Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 4 Arbor Snake Submits, The Elf on the Beach

Chapter 4 Arbor Snake Submits, The Elf on the Beach
July 4, Saturday, sunny.

After delivering breakfast to Meisha, Long Yi and Hui Yuan started to run along the road in the morning.

The last incident made him understand how powerless it is to have no strength to protect when disaster strikes.

This world is not the earth, it is far more dangerous than the earth, countless elves make the wilderness terrifying and wild.

But at the same time, the existence of elves also gives human beings a powerful capital, and the trainer academy is Long Yi's capital!
Get stronger, start with training.

In the morning, it is a five-kilometer morning run, from the grass dormitory to the beach where the water dormitory is located.

"Hu~hu, Huiyuan, can you still hold on?" Long Yi panted heavily while leaning on his knees.

Sagu Sagu~
Haibara jumped left and right happily, obviously looking energetic.

"Tomorrow... I'll let you run by yourself tomorrow, ten kilometers training with weights!" Long Yi gritted his teeth, and the physical strength of the Dark Path Elf was really abnormal.

One person and one pet rested for a while, and then started again. Not long after turning a corner, a large golden sandy beach came into view.

wow... wow...

The clear waves wet the sand again and again, and they retreated helplessly again and again.

Looking into the distance, Long Yi only felt that the sea was boundless, which made people feel refreshed for a while.

There are blue seaside villas standing beside the sandy beach in the far distance on the right, which are where the water system dormitory is located.On the left is a stretch of rocks, and at the end a sea cliff rises from the ground. Long-winged gulls and large-billed gulls fly up and down from time to time, but it is their habitat.

Long Yi took off his shoes and socks, and walked onto the beach barefoot.

The soft sand is very comfortable to step on, and there is very little garbage on the beach. Occasionally, some broken shells appear on the surface of the fine sand, and there are even footprints of seabirds landing.

Taking out Abo Snake's elf ball, Long Yi told Hui Yuan to be on guard, and then threw it out.

The big purple snake landed on the ground, immediately coiled into a snake formation, staring at Long Yi with icy eyes, spitting out letters.

"Abo Snake, can you understand me?" Long Yi said.

Abo Snake didn't speak, but just raised its tail.

Long Yi narrowed his eyes: "I don't want to waste time, according to what this world says, you have already been subdued by me, you have become my elf, and you must obey my orders from now on."

Abo Snake let out a cry, as if disdainful.

"I know you don't obey me, but this is reality, and reality will never be changed by your will. If you don't obey, then stay in the poke ball forever until you die."

Abo Snake's eyes changed, its tail stood up high, and there was a clattering sound.


Just when it was about to attack, Long Yi spoke again.

"I can give you a chance!" He said, "Starting today, you have one and only one chance! I allow you to run away at any time, even to attack me. If you succeed, you will either be free, Either kill me. But if you fail... then only death will greet you!"

Long Yi is holding the elf ball, ready to take Abo Snake back at any time.

"I never lie. Temporary hibernation, or meaningless death, the choice is yours."

Sagu Sagu~
Haibara, who was on the sidelines, made an attacking posture in cooperation, and his hair exploded.

Abo Snake looks at Long Yi, then at Hui Yuan.

At this moment, it wasn't even half sure of attacking that human being before the elf ball retracted itself, and the couldn't afford it.

Wild elves are more wild, and similarly, they take things like face and ambition lightly.

honor?What it is?
In the face of survival, everything is scum!
So Abo Snake bowed his head and offered his loyalty.

"A wise choice." Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

Although he left a time bomb by his side, he managed to subdue this Arbor snake for the time being, and his combat effectiveness has been significantly improved.

As for later?

Not to mention whether Abo Snake will be able to counterattack successfully in the future, as far as Long Yi's growth rate is concerned, even if he loses Abo Snake in a short time, he will not be too sorry.

The early stage of the novice trainer's situation is the most difficult. Once they have enough combat power, they will be able to snowball a large number of elves. At that time, what is the loss of one or two elves?
"Huiyuan, Abo Snake, first use the tricks you know and show me."

The so-called know yourself and know the enemy, and you will win every battle.Knowing the abilities and skills of one's own elf, although it cannot bring 100% victory, is a must for a qualified trainer.

Huiyuanhui didn't have many tricks. After demonstrating the impact, throwing mud, and flying sand feet, the hair on his body stood on end, and he shot a large white needle towards the sky.

"It seems to be a missile needle, barely considered a long-range skill." Long Yi judged this move based on the data.

Arbor Snake demonstrated the big snake stare, bind, sting, bite, venomous fangs and black mist.

No matter in terms of the strength and quantity of unique moves, or the individual quality and ability, Abo Snake is above Huiyuan, which also means that it will become Long Yi's main combat spirit in the future.

"Huihara, you are not good at attacking. Although it is said in the data that Snake Bear can learn many unique moves with attributes, none of them are easy, so first train your speed, physical strength and dodge ability. Because of Snake Bear's strong curiosity, it usually They all walk in zigzags, so you should practice zigzag dodging skills, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

"Abo Snake uses poisonous needles to attack continuously to help Huiyuan train. In addition, he can feel the feeling of using skills. It would be even better if he can learn unique tricks such as dissolving liquid."

Long Yi arranged a training plan for the two elves. He hasn't learned professional training skills yet, so he can only rely on his own understanding, and he doesn't know if it will be effective or not.

The continuous rock on the left is a very good training place, and the two elves came to the rock, and the training officially started.

"Abo Snake, use the poisonous needle on Huiyuan!"

The Arbor snake sprayed out a purple poisonous needle, the range is not large, but it is very dense.

Huiyuan jumped forward to the left, avoiding the poisonous needle, and then jumped continuously in a zigzag pattern, leaving the poisonous needle of the Abo Snake behind him, looking relaxed as if he was playing.

Long Yi suddenly said: "Abo Snake, attack the front!"

Another poisonous needle, this time the poisonous needle rushed towards a rock in front of Huiyuan's right, and Huiyuan, who was not prepared at all, was immediately hit.

"Huihara, zigzag dodging is not just about switching left and right. You can easily be seen through the route like this."

Sagu Sagu!

Huiyuan nodded, and suddenly jumped back, dodging the poisonous needle attack in the opposite direction.

"Keep training!"

The two elves continued to attack and defend, while Long Yi supervised from the sidelines, sometimes making Abo Snake change its attack, and sometimes teaching Huiyuan to dodge in a different way.

What the one person and two pets involved in the process didn't notice was that a small black figure quietly walked around behind Long Yi and Abo Snake from the cracks in the rocks, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Ah! It hurts!"

"Who is sneaking up on me!" Long Yi shouted while covering his head, after attacking the two, the black shadow fell from the top of his head to the front, turned around and let out a provocative cry.

That turned out to be...!
(End of this chapter)

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