Chapter 363

Liekong sat in the sky and twisted his body restlessly. The power from the sea of ​​origin and the land of end constantly impacted the domain it controlled. The control range of the weather lock became smaller and smaller. Carve up the space around it.

It feels a strong crisis!

The original Kyoka, which was the size of a hill, rushed out of the water and made a loud sound, a lot of water splashed, and streams of water formed around the original Kyoka in shapes like interstellar cannons, emitting white light.

Primal Kyoka's exclusive nirvana - root wave!
32 bluish-white beams of energy were launched, like 32 interstellar cannons attacking Rayquaza at the same time. The dense bluish-white rays made one's scalp tingle, and each one had the terrifying power to distort space.

Qianli's pupils shrank, and he shouted, "Liekongzao, get out of the way!"

It didn't need to order Liekongzuo to feel the terrible crisis of death. It moved leisurely and suddenly appeared in another position dozens of meters away, avoiding the attack of the original Kioka just right.

32 pillars of energy light passed by Lie Kongzao, and fell to the sea surface at the end of the line of sight, forming a white spot of light.

An unimaginably terrifying mushroom cloud rose up from the sea, and Long Yi's expression changed instantly upon seeing the slowly growing energy cloud, and without thinking, he ordered Lacus to use teleportation to flee crazily.

Soon, a terrifying hurricane comparable to a ten-level typhoon swept across. Countless vegetation on Moss Island was uprooted, and a terrible tsunami hit. The waves hit the cliffs when they were thrown into the sky, and only a few of them fell into the bottom of the sea deep enough in time.

hula la~
The strength of the Mukhawk, which has not been civilized for thousands of miles, is not enough to continue flying in this terrible weather. The Mukhawk itself was blown by the hurricane and fluttered in the air. In this case, if he loses the protection of Muke Eagle, an ordinary person will not have a second ending except falling to death when the wind subsides.

"Damn, this kind of could there be an elf with such power."

Qianli's heart is roaring wildly. Ever since he came into contact with Raykonza, he thought that it should be the limit of the elves in this world. After all, Raykonza is the most powerful beast in Fengyuan, and the only thing that can be compared with it is Kanto's dream ; Fengwang and Rogia in the city; Giratina, Dialga and Palkia from Sinnoh and a few top-level beasts.

Even Gulardo and Kyoka, because of Fengyuan's myths and legends, are weak and empty in Qianli's heart.

However, the reality slapped Qianli in the face. After the return of the original, the fighting power shown by Gulardo and Kyoka is completely crushing Raykonza, and Raykonza is one against two in historical and mythological records. It's a completely different situation when both have the upper hand.

Sure enough, those who write history are liars!
With such a roar, Qianli and his Mukhawk disappeared into the sky at the other end of Moss Island.

the other side.

Rayquaza's strong physique prevented him from being as unbearable as the Mukhawk. Although he was not indifferent, he was able to firmly stand firm in the hurricane.


Its opponent this time is not just the original Kioka!
After the power of the root wave erupted and the original Kyoka fell into the water again, the original Gulardo, whose lava land was getting larger and larger, roared into the sky, and then a red spear sprang up from the sea under Liekong. The stone pillar smashed into its lowered body to withstand the hurricane.

Original Gulardo's exclusive nirvana - the sword of the cliff!
one second.

The world seemed to be quiet for a second. After a brief silence, a terrifying explosion suddenly occurred at the point where the sword of the cliff hit Rayquaza. The unparalleled high temperature formed a fireball that enveloped Rayquaza's body. The air waves scattered the hurricane in that area, forming a peaceful zone in the typhoon.

The only flaw is probably the big fireball in the center.

The wailing voice of Liekongzai in the fireball was faintly visible, and then quickly weakened. Finally, Liekongzai, whose body was scorched black, fell from the air and sank into the sea.

There is no end to the storm, and no end to the scorching sun.

The original Kyoka floated to the surface, and the original Gulardo watched the sunken position of Raykonza, but did not wait for the latter to fly into the sky again.

"Gulardo, we seem to have made a mistake."

Primordial Kyoka spoke in Elvish, making a sound like a whale song.

"Wrong, this is not the Rayquaza we know." Primal Gulardo replied in Elvish.

The ultra-ancient Raykonza that calculated the two of them back then not only has a more gorgeous appearance, but also has its own characteristics that can completely suppress the Sea of ​​Origin and the Land of End. Most of them are still the original Kyoka, and they are not sure of winning.

Only when both sides work together can there be a chance of victory.

It's a pity that the two divine beasts hadn't developed their wisdom at that time, and because of the relationship between their attributes and characteristics, they would fight each other as soon as they met. Then the super ancient Liekongzai seized the opportunity and joined forces with the people of meteors, fire The people of the water and the people of the water divided the original power in one fell swoop, and degenerated into Gulardo and Kyoka.

The original Kyoka's tail slapped the water heavily, and a simple move directly caused a big wave, showing its terrifying strength.

It said with hatred: "Back then we failed and were sealed, but Liekongzuo was the winner. With its character, it will inevitably spread and multiply.

Although there was only one Raykon in the world at that time, but when it was crossed with other elves, there would always be something similar to it among the thousands of offspring. This can also explain why the image and power of this one are so different from the Raykon in our memory. many.

What we killed was probably only one of its sons, or even its grandson and great-grandson! "

The power of the original Kyoka comes from nature. It is a derivative elf of the violent side of the sea. When fighting in the Hoenn area, its combat power can be increased additionally. It has the same origin as Gulardo, which represents the will of the earth.

Because of his own characteristics, Gaioka has a bad temper and impulsive personality. Even after thousands of years of sealing and learning the knowledge of countless human elites who control the blue orb, this essence has not changed.

Although the original Gulardo looks vicious, and its attributes also have flames representing violence, it is essentially born of the will of the earth combined with the fire of the Phoenix King. Its character and temper are actually more gentle. At least it is definitely a humble gentleman like the original Gaio Kabi.

It said: "It's useless to talk about these now. Our plan has failed. If we lose this opportunity, Rayquaza will definitely be prepared, and it will be difficult to attack it."

The two top-level beasts planned a plan for thousands of years, but failed because of information asymmetry. It was a heavy blow to both Gulardo and Kioka.

The original Gulardo said: "Let's go, let's go and recover our strength first. After all, I have been sealed for thousands of years. Even if I am fused with the vermilion orb, my strength is far from what it used to be. It must be the same with you."

"As long as we regain our former strength and join hands with each other, even if we fight head-on, we won't be afraid of that Liekongzu back then."

"The enmity that has been sealed for thousands of years can only be washed away with the blood of Lie Kongzao!"

The original Kyoka jumped out of the water again, roaring: "One day, I will let Ray Kong sit in this world and become history!"

Then drilled into the depths of the sea and disappeared.

Seeing this, the original Gulardo turned around and set foot on Moss Island, and dived into the crater lake of the central volcano, so as to go to the depths of the earth.

After the two top beasts left respectively, a pink light flashed, and Lacus reappeared on the edge of the cliff with Long Yi.

"Gulardo, Kyoka, Rayquaza..."

Hiding in the underground cave, Long Yi watched the scene just now remotely through Lux's super power, and Long Yi, who understood the dialogue of the beast through Lux, was silent for a moment, allowing Lux to teleport him again and dive into the sea.

Without diving too deep, only about a hundred meters, Long Yi saw his target.

Lying on the seabed, Rayquaza was scorched all over!

He took out a poke ball, touched Rayquaza, and put the latter in smoothly.

Long Yi's eyes lit up.

Being able to collect the poke ball means that this Rayquaza is not dead yet, and there is still a rescue!
With only his last breath left, Rayquaza had no room to resist and was successfully subdued by the Poké Ball.

Long took a look at the few life energies and soul energies on the system interface, and poured them all into Lie Kongzuo's body.

These two kinds of energies are the energies absorbed by Yaodao Mo Yan after killing the elves. Life energy can heal physical injuries, and soul energy can heal mental injuries, which are very useful.

It's a pity that Long Yi didn't use it to kill many elves, each of them only had dozens of points, and now they all instilled it into Lie Kongzuo, and finally saved it from death.

"If I had known earlier, I would not have returned Mo Yan. Although I don't need a knife anymore, the special effect is still useful." On the cliff, Long Yi, who subdued Lie Kongsi, sighed.

Taking one last look at the messy sea cliff, Long Yi turned and left.

Half an hour later, Qianli rode back on the Mukhawk, but no matter it was Rayquaza, or the original Gulardo and the original Kyoka, they had all lost their traces.

Even the culprits, the lava group and the water group, only have sporadic corpses left.

"Sit in the air!"

Thousands of miles shouted, the green crystal inlaid on the back of the glove was no longer as bright as before.

 Recently, there are too many things, such as house decoration, grandpa and second grandfather have passed away one after another, and I am engaged to get married again. It feels like this month has passed like a year.

(End of this chapter)

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