Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 293 Long-range confrontation

Chapter 293 Long-range confrontation
In the room, Long Yi carefully savored the changes in himself.

Many things cannot be described clearly through language, and there is no way to empathize.Just like this breakthrough, Long Yi is already very familiar with the relevant knowledge, and he is also aware of the various changes after the breakthrough. However, until the real breakthrough, he still lacks something. That kind of change is clear to the chest.

He has the power, the aura of a sword fairy that belongs to him alone.But Long Yi could feel that his body hadn't crossed that hurdle, it was still at the limit of a mortal, and he hadn't simultaneously broken through to the Qipo stage.

But this is not a big problem. In the secret method he obtained, this is a very normal expression. The newborn Shi is still very weak. It needs time to become stronger, and the body also needs time to be strengthened by the Shi, so as to be extraordinary.

"Gold produces water, the next one is the aura of the water system, the specific image and ability need to be carefully considered." Long Yi stroked his hair, inexplicably having long hair fluttering, with the illusion that each hair is a golden thread .

Because the energy crystal nucleus of the ground system representing the earth has not been in place for a long time, so according to the principle of mutual generation of the five elements, the dragon can start with the gold system and put the earth system at the end.

The gold type is good at attacking, sharp, and killing, and the representative image is naturally a sword fairy, handsome and powerful enough.

But the water system is different. The highest goodness is like water, and water benefits all things without competing.

In terms of attack, it has the image of water dripping through rocks, and strong winds and waves; in terms of nourishment, water nourishes all things, known as the source of life; in terms of defense, water does not fight, and the husband does not fight, so no one in the world can compete with it, and it is also very powerful.

"We still have to start with nourishment." Long Yi thought.

There is no need to consider the earth system for defense in the future; the fire system and metal system for attack are also sufficient, and nourishment and healing are also very important parts in battle, and the water system is just right.

Personal cognition has a very important impact on potential, just like living in Huaguo for more than 20 years, Long Yi has a deep understanding of the principle of mutual generation and restraint of the five elements.

When he sees Jin, his first reaction must be to think of the sharpness of a sword, and when he thinks of a sword, he will think of a powerful and handsome sword fairy. Such a deep understanding of the heart can create the most reasonable aura and make the aura stronger.

It is not impossible to forcibly change the metallic image into a shield-holding man wearing armor, but this image is not Long Yi's deepest understanding, and the result will be a decrease in the power of the momentum, and even instability , the danger of falling from extraordinary to ordinary.

Therefore, not only does it need to choose the right direction, image, and ability, but Long Yi also needs to ask himself, find his deepest cognition, and combine the two.

Only in this way can he go further and become stronger on the path of a momentum-flow warrior. This is also the common point noted in almost all momentum-flow materials, and it can be said to be the most important common sense!
"I don't know if my golden sword can be attached to the weapon."

As soon as he thought of it, he did it, Long Yi went back to the room, and grabbed Mo Yan, the demon knife placed by the bed.

The moment he held the scabbard, Mo Yan, the Yaodao, suddenly vibrated violently. The extra-long samurai sword was pulled out of the scabbard inch by inch during the vibration, and the bright red sword shone with a dazzling red light.

"This is……!"

The sudden change startled Long Yi. Before he could think clearly, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he returned to the sea of ​​consciousness when he was visualizing momentum. A black shadow of a warrior with a sword approached step by step from the darkness, pointing obliquely at the warrior on the ground. The knife exudes a strange red glow.

The sword is a demon sword Mo Yan!

This is Mo Yanzhong's shadow warrior who inherited the killing swordsmanship!

This is also the momentum!
After the death of the first samurai, he was enshrined by the Miyamoto family, affecting personality and thinking, and the ancient momentum that has survived to this day!
The shadow warrior approached step by step, Long Yi in the sea of ​​consciousness was a translucent figure emitting white light, no different from the outside world.

Ten meters, five meters, three meters!

The shadow warrior suddenly stepped forward and raised his saber, and slashed down with a slash of red light.

"For the Miyamoto family!"

A cry from the soul resounded in Long Yi's sea of ​​consciousness, shaking the dark space for a while, shaking Long Yi dizzy, as if countless loyal Miyamoto family, throwing their heads and blood for the Miyamoto family, dedicating everything even The oath of sacrificing his life at all costs came into his mind one after another.

It's a curse!

It is also the deepest spiritual imprint left by Mo Yan's first master!
If Long Yi couldn't resist and was branded spiritually by this shadow warrior, then the idea of ​​the Miyamoto family being supreme and dedicating everything to the Miyamoto family would carry through his thinking, his soul, and everything about him.

He will become the most loyal subject of the Miyamoto family!
Long Yi's pupils contracted, and a strong sense of crisis made him subconsciously shout out those two words: "Sword!"

The next moment, the golden light was generous, and a sword came to the west.

With a clanking sound, Mo Yan, the demon sword that fell on his head, was blocked by a flying sword, and a golden figure more than three meters high rose from Long Yi's back, with blond hair and beard, sword eyebrows and star eyes.


"All those who are disloyal will be killed!"

"Killing swordsmanship——Blood Blade Fang!"

The shadow warrior shouted three times in a row, each louder and firmer than the other, then jumped up suddenly, reversed in mid-air, and swished four swords in succession, leaving four sword lights in the air.

Then, the sword light flourished, and a wolf howled out of nowhere in the sea of ​​consciousness, a blood-colored wolf head appeared in the air instead of the shadow warrior, the four sword lights just now turned into the longest and sharpest four fangs in the wolf kiss, aiming at Long Yi Biting down.

This is a killing sword move, but it is more than a hundred times more powerful than what Long Yi used back then!
The golden sword fairy raised his sword eyebrows, made a sword finger with his right hand, put his left hand on the elbow of his right hand, and swung a sword move.


The golden flying sword rose into the sky.


With a pull of both hands, the light of the sword splits, and one sword becomes nine.

"Wan Jian returns to the sect, disease!"

Countless golden sword lights flew out from the nine golden swords, and the swords rained down, piercing the blood-colored wolf's head full of holes, and piercing the shadow warrior to death.

in reality.

Long Yi opened his eyes, looked at Mo Yan, the demon knife that was no longer moving in his hand, and casually threw it on the ground, discarding it like a shoe.

"Miyamoto's family, hmph, good, very good."

If Long Yi hadn't been the first to break through the aura flow, if it hadn't been for the imposing aura of the sword fairy he had visualized, he would have been brainwashed into the most loyal servant of the Miyamoto family just now!Still have all the memories, but what's the difference between losing yourself and dying?
This is hatred!The endless hatred!
Recalling the ability of his sword fairy aura, Long Yi showed a smile: "Just try this trick, after all, you are a sword fairy, how can you lose this signature ability."

A three-meter-tall sword fairy rose from Long Yi's back, with a majestic face and a hatred for evil.

With a flick of the sword finger, the golden sword flew into the air, circled twice in the air in the bedroom, and then suddenly sank into the demon sword Mo Yan on the ground.

At the moment of submersion, the front of the sword tip seemed to tear a small black hole, and then it turned into a sword light and got in.

At the same time, a hidden mountain villa in Hoenn area.

It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine the thinking of rich people, just like they don't understand why many rich families spend a lot of money to build luxurious villas in deep mountains and old forests. attack.

The Miyamoto family also has such a villa, and it is also the main house of the family, where many secret things and taboo secrets are stored.

At the back of the villa, there is an ancestral hall, which enshrines the gods of the successive heads of the harem family, as well as the gods of some ministers who have made great contributions.

A beautiful girl in a red and white priestess robe, who looks like she is only in her 20s, is kneeling on the ground, wiping the floor of the ancestral hall with a rag, her beautiful buttocks are drawn into a seductive arc, her back is facing the gods.

She didn't know why when wiping the floor, her buttocks had to face away from the god and had to be turned up, but it was a rule, and if it was a rule, it had to be followed, there was no reason.

Every time the hard-working priestess wipes, she feels that someone is staring at her from behind, but who can be in the shrine?Looking back, it was nothing more than rows of gods.

Today, as usual, she felt a hot, uncomfortable, and unbearable sense of sight falling on her buttocks. Although she knew the result, the miko couldn't help but turn her head.

Then she saw it, saw a sword.

Golden sword!

Golden sword tip, golden blade, golden blade, golden jaw, golden hilt.

This golden sword seemed to appear out of thin air, suspended in mid-air, pointing at one of the gods.

Then it stabs down.

The golden sword flickered above the altar, and in the eyes of the witch, there suddenly appeared a phantom of a man wearing an ancient samurai uniform, a hideous complexion, a scar, and a samurai sword on his waist. , the samurai phantom screamed, and his head fell off.

The head and body of the warrior phantom exploded into a cloud of smoke, and at the same time the god's seat suddenly made a 'click', and a crack split the god's seat in two.


A female warrior suddenly appeared above a nearby god, dressed exactly like the former, with an ugly appearance and a hulking waist.

She stretched out her hand in vain to hug the male warrior, but she could only see the smoke flowing out from between her fingers, and finally disappeared.

"Ah! No matter who you are, if you dare to kill my husband, I will eat his flesh, gnaw his bones, and drink his blood to avenge my murder!"

The sound of the rag falling on the ground sounded, and the female warrior turned her head, seeing the pale and bloodless face of the maiden kneeling in the ancestral hall, she suddenly let out a scream of 'ah', stood up and ran away.

"There's a ghost!—" A piercing scream came from outside the door.


Kanto, Quartz Plateau.

The golden sword returned to its place, and there was a reply that the task was completed.

Long Yi smiled in satisfaction, thought for a while, picked up the demon knife Mo Yan again, casually threw it on the bed, took it for a change of clothes, and walked towards the bathroom.

"It seems that the sword fairy's aura cannot be exposed recently."

As a sword fairy, how could he not have the ability to take someone's head thousands of miles away?
Soon, Long Yi's singing came out from the bathroom when he was in a good mood, and his five notes were incomplete.

(End of this chapter)

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