Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 364 Whale Swallow!

Chapter 364 Whale Swallow!

18. [Liekongzuo]: The legendary elf living in the ozone layer, feeds on moisture and particles in the atmosphere, has a strong sense of territory, and is a well-deserved dragon of the sky.

[Elf Race]: Liekongzu

【Attribute】: Dragon/Flying
[Status]: Dying
【Age】: 101 years old
【Character】: Proud
[Exclusive Plane]: None

[Intimacy]: 50 (red, vigilant)
[Talent]: Beast Aura
Divine Beast Aura: The exclusive aura possessed by the divine beast elves who can reach the element level after adulthood can deter all weak creatures.

Dragon of the sky: Lie Kongzai is born to ignore changes in air pressure, can travel the universe physically, and can survive without oxygen.

[Element Characteristics]: Weather Lock

Weather lock: Rayquaza possesses the power to control the airflow, which can calm most unconventional weather, but cannot calm the special weather caused by its own power.

[Enlightenment Elements]: Sky Dragon
Effect 1: Dragon Kiss.Raykongza can spit out various energy from its mouth to launch attacks, and the power of all breathing tricks is enhanced.

Effect 2: Amplification of tricks.Liekongzai can mobilize dragon-type and flying-type energy particles between heaven and earth, and the power of all the unique moves of this attribute is increased by 20-30 times according to the different battle locations.

Effect 3: Emperor's organ.There is a special organ called the emperor's organ in the body of some ancient ray kuzai, which can store the energy in the meteorite that ray kuzai swallowed in the atmosphere by instinct, simulating the original power in the super ancient ray kuzai.After Raykonza learned the finishing touch of his exclusive nirvana, he had the key to open the door, which allowed him to undergo super evolution and return to his ancestors for a short time to look like the super ancient Raykonzak.

Effect 4: Meteorites fall from the sky.This exclusive secret technique of Liekongzai, because of the influence of the emperor's organs in the body, can form a huge increase in the dragon star group, and may even pull down real meteorites in the universe.

[System Evaluation]: The ancient sky dragon is a perfect creation!

Long Yi turned off the system panel and did not comment.

The original ultra-ancient Liekongza undoubtedly had the strength of a top-level beast. Even the terrifying original Gulardo and the original Kyoka were not sure of victory one-on-one, so they could only join hands.

However, the one in Long Yi's hand is the offspring of that Lie Kongzao for countless generations. Although it is also a divine beast that possesses the strength of the element level after adulthood, its combat power is obviously not comparable to that of its ancestor.

Even this is that Liekongzai doesn't even have a nirvana. It is rumored that the champion-level strength possessed by thousands of miles is just because of Liekongzai's huge name. In fact, even if Liekongzai is included in the latter, he is at most the king of the alliance level.

This is because Rayquaza lives in the ozone layer all year round and is hardly visible to others, and it is also because at the level of an elemental trainer, he rarely fights with all his strength.

Ordinary battles of Qianli's own element-level elves can handle it, and there are very few times when it is necessary to borrow the power of Raykongzai.

Therefore, outsiders only know that Qianli can drive the legendary Raykonza, but they don't know that this Raykonza is not the same as the legendary Raykonza, and its combat power cannot reach the height of a champion.

"Actually, Qianliren is quite a good person. It's not very interesting to steal his Liekongzuo. Let's make it up to him later." Long Yi thought so.

As for returning Lie Kongzao?
Do not make jokes.

After all, this is also a legendary elf, so the fool will return it.Moreover, the relationship between Qianli and Liekongzuo is only for mutual benefit, not friends or master and servant, how could they return it.

At most, when he wants to borrow Ray Kong's seat, he will lend it to him for free.

"Hmm... hiss, my head hurts."

A woman's moan interrupted Long Yi's thoughts.

"Here is there?"

With fluffy long red hair, a black upper body with a chest wrapped in black and a small blue jacket, and a lower body with low-waisted denim hot pants, revealing the straps of the underwear, Izumi opened her eyes, put her hand on her forehead while pretending to be weak, and did not move You have to use the corners of your eyes to observe the surrounding environment.

As one of the three cadres in the water battle group known for their wisdom, courage and beauty, Izumi's wisdom is beyond doubt, and her beauty often makes the enemy ignore her wisdom.

Hard mattresses, yellowed and partially peeling wallpaper, cheap lighting, everything outlines the appearance of an ordinary cheap hotel room.

I'm in a hotel?
Quan Mei's heart tightened. Although she didn't feel any strange feeling in her body, the encounter at this moment still made the resourceful she panic for a moment.

This sentiment was intensified after the other hand quietly reached for the Poke Ball at the waist and found nothing.

"You're awake, Izumi."

There is someone in the room!
And know me!
After getting this information, Quanmei simply stopped pretending and sat up.

She looked around generously, and came to the same conclusion as before - this is indeed a room in a cheap hotel, and it's still a big bed room.

A strong man sat on the only single sofa in the room, looking at himself.

Seeing that person, Izumi let out a sigh of relief.

"Chao, it's you"

That's right, the one sitting there is Ushio, who is also a member of the third cadre with her!

Quanmei knows that Ushio thinks differently about her, but she doesn't like it.

Quanmei's favorite is Shui Wutong, the leader of the water battle group, and as long as Shui Wutong is still there, Chao will not dare to do anything to her.

"Ushio, why am I here? Where's my elf?"

Long Yi, who used Geng Gui's illusion to pretend to be Chao, looked at Quan Mei in pity, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that your memory is not very good, let me remind you."

"Moss Island, Water Indus, Lava Mass, Gaioka."

"You, do you remember?"

Each word is like a bolt of lightning illuminating Quanmei's dark sea of ​​memory, awakening her sleeping memory that was self-enclosed due to extreme pain.

She remembered!
She remembered that she had sneaked into the submarine of the lava group under the order of Master Shuiwutong, and successfully released Guioka.

She remembered to follow Master Shui Wutong to meet and negotiate with the lava group on Mos Island Mountain.

She even remembered that Master Shui Wutong, who she wanted to entrust for her life, abandoned herself without hesitation, and used the power of Kyoka to set off a tsunami in an attempt to submerge the entire Moss Island.

"Ah!—" Quanmei knelt down on the mattress in pain, tearing her hair with both hands.

She remembered it, she remembered it all!
After a long time, Quanmei lowered her head and asked in a hoarse voice: "What happened later, what happened later?"

After discovering the fact that she was betrayed by Shui Wutong, Quanmei fell into self-enclosure, not knowing what happened afterwards, nor why she and Ushio appeared here.

After all, according to the situation at the time, they and everyone in the lava group would surely die.

Chao said: "Later, in order to survive, I led the lava group and the water battle group to release Gulardo, and used the red flame pine to control Gulardo, making it fight with Kyoka."

Help the lava blob, free Gulardo?
This is simply the traitor of the water battle group!
However, even Izumi had to admit that this was the only possible way to survive at that time, even she might not have thought of it in that situation, but Ushio discovered this only way of survival, which made her very interested in Ushio. impression has changed.

"It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and soon Qianli, the owner of Chenghua Gymnasium, appeared with Lie Kongzuo."

"And all of this is a trap for Gulardo and Kyoka! They staged a show to retaliate against Raykonza, and when Raykonza appeared, they used the orb to swallow the power of Shuiwutong and Chiyansong successively, returning to their ancestors. Become the original Gulardo and the original Kyoka, and kill Rayquaza in a single meeting."

"In the end, the original Gulardo walked into the volcano, the original Gaioka dived into the deep sea, and the people of the lava group and the water group also suffered heavy casualties in the battle between the three mythical beasts."

"Fortunately, I escaped and returned to the island. I found you who fell into a stone and fell into a coma, and rescued you."

Quanmei felt unbelievable when she heard the appearance of Rayquaza, and then heard that Gulardo and Gaioka devoured the power of Chi Yansong and Water Indus to kill Rayquaza in seconds, and indescribable complex emotions appeared on her face.

As for the latter, I don't care much about it.

"Master Shuiwutong, how are you..." In the end, Quanmei still asked.

Long Yi shook his head: "You don't see people when you are born, and you don't see corpses when you die. But I guess it's more ominous than good."

At that time, Long Yi had seriously searched for the corpses of Chi Yansong and Shui Wutong, not to mention other things, just the fire-breathing camels and megalodon sharks on their bodies were worth Long Yi's adventure.

It's a pity that the bodies of these two people are not as big and heavy as Lie Kongzuo, they have been washed away by ocean currents to nowhere, and the two element-level elves naturally disappeared without a trace.

"Really." Quan Mei sighed, with mixed feelings in her heart.

"Master Shuiwutong is dead, and the elites of the water battle group have also been annihilated. The water battle group is over. Chao, what do you plan to do in the future?"

Controlling Kyoka is the ultimate goal of the water war group, so this time Shui Wutong is surrounded by the elites of the water war group.

Although Quanmei is resourceful, she still cannot help showing the weak side of her daughter's family in the face of such a huge change, not to mention that she has just been abandoned by the man she likes.

"Who said the water battle group is over?"

"With you and me here, the water battle group will not be finished!"

"From today onwards, I will be the new leader of the Water Battle Group! One day, I will take control of Kyoka with my own hands, and then rule the Fengyuan Continent!"

"Quanmei, are you willing to help me?" Long Yi asked.

At this moment, he finally revealed his intention to keep Quanmei.

He wants to have his own dark forces!

He wants Li Daitao to be stiff and fully accept the water battle group! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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