Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 299 Mission - Emperor of the Crystallization Tower! 3

Chapter 299 Mission - Emperor of the Crystallization Tower! 3
Bi Diao's top speed can reach Mach 2, which is twice the speed of sound. Long Yi's Jinpeng, as the best among Bi Diao, is naturally not low.

Although it was far from accelerating to the highest speed due to time and load-bearing reasons, it only took about 1 minute, and the crystallization tower was already in sight.

Looking at these two crystallization towers up close, one can feel a kind of magnificence and beauty. The huge crystallization petals grow inch by inch, and Long Yi can even hear the slight crackling sound of the crystallization flowers growing.

Sitting on Jinpeng's back and looking down at the crystallization tower, Long Yi chuckled and let Jinpeng fly to the back of the crystallization tower where Emperor Yan disappeared before, then raised his hand and released the Flying Mantis.

I haven't seen it for a few days, but the Flying Mantis has changed a lot. There is a piece of silver metal in the middle of the chest, and the whole body is reflecting a slight silver light, as if it is plated with silver.

Long Yi can feel the great progress of Flying Mantis without looking at the system. It seems that after entering the secondary plane Iron City, it ushered in a complete change.

After Flying Mantis came out, he stood on the top of the crystallization tower, and knelt down on one knee facing Long Yi, with one saber arm behind his back and the other in front of his chest, in a gesture of salute.

"Flying Mantis, go and attack the crystallization tower on the opposite side, a Yan Emperor will come out later, don't fight recklessly, mainly harass and delay, wait for my news." Long Yi ordered.

Before subduing Xiaomei, Long Yi didn't even want to face that crystal Yandi head-on.

Flying Mantis nodded, "shua" soared into the sky, and soon a cyan wind blade appeared in the night sky. There was a loud 'snap', and the crystallization tower on the opposite side was cut into a huge hole by the air, and the scene inside was clearly visible.

A purple flame soared into the sky, and the roaring Crystal Yandi jumped out of the crystal tower on Long Yi's side, stepped on the spikes that suddenly appeared on the tower and spiraled upwards, and soon found the culprit. call.

For Emperor Crystal Yan who claims to be Xiaomei's father, any offense to Xiaomei's fantasy is an unforgivable sin!
At this moment, any other elves in Long Yi can experience the battle in an immersive way by absorbing the new functions of the learning device through the system. They will watch the battle from the perspective of the flying mantis, experience all kinds of thrills and choices in the battle, and improve themselves combat experience!
Flying Mantis used high-speed movement to avoid the flame bomb, glanced at Emperor Yan, turned his head and left, and flew to the other side to continue attacking the crystal tower.

Emperor Yan was furious and attacked again and again, causing flames to flicker and explosions in the night sky.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, at the entrance of the hole formed by Emperor Yan's own attack, a burst of fluctuations flashed, and Long Yi and Kirulian Lux appeared at the same time.

In order to avoid Emperor Yan's sight, Longyi put away Jinpeng after releasing the Flying Mantis early in the morning, and hid on the top of the crystallization tower with Lacus, waiting for the opportunity.

Looking back at the battle situation, seeing that the Flying Mantis was not in danger, Long Yi ignored it and strode forward.

Because it is Xiaomei's own place, the environment inside this crystallization tower is much simpler than the other one, and Long Yi entered directly through the hole opened by Emperor Yan, so the distance is even closer.

After a mere ten or so meters, Long Yi saw a bedroom with a princess-like design. There was a little girl lying on the big bed in the center, with her head resting on the lap of the woman next to her. She looked quite cute.

Xiaozhi's mother Hanako, and the culprit who caused all this, Xiaomei!

"found it!"

Long Yi's arrival awakened Hanako, who had already escaped Yandi's hypnosis, and Xiaomei, who was also awakened by the movement made by the flying mantis just now, turned her head.

"Who are you?" Hanako subconsciously held Xiaomei in her arms.

Seeing this, Long Yi waved his hand, and Lacus, who was connected with him because of the soul link, immediately used his mental power to control Xiaomei and Hanako, Huazi floated into the air, and Long Yi stepped in front of Xiaomei, and when she reacted, A hand knife knocked him out before.

"Let her go!" Hanako yelled, struggling desperately, but to no avail.

Long Yi asked Lux ​​to put Hanako down, and explained: "I am Miyazaki Ryuichi, a member of Shueisha sent by the alliance to solve the crystallization incident. Xiaomei is the cause of this incident, and I knocked her out to prevent the situation from collapsing. , will not cause any harm to her, please rest assured."

After hearing Long Yi's explanation, Hua Zi finally calmed down, and hugged the unconscious Xiao Mei in her arms.

A white light suddenly lit up in the room, and a Yan Emperor appeared out of thin air from feet to head.

This is the crystallization that Emperor Yan, who was fighting the flying mantis, sensed that there was a change in Xiaomei's side, and moved over directly.

"Little beauty!"

Emperor Yan saw Long Yi, saw Lacus, and naturally also saw Hanako and the unconscious Xiaomei who was hugged by her.

Emperor Yan, who didn't get Xiaomei's response, fell into a strong anger. The smoke cloud behind him gave off a strange smell of volcanic ash, his brown hair exploded, and purple flames burned on his four hooves.

Holy fire!

The mysterious purple flame inherited from King Feng formed a fireball the size of a human head and flew out of Emperor Yan's mouth and flew towards Long Yi.

Lax stood in front of Long Yi, her eyes lit up with purple light, her powerful superpower controlled Yandi's sacred fire, and controlled it to return the same way.


Emperor Yan jumped aside, the sacred fire exploded, and a deep pit was blown out in the crystallized bedroom floor, which was slowly repairing again.

"Give me back Xiaomei!"

Knowing that his opponent is difficult to deal with, Emperor Yan switched to attacking with jet flames. The powerful high temperature brought a heat wave. However, under the super power of Lux, the jet flames turned around in mid-air and flew back, hitting Yandi's waist.

Super-power elves are definitely the most difficult type of elves among all attributes, bar none!

Intense gray smoke spewed out from Yandi's nostrils, filling the entire bedroom in the blink of an eye, and then wanted to take the opportunity to get closer.

However, under the scanning of the superpower without dead angle, its movements were completely understood by Lacus, and it directly teleported Long Yi, Hanako and Xiaomei to the previous cave entrance, and teleported again into the air, and Long Yi summoned it at the same time. Jinpeng, get down and ride.

A few seconds later, Emperor Yan jumped out of the cave, glanced left and right, and found the Jinpeng in the air, circling up the crystal tower, and confronted at the top of the tower.

Jin Pengfei was flying in the air, with Long Yi and Hanako holding Xiaomei on his back.

Lux is on its left, Sky Mantis is on its right.

"Give me back Xiaomei!" Emperor Yan roared, but did not continue to attack.

Although its ultimate power is good, it is not the real Emperor Yan after all, and there is no hope of winning against a powerful super-powered elf.

Especially when Xiaomei is still in a coma.

Long Yi looked down at Emperor Yan from above.

No matter where you look at it, even if you zoom in on every hair and every crease in the pupil, this Yandi is flawless. It can be said that it looks exactly the same as the real Yandi except for the difference in strength.

Even in Xiaomei's heart, it is Emperor Yan!

But Long Yi knew that this was a fake, it was the product of the realization of the unknown totem after sensing Xiaomei's heart, it was a combination based on Xiaomei's knowledge of Emperor Yan and her illusion of her father.

"Just a counterfeit, don't talk nonsense in front of me, and take advantage of the last little time left in your life, wouldn't you really live for yourself for a few minutes?"

The word counterfeit seems to have greatly stimulated Emperor Crystal Yan, its eyes narrowed into a fierce look, the smoke cloud behind it fluctuated endlessly, and the purple flames representing the sacred fire on its four hooves grew higher and higher.

"You actually called me a counterfeit!?" Emperor Yan roared angrily.

Long Yi laughed and said: "Can you deceive others, can you deceive yourself? You are the phantom created by the Unknown Totem after sensing Xiaomei's emotions. How could the real Emperor Yan be as weak as you."

"The meaning of your existence is to fill Xiaomei's desire for fatherly love. When I expel the unknown totem, you will cease to exist."

"I think you also have your own wisdom, so it's not good to take advantage of these last few minutes to really live for yourself? Anyway, you can't beat me."

This is a very sincere suggestion from Long Yi, after all this Emperor Yan is really pitiful, especially for an intelligent life form.

Emperor Yan lowered his head, and the rich purple flames allowed it in his eyes.

"You actually said that I was a counterfeit, that I was a phantom?"

"I am Xiaomei's father! Is my body false? Is my strength false?"

As if to prove himself, Emperor Yan spewed out a ball of sacred fire, which blew up the tip of the crystal tower on the other side to pieces.

"Call me weak..."

"Do you can beat me!!!"

The last roar contained strong emotions and terrifying power that even caused the air to twist.

The cloud of smoke behind Emperor Yan completely soared, a crimson flame rose into the sky like a hot volcano erupting, and heavy dense dark clouds formed circle after circle around the pillar of fire in the sky. , bringing heavy depression and lightning and thunder.

Long Yi's face suddenly changed: "This kind of power..."

This shouldn't be the power that this crystallized Emperor Yan should have!

Looking back at Xiaomei, she was indeed still in a coma, and it wasn't because of her that Emperor Yan's power surged.

"Now, do you still dare to say that I am a counterfeit, a phantom?" Emperor Yan raised his head and said, the momentum was completely different from before, obviously at a lower height, but it gave people the feeling that it was looking down on Long Yi and his elves.


at the same time.

In the northern part of Chengdu, in a primeval jungle, a new active volcano is about to erupt to announce its arrival.

On the top of this volcano that has not yet erupted, the real Emperor Yan is gracefully lying on a stone, resting his head on his pair of front hooves, his eyes seem to see the crystallized Emperor Yan at the top of the crystallization tower across thousands of miles.


It's me and it's not me.

Anyway, there is still some time, so I will temporarily lend you my strength.

Don't let me down, another me...

Thinking of this, Emperor Yan closed his eyes, and soon there was a slight snoring sound.

 In the last chapter, when describing Xiaosheng’s appearance, why were the words “wearing-black frame-glasses” blocked?

(End of this chapter)

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