Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 292 Reborn!Down

Chapter 292 Reborn!Down
After a few minutes, the vision disappeared.

"I feel it, a powerful force!"

Long Yi stood up, his exercise uniform was already drenched with sweat, he tore off his belt casually, and the white exercise uniform slid down to the ground, revealing his strong body.

The skin is still as fair as before, and the muscles are well-defined. Muscles such as the pectoralis major, biceps, abdominal muscles, mermaid lines, and gluteus maximus are clear and clear. It is a muscle that is just right and contains powerful muscles that belong exclusively to martial artists.

Clenching his fists, Long Yi could feel the powerful strength of his body, a step further than before, giving people the illusion that he could kill a black bear with one punch.


With a sip, a layer of white energy visible to the naked eye appeared on the surface of the body, and the fair skin turned into a bronze color at a speed visible to the naked eye, and every pore was swollen and closed, like small bronze beans.

The veins are bulging, so blue that it turns black, and a pair of eyes are piercing, like shiny black pearls.

Ice muscles, chalcedony and snow skin, copper heads and iron arms, steel bones!
After absorbing the steel-type energy crystals, Long Yi's body has reached the limit of human beings, possessing two qualities of ice muscle and jade bone and steel-reinforced iron bone. The physical condition is even better than those rich people who eat supplements all day long.

This is the real limit of mortals!
Next, as long as he takes that step, Long Yi will be able to step from ordinary to extraordinary, his life will enter another level, and his social status will also increase greatly.

Wearing only a pair of underpants, Long Yi sat casually on the carpet, and ordered Ji Laqi to retrieve the experience and cheats that he had previously collected about momentum, courage, and even ninjas and onmyojis breaking through the extraordinary.

What is boldness?

What is momentum?
These Long Yi have all seen a scale feather in a secret technique that was obtained by chance, but until now, after obtaining the knowledge and anecdotes accumulated for hundreds of years from the city of Aitia, Long Yi has no further understanding of it. Intuitive understanding.

Whether it's boldness, momentum, or even renunciation in ninjas and onmyoji in onmyoji, the reason for their appearance is because of the powerful and terrifying strength of the gods and beasts in nature, which made people fear, jealous, and greedy. A kind of endless greed of human beings, a desire to stand on the top.

Ninjutsu and Onmyoji have different paths, so let's not talk about it for now.

Just say samurai.

After exercising their bodies and skills to the limit, the ancient warriors found that there was no way ahead, but they were still far from the fighting power of the beasts, so they began to find another way, looking for other powers to integrate into themselves, or digging deeper in the body. strength.

The latter forms the mainstream style of modern samurai, while the former forms the style of crooked ways.

Chipo style warriors integrate their essence, energy, and spirit into one, allowing their bodies to break through the limits of human beings and reach a state of extraordinary physique.

Although they don't have special abilities, they can resist all kinds of elemental attacks and have the power to fight divine beasts with their powerful bodies alone.

This is a further exploration of one's own potential!

By visualizing powerful beasts, ancient heroes, mountains, rivers, thunder, hurricanes and other natural forces, and even phantom ghosts and monsters, the momentum-style warriors use their own bodies to nourish Qi and powerful Qi to nourish the gods, and use this to reach the limit of ordinary people Gods to enshrine the visualized life, to worship, to pray, to offer sacrifices!

Over time, the powerful spiritual power has affected reality, and the products of fantasy have the power to interfere with the material plane, which is their potential.

The style of momentum is simple and natural, and the skill is unworkable; the style of momentum is slanted, which is unexpected.

These two are the crystallization of the wisdom of countless outstanding talents, and both can make people have the power to compete with the beasts. It is the struggle of human beings who are not willing to be ordinary, and it is a defense against the potential crisis of the elves.

Of course, there are methods on how to condense one's spirit and how to gather one's aura in the Metagross database. Long Yi has already completed 99 solid steps, and the preparations are perfect. It can be said that as long as he cultivates according to the above method, it will take several years at most. In a few months at least, he will be able to step over that chasm and step into the extraordinary.


Long Yi hesitated, and clicked on a document, a rather whimsical document.

"The perfect samurai, the method of fusion of courage and momentum!" "

Yes, this is a how to tell how to combine boldness and momentum!

Bravery and momentum each have their own characteristics, and each has its own shortcomings.

Chipo style warriors are physically powerful, but their disadvantages are single means and lack of long-range attack and defense capabilities.

The momentum-style samurai is strange and inexplicable, and its disadvantage is that its body is fragile, and it is easy to lose itself in the long run and become a monster of its own fantasy.

So how do you combine these two very different paths into one?
More than 100 years ago, a martial arts ghost in Etia City put forward an idea: Since Qi Shiliu can visualize all kinds of monsters and beasts, why can't he visualize himself?

Visualize yourself as a momentum, and at the same time warm and nourish the body, the body nourishes the Qi, the Qi nourishes the God, the God nourishes the momentum, and the momentum nourishes the body, forming a perfect cycle.

At the same time, because the momentum visualized is the samurai himself, there is no need to worry about the impact on the body after the formation and separation, and the biggest shortcoming of momentum flow - weak body can also be avoided.

It's a crazy idea, but also a genius one.

That martial arts ghost thought so and did the same thing. What moved Long Yi the most was that he succeeded!
However, until his death, this person did not disclose this secret method, so the case was only the founder. Long Yi even suspected that it was the data in the private database of the giant golden monster, and even the people in Aitia City There is none in the database, otherwise it is impossible for someone to leave this secret method and not try it.

This is also where he hesitated.

It is very powerful, but there are certain risks. After all, there are too few cases to prove that this secret method is perfect.

More importantly, Long Yi even wanted to improve it!
He wants to cultivate multiple potentials!
This inspiration comes from another mainstream momentum flow secret method. By meditating on multiple momentums, you can win by numbers in the early stage, and then combine them in the later stage to form a brand new, more powerful momentum!
This kind of powerful combination is the peak combat power of momentum. Someone once used it to lose both sides to a Rogia!

"Jilaqi, how about the simulation results of the supercomputer?" Long Yi calmly looked at the system elf beside him.

The system's supercomputer plus complete body data, various subject knowledge and these few secret methods are enough to perform simulation calculations.

"Ten thousand times have been tested, the success rate is 85%, the disability rate is 12%, and the death rate is 3%." Ji Laqi said.

The success rate is high, but the danger also exists!
Long Yi was silent for a moment, and closed his eyes.

Unsuccessful, they become benevolent.


The distracting thoughts in the mind were cleared, and a golden thread suddenly lit up in the darkness, as if it was the light when the world was opened.

call out!
A sword came to the west, breaking through the darkness, and then transformed into a human figure in the middle of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The figure's face was like gold paper, he was dressed in a golden robe, with long golden hair fluttering, and a golden sword under his feet. From the looks of it, he looked like a dragon.

At the same time, in reality, on Long Yi's chest, a diamond pattern appeared on the left and right lung lobes respectively. While the figure was forming in his mind, a phantom figure of a person dressed in the same clothes covered the surface of the diamond pattern, but it was still very illusory.

The golden sword fairy of the five elements, which belongs to the lungs, mainly attacks and kills!

At this moment, carrying the memories and knowledge from his previous life, Long Yi stepped out of his own warrior path.

Enriching the face and details of the Golden Sword Immortal over and over again, praising his ability and greatness over and over again, and hypnotizing himself over and over again to convince him of the existence of the Sword Immortal.

During this process, the diamond pattern on the lungs gradually changed as if being carved by a carving knife, turning into a golden sword fairy similar to the phantom.

This speed of progress is a thousand times faster than that of ordinary warriors!
On and off, a month passed.


The last touch, the finishing touch.

When Long Yi drew the sword light in the eyes of the golden sword fairy under the eyebrows of the golden sword fairy in his mind, an indescribable feeling spread throughout his body, the diamonds in his chest and lungs had been completely carved into the appearance of a golden sword fairy, and at the same time At the next moment, he blinked his eyes as if he suddenly had life.

One breath flowed upstream from the lungs, passed through the portal of the lungs and the throat, divided into two parts, and one part was shot out from the nasal cavity, sinking into the ground; one part rushed into the mouth, and Long subconsciously opened his mouth, only to see a golden sword light In a flash, the kettle on the coffee table in front of him was torn apart, and there was a small light-transmitting hole in the wall, which was in the shape of a diamond.

The two golden sword fairy shadows on his chest turned and disappeared, Long Yi's heart moved, a surge of golden energy surged up, his hair turned golden, and the hair grew to waist length.

"Sword come!"

With a single call, a golden sword was born from nothing. The tip, body, blade, jaw, and hilt are all lifelike, and they can fly in the air like arms and fingers.

Take a step, step on the back of the sword, and you can fly with the sword, whistling.

It can also be divided into thousands, and thousands of swords return to the ancestors, and the swords are like rain.

It can also form the back spirit of the sword fairy, three meters high, stepping on the golden sword, and flying through the wall to be omnipotent.

At this moment, Long Yi was in high spirits, and found that it is not so difficult to understand with a mortal body to forcefully kill a divine beast.

At this moment, he was completely transformed, and he was extraordinary and refined from then on!

(End of this chapter)

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