Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 3 Fengzhang Road Turns, Heart's Desire

Chapter 3 Turning around, the desire of the heart

"Catty Dog, avoid it, then use bite attack!"

This kind of straight-forward attack did not trouble the Katie dog. I saw that it was so nimble that it dodged the attack of the Arbor snake, and then suddenly jumped on it the moment it landed, and bit the Arbor snake's body.

"Okay!" Mesa excitedly said, "Use sparks!"


The scorching flames and sharp teeth made the Arbor snake scream, but it just barked, twisting its tail and entangled the katti dog.

It's a bondage attack!
This is a very common skill, but for the Arbor snake, which is full of muscles, this is its most powerful attack method besides venom!
"Not good!" Long Yi's expression changed, "Let Katie break free quickly, otherwise all its bones will be crushed!"

Meisha also found out that the situation was wrong, but at this time the Katie dog had been entangled layer by layer, and its strength was insignificant compared to the Arbor snake.

Mesa gritted her teeth: "Katie Dog, keep attacking!"

Since you can't escape, let's fall down first!
Cardi Dog tried his best to attack Arbor Snake, but the balance of victory was still tilted towards the opponent a little bit.

No one thought that it was just a mistake, and the matter fell into the most serious consequences.

"Katty..." Mesha's eyes were red, and Katie's attack became weaker and weaker. It was obvious that the final victor was Arbor Snake.

At this moment, Long Yi, who had been observing for a long time, suddenly said: "Meisa, let Katie dog attack the yellow stripes on the snake. If I guess correctly, it should be its seven inches."

Seven inches, the vital point of the snake!
Meisha's eyes lit up, and she quickly ordered Katie to attack.

At this moment, the Katie dog is already exhaling more air than inhaling it. Every time it takes a breath, the snake will wind up a little tighter. The dizziness caused by suffocation makes its vision blurry.

"Catty Dog, hit the yellow stripe on Arbor's neck with sparks!"

It seems to hear something, is it the voice of the master?
The Katie dog habitually attacked at the dying moment, and the ear-piercing scream of the Aber Snake suddenly sounded in his ears, and then his whole body loosened, and the Katie dog suddenly breathed greedily.

It worked!
The attack just now caused huge damage to Arbor Snake!

The so-called seven inches is the vital point of snakes, because their hearts grow at this position, and just a little impact can cause huge damage to snakes.

Although Abo Snake is a Pokémon, it is still a poisonous snake in essence, and this feature is still valid!
However, although the Arbo snake suffered heavy injuries, it still entangled Katie again, and because of the looseness just now, Katie's body protruded a little, just enough to be attacked by the Arbo snake's head.

The Aber Snake bit Katie Dog's neck hard. With the injection of venom, Katie Dog's face turned blue, and he lost any strength to fight back.


Dawn came so suddenly and left so hurriedly.

A few minutes later, Katie was completely unconscious. Aber Snake let go, held Katie in its mouth, and prepared to eat.

Meisha's legs went limp and she almost fell to the ground, being half supported and half hugged by Long.

That's it?Not only did Huiyuan not be found, but Katie lost his life!

Long Yi blamed himself for a while, but he and Meisha didn't have any other elves on them, so they were powerless to recover.


At this moment, there was a sudden rubbing sound nearby.

Abo Snake stopped eating, vomited the Katie dog on the ground, vomited the snake letter, and looked at his lair with cold eyes.

It is not afraid of the two humans, but if other carnivorous elves appear at this moment, then if it swallows this katti dog after being seriously injured, it will basically die.

Soon, a gray and white elf came out of the tree hole.

"Huiyuan!" Long Yi looked at the serpentine bear in surprise, the bandages on its hind legs proved that it undoubtedly belonged to his elf.


Huiyuan also saw Long Yi and Mei Sha at this time, and let out a cry of joy.

Arbor Snake spit out a large canopy of poisonous needles to attack.

"Hui Yuan get out of the way!" Long Yi shouted.

Huiyuan fled into the hole to avoid the poisonous needle of the Arbor snake, and then rushed out with an angry growl.

Serpentines have a temper, too, and they're omnivores!

"Ashfield, use ramming on the yellow stripe on Arbor's neck."

Huiyuan accelerated and rushed up to launch an attack. Abo Snake twisted its body and barely avoided the impact. However, when the two sides passed each other, Huiyuan just landed on the ground, digging continuously with two hind legs, throwing up a large amount of mud and splashing towards it. Arbor snake.

"Is this flying sand feet?" Looking at the painful Abo Snake, Long Yi denied the guess, "No, the attack has an effect, could it be throwing mud?"

Long Yi's guess was right, this was indeed a ground type mud throwing attack.

The attribute of Arbo snake is poison type, and the mud throwing of ground type has caused considerable damage to it, and the effect is outstanding.

Taking this opportunity, Huiyuan used the impact again, this time accurately hitting the Arbo Snake's vitals.

Abo Snake's eyes darkened, and he fell limply to the ground and passed out.

Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief, it can be regarded as a victory.

"Katie Dog!" Meisha rushed up and hugged the unconscious Katie Dog, Long Yi looked at Abo Snake and thought for a while, then threw an elf ball.

Abo Snake was hit by the elf ball, and it turned into a burst of red light and received it.Because it was already in a coma, the resistance was very small, and it was successfully subdued after three shakes.

Sagu Sagu~
Huiyuan ran over with the elf ball in his mouth, wagging his tail, Long Yi sighed, put away the elf ball and picked it up, rubbing his head vigorously as if punishing him.

"Do you know how worried I am when someone sneaks out, next time I won't give you food!"

As if knowing that he was wrong, Huiyuan showed a pitiful expression, and yelled twice obediently.

Long Yi walked to Meisha's side: "Catty Dog was seriously injured and poisoned, let's go back quickly, there is a branch of the medical room over there in the dormitory."

Having experienced several ups and downs, Meisha, who had already lost her mind, nodded when she heard the words, took out the poke ball and took the cardigan back.

"Hui Yuan, lead the way."

The two quickly ran back to the dormitory and found Miss Joy who was taking a nap in the medical department.

"Miss Joy, my Katie was seriously injured and poisoned, please save it!" Meisha said hastily.

Long Yi also took out the Elf Ball of the Abo Snake: "There is also this Abo Snake, I will trouble you too. But it has just been subdued, so it may be a bit wild and difficult to tame."

"I see, leave it to me."

The pretty Joey immediately woke up when he heard the words, called his partner Ji Lidan to help, and pushed the cart to the emergency room for treatment.

As the emergency lights came on, Mesa and Katie were separated from each other.

"Don't worry, with Miss Joey and Ji Lidan here, Katie will be fine." Long Yi comforted, putting his arms around Meisha's shoulders.

"En." Meisha really needed a support at the moment, so she and Long Yi sat on the bench next to her, leaning her head on Long Yi's shoulder.

An hour... two hours... three and a half hours later...

The lights in the emergency room finally went out, and the sweaty Joey came out while taking off his mask. Next to him was Ji Lidan pushing a stretcher cart, on which Catty Dog and Arbor Snake were sleeping.

The two rushed to meet them: "Miss Joey, how is Katie?" X2
"It's not life-threatening, but at least I need to lie on the hospital bed for half a month." Looking at the anxious two, Joey didn't say anything about the complaints in his mouth.

Every year at the beginning of school, there will always be freshmen who send seriously injured elves, especially here in Kusabe. Joey is used to it, and he can't ask too much from these newcomers.

"As for your Arbo snake, the injury is not serious, but it is very wild. It attacked me when it just woke up. Now it is quieter after being sedated. It is not easy to tame it."

Long nodded to show that he knew that Abo Snake was just incidental, and Katie was fine.

The two came to the ward with Lucky Egg, and Katie had to spend the next half month here.As for Abo Snake, the injury no longer affected her life, and was taken back into the elf ball by Long Yi.

"I'll buy something to eat, what do you want to eat?" Long Yi said.I didn't feel it before, but now I relax, a burst of hunger suddenly hits me.

"I'm not hungry." Mesa shook her head.

"Be obedient, I don't want Katie Dog to fall down again!"

"...Then buy me a bun."

Long Yi walked out of the medical department, looked up at the sky, and there was a handsome bird soaring in the sky.

"I hate this feeling."

At this moment, the young man's heart ignited a desire for strength.

(End of this chapter)

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