Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 366 Conquering the Water Battle Group!Down

Chapter 366 Conquering the Water Battle Group!Down


"This is impossible!"

Dr. Allen backed away in disbelief, his face pale and bloodless.

No one knows better than him how powerful his iron-clawed lobster is, it is simply not a force that humans can contend with!


Yes, this must be an illusion!

Just when Dr. Alan was trying to deceive himself like this, a trace of white water vapor diffused around Long Yi, this water vapor covered Long Yi's figure, making people only able to see a vague black shadow.

"You should know what power is!"

As he said that, Long Yi moved and punched the iron claw lobster.

"Cleave the waves, break the waves with an iron fist!"

Amidst the screams of the iron claw lobster, a red figure flew out and hung directly on the steel wall, sticking to it for more than ten seconds before slowly sliding down.

It's Dr. Allen's misshapen lobster!

At this moment, the huge right claw of this iron claw lobster has been completely smashed, the pink and white claw meat inside has been shaken into a mass of meat paste, and the elf himself has long since passed out.

The water vapor subsided, and Long Yi's disguised Chao figure reappeared. He patted his clothes, and there was no slightest damage, not even the skin on his fists scratched a bit.

"Now, who else is against it?"

The audience was silent, and everyone lowered their heads, not daring to express any objection.

Tide is scarier than ever!

This is the new consensus among people.

"Very good!" Long Yi clapped his hands, looked at the pale Alan, and said, "Take him down and lock him up."

Immediately, two winking minions from the water battle group stood up, each grabbed a hand, and directly carried Dr. Allen away.

"Quanmei, take me to Master Shuiwutong's office, it will be mine from now on." Long Yi said.

Quan Mei looked at him with a complicated expression, and she responded, leading the way ahead.

The design of the headquarters of the Water Battle Group is not complicated, and the planning of each department is reasonable. The office belonging to the Water Wutong is located in the deepest part of the lower floor, and there is a separate secret passage, which is the safest.

The door of this office is made of grade [-] alloy and equipped with a high-grade combination lock. No more than three people in the entire water battle group know the combination.

Quanmei is one of them.

Walking into the huge and luxurious office, you are faced with a whole bulletproof glass wall on the seabed. There are a large number of megalodon sharks and a large number of lamp monsters in the sea here. The lights of lamp monsters illuminate the surroundings, so even if It's not dark even though it's on the bottom of the sea.

Of course, there are external searchlights and feeding devices if it is not possible. In short, as long as Shui Wutong wants to, he can watch the scene of sharks robbing food in the office at any time.

There are not many things in the office, a huge circular desk, a set of high-end sofas, a small bar instead of a bookshelf, and several potted plants that freshen the air.

The heavy alloy door closed behind him, Long Yi walked around Shui Wutong's office with his hands behind his back, took a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, poured himself a glass, and took a small sip.

Spicy, strong, punchy!


Casually spitting out the spirits in his mouth, Long Yi turned around, looked at Quan Mei who was standing at the door with her head bowed, and suddenly said with a smile: "Shui Wutong is very good at enjoying, isn't it?"

"Who are you?" Quan Mei raised her head and asked.

She originally wanted to pretend that she didn't discover Long Yi's flaws, but Long Yi's attitude at this time made Quanmei understand that the latter didn't care about this, and even found out that she had discovered his flaws long ago, and was ready to point it out.

So she was the first to ask.

"Why do you ask that? I'm Chao, one of the three major cadres of the Water War Regiment."

"Chao doesn't have the strength like you!" Quan Mei said.


Long Yi was silent for a while, shook his head and said: "No, there is Chao, but you don't know."

"Of course, you are right about one thing, I am indeed not Chao."

He waved his hand to make Geng Gui dispel the illusion, revealing his true colors, and seeing Quan Mei's expression was first surprised, then became unbelievable, and quickly restrained.

"It looks like you know me." Long Yi said.

He is very famous now, but it is mainly concentrated in Kanto and Sinnoh, but Hoenn is his hometown, so it is not surprising to be recognized.

Quan Mei nodded, and said, "I never thought that the famous chief celestial king of Sinnoh would also like our little water battle group."

"Water battle group is not small."

"The king of heaven is also a human being, and he also has things he wants, not to mention that the lava group has moved people who shouldn't have been moved this time."

Long Yi didn't look at Quanmei's puzzled expression, he didn't know anything about the internal situation of the Water Battle Group, even if Geng Gui's phantom was flawless, his identity would inevitably be revealed over time, so it is extremely important to cultivate an internal helper.

And the status of this assistant should not be too low, it needs to be able to suppress the situation when Long Yi is not around.

Quanmei is a good candidate, and she is smart enough.

Long Yi turned around and picked it up on the wine rack, trying to pick out a bottle of good wine that wasn't so strong, he said casually while choosing: "I don't have time to deal with the intrigues in the water battle group, and I don't want to know about the relationship between you and the lava group. There are grievances and grievances, but my ultimate goal and yours are the same, both for the power of the original Gulardo."

"Not only the original Gulardo, I also want the original Kyoka, but now the lava group has no leader, do you know how to do it?" Long Yi looked at Quanmei.

"I know." Quanmei nodded. She hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask, "You have clearly seen the horrors of the original Gulardo and the original Kyoka, even the myths and legends that can suppress them. Kongzai was also instantly killed by a face-to-face, even so, do you still want to control them?"

"It's not controlling, but subduing!" Long Yi corrected, "This is different, very different."

"I'm different from Shuiwutong and Chiyansong. They want to use external force to control top beasts, but I just want to use the power of your water battle group and lava group to make it easier for me to find and subdue them a little."

"I am a trainer, not an ambitious man."

"Don't compare me with that trash like Shui Wutong."

"It doesn't make a difference in my opinion," Quanmei said.

"So you are not a qualified trainer." Long Yi said, "Never."

"Okay, I don't want to argue with you about this, help me manage the water battle group, annex the lava group, and collect all the information about Gulardo and Kyoka, this is the only request I have from you."

"You are the actual controller of the water battle group, and you don't have to hide in Fengyuan and face the pursuit of Interpol in fear as a whole."

"Of course, you can also betray me, or escape, it's up to you, anyway, the water battle group is dispensable to me. It's best if you have it, and it doesn't matter if you don't have it."

"If you think you can control the water battle group without my deterrence, you can even betray me and escape with the water battle group."

"I'm a good person. I don't like to force others to do anything. Mutual benefit is the real good." Long Yi finally found a bottle of low-alcohol wine, happily poured a glass, and sat down to taste it.

"Quanmei, do you have any questions?"

"No more." Quanmei said bitterly.

It is true that Long Yi did not force her to do anything, but in front of that kind of power, the kind of power that can easily suppress everything like Shui Wutong, Quan Mei actually has no other better choice.

She can only cooperate, which is the best choice Quanmei's wisdom tells her.

"That's good."

"Go out, I will give you my private number, after annexing the lava group, help me keep an eye on a man named Ban Nai, he is the best spy of the lava group, I need him to help me with things." Long Yi said.

"I'm resigning." Quan Mei said, turned and left, and went to integrate the water battle group.

Holding the wine glass, Long Yi came to the glass wall, and quickly found the searchlight switch and the feeding switch.

Six high-power searchlights illuminated the bottom of the sea transparently, lamp monsters escaped in all directions, and megalodon sharks gathered one after another, looking forward to something.

Long Yi pressed the feed switch.

Live cows were projected into the sea, and before they were suffocated, they were rushed up and devoured by the megalodon sharks that found their prey. The scene was extremely bloody and had the beauty of primitive hunting.

This was Shui Wutong's favorite show during his lifetime.

"How simple, it would be great if Team Rocket could handle it so easily." Long Yi said after taking a sip of wine.

Compared with Team Rocket, the world's largest evil organization, the lava group and the water battle group are as weak as babies, and the water battle group that lost the water phoenix tree is not even as good as a small branch of the rocket team.

The road of revenge between Long and Ares has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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