Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 291 Reborn!middle

Chapter 291 Reborn!middle
Battle Shared!

After absorbing special treasures like learning devices, Long Yi's system finally opened up new functions.

Under the guidance of Jirachi, click to open the new interface. This is a modern style interface similar to mobile phone settings. On the top is the four words of battle sharing, and behind it is a pullable button, which is white, indicating the closed state.

Long Yi clicks to open it, and the button slides to the left, revealing the green inner lining.

With a 'swish', a lot of head portraits of elves suddenly appeared below, a total of fifteen, which happened to be all the elves he currently owned.

There is a similar slideable button behind each elf's avatar, which turns green when selected to enable it.

Long Yi smoothly turned on all the buttons.

"that's it?"

Ji Laqi nodded, "Yes, that's all right."

I saw translucent technology-style hats appearing out of nowhere in the void, with steel bones and hollow shapes, with spikes standing up on them, similar to learning device hats in reality.

These transparent hats either submerge into the void, into several sub-planes that Long Yi has opened up now; or fly into the elf balls, and wear them on top of the elves inside.

"After it is turned on, if any elf fights, other elves can get a synchronized perspective and experience the battle from the first perspective, so as to achieve the effect of increasing combat experience." Jiraki explained.

Long Yi nodded calmly, and said "I understand."

The appearance of learning devices can be icing on the cake. Long-term development is very important, but it is not what Long Yi urgently needs at present.

"Jiraqi, search the database for all the information about arrogance, aura, elements, and secret techniques. I want all of them!"

"Good host~"

A large amount of green data flowed across Long Yi's retina, and finally formed two catalogs in his eyes.

Key words courage, momentum information: A total of 765 articles were found!Remove duplicate content, 13 effective information!
Keyword elements, secret technique information: A total of 1388 articles were found!Remove duplicate content, 122 effective information!
Long Yi took a deep breath, felt his heart beating powerfully, and an indescribable sense of abundance filled his heart.


Among these information, there are as many as 69 kinds of secret skills!There are 24 kinds of secret skills with complete learning methods!
What an enormous wealth this is!

Long Yi instructed him casually, and all the top-secret information that was enough to make most trainers jealous appeared in front of him, each of which was so unimaginable, so amazing.

Cheats - space learning method!
Clicking on a familiar file, one was obviously a candid angle, and the edited video began to play, which recorded in detail all the key information about the research, development, and perfection of the secret technique universe by the leader of the Sun Moon Trainer, Aida Chiyo.

This is not only a learning method of secret skills, but also contains its creative thinking, its inspiration!

Turn off the secret technique information, click on the relevant elements, and there are ancient and modern papers and books on how the elves break through the elements, the essence of the elements, and the selection of the elements. There are advantages.

Then click on the items related to spirit and momentum, the method that Long Yi once tried so hard to find is close at hand, and his body has been cultivated into icy muscles and bones, which has reached the limit of human beings. They also stand on the threshold of breaking through the ordinary and stepping into the extraordinary.

Although this step is wider than the previous 99 steps.

Not only are secret techniques, elements, and the mysteries of spirit and momentum, but even information on weapon development, ninjutsu training, yin and yang, and pharmacology is also available!
The huge amount of information contained in the Metagross database is unimaginably rich. Because of the special social composition of Aitia City and the pervasive official camera and wiretapping, the people living there have no secrets at all. The city of Aetia does not exist, and there will always be a backup in the official data.

It is also because of the existence of this situation that the technology of this country within a country is so advanced. It is equivalent to countless geniuses who are selflessly contributing to the Aetia government. Naturally, there are no shortcomings and they are very strong in all aspects.

Countless secret materials and top-secret information fascinated Long Yi. He poked his head out of the deep and fascinating ocean of knowledge with great perseverance, and then ordered Ji Laqi to close the information interface. .

Glancing out of the window, the morning light was slightly dewed, and the night had passed before he knew it.

"I've decided, retreat!" Long Yi made up his mind. With such a big advantage, and just made a fortune, he doesn't need to work hard to complete the task now. He only needs to follow the steps to quickly improve his own strength.

Long Yi was really looking forward to what kind of situation he could reach after digesting the knowledge he got from the Metagros database.


Five days later.

"Here, here is what you want." Wearing a gorgeous kimono, Kimoto Natsuko, who was as elegant as Yamato Nadeko, put two wooden boxes on the coffee table and pushed them over.

Long Yi, who was dressed in a loose exercise suit and had a fair complexion and a tough face, stretched out his hand to open it, picked it up and inspected it, and used the system to confirm the authenticity.

A fist-sized piece of steel was contained in a box. It was a regular polyhedron with sharp edges and corners.

There is a gemstone in another box, drop-shaped, blue, and it seems to be filled with about [-]% of sea water, and there are even ups and downs similar to ocean waves.

The element-level steel-type energy crystal nucleus comes from the heart of steel in Boscodora!

The element-level water system energy crystal nucleus, the blue rhinestone from Menus!

These are attribute treasures that Long Yi specially asked Kimoto Natsuko to help collect, because he was in a hurry and the attributes were stipulated, so he bought these two collectibles at a higher price than usual.

The former was 70 yuan, and the latter was often decorated on jewelry because of its beautiful appearance, which cost Long Yi 200 million yuan.

"I already have news about the last attribute treasure, but the other party is still unwilling to make a move. It may take a while." Kimoto Natsuko frowned slightly, showing a kind of pitiful temperament.

Naturally, Long Yi wouldn't get angry because of this, in fact, the treasures of element level attributes are usually taken into the pockets of rich people as collectibles, although they are useless, they are high enough, and they are treasures that even rich people can't buy.

Being able to get two pieces so quickly, although the price of one of them is inflated, Long Yi is already very satisfied.

As for how much Natsuko Kimoto earned, Long Yi didn't care, anyway, it was within his acceptable range.

After a brief exchange, Long Yi politely expressed his intention to see off the guests, and the winking Natsuko Kimoto would naturally not hold back and offered to go.

After closing the door, Long Yi went back to the room, took out a seed and placed it between the heart of steel and the blue rhinestone.

This is the tree species that came from the elemental terrace turtle at the auction a few days ago!
"Although it's still a bit short, it's ready to start."

Taking a deep breath, he summoned the system spirit Jirachi, and three system prompts appeared at the same time.

【drop!The steel-based energy crystal nuclei are detected, is it going to be absorbed?whether】

【drop!Grass-type energy crystal nuclei are detected, is it to be absorbed?whether】

【drop!Water system energy crystal nuclei detected, whether to absorb it?whether】




In an instant, silver light radiated, and the heart of steel shattered into countless dust-sized steel-type energy particles, and then condensed into a steel war hammer, hitting Long Yi's abdomen with one hammer.

Amidst the crisp sound of striking iron, the hammer of steel shot out of his body and flew into the air. Long Yi's eyes widened and he bent down in pain, as if he had been hit in the abdomen by a real hammer.

Countless fine steel energy particles penetrated into Long Yi's body during this process, starting to strengthen his bones and muscles.

Long opened his mouth, wanting to breathe, but was caught off guard by a flash of blue light in front of his eyes, and choked on a sip of water.

The blue rhinestones shattered and turned into torrents of water, filling the entire room!
Amidst the sound of hammering iron and the sound of waves, there was a slight but unmistakable sound of vegetation sprouting and growing, the tree species from the earth turtle began to sprout, and a series of fresh, green and small vines wrapped around Long Yi's body, tying him up. , pervasive, planting spores in every pore.

Triple absorption, triple strengthening!
(End of this chapter)

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