Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 300 Mission - Emperor of the Crystallization Tower! 4

Chapter 300 Mission - Emperor of the Crystallization Tower! 4
The ultimate fire-type trick - fire-breathing!
This is a big trick in the fire system. It explodes its own anger to attack. The angrier the elves are, the more powerful the trick is!
But the fire-breathing power of Emperor Yan in front of him has exceeded the normal range, and it should never appear on a counterfeit.

If it wasn't for Long Yi's familiarity with the plot, if it wasn't for Long Yi's fight with this Yan Emperor just now, people would believe that it is the real Yan Emperor.

This is the power of an elemental beast!

"I'll say it one last time, give me back Xiaomei!"

Crystal Yandi warned, with the taste of an ultimatum, and also with a strong sense of oppression that made Long Yi unable to take it lightly like before.

Lux suddenly hid behind Long Yi, her body trembling, and the beak of the Jinpeng under her made a clucking sound, as if she was afraid.

Hanako behind her has passed out like Xiaomei.

Next to it, the Flying Mantis tried to hold its head high, as if carrying a heavy mountain on its back.

Although it didn't lower its head, the Flying Mantis has undoubtedly lost its ability to fight.

Just resisting the terrible pressure caused the three elves to explode mentally and exhausted themselves!

Features - Sense of oppression!

At the element level, the sense of oppression at the level of beasts!

Long Yi's pupils were gradually dyed a layer of gold, and his hair was also growing slowly.

If it wasn't for him to gather momentum, any other trainer without his own force would have completely collapsed under the oppressive feeling of Emperor Yan, not to mention commanding elves to fight, and those with weak will would be as comatose as Hanako. Even spot incontinence is not out of the question.

This level of battle, trainers can no longer stay out of it completely!

"Come back, Flying Mantis, Lux."

Long Yi retracted the two elves, while holding Huazi and Xiaomei in his arms, he put his left hand on Jinpeng's back, using his own aura to relieve the oppressive feeling caused by Emperor Yan.

"who are you?"

"I am Emperor Yan, the real Emperor Yan!"

The crystalline tower under Yandi's feet got higher and higher, lifting it up to the same height as Jinpeng, already impatient Yandi didn't wait for Long Yi's answer, and directly spit out a purple fireball.

Yandi and Fengwang's exclusive secret technique - holy fire!
When this sacred fire ball first flew out, it was the same size as before, but in the blink of an eye, the fire ball swelled against the wind, directly expanding to the size of the front of a truck.

Long Yi's hair turned completely golden, while using his aura to appease Jin Peng under him, he threw an elf ball.

"Abirang, use the Hundred Crack Fist."

The elf ball was opened, and Abby Lang landed on top of Jinpeng's head, and quickly threw a punch.

Red, blue, black, white, gold, brown.

Fist prints of six colors appeared densely in front of Abiron, and there were hundreds of them, forming a shield that was once completely composed of fist prints.

Defensive Secret Technique - Hundred Cracks Fist!

The sacred fire ball hit the shield formed by the Hundred Crack Fist, causing a violent explosion. The strong roar made people's ears buzz, and the terrifying high temperature burned the fist print made of energy to make a sizzling sound.

crunch ~ crunch ~
Abi Lang's wide-eyed eyes, the shield made up of its Hundred Crack Fist, was sinking in the middle little by little, and a few cracks were cracked, revealing purple-red fire light from it.

The Hundred Crack Fist is about to break!

Before he had time to think about other things, Abi Lang immediately shouted loudly, stepped forward and punched again, a new Hundred Crack Fist barrier appeared behind the old barrier, blocking the remaining sacred fire after breaking through the defense.

The same move, but this time it took Abilang two secret skills to block it, the power is simply incomparable.

If what Lux wanted to control just now was this powerful holy fire, then her mental power would be of no use at all, and she would be burned and distorted by the terrifying heat before she got close.

"Punch hard!"

The right fist was retracted, the left fist was released, and the remaining barriers of the Hundred Cracks Fist turned into streaks of light and merged into Abiron's left fist, and then formed a huge six-color fist, hitting Emperor Yan directly.

Emperor Yan sprayed out a big-character Yanbang, and the big-character explosion and the heavy punch collided in the air. Although it was not completely canceled out, it also consumed [-] to [-]% of the latter's power, and the remaining attacks were lightly extinguished by Yandi's right claw.

"Don't you understand? This is the power of the real Emperor Yan. It is absolutely impossible for your elves to defeat me."

"Really? I understand. This is indeed the power of the sacred fire beast Yandi. It seems that you are not a simple phantom, and you have a connection with the real Yandi that I don't understand."

Long Yi was silent for a few seconds, took out the poke ball and took it back to Abi Lang, it seemed that he had given up.

"It's good to know, leave Xiaomei and that woman behind, and then go, don't bother us again." Emperor Yan said.

It's not that it doesn't want to use force, it's that Long Yi and Jinpeng can still run if they can't be beaten, but Emperor Yan can't leave this crystallization area too far, so if it can save Xiaomei, it doesn't mind letting Long Yi go.

"Go? No, no, no, I won't go. How can I be willing to go with such a good opportunity."

Long Yi shook his head, looked at Emperor Yan with a look like looking at prey, which made him very uncomfortable.

"The three sacred beasts in the Chengdu area are haunted and haunted. It is difficult for ordinary people to meet them. Moreover, each of them has the unique skill of 'roaring' against the Poké Ball technology, and it also has the terrifying power of senior elements."

It is not so difficult to deal with the three holy beasts. They are more difficult to capture and defeat than the three holy birds and the three holy pillars.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be only the Three Holy Beasts and the Three Holy Mushrooms that haven't been captured by trainers for so many years.

Long Yi has never forgotten one thing, before he got the Metagros database, among all his elves, it was the one that was the easiest to break through the element level.

The terrifying serpent——Jormungandr!

Yemengard only needs to help Bitter Swamp recover its past mistakes, and imprison any of Suicune, Yandi, and Thunder Emperor, and then he can get the gift of the Gate of Terror and Bitter Swamp, and be promoted to an element-level elf.

The real Three Holy Beast Longyi has never known how to find and recover it, but in front of him, a golden opportunity appeared!

Since this crystal Yandi can borrow the power of the real Yandi, it must have some kind of mysterious connection with the real Yandi in the dark.And since Emperor Yan's power can come over, by the same token, there is no reason why the power of the Death Terror Gate cannot be traced to the real Emperor Yan through the crystallized Emperor Yan.

If it fails, the big deal is to escape on the Jinpeng, and wait for two days to sneak into the crystal tower to attack the unknown totems.

If it succeeds, Long Yi will have his first element-level elf of his own!
"Come out, Jormungandr!"

The dragons raised their hands one by one, and a terrifying snake more than 30 meters long appeared on another crystallization tower. The thick snake body in the water tank was wrapped around the crystallization tower. Two dark golden stars lit up in the darkness, and a dinosaur head came from Protruding out from the darkness, the snake head alone was bigger than Yandi's body.

"Nirvana - Fear Demon Spirit!"

hold head high!
There was a snake hissing like a dragon chant, and then a terrifying giant snake phantom tens of meters high and hundreds of meters long appeared in the night sky.

The phantom snake flew up into the sky without wings, bit its own tail, and formed a circle.

The center of the circle was pitch black, and no light could escape, like a black hole that was unfathomable.

Gradually, amidst the tumbling mist, some other colors appeared in the absolute darkness. An ancient bronze door carved with faces of humans, beasts, and elves with various expressions emerged, solemn and heavy.

"This is……"

The eyes of the crystallized Emperor Yan reveal a strong fear. It is not the real Emperor Yan, and has no memory belonging to Emperor Yan, so it cannot recognize the gate in front of it. However, the nature of intelligent life makes it feel strong fear and crisis. The urge to run.

But it's too late!
The door opened with a bang, revealing the bitter swamp filled with purple air, ghosts wandering above the swamp.When the door of terror opened, it released a strong suction force. Emperor Yan stretched out his claws and grasped the crystallization tower, but still slid to the world behind the door little by little under this suction force.

what! ——

Suddenly, a phantom of Emperor Yan flew out from the body of Emperor Yan, and in the blink of an eye he did not enter the back world. At the same time, the gate of death terror closed again, and the phantom of the giant snake in the sky disappeared completely.

Emperor Crystal Yan, who had escaped, couldn't care about anything else, turned around and ran away, like a bereaved dog.

Long Yi ignored the escaping Crystal Yandi, and looked expectantly at Yermungandr who had his eyes closed.

"Joermungandr, how are you?"

A phantom of the Gate of Terror appeared again in the sky, and countless black light spots flew out from the gap opened by the gate, making the black scales of Yermungandr's one after another black and bright, just like the It's the same as the one on its forehead.

After a while, when the last scale of Yermungande turned into a black pearl-like luster, the door of death and terror closed again, and then shrank into a pattern, which fell to the seven inches of Yermungandr. above the scales.

hold head high!
Ye Mengjiade opened his eyes, and the phantom of the bitter swamp of the secondary plane emerged behind it, and then countless black particles appeared in the sky and earth, vying to be the first to be submerged in the phantom, causing a white ghost to slowly appear on the swamp .

【warn!warn!The location of the bitter swamp on the secondary plane has been upgraded, and has reached the level of a small plane, containing attributes of poison and ghosts. 】

[It is detected that the elf Yemengka has successfully acquired the enlightenment element, and new data is being generated. 】

【drop!New data has been generated. 】

A smile appeared on the corner of Long Yi's mouth, and then the smile became bigger and bigger, and finally he laughed outright.


"Hahahaha, finally, I have finally become an element-level trainer!"

This is the real power class!
From then on, the sky is high and the sea is wide, and he, Miyazaki Ryuichi, is also a number one figure in the whole world!
(End of this chapter)

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