Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 301 Mission - Emperor of the Crystallization Tower! 5

Chapter 301 Mission - Emperor of the Crystallization Tower! 5
Long Yi couldn't wait to open the system and check Yemengard's new attribute panel.

2. [Yemengard]: It was originally an ordinary Arbor snake. After communicating with the legendary gate of death terror through special secret skills, it mutated and evolved, and became a terrifying serpent that mastered the power of fear.

[Elf Race]: Scary Serpent

[attribute]: poison/evil

[Status]: healthy
【Age】: 5 years old
【Character】: indifferent
[Intimacy]: 255 (Life and death together)
[Talent]: Fear of fog, huge body, quick recovery

Fog of Fear: Wrapped around the body is the mysterious mist that permeates the Gate of Terror, which can evoke the deepest fear in the creature's memory.

Huge body: The terrifying serpent is a giant creature. When fighting against large, medium and small creatures, physical attacks will cause crushing effects.

Quick recovery: By consuming body fat and energy, the scary snake can quickly recover from injuries, and can swallow prey to quickly replenish physical strength and energy when injured.

[Element Characteristics]: Gate Guard
Gate Guard: The terrifying serpent approved by the Gate of Terror can summon the projection of the Gate of Terror anytime, anywhere and push open the gap in the gate. The wind of oblivion blown from the Bitter Swamp will cleanse the opponent's soul, resulting in a spirit that ignores physical and energy defenses Shock, there is a probability of memory loss, insanity and other effects, and at the same time it will accelerate the opponent's physical aging and worsen the injury.

[Enlightenment Elements]: Incarnation of Terror

Effect 1: Can't look directly.Except for the life recognized by Jormungandr, any living body looking directly at it needs to make a will check.If you fail the will test, you will fall into a state of panic, lose your mind, lose your ability to think, act according to your body's instincts, and fall into a state of sluggishness, incontinence, rampage, madness, etc. The duration depends on the strength of your will.And this life will leave a psychological shadow from now on, and will directly fall into a state of panic when meeting next time; after passing it, it will be immune to this effect for a short time, and its will will be improved.

Effect 2: Amplification of tricks.Yemengard can mobilize the poisonous, evil, ghost, and ground energy particles between the heaven and the earth. All the unique moves of this attribute will increase their power by 20-30 times according to the different battle locations.

Effect 3: Plane projection.Yemengade, who has his own exclusive plane, can summon the projection of the plane anytime and anywhere, and has the home field advantage. The poisoning and ghosts of the tricks increase by default to a maximum of 30 times.

Effect 4: Fear permeates.Every move of Jormungandr has the fear fog on the door of death terror, which can amplify the fear deep in the enemy's heart.At the same time, the more the fear fog is contaminated, the easier it is for the opponent to collapse in fear. After the collapse, he will fall into a state of panic until he is unconscious or the fog is expelled.

Effect 5: Devour the world.Every element-level elf is unique. Devouring the world is Ye Mengjia's unique innate talent secret skill. Combined with human beings' illusions about serpents and horrors, they transform into giant terrifying serpents and devour all energy, matter, and souls in front of them.After swallowing, it takes a certain period of rest to digest. During this period, the recovery ability is increased by 100%, and the defense and action ability are reduced by 50%. The digestion time is determined by the amount of swallowed items, and can be spit out at any time to restore combat power.

[System Evaluation]: It is the incarnation of terror, it is the master of fear!

So strong!

too strong!
Long Yi didn't know how terrifying the power represented by this word was until he actually possessed an element-level elf.

He didn't know if his Yemengjia was too special, or if all the element-level elves were so strong, anyway, Long Yi's mentality was particularly inflated now, and he even wanted to fight an element-level trainer right away.

You know, this is just the attribute of Yemengjiade after he has just developed the elements. After entering the element level, it is about to usher in the second high-speed growth period. And double it!
Putting away Jinpeng, Long Yi asked Lax to use superpowers to support Hanako and Xiaomei, and landed on Ye Mengjiade's head, high-spirited: "Let's go, let's meet that group of unknown totems!"

hold head high!
Ye Mengjiade climbed down the crystallization tower, swept his tail, and another crystallization tower slowly collapsed amidst the roar, revealing hundreds of unknown totems protected by a protective cover at the bottom.

The power that crystallized all things quietly approached Jormungandr, but its scales were filled with a thin layer of gray mist, and the mysterious power that crystallized everything was helpless against this mist.

"Use the lysate!"

Yemengarde spit out a cloud of purple liquid, and the plane projection of the Bitter Swamp radiated out. The color of the dissolved liquid quickly became black and purple, and when it fell on the protective cover, it made the sound of sulfuric acid corroding objects. It was thick and dark green. The protective cover is getting thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With a sweep of the long tail, the protective cover fell apart, hundreds of unknown totems scattered, and the blue light ball in the center disappeared.

"Fear face!"

The terrifying expression goes deep into the heart of every unknown totem. After losing that peculiar atmosphere, these mysterious little things lose their powerful power comparable to the elemental level. A dimensional hole is opened, and unknown totems scramble to get in. , and even a stampede occurred.

The crystallized green field returned to its former beauty in just a few minutes. Long Yi raised his head and saw the approaching helicopter in the distance.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Mengjiade disappeared, quietly waiting for the arrival of Aoki Mirai and others.


Time moved forward slightly, returning to the moment after Yemengard opened the door of terror and devoured the phantom of Emperor Yan.

In the north of Chengdu, the nameless forest.

The newly formed volcano finally erupted, countless lava flew into the sky, and thick volcanic ash spread in the sky, spreading the minerals and lava buried deep underground in all directions.

A brown elf fell from the sky, passed through the dense canopy, and then fell on the ground formed by countless rotting leaves.

This is Emperor Yan.

One of the three holy beasts recognized in the Chengdu area, the Emperor Yan who inherited the sacred fire of King Feng.

Legend has it that every roar of Yandi will cause a volcano to start erupting, and it will be there when every newly formed volcano erupts for the first time.

This was a very ordinary day, another volcano was about to be born, Emperor Yan also arrived as promised, until it sensed the phantom in the distance, sensed its unwillingness, and lent its own strength to it.

And then never again.

It fell asleep, and it must sleep forever.

The corpse of Emperor Yan on the ground changed rapidly, first it turned into a scorched wind speed dog, then quickly decayed, leaving only a pile of dead bones in the end.

It was long dead, in the fire that destroyed the Bell Tower.


In the west of Chengdu, by a certain river.

The incarnation of the north wind, Suicune with a beautiful sky-blue appearance was purifying the sewage in front of him, suddenly felt a palpitation, and couldn't help raising his head.

As night fell into the water, a star in the sky suddenly lit up, and then fell like a meteor.


In the middle of Chengdu, in a certain forest.


The golden lightning dispelled the darkness, brushed past the terrified poachers, and set a large tree on fire.

The Lei Huang in the shape of a saber-toothed tiger suddenly looked around, his lightning-like blue tail stood up high, and a strong uneasiness enveloped its heart.

Something happened!

something bad!

Glancing at the escaped poacher who poached electric elves, Lei Huang sent him on the road with a shot of [-] volts, and then went all the way to a high place overlooking the forest.

Lei Huang let out a furious roar, causing countless waves of shock, the sound waves spread round and round, and finally disappeared into the forest.

Soon, Lei Huang, who was listening attentively, heard a roar that other people and elves couldn't hear, it was the voice of Suicune.

1 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

Lei Huang's eyes widened in disbelief, intense grief and anger swept through its heart.

Emperor Yan, no response!
Something happened to Emperor Yan!


some unknown space.

This is a cave inside the mountain, round in shape, the lower half is filled with golden-red magma, and countless stalactites hang upside down in the upper half.

In the middle of the magma lake, there is a small island, and a big colorful bird is lying on the island.

If someone could see this picture, they would definitely exclaim: Phoenix King!

That big bird is the patron saint of the Chengdu area, the phoenix king who has lived from ancient times to the present!
At the moment of Emperor Yan's death, King Feng opened his eyes and raised his neck, his eyes seemed to see through the void.

Emperor Yan is dead.

Feng Wang thought, calm.

The light of the magma shone on it, casting a black shadow on the rock wall behind it.The shadow seemed to be twisting, struggling, and roaring!

Feng Wang looked back at his own shadow, shook his head, and lowered his bird's head again.

The shadow quieted down, and a pair of dark red eyes lit up on his head, fixedly staring at Feng Wang's back, staring intently.

A magma bubble exploded on the magma lake, becoming the only movement in this dead space.

(End of this chapter)

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