Long Yi's skin became snow-white and delicate, his muscles turned light red, his bones were crystal clear, and the bone marrow inside flowed slowly like sticky frosting.

The ice cube shrunk in circles, then disappeared into frost covering the surface of the body, and finally even the hoarfrost disappeared in the flames.

All the ice power was forced into Long Yi's body!
There was no ice on his body surface, and he was in the flames again, but the temperature of his body had not returned to normal, it was still as cold as ice, like a frozen corpse.

Call ~
The burning flame didn't hurt Long Yi's body, instead, the room was blown by wind, the flame danced under the blowing of the wind, turned into two small fire wires, penetrated into the nostrils, and disappeared.

Suddenly, there was a dull voice in the room.

puff~ puff~ puff~
One after another, the stiff body began to soften, the rosy color began to appear under the snow-white skin, the chest began to bully, and the strong heartbeat suddenly became rapid.


Long Yi suddenly let out a long cry, and suddenly woke up.

"I am..."

Before he could figure out the situation, two rectangular translucent spaces suddenly appeared in front of him, one of which was filled with crimson mist, and the other was filled with snow-white mist.

"Master, do you want to combine these two secondary planes into one and then bind them to Huiyuan?" Gilaqi in pajamas floated in the air and asked.

I don't know if it's Long Yi's illusion, but he always feels that Ji Laqi is more agile than before, and more like a real life.

Because Ash originally had dual attributes of fire and ice, Long Yi didn't know which sub-plane it would be better to put it in, so he absorbed them all.

If it were the previous Jiraki, he would definitely be so dull as to ask Long Yi what elf he was bound to, instead of offering to merge with the secondary plane, and he would have guessed the elf who was going to sign the contract this time - although this is not difficult Guess.

This thought just passed through his mind for a while, Long Yi who had too many doubts nodded without hesitation: "Of course."


Ji Laqi waved his hand happily, and the two rectangular translucent spaces approached each other in mid-air, and then merged together, and the mist inside also turned into two distinct groups, half red and half white.

Put it in the ashes!

A poke ball appeared in this twice as large space, and then exploded, revealing a bewildered Huiyuan.

【Ding!Huiyuan has got rid of the control of the poke ball and is signing a contract! 】

A special pattern composed of two dragons fell from the sky and submerged into the forehead of Huiyuan who was looking around, forming a mark that was imprinted deep in his soul.

【The contract has been signed! 】

[Target confirmation, start to generate the corresponding environment. 】

The red mist and white mist swirled like Taiji, and then became more and more condensed, turning into soil of the corresponding color.

The muddy ground formed by the red mist is uneven, and large areas of dry cracks can be seen everywhere. Mountains rise from the ground, and the inside of the peaks is red magma.

Suddenly, with a bang, countless volcanoes erupted at the same time, black volcanic ash covered the sky, red rain rained down on the ground, and sheets of magma spewed out from the top of the volcano, forming slowly flowing magma rivers.

On the other side, the mud formed by white mist is covered with thick snow, and snow plants are rising from the ground, densely packed.

There are also mountains in the snow, but they are not small volcanoes, but tall and large giant snow peaks, standing alone in the snow, unchanged from ancient times.

The volcanic area and the snowy area each account for half of the area, forming a spherical shape, with the upper half being a volcano and the lower half being a snowy area.

[Small plane - Ice Martian ball successfully generated! 】

Huiyuan fell into it, and felt like a fish in water in the red volcanic area, curiously exploring the world that belonged to it.

And when it came to the intersection line of the two areas, after tentatively entering the white area, the body that felt the cold began to stimulate hair growth spontaneously, preparing to transform into the winter form, but this is not something that can be done in a short time, at least it needs to be done. 10-day grace period.

He had already communicated with a few elves about the matter of the secondary plane, so Huiyuan naturally knew what was going on, so he returned to the volcanic area and started having fun on his own.

Long Yi withdrew his gaze and began to examine the changes in his body.

turned white!
This is the first sense.

Long Yi's appearance is not bad, but as a boy, and a boy who practiced martial arts, his skin is naturally not very white, it belongs to a skin color close to bronze.

But now, his skin is rosy all over his body, it looks even whiter and more tender than those female stars!
It looks so shameful!

Long Yi prefers that he is that kind of strong and handsome man, rather than the appearance of a little boy with a handsome face.

I stretched out my hand to touch it, and it didn't have the rough feel before, it was smooth and delicate, and it was more feminine than a woman.

"Jiraqi, what's going on?" Long Yi asked irritably.

Although he feels his body has become stronger, this appearance is too fucked!

"This is the strengthening effect of the energy on the owner's body when absorbing the energy crystal nucleus." Ji Laqi said.

As for why it turned into this appearance, it is not very clear. It can only be guessed that it has something to do with the newly absorbed Frost Tree Heart.

"Wait, I really want to see this phenomenon somewhere..."

Long Yi thought about it, but really couldn't remember it, just happened to have finished sorting out the database from the Metagross just now, so he asked Ji Laqi to search for a similar situation, unexpectedly found it.

Ice muscles and bones!

This is a realm belonging to the martial arts school, which means that the body has been strengthened to the limit of ordinary people, and it can be said that one step further is an extraordinary warrior comparable to element-level elves!

Under normal circumstances, there are only three kinds of such limits, one is ice muscle and jade bone, the other is steel and iron bone, and the last one is the combination of the two into one!

Reinforced and iron-framed combat power is stronger, but it won't last long, at the cost of sacrificing your own health. Generally, if you can't break through to the level of aura or aura, you will jump off a cliff if you are over 40 years old. Generally, you are over 60 years old. I'm about to prepare for my funeral.

Compared with ice muscle and jade bone, it does not focus on fighting, but on health maintenance, and the body is more flexible.Under normal circumstances, martial artists who have developed ice muscles and fine bones can still maintain their peak physical condition at the age of 60, and they will decline sharply when they exceed 80. Most of them die when they are close to [-] years old.

The last one, naturally combining the strengths of both, is the most perfect physical condition.

"That is to say, I am equivalent to the limit of race among human beings right now?" Long Yi squeezed his fist, feeling a powerful force in his body.

Try throwing a punch.

The strong wind of the fist was buzzing, he didn't use much force at all, but the power he exerted was stronger than before with a full punch!
"Not only this time, but also strengthened your body when absorbing energy crystals before, but it didn't show at that time." Ji Laqi said.

Long Yi felt it, his heart moved, and he took off his clothes suddenly.

I saw the white and jade-like chest rising and falling, and the heart was beating powerfully, like a big drum.

His heart is different!
[Special treasure - the learning device has been fused successfully, the system is being updated...]

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded again in his mind, and then Ji Laqi in the air fell into a sluggish state, and returned to normal after a few seconds.

[New function - battle sharing is open! 】

(End of this chapter)

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